Adopt A Pencil Educational Trust

We support torchbearers of Environmental Education. We recycle and produce recycled newspaper pencils for distribution to poor children.

  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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  • Headquarters

    Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


As ardent supporters of Ethical Education (EE), the organisation is dedicated to fostering the next generation of leaders in this field. Since 2016, i Read moret has been actively promoting Ethical Education among students across various locations in Delhi, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. The organization was formally registered in 2020, following the initial lockdown, a time when the world witnessed firsthand the perilous consequences of neglecting and mishandling the environment, impacting humanity as a whole. Several compelling advantages motivate the lifelong commitment to Ethical Education (EE). • Enhanced imagination and enthusiasm: EE, being an interactive learning approach, stimulates creativity and imaginative thinking among students. Integrating EE into the curriculum increases student engagement and contributes to their progress in essential academic subjects. • Learning beyond the classroom: EE not only fosters experiential learning outside the classroom but also enables students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world situations. It allows learners to grasp the interconnectedness of social, ecological, economic, cultural, financial, and political challenges. • Meeting academic standards across disciplines: EE enables teachers to merge various subjects like science, math, language arts, and history into cohesive lessons while fulfilling state and national academic criteria. Integrating ethical perspectives into lessons facilitates transdisciplinary learning experiences. • Mitigating nature disconnection and bio-phobia: By exposing students to nature and encouraging outdoor learning and play, EE cultivates awareness, understanding, and reverence for the environment, addressing the "nature deficit disorder" while being an enjoyable experience. • Enhanced critical thinking and creativity: EE empowers students to conduct research, comprehend complex social issues, and draw their conclusions, fostering critical and creative thinking abilities essential for informed decision-making. • Encouraging tolerance and comprehension: EE prompts students to explore diverse perspectives, fostering tolerance and appreciation for differing viewpoints and cultures. • Promoting a healthy lifestyle: EE encourages outdoor activities, addressing prevalent health concerns like obesity, attention deficit disorders, and depression among youth. Emphasis on healthy eating habits and increased time spent outdoors contributes to stress reduction. • Strengthening community ties: EE fosters a sense of community and belonging through active community engagement. Collaborating with local experts, volunteers, and facilities, students learn about ethical considerations affecting their communities, promoting collective understanding and action. • Promoting responsible societal action: EE educates students about the impact of their choices on the environment, fostering awareness and encouraging responsible actions for societal betterment. • Empowering students and educators: EE cultivates active learning, civic engagement, and student leadership, empowering young individuals to make a difference in their schools and communities. Additionally, it aids educators in enhancing their environmental knowledge and teaching skills. Circular economy A circular economy operates on the foundational principles of fostering sustainable development by reducing waste and pollution, reusing and recycling materials, revitalizing natural systems, and adopting sustainable lifestyles. This system involves a closed-loop approach that examines the entire lifecycle of a product or service—from raw material extraction to production, distribution, consumption, collection, recycling, or final disposal. In order to establish a circular economy model, the organisation advocates several strategies, such as: • Reactivate: Bringing back older, easily repairable technologies or skills. • Rebuild: Enhancing systems or technologies for improved efficiency and reduced energy consumption or waste. • Reclaim: Restoring or making previously wasted or degraded resources operational again. • Recondition: Recycle by disassembling, cleaning, and reassembling recovered products with necessary modifications. • Reconsider: Rethinking wasteful living practices and excessive resource usage to minimize environmental impact. • Reconstruct: Rebuilding or reformulating systems, especially after damage or destruction. • Recover: Salvaging or restoring the usefulness of resources. • Redesign: Revising products/services to be environmentally friendly and socially cohesive. • Reform: Improving resource usage by rectifying misuse or misapplication. • Refurbish: Enhancing buildings to be more resilient to disasters or environmentally friendly through retrofitting or improvement. • Refuse: Rejecting wasteful lifestyles and practices to minimize environmental destruction. • Regenerate: Investing in resources to rejuvenate and make them useful again. • Regulate: Controlling and managing resource use through prescribed norms to prevent misuse or degradation. • Rehabilitate: Restoring production systems to environmentally-friendly status through training and education. • Reinvent: Transforming products or services entirely to be more sustainable—environmentally, socially, and economically.


  • Inspirational Speaking Event

    Educational institutions prioritize delivering high-quality content to their students and often seek inspirational speakers to supplement their expertise, enhance credibility, and elevate their brand value.
    Hosting an Inspirational Speaking event (L.T.P.) can offer several advantages for an institute:
    • Knowledge Enrichment: A skilled inspirational speaker brings subject matter expertise, providing students with valuable insights into current success trends and best practices.
    • Motivation Boost: An inspirational speaker delivers an energizing, thought-provoking speech that motivates students to embrace new ideas and overcome challenges.
    • Brand Visibility: The presence of an inspirational speaker can bolster an institution's brand visibility and reputation.
    The organization has a seven-year track record of delivering inspirational speaking presentations on diverse topics.

  • H.O.P.E. Symposium

    The H.O.P.E. Symposium stands out as the ultimate Inspirational Seminar tailored for both parents and students. It aims to uncover passions and pave the way toward achieving them. This event offers innovative strategies, ideas, and insights to refine life skills, elevate motivation, enhance efficiency, and elevate income potential. Renowned speakers grace the event in person, sharing proven methods, formulas, strategies, and keys to propel oneself toward unprecedented success.

    The H.O.P.E. Symposium aims to equip the participants with incredible new skills that will transform their life:
    • Strategies to outpace your competition, becoming smarter, faster, and better. • Essential skills for high achievers. • Steps to become a stronger, more strategic decision-maker. • Mastering effective leadership. • Dealing with difficult individuals. • Techniques for motivation when motivation seems elusive. • Increasing personal effectiveness.

  • Recycled Hand Rolled News Paper Pencils

    In India, merely 20% of waste paper gets collected, leaving the remaining 80% to end up in landfills. For every 100 kilograms of paper used, only 20 kilograms find their way back for recycling. The process of waste collection has numerous unaddressed issues within the country. Offices and households lack effective mechanisms for collecting waste, often using newspapers for wrapping or packaging. Municipalities demonstrate limited involvement in solid waste collection, and there's a scarcity of paper recycling firms equipped with warehouses for sorting and baling.
    The organisation collaborated with small enterprises that manufacture pencils from recycled newspaper. Firstly, recycled newspapers are gathered at the source. These newspapers are then cut to size and immersed in a special glue. The female workers in the enterprise hand-roll the paper around graphite to create pencils. These pencils are then dried and refined, ready for children to use.

  • Environmental Education

    Environmental Education (EE) extends beyond conventional classrooms and finds expression in various settings like aquariums, zoos, parks, and nature centers, engaging the public in understanding the environment. The primary objective remains centred on fostering responsible actions for the preservation, conservation, and enhancement of the environment and its five key components.
    The components integral to Environmental Education (EE) encompass:
    1. Awareness and sensitivity towards environmental issues and challenges.
    2. Knowledge and comprehension of environmental aspects and challenges.
    3. Attitudes that reflect concern for the environment and a drive to enhance or uphold environmental quality.
    4. Skills geared towards identifying and addressing environmental challenges.
    5. Participation in activities contributing to the resolution of environmental issues and challenges.

Leadership Team

  • Vinod Kumar


  • Lalit Mohan Pandey


  • Anubhav Saini


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    H. No. 114/B, Block D, Rajeev Nagar, Village Karala, Begumpur, Sector - 22 Rohini, Delhi-110086

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
