Muktangan Education Trust

Empowers ordinary community members to drive extraordinary child-friendly education through innovative teacher training and a holistic "Total Schools Approach"

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Since


Muktangan is an innovative educational project which has demonstrated how ordinary women and men empowered with the right beliefs and skills, can driv Read moree extraordinary outcomes for children from their own aspiring communities. We adopt a “Total Schools Approach” by training local community members through a year-long pre-service teacher education program to provide holistic and inclusive education. Since its inception in 2003, Muktangan has evolved into a Hub and Spokes model of a Teacher Education Center (hub) and 7 English medium Municipal schools Pre-School to Grade 10 (spokes) with its unique design, all located in Mumbai’s G-South ward where we offer child-friendly education to over 3,900 children from under-served communities. To date we have provided livelihoods and vocational development to 800+ community members (mostly women) who have been trained in our pre-service teacher education center, 600 of whom are employed as teachers and teacher educators in our schools. Since all our students and teachers come from the same socioeconomic background, they share a deep bonding with each other. Collectively, the community model is recognized as the “Muktangan Educational and Resource Centre” (MERC). Muktangan is now actively engaged in teacher education and schooling and is widely recognized for sharing its learnings to government, academic institutions and researchers. Through outreach initiatives and partnerships with local and state government, NGOs, academic institutions both local and international, we have reached out to 72,000+ children and 5,000+ teachers and teacher educators across India. For more information log on to

Demographies Served

Vision & Mission


To create an inclusive and an empowered world that enables everyone to live in harmony with a right to freedom of expression, respect and with integrity


To encourage and support communities, through networking, to reflect and evolve sustainable, learner-friendly, holistic educational programs, drawing on the learnings of the ever-upgrading Muktangan model.

Donor History

Credit Suisse Securities (India) Private Limited
HT Parekh Foundation
Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited
Balkrishna Industries Limited
DSP Investment Managers Pvt Ltd
RBL Bank Ltd


  • Muktangan's Integrated School and Teacher Education Programme


    The need for systemic change, in both school and teacher education, has been universally recognized. Therefore, Muktangan’s Founder in 2003, drawing on her, then, 50 years of experience, at every level and in domain of education, in both urban and rural contexts, decided to create a model to demonstrate the feasibility of such a change. This led to the development, in partnership with the MCGM, of Muktangan’s integrated model of inclusive teacher and, school education. Muktangan has set up and runs teacher education, both pre-service and in –service, along with 7 municipal schools, teachers for which mainly ladies and a few men are developed from the local marginalized communities in the Worli, Prabhadevi and Parel areas of Mumbai. It is truly,” Education by the Community for the Community”. These schools, now led by teams of highly skilled community members, not only provide holistic, quality English medium education to 4,000 students (age 4 to 16 years), but have also become Muktangan’s’ Laboratories of Change.” Since they clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of a more child- friendly pedagogy, supported by inclusive leadership processes, they are crucial to its advocacy programme. These processes are constantly being further developed and researched both internally and by external researchers from, national and international universities.

  • Outreach Programme

    We aim at impacting not only the educationally underserved communities but the larger education system. Being a demonstration model, we believe in collaborating and liaisoning with the government and partner organizations in urban and rural areas, enabling them to contextualize their education philosophy into a holistic, inclusive and child-friendly practice. This is done through the Muktangan Education Resource Centre (MERC), a hub where all our teaching-learning approaches are researched. Once these approaches are successfully tried and tested, the learnings are incorporated into the teacher education programme. Our ultimate goal is advocating the best practices of our programme which can further be replicated and contextualized to facilitate more universally applicable learnings. We regularly participate in discussion panels, consultation forums and “think-tanks” as well as present papers at the local, state, national and international forums to advocate our learnings and processes. We have fostered effective relationships with local, State and National Government officials to further our goal.

  • Teacher Training Centre

    Our model focuses on developing members, mostly women from underserved educational communities into confident and skilled teachers and teacher educators. The fact that our teachers belong to the same socio-cultural background as students makes it easier to contextualize our education programmes to address the real needs of the community. This has enabled us to propagate holistic education by merging community experience with formal knowledge. Our programme has empowered and provided livelihood opportunities to many women who have bloomed into compassionate teachers and teacher educators.

Impact Metrics

  • Number of Students Impacted

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 3780
    • 2020-21 3600
    • 2021-22 3800
  • Teachers: Number of Capacity Building Sessions That Happened in the Academic Year

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 4000
    • 2020-21 2000
    • 2021-22 4400
  • %Age Attendance of the Teachers and Students

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 92
    • 2020-21 85
    • 2021-22 9000
  • Number of the Trainees Trained

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 45
    • 2020-21 22
    • 2021-22 37
  • Average Attendance %Age

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 9600
    • 2020-21 8500
    • 2021-22 9800
  • %Age of Trainees Who Joined as Teachers With Muktangan

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 7700
    • 2020-21 50
    • 2021-22 8700
  • Number of Beneficiaries From 2012-13 Onwards is Approximately 89,000 Students, Teachers and Teacher Educators

    Year-wise Metrics

Theory of Change

It is universally recognized that poor quality of teaching and education is leading to low learning outcomes and high dropout rates in municipal schools. There are many disconnects in education system especially between:

• Teacher education and school education ·
• Pre-service and in-service teacher education ·
• Theory and practice ·
• Educational research and classroom realities ·
• School and community ·
• Policy makers/Administrators and teachers ·
• Child and curriculum (as distinct from syllabus) ·
• Teacher educator and trainee ·
• Teacher and child

There needs to be congruence in the teaching / learning processes adopted in teacher education and schooling. A teacher who has been trained through theoretical lectures cannot be expected to adopt more child-centric approaches in her classroom teaching.

Meaningful learning for both student and teacher depends upon the strength of the relationship between the two. Such a strong relationship is the greatest contributor.

Milestones & Track Record

Our Impact

• 4000+ children in our 7 schools in Worli/Parel in Mumbai are developing themselves in all domains through active learning year on year to become independent thinkers with needed 21st century skills.
• 900+ community members have been skilled to become English medium teachers of whom we today employ 650 as teachers, school leaders, and classroom and subject teachers in librarianship, computers, art, music, PT and special educators.
• Over the years, our students have performed exceedingly well in the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Board examinations with 82% securing first class and above, as against 65% achieving the same in the Mumbai division.
• Our support has motivated 96% of our alumni comprising of 1500 students to pursue various professional courses like Chartered Accountancy, Engineering, Business Management, and Health Sciences and so on.
• Our outreach projects have impacted 75,000+ students and 5,000+ teachers and teacher educators

Leadership Team

  • Sunil Mehta

    Managing Trustee

  • Ms. Dymphena Dias

    Co-Chief Executive Officer

  • Mr. Keshav Satose

    Co-Chief Executive Officer

  • Ms. Farida Bhathena

    Trustee and Chief Finance

  • Ms. Jumana Rampurawala

    Chief Programme Officer

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    96% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

Muktangan’s Awards and Recognitions:

1. Muktangan's Founder Trustee Mrs.Elizabeth Mehta was awarded The Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) in 2015 in the Queen's Birthday Honor's List for her exemplary work in education through the years for setting up the Muktangan Schools Network in India.
2. We were felicitated in 2019 for 'Quality Teacher Development' by The Reliance Foundation and the Center for Teacher Accreditation (CENTA) at the launch of CENTA's 5th Annual Teaching Professionals Olympiad.
3. Awarded India's most committed NGO working in the space of Early Childhood Development. (ECA India 2014)
4. Platinum Seal award winner awarded by GuideStar India, 2021
5. Rated as one of India's Top 10 NGOs to work for by Great Places to Work (2015)

Catalyst 2030- Pathways to Transforming Education Report

In the month of January 2022, we received an opportunity to nominate Muktangan for the action report titled 'New Perspectives on Education: Collaborations at the heart of innovation'. The Education IBG at C2030 Global in collaboration with Sustainnovate & Helm of 8 Impact Ventures worked on a Research & Action report. The report aims at highlighting innovative solutions in education. Out of 97 organizations that were screened for this process, we were shortlisted along with 36 others. The process involved an interview with Mrs. Elizabeth Mehta and a focus group discussion on the theme socio-emotional development in which three of our alumni Ms. Anchal Soni, Ms. Aishwarya Dhayalkar and Mr.Varun Chinta participated. It gives me great pleasure to share with you ‘Pathways to Transforming Education Report, launched at the Solutions day of the #TransformingEducationSummit. Muktangan has been featured on page 32 of the report. The three alumni who participated have been given credits on page 79.

Report Link:

Also sharing the link of the report launch

Role of Non-State Actors in Teaching Profession and Teacher Education in South Asia

The Centre of Excellence in Teacher Education (CETE), Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), was commissioned by UNESCO to conduct a study on the theme of Non-State Actors (NSAs) and Teacher Education in the Global South. The study was conducted with 119 participants from India, Afghanistan and Nepal including heads of organizations, funding agencies, ground level functionaries and the beneficiaries of teacher education programmes. Our Co-CEO Ms.Dymphena Dias shared her reflections during the report launch and panel discussion on the ‘Role of Non-State Actors in the Teaching Profession and Teacher Education in South Asia'. Muktangan has also been featured as a case study titled ‘A Whole School Approach to Teacher Education: Bridging Pre-Service and In-Service Divides’ Pg.41 of the report.

To read the complete report kindly click here

Pathways to Educator Wellness Symposium

We partnered with the Singapore International Foundation in 2017 and embarked on a wonderful journey. Muktangan along with Singapore International Foundation, commemorated this partnership at the Symposium ‘Pathways to Educators’ Wellness’ designed to laud educators who have shown resilience through the pandemic. It was an opportunity to learn more about early childhood education as well as to thank all educators in India and the Singapore International Volunteers (SIVs) who have contributed unconditionally to enhance the effectiveness of early childhood programmes.

The event also made news in the media

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    E-3305 (Bom)

  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Paragon Condominium, I-11/12 Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai, 400013


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.

Government Partnerships

National Council of Educational Research and Training State Council of Educational Research and Training Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation