SEWA Bharat (All India Federation of Self-Employed Women's Association)

Empowers women in the informal economy through collective action, enhancing livelihoods, advocating rights, and fostering self-reliance.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


SEWA Bharat plays a crucial role in the empowerment of women in the informal economy through various activities and initiatives. It strengthens smalle Read morer SEWA organisations by assisting them in planning and implementing new programmes. Additionally, SEWA Bharat identifies opportunities to establish new SEWA organisations across India and facilitates linkages between existing SEWAs and other NGOs, Government programmes, and market opportunities to enhance the livelihood development of women in the informal sector. It also works towards building a national identity for SEWA to advocate for the rights of women workers throughout the country. SEWA Bharat's goals revolve around achieving full employment and self-reliance for women. Through the strategy of struggle and development, SEWA organises workers to overcome societal and economic challenges, while development activities strengthen women's bargaining power and provide them with alternative options for self-reliance. Its approach encompasses eleven points, addressing systemic barriers and focusing on areas such as food and nutrition, income, healthcare, housing, childcare, education, and employment. By attaining self-reliance and fulfilling these points, women can realize their full potential and contribute to their overall development. SEWA Bharat is committed to establishing a common identity for informal workers, prioritizing women workers' rights, needs, and visions, empowering women as leaders in their own programmes, and upholding non-violent methods of demonstration. These commitments drive its efforts in creating a supportive and empowering environment for women in the informal economy.

Demographies Served


SEWA Bharat has made an impact by empowering chosen enterprises, achieving a remarkable 3X average revenue growth, positively impacting 165,000 women, providing digital platform skills to 20 women, conducting 20 online training sessions, connecting 16,000 women to e-marketplaces, raising awareness on land rights and associated issues for 22,000 women, increasing access to improved infrastructure facilities for 500 women, strengthening tenure for 150 women, granting access to housing and livelihood finance for 4,816 women, reaching 11,133 women with credit and finance, and disbursing a substantial amount of 25 crores as loans through the SEWA institutional credit system.


  • Livelihoods & Entrepreneurship Programme

    SEWA Bharat focuses on empowering informal women workers through livelihoods and entrepreneurship. It addresses the economic disparities faced by women, promotes microfinance for women and strives for gender equity in agriculture and cooperatives. By supporting income-generating activities and entrepreneurship, SEWA transforms women's positions within households and communities. It promotes microentrepreneurship, collective social enterprises, and provides a Women's Enterprise Support System to facilitate women's financial sustainability and business development.

  • Digital Interventions Programme

    SEWA Bharat's digital interventions aim to empower informal women workers by leveraging technological innovations. Recognizing the inequity in accessing digital technology, SEWA works to bridge the gap and ensure inclusive participation. Its approach focuses on equalizing access to digital assets, promoting literacy in digital tools and finance, and supporting digital business pilots. Digital technology enables financial inclusion, providing simplified access to credit, digital payments, and alternative financing. It also boosts livelihoods by creating new job roles, connecting microentrepreneurs with online marketplaces, and skilling women with digital tools. Additionally, digital platforms amplify the voices of grassroots women, facilitate the digitization of enterprises, and serve as essential response mechanisms during crises. SEWA Bharat strives to create a more inclusive and equal digital world for informal women workers.

  • Skill Development Programme

    SEWA Bharat's skill development programme empowers women by addressing economic participation and skill enhancement. It goes beyond technical skills, focusing on personality development and awareness of the competitive environment. With market-driven training programmes and online adaptations, it offers livelihood opportunities in sectors like retail, hospitality, livestock rearing, and e-rickshaw driving. By promoting sustainable options and breaking traditional norms, SEWA Bharat transforms women, making them confident, self-reliant decision-makers in their families and communities.

  • Land Titles & Ownership Programme

    SEWA Bharat's programme on land title and ownership aims to empower informal women workers by strengthening their land ownership and tenure. Informal settlements often lack infrastructure and have insecure land tenure, affecting living conditions. SEWA Bharat's approach includes capacity building, awareness raising, community mobilization, Government liaisoning, and advocacy. It works to improve awareness of infrastructure services, enhance tenure security, and facilitate access to formal finance. Projects like Zamini Adhikar Abhiyan and the Roadmap to Tenure Security focus on empowering women and creating sustainable livelihoods. SEWA Bharat's efforts uplift women and advocate for better policies and tenure security.

  • Financial Inclusion Programme

    SEWA Bharat's financial inclusion programme aims to empower informal women workers, providing them with financial independence. These women often rely on informal finance sources, which come with high-interest rates and risks. SEWA Bharat's approach includes financial literacy training and the establishment of credit cooperatives. Financial literacy workshops enhance women's financial decision-making skills and promote saving habits. The Mahila SEWA Credit Cooperative allows women to invest and grow their assets within the institution, providing access to credit and necessary financial guidance. Doorstep banking services ensure convenience and fair interest rates, protecting women from exploitation by private moneylenders. SEWA Bharat's efforts enable women to save, invest, and protect their earnings, paving the way towards financial independence.

Impact Metrics

  • Skill Building, Education and Vocational Training to Girls and Women

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2015-16 10000
    • 2016-17 1500
    • 2018-19 2500

Leadership Team

  • Ankita Upreti

    Vice - President

  • Dinesh Kothari

    Head - Finance & Accounts

  • Surbhi Singh

    Head - HR & Administration

  • Sanjana Mohanty

    Lead – Programme Manager & Advocacy

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    SEWA Bharat 7/5, First Floor, South Patel Nagar, New Delhi, 110008


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.