Milaan Be the Change

We are a non-profit, social impact organisation working with and for adolescent girls and young women to impart girls the knowledge, skills, and the social environment needed to pursue their aspirations.

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Gurgaon, Haryana

  • Since


Milaan is a social impact non-profit organization working with and for adolescent girls from socially and economically marginalized communities in Ind Read moreia with a mission to create pathways for them to be educated, healthy, and safe. In the last 15 years, the organization has worked with thousands of girls through its innovative and data-driven programs, enabling them access to knowledge, skills, and social networks to explore their full potential. We design, develop and implement programs to drive system-level change, challenging and changing gender-regressive social norms and creating pathways to a more gender-equal and inclusive world. In 2007, Milaan was founded by a group of students from the University of Delhi to educate, enable and empower children in rural India. One of its first projects was as an informal education center in Kaintain Village of Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh, which is now grown as a K-12 school with over 550 children and a free hostel for girls. Our experience of managing the school exposed us to the problem of gender inequality in education, with a higher percentage of girls dropping out as they go up the grade ladder. For five years, we ran multiple pilot projects to test scalable solutions to the problem, which included running informal education centers for school dropout girls; working within government schools to enhance learning and retention; breaking silence and barriers on menstrual management, etc. Milaan works in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka, with and for adolescent girls, through its various projects, including - The Girl Icon Program, Unmukt - Addressing Gender-Based Violence, Uttar Pradesh Coalition to Empower Adolescent Girls - a learning and advocacy platform with 30 CBOs representing 27 districts. Each of our programs is an outcome of our learnings from our earlier programs and addresses the challenges adolescent girls face in rural India. Our choice of geographies is also based on our analysis of the population of adolescent girls and the human development indices.

Demographies Served


Milaan Foundation has impacted over 50,000+ adolescent girls and, through them, impacted member of communities. We have worked with 5 cohorts, with over 2500 Girl Icons leaders who have led and educated over 50,000 adolescent girls, across 3 states of India - Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka. Inspired by the resilience of our Girl Icons, Milaan has made a bold commitment to strengthen and scale its programs for 100,000 adolescent girls by 2025. In this direction, in 2024-25 Cohort we are planning to onboard 2500 Girl Icons and 50,000 adolescent girls in the three states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka. Our impact evaluation reveals an exponential growth with :- 1) 95% of girls continuing their secondary education. 2) 99% of girls delaying their age of marriage 3) 85% of girls reporting improved health outcomes 4) 90% of girls recognizing and taking action against gender-based discrimination and violence with their homes and communities.

Vision & Mission

Started in 2007, Milaan is a social impact non-profit organisation working with and for
adolescent girls from socially and economically marginalised communities in India
with a mission to create pathways for them to be educated, healthy and safe. In the
last 15 years, the organisation, through its innovative and data-driven programs, has
worked with thousands of girls enabling them with access to knowledge, skills, and
social networks, critical for them to explore their full potential.

Donor History

Ayati Charity
Sony Music Entertainment
Ford Foundation
Paytm Bank
Give India


  • Girl Icon Program

    The Girl Icon Program is a girl-led and girl-centered approach, providing leadership based life -skills training to adolescent girls from marginalised families from rural Madhya Pradesh with a view to address gender inequalities by dismantling the social, economic, and cultural barriers preventing girls from exercising their voice, choice and potential.

    The Program uses a leadership-building model, investing in building a movement of local girl leaders (Girl Icons) who provide guidance, support, and role modelling, serving as powerful role models and inspiration.

    Through a combination of curriculum-based training, community engagement, leadership development, and role-modelling, the Girl Icon Program aims to transform not only the individual lives of girls but also build community perceptions towards gender equity, creating an enabling environment for girls to realize their full potential.

  • Swarachna School and Swarachna Girls' Hostel

    Milaan, for the last 16 years, has been running a senior secondary school called ‘Swarachna School’ in Kaintain village of Sitapur district, Uttar Pradesh. Since its founding days, the school has served first- generation learners with quality education and holistic child development, with an emphasis on girls’ education and the completion of 12 years of schooling. In 2021, to address the dire need to act here and now, Milaan expanded its school space and initiated a free-of-cost hostel by building a dedicated hostel for 120 girls. With a focus on identifying girls from some of the most vulnerable families and communities, the hostel began to serve girls between the ages of 10 and 15 from grades 6th to 9th in October 2021. The school provides access to quality secondary education towards the completion of 12 years of senior secondary education, while the hostel focuses on meeting the end-to-end needs of girls. Currently, we have more than 600+ students which also includes our 84 hostel girls.

  • Girl Icon Alumni Network

    The Girl Icon Alumni Network is a thriving network of empowered young women who have shown proven abilities and commitment to lead social change for themselves and their communities. The three pillars of the Girl Icon Alumni Network: connected, engaged, and committed remain a cornerstone for the growth of young women in the network. The commonality in the experiences shared by the alumni network is the Girl Icon Program, which offered them a chance to develop a shared vocabulary of this experience and personal development.

    Some alumni network girls are engaged as ‘Program Assistants’ and as we have envisioned the strategy for scaling the Girl Icon Program over the next two years, the role of the Alumni Network in the expansion of the program has
    gained significance.

    The Girl Icon Alumni Network Network has focused on listening to the needs of
    girls and engaging them through various sessions, internship opportunities,
    and scholarships to continue their higher education, their leadership journey,
    and to continue working towards empowering themselves and others. These
    learnings are drawn from the quarterly alumni meetings held with alumni from
    all three states: Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka. We continue
    to collaborate with several like-minded organisations to plan sessions and
    drive engagement as per the needs of the girls.

  • Unmukt Program

    The Unmukt program focuses on changing the narratives that establish violence against young women and girls especially in rural areas. Using a gender-synchronised approach to create awareness and change practices at the grassroots by engaging 100,000 community members through two verticals: Unmukt Adolescent Program and Unmukt Changemakers Fellowship.

Impact Metrics

  • % of Girls in the Program Would Be Prevented From Child Marriage.

    Program Name

    Girl Icon Program

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 99
    • 2022-23 95
  • % of Girls in the Program Would Be Prevented From Child Marriage.

    Program Name

    Girl Icon Program

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 95
    • 2021-22 99
    • 2022-23 99
  • % of the Girls in the Program Would Report Enhanced Knowledge and Access to Services on Adolescent Health.

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 85
    • 2020-21 86
    • 2021-22 86
    • 2022-23 85
  • % of Children Passing Grade 12

    Program Name

    Swarachna School

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 100
    • 2020-21 100
    • 2021-22 100
    • 2022-23 100
  • % of Children Passing Grade 10

    Program Name

    Swarachna School

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 100
    • 2021-22 100
    • 2022-23 100
  • % of Unmukt Adolescents Strongly Disagree With the Prompt ‘It is Not as Important for Girls to Go for Higher Education as It is for Boys’.

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 0
    • 2021-22 0
    • 2022-23 50
  • % of Unmukt Adolescents Say They Have Started Negotiating With Their Parents Around How Household Responsibilities Are Shared

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 0
    • 2021-22 0
    • 2022-23 50
  • % of Unmukt Beneficiaries Also Believe They Have the Confidence to Safeguard Themselves in an Incident of Violence

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 0
    • 2021-22 0
    • 2022-23 80
  • %Age of Children Passing Grade 12

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 17
    • 2020-21 17
    • 2021-22 17
  • %Age of Children Passing Grade 10

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 14
    • 2020-21 14
    • 2021-22 14
  • Number of School Dropout Girls Enrolled

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 90
    • 2021-22 87
  • % of Girls in the Program Would Report Continuation/Completion of Secondary Education.

    Program Name

    Girl Icon Program

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 0
    • 2020-21 95
    • 2021-22 95
    • 2022-23 95
  • % of Girls Reporting Improved Health Outcomes,

    Program Name

    Girl Icon Program

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 85
    • 2020-21 95
    • 2021-22 85
    • 2022-23 85
  • Number of School Dropout Girls Enrolled

    Program Name

    Swarachna School

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 85
    • 2022-23 85

Theory of Change

We at Milaan believe in the power of movement building, working closely with the
community to challenge the social norms that reinforce gender inequality and to re-
write the narratives that shape the day-to-day lives of women and girls, normalizing
social, economic, and political exclusion.

Our projects primarily focus on adolescent girls from marginalised communities of India for whom we promote the continuation of secondary education, prevention of child marriage, prevention of gender-based violence, and adequate health & well-being. We enable our goals through the use of technology, undertaking life skills-based leadership pedagogy, offering one on one mentoring support, and promoting community participation. We measure the impact of our work through robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks and have also been independently evaluated by scholars from UC Berkeley and other social impact consultancies.

Milestones & Track Record

Milaan’s journey started with the education sector, with the Milaan School in a
remote village in Uttar Pradesh which has now grown to over 550 children and has consistently delivered 100% pass results in grade 10 and 12, in the past 5 years.

Within the initial years, we drew our attention to the vulnerable social position of adolescent girls. Our learnings from running the school in a rural village and non-formal educational centers for adolescent girls across 4 districts in Uttar Pradesh, persuaded us to go deeper to understand gender inequality in education and the need to work within the communities to address the social structural barriers to education for girls.

We consolidated our work in the traditional education delivery model and pivoted from the alternative educational center model to working within communities, with and for girls to access secondary education provided by the government. In the process, we learned from our research the interconnecting issues such as education, child marriage, sexual and reproductive health, and violence against women and girls, that impact girls’ education and identify geographies that are home to the largest number of school dropouts girls.

Our learning lead us to design, develop and implement program aiming to drive system-level change, challenging and changing gender regressive social norms and creating pathways to a more gender equal and inclusive world. Our flagship program, the Girl Icon Program have impacted over 45,000 girls and 500,000 community members in it's 8 years of journey. In 2018, Milaan started the Uttar Pradesh Coalition to Empower Girls, a one of its kind platform to bring together community based organisations working in Uttar Pradesh, with and for adolescent girls, to learn, share and advocate. The coalition today has over 30 member representing over 20 districts in Uttar Pradesh.

In 2019, Milaan launched the COVID Relief and Resilience Building project, which supported over 250,000 people, who were hit by the dual effect of poverty and pandemic.

Milaan is an active participant in women- and girls-focused coalitions such as Coalition for Adolescent Girls (CAG), Girls Opportunity Alliance by Obama Foundation, Women Empowerment Coalition led by Edelgive Foundation, and Young People Voices – National Working Group, and 10 to 19 Community – Dasra Adolescent Collaborative.

The impact of our work is covered in various regional, national and international media organisations such as CNN International, OZY, The Lily - Washington Post, Frankie Magazine, Your Story, etc.

Leadership Team

  • Dhirendra Pratap Singh

    President, Governing Body

  • Rati Misra

    Executive Director

  • Javed Abbas

    Associate Director- Programs

  • Sharadindu Goswami

    Director, Impact & Learning

  • Pragya

    Sr. Program Officer

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    83% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

Recipient of Global Social Justice Fund by Sony Music 2022
TiE Sustainability Summit Transformational Social Enterprise of the Year 2021
Featured organisation by Girl Opportunity Alliance, Obama Foundation 2021
Best Social Enterprise of the Year by Action for India 2019
In collaboration with Malala Fund and VR for Good, Milaan developed a virtual reality film, “Girl Icon'', which received accolades in international film festivals such as the Tribeca Film Festival 2019 and SXSW Film Festival 2020

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Unit 1, HARTRON, Near Alcatel-Lucent India, Electronic City, Udyog Vihar Phase IV, Sector 18, Gurgaon, 122015


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2023-24

    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.