CULP - Centre for Unfolding Learning Potentials

CULP - Centre for Unfolding Learning Potentials is a non-profit organisation, established in 2001 that works primarily in the domain of Education, Gender and Food & Nutrition. Its primary office is in Jaipur, Rajasthan.

  • Silver Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Silver Certified Silver Certified

Vision & Mission

Vision: ‘Towards learning and democratic society’ and Mission: ‘To make learning unfold and develop in an environment of mutuality and discovery'.

Donor History

Donors which supported CULP programs during last five years:
1. EdelGive Foundation;
3. Tata Trusts;
4. Desai Foundation;
5. Triton Hotels and Resorts Pvt Ltd


  • Aspire for Empowering Adolescent Girls and Women

    CULP in association with The Desai Foundation Trust implementing the ‘ASPIRE PROGRAM’, in Tonk and Dausa districts in rural Rajasthan. Goal: The over-arching goal of the project is to create enabling social environment for Girls and Women to Lead a Dignified and Healthy Life with their full potential. The project focuses on the activities are: 1. Health Awareness and Check-up Camps. 2. Vocational training: Skill Training Program has been launched by CULP under ASPIRE project for training in computer as well as in Sewing to adolescent girls and young women. 3. Banking and Saving Awareness among rural women; 4. Entrepreneurship Skill Trainings to Young women. 5. Primary Health and Hygiene Education to school children and adolescent girls.

  • Pehchan Project for Educating Out-Of-School Adolescent Girls

    The innovative and collaborative flagship project ‘Pehchan’ was initiated for Educating Out-of-School Children, especially Adolescent Girls (9 to 18 years) of socio-economically most marginalized communities & their mainstreaming in formal schools in two blocks of Jaipur district in July 2002. Subsequently, the project was scaled up in 17 blocks of six districts (Jaipur, Tonk, Jhalawar, Banswara, Pratapgarh and Dungarpur), reached out and benefitted to more than two and half lakh children (75% girls). The efforts have been made to bring these children in mainstream schools, through alternative education and supporting them to complete school level education.

  • Prajwala Project for Learning Enhancement of Out-Of-School Girls Enrolled With Kasturba Gandhi Balika Residential Schools

    Project Prajwala was conceptualized which aims at comprehensive development of KGBVs in which education is one of the central components. CULP acts as the implementing agency of the program in the Banswara and Pratapgarh districts of Rajasthan whereas that Bodh Shiksha Samiti acts as a technical support institution and nodal agency for the Prajwala program in partnership between the state government and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) foundation. The broad objective of the project was to strengthen the KGBVs to ensure quality primary literacy and numeracy skills to all its girls at the foundation level thereby facilitating autonomy for studying the upper primary (6 to 8) grades.

  • Heroes for Humanity

    Heroes for Humanity (HfH)’ program which was initiated in August 2021 in the locations where CULP works. Key program components: 1. Health awareness sessions with local population especially with women, adolescent girls and boys 2. Baseline survey of 30487 HHs in 150 villages of 2 districts with the objective to assess the status of COVID vaccination, education, employment, required legal documents to access the benefit of various social schemes etc. 3. Developing IEC material / Posters which are being used for Health Awareness programs among adolescents and women in the community.4. Menstrual Hygiene awareness 5. Help Desk (Social Welfare Schemes)

  • The India Nutrition Initiative (Tini) Project

    Project ‘Making it Happen’ was designed by the government of Rajasthan and The India Nutrition Initiatives of Tata trusts to strengthening the ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services) system and to improve the nutrition level in maternal, infant and young child. In addition to Dausa district, the program was also implemented in Alwar, Dholpur, Karauli and Tonk districts. Below presented data graph shows the status of maternal, infant and young child nutrition as given in NFHS4 for Dausa district at the beginning of the project interventions. In March 2020, a survey of the nutritional status of all children aged 0-3 years was completed in the project area; and compared with the growth standards adopted by the ICDS. CULP as a field support partner for Dausa district provided support for ensuring quality services under the program in the district and made a significant impact in improving the status of nutrition in the district.

Impact Metrics

  • Imparting Age Appropriate Learning Competencies to Out-Of-School Adolescent Girls for Their Mainstreaming.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Life Skill Education to Adolescent Girls.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Improved the Academic Performance of the Girls Who Were at Risk of Failure at Secondary Level Board Examination.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Health Awareness and Check-Up Camps

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Employability Skills to Adolescent Girls and Young Women of Marginalized Communities.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Awareness Sessions at Community Level in About 200 Villages of Four Blocks of Two Districts

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Community Mobilization for Girls Education

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Learning Enhancement of Girls

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Contextualized Learning Material

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Humanitarian Assistance to Poor Community (Ration and Hygiene Kits)

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Vaccination Awareness

    Year-wise Metrics
  • System Stregthening Through Transformation of Anganwadi Centres and Government Data Analytics.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Enhancing Quality of Services Through Sectoral Capacity Building, Enhancing Quality of Early Childhood Education, and Enhancing Quality of Services During Vhsnds

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Raising Demand for Quality Services Through Engagement of Panchayats and Behavioural Change Campaigns

    Year-wise Metrics

Theory of Change

Considering change as an eternal factor, organization believes in acquiring necessary skills with the changing social, economic and legal environment .To create a just, equitable and sensitized society, there should be no gender and social discrimination as it hinders our social development and weakens the society as a whole. Every human being has innate potential for learning, including adolescent girls with proper environment and opportunities.
We believe that the transformation occurs when 'one plans with people' and 'not for them' to promote changes in attitudes and empowerment through collectivization. The vision of the organization as a long-term goal is helpful. Moreover, the necessary preconditions through collaborative social mobilization and collective ownership also need to be created. The frequent review and mid-course evaluations have to be integral part of successful transformation so that the outcome pathway is followed. The mid-course reviews have to be in the form of action learning with rational cause-effect relationship. Ensuring this strategy and following the process purity are essential for change and success. Making the intervention process-based by participatory monitoring and fine-tuning the actual outcomes or solution-provisions to reach the expected ones are core elements of felt positive change.

Leadership Team

  • Dr. O. P. Kulhari

    Secretary (Chief Functionary)

  • Sudhir Upadhyay

    Director - Programs

  • Pranvendra K. Bagra

    Accounts Officer

  • Hemant K. Sharma

    Area Program Manager - Tonk and Dausa districts in Rajasthan

  • Mukesh K. Sharma

    Block Program Coordinator - Niwai in Tonk district

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    (Registered Address) 602 (O), Vishwamitra Marg, Hanuman Nagar Extension, Khatipura, Jaipur302012 Rajasthan


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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