Respected Sir / Madam Greetings From Garden Reach Institute For The Rehabilitation And Research ! Garden Reach Institute for the Rehabilitation and Research (GRIRR) Garden Reach Institution for Rehabilitation and Research located in Kolkata, is a social innovative platform that acts as a catalyst

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
Transparency Rating:
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Kolkata, West Bengal

  • Since


Garden Reach Institution for Rehabilitation and Research (GRIRR) stands as a transformative and socially innovative platform, acting as a catalyst to Read moreempower marginalized communities by facilitating their rights, protection, sports, education, and livelihood opportunities. Since 2014, GRIRR has been deeply committed to serving the Garden Reach community. GRIRR's primary mission is to support children on their path towards self-reliant adulthood, achieved through the provision of high-quality education, therapeutic services, and assistance with job placement. The institute is dedicated to inclusive education, especially for children with special needs, fostering an inclusive society that promotes accessible and relevant education. By operating at the grassroots level and targeting economically and socially underprivileged individuals, GRIRR employs specialized tools to screen and identify children who require support. The organization then delivers parental training, orientation, skill-building, school preparedness, enrollment assistance, and pedagogical support to enhance academic proficiency. GRIRR provides both formal and specialized learning formats, along with therapy and education services tailored to children with special needs, nurturing their growth and development. GRIRR's Inclusive Setup Workflow: 1. Survey and Screening: The GRIRR team conducts comprehensive door-to-door surveys in various areas, screening children based on observations and their previous medical records. 2. Testing and Certification: Children identified during the screening process are referred to appropriate facilities for the necessary testing and certification procedures. 3. Assessment: Utilizing specialized tools developed by special educators, assessments are conducted to evaluate the individual needs and strengths of each child. 4. Goal Selection: Different goals are established based on the strengths and requirements of each child. 5. Individualized Educational Programme (IEP): Building upon mainstream goals and adapting the curriculum, GRIRR formulates Individualized Educational Programmes within the inclusive setup. 6. School Enrollment: The organization provides enrollment support to local formal and special schools, considering the unique circumstances of each child and their families. 7. Evaluation: Following special remedial teaching, each child is evaluated, and subsequent plans are designed for their continued progress. Specialized Learning Methods Adopted by GRIRR: • Mental Retardation: Methods include demonstration, color coding, picture-based learning, mental modelling, peer education, and IEP strategies, supplemented by special teaching/learning materials. • Hearing Impairment: Techniques involve visual and video-based training, picture-based learning, basic sign languages, gestures, colour coding, and specialized teaching/learning materials. • Visual Impairment: Methods encompass audio-based learning, VAKT (Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Tactile) method, and Auditory Kinesthetic Tactile approach, combined with comprehension-based questioning for blind students. • Autism: Strategies include IEP development, music-sound methods, colour-size-shape methods, time-out techniques, and ADL (Activities of Daily Life) activities. • Learning Disability: Tailored remedial teaching is provided to address specific problem areas related to different learning disabilities, including Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, and more. • Slow Learners: Approaches encompass motivation, discussions, time-out methods, and reinforcement techniques. • Multiple Disabilities: ADL (Activities of Daily Living) and IEP (Individual Education Plan) strategies are implemented. • Cerebral Palsy: ADL (Activities of Daily Living) and IEP (Individual Education Plan) strategies are also used.


Let us assume that there are 3,000 children who are physically challenged. GRIRR is the only NGO dedicated to the rehabilitation of physically challenged children in Metiaburz. The size of the estimated ‘market’ is 15 times GRIRR’s existing treatment capacity. *Based on the Indian census average of 2.13% of the population being disabled


GRIRR provides physio therapy, speech therapy, occupation therapy, special education and mobility aids. There is a growing need to address the rehabilitation needs of children from marginalised families. These families are unable to afford rehabilitation, making a subsidized intervention necessary.


Farhat Khatoon, Down syndrome Before: Weak socialization skills; low reading / writing capability After: Can now write her name and home mobile number; befriends faster; developed a passion for dancing Md. Farhan, Right CTEV (club foot) deformity Before: Could not walk; needed assistance After: GRIRR corrected his deformity through physiotherapy Hood Alam, Cerebral palsy Before: Spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy; bedridden; unable to perform basic motor functions. After: Following a two-year GRIRR intervention, Hood can hold his neck, roll over, crawl and kneel with minimal support


  • Speech therapy

    Speech Therapy for Children: In the case of children, speech therapy can occur in a classroom, small group setting, or one-on-one, depending on the nature of the speech disorder. The exercises and activities involved in speech therapy are tailored to the child's age and individual needs. During therapy for children, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) may:
    1. Engage in interactive conversations and play, incorporating books, pictures, and objects to stimulate language development.
    2. Demonstrate correct sounds and syllables within age-appropriate play to teach the child how to produce specific sounds accurately.
    3. Offer strategies and assignments for both the child and their parent or caregiver, enabling them to continue speech therapy practices at home.

  • Ration Distribution during Covid lockdown

    Since its inception, GRIRR has been diligently working to support families with children with disabilities, as well as distressed community women, aiming to uplift their social and economic standing through various awareness and outreach programs. These efforts extend beyond Kolkata and predominantly focus on Bihar's population.
    The contributions from Kolkata Gives, PwC, and Goonj Kolkata have significantly strengthened GRIRR's efforts in combating Covid-19. These contributions have enabled it to provide essential provisions like dry rations to those in need, particularly children and women with disabilities in the most vulnerable segments of society. Over the past three months of the pandemic, GRIRR has distributed dry rations in Garden Reach, Metaburuz in Kolkata, and the villages of Bihar, specifically in Murar Pur, Block Lahladpur in the Chapra (Saran) district.

  • Physiotherapy

    Physiotherapy goes beyond alleviating orthopedic pain; it also tackles neurological conditions such as stroke, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and more.
    Physiotherapy treatments utilize therapeutic exercises to enhance strength, improve range of motion, correct posture and muscle imbalances, conduct joint mobilization and manipulation, employ soft tissue massages, and incorporate stretching and trigger point therapy to reduce stiffness and alleviate pain. The Physiotherapy Departmentat GRIRR is pioneering efforts to reach out to underprivileged segments of society, making a significant impact.

  • Special education for children with disabilities

    The primary focus of Special Education is to facilitate learning for children with disabilities, with an emphasis on avoiding exclusive placement in specialized classrooms. Students eligible for special education benefit from an Individualized Education Program (IEP), which ensures tailored instruction and resources at no cost to their families. Specialists work with students to harness their strengths while addressing their challenges. Families play a crucial role in the team that determines the necessary support for students to thrive in their educational journey.

  • Women Empowerment And Community Development

    The vocational training workshops empower economically disadvantaged women with valuable livelihood skills. Recently, the organisation initiated the vocational training program in the Metaburuz slums of Kolkata's Garden Reach, starting with one training center on Ram Nagar Lane. This year, it has extended the training to 52 participants in Garden Reach, offering courses in Clay Pot Painting and Stitching.
    In a broader effort to support the underprivileged, it offers rigorous training in soft toy making to 40 disabled individuals. The program targeted 52 women from Garden Reach Slums but extended its reach to needy families in Ward numbers 133 to 141 in Maheshtala and Budgbudge, providing training for business skill development.

Impact Metrics

  • Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Special Education

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 8353

Leadership Team

  • Dr.Rajesh Kumar Roushan


  • Suparna Mondal

    Vice President

  • Tarkeswar Singh

    Assistant Secretary

  • Fatema Khatoon


  • Nazim Khan


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A

    12A,ITBA/EXM/S/41/2018-19/1014954721 (I)

  • 80G

    80G,ITBA/EXM/S/8OG/2019-20/101563558 (I)

  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters



Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.