Anushkaa Foundation for Eliminating Clubfoot

Works to treat cases of Clubfoot in children, ensuring they have better access to education and employment opportunities, and helping to prevent them from falling into poverty.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Since


The Anushkaa Foundation for Eliminating Clubfoot is working to eliminate incidences of clubfoot in children. It is involved in ensuring that no child Read moregrows up disabled due to clubfoot. According to the organisation, clubfoot is one of the leading forms of disability where one or both feet are turned inwards which when left untreated leads to painful conditions besides contributing to the disruption of education, social stigma and fewer employment opportunities trapping the individual in poverty. The Foundation runs its programs on tackling clubfoot partnering with Government agencies and other charitable organizations. It uses the Government healthcare system and network to carry forwards its treatment programs.


Approximately 33,000 children are born with Clubfoot in India each year, accounting for 19% of global Clubfoot births. Clubfoot is one of the largest forms of disability among children in the developing world. Unfortunately, in low- and middle-income countries, less than 15% of affected children have access to necessary treatment.


To ensure comprehensive care for children with Clubfoot, we are setting up weekly clinics in all districts of India. We primarily partner with government hospitals and select charitable and trust hospitals. By leveraging RBSK teams, ASHA workers, and other community health resources, we spread awareness and ensure early identification of Clubfoot. We provide counseling support to primary caregivers at clinics, telephonically, and through home visits. We are building the capacity of doctors through medical trainings so that each district has a doctor trained in the Ponseti Method. Additionally, we provide free foot abduction braces required during the treatment. Our web and mobile app encompasses all aspects of the program, including patient tracking, outreach, medical training, and inventory forecasting.

Demographies Served


Since its inception, Anushkaa Foundation has enrolled over 17,000+ children, providing crucial support and treatment for Clubfoot. We have sensitized more than 1,70,782 Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) and 7,421 Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) staff members, enhancing their capacity for early identification/detection of Clubfoot cases. Our dedication is reflected in the 2,40,362 patient visits we've facilitated at the clinics and healthcare centers we're associated with, ensuring extensive follow-up and continuous care. Our outreach extends to Community Health Centres (CHCs) and Public Health Centres (PHCs), with 10,336 and 9,015 visits respectively, ensuring that primary and community health facilities are equipped to handle Clubfoot effectively. Through 99 medical trainings, we have equipped over 338 doctors to handle Clubfoot cases effectively. Additionally, our Train the Trainer program has developed 32 master trainers, facilitating continuous medical education and creating a ripple effect of knowledge and expertise. Our efforts have resulted in remarkable outcomes, with retention and tenotomy rates both exceeding 90%. Nearly 98.8% of parents recommend Anushkaa Clinics, and 95% of primary care providers report high satisfaction with our services. Over 92% of RBSK staff members agree that our interventions have been helpful in treating children with Clubfoot, validating the effectiveness of our programs. Anushkaa Foundation is proud of these achievements and remains committed to ensuring that every child with Clubfoot receives the care and support they deserve.

Vision & Mission

The foundation's vision is to ensure that no child in India grows up disabled as a result of being born with clubfoot.


  • Clubfoot Clinics

    The organization establishes clubfoot clinics in Government-run and charitable hospitals that operate once every week with an aim to help with early detection, timely intervention and helping parents with children having clubfoot to have access to relevant medical facilities, diagnosis and treatment.

    - 17,000+ Children enrolled since inception
    - 2,00,000+ patient visits carried out
    - 10,000+ visits to CHCs (Community Health Centre)
    - 9,000+ visits to PHCs (Public Health Centre)

  • Medical Training

    The curriculum for the Basic Medical Training program focuses both on theory
    and practical aspects and provides an in-depth explanation about the Ponseti
    treatment. The curriculum provides deep exposure to Casting, Tenotomy and
    Bracing Techniques which are demonstrated on models as well as children during the training. This approach is what makes the training comprehensive.
    The program includes a pre-course assessment and a post-course assessment
    which helps us in providing varying levels of support to doctors and mentor them.

    - 99 Medical trainings conducted
    - 300+ Doctors Trained

  • Parent Counselling

    We prioritize comprehensive counseling support for primary caregivers, understanding its crucial role in our program. Our counseling services are delivered through various channels, ensuring accessibility and convenience:

    - At the Clinic/ Telephonic and Home Visits

    Parent and guardian counseling is essential to our approach. We provide detailed information about the condition, dispel myths and stigma, and emphasize the importance of treatment compliance. This holistic support system ensures that caregivers are well-informed and empowered throughout the treatment process.

  • Train the trainer

    The TTT is a two-day residential training program where select orthopedic doctors from our Clubfoot Clinics come together to receive Advanced Training in the Ponseti Method of treating Clubfoot. Developing trainers who can conduct medical training across India is a crucial component of our Clubfoot program. The objectives of the ‘Train the Trainer’ program are:

    - Enhance Teaching Skills: Equip trainers with the understanding and skills necessary for effective teaching and training of adult learners.

    - Mentorship Development: Develop trainers' abilities to mentor Clubfoot practitioners, ensuring ongoing support and guidance.

    - Program Delivery: Prepare participants to organize and deliver the Basic Medical Training program, ensuring a consistent and high-quality educational experience.

    - Current we have 32 Master Trainers Developed

  • Medical Supplies

    As a part of ensuring good quality treatment for the children, we also provide
    medical supplies to the clinics. This includes the casting material required during the correction phase of the Ponseti Method and bars and shoes – the two components that make up the foot abduction brace required during the maintenance phase. These are provided free of cost to the patient. As the child
    grows, we also upgrade the size of shoes and bars.

    The medical equipment support and the follow-up system has a tremendous positive impact on reducing the dropout rate of the patients. Hence, provision of bars, shoes and materials becomes a very crucial element of the program model.

  • Outreach Activities

    We implement our early identification and referral strategy in partnership with
    the government. Our outreach activities are targeted towards leveraging primary
    health care centers (PHCs) and community health centers (CHCs), district
    hospitals, Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK), Accredited Social Health
    Activist (ASHA) workers, Anganwadi workers, Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANM) and
    other government stakeholders.

    - 1,70,000+ ASHAs Sensitized
    - 7,000+ RBSK Sensitized

Impact Metrics

  • Number of Asha Workers Sensitized

    Program Name

    Outreach Activities

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 35991
    • 2022-23 60034
    • 2023-24 97000
  • Number of Rbsk Members Sensitized

    Program Name

    Outreach Activities

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 73
    • 2021-22 265
    • 2022-23 1484
    • 2023-24 4037
  • Master Trainers Developed

    Program Name

    Train the Trainer

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 8
    • 2020-21 0
    • 2021-22 0
    • 2022-23 16
    • 2023-24 8
  • Number of Medical Trainings Held

    Program Name

    Medical Training

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 4
    • 2019-20 26
    • 2020-21 13
    • 2021-22 15
    • 2022-23 26
    • 2023-24 8
  • Number of Districts Reached

    Program Name

    Clubfoot Clinics

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 26
    • 2019-20 56
    • 2020-21 84
    • 2021-22 107
    • 2022-23 124
    • 2023-24 141
  • Patient Enrollment

    Program Name

    Clubfoot Clinic

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 674
    • 2019-20 2300
    • 2020-21 3693
    • 2021-22 6061
    • 2022-23 9612
    • 2023-24 13999
  • Patient Visits

    Program Name

    Clubfoot Clinics

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 2375
    • 2019-20 15195
    • 2020-21 28733
    • 2021-22 61452
    • 2022-23 113213
    • 2023-24 183269

Milestones & Track Record

Anushkaa Foundation has facilitated 183,269 patient visits at associated clinics and healthcare centers, conducted 92 medical trainings, and developed 32 master trainers through their Train the Trainer program.

Leadership Team

  • Kunal Premnarayen


  • Nasser Munjee


  • Anil Sardana


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    A-401, Business Square, Solitaire Corporate Park, Chakala, Andheri (East), Mumbai, 400093

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type

    Section 8 (formerly Section 25)

Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.