Gender Lab Foundation

The Gender Lab is a non profit that works towards empowering adolescents and youth by shifting gender narratives through critical thinking and meaningful engagement in their communities. It works in rural and urban geographies of India.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Mumabi, Maharashtra

  • Since


The Gender Lab is a non profit that works towards empowering adolescents and youth by shifting gender narratives through critical thinking and meaning Read moreful engagement in their communities. It was founded in 2015 but spun off as a seperate legal entity in 2021.


113 million adolescent girls are an invisible population in India .Socio-cultural practices and conditioning deny them their autonomy, a chance to discover their potential and live in a world that meets their needs based on their realities. Adolescent girls who belong to marginalized backgrounds face these inequalities in addition to challenges based on their caste, class, religion, sexuality, region and economic condition. Adolescent girl’s voices do not shape decision making of the leadership around them. Their voices are not accounted for at home, institutions, public spaces, in leadership positions. In the last 75 years of Independence, women’s representation in Lok Sabha has reached only 14.4%. This not only shows the bleak representation of women in politics but also that key decisions and policies are being made without the voices of those who are most oppressed A research by Aangan Trust states that 69% adolescent girls complained about loss of friendships, networks , access to opportunities to play and meet friends. The pandemic has further increased the inequalities faced by girls, economic stress in households has led to girls are more vulnerable to violence, child marriage and an increased burden of care work resulting in dropping out from school. The Gender Lab is changing this narrative by empowering adolescent girls in schools with 21st century skills to become changemakers in their community and break gender stereotypes they live in . We deliver this through a fellowship of young women from across India who have themselves battled gender bias growing up. They mentor these girls through 10 months and in turn build leadership and self awareness. Through this work, we also realized the need of engaging adolescent boys as allies. We create a safe space for them in schools to build awareness around gender, redefine masculinity and engage them in community action.


Our model is based on learning through experience, which enables adolescents to address issues in their own context and through their perspectives. This creates a sustainable and deeper impact as it allows the girls to experience a journey of breaking many stereotypes through the process of collectively addressing a challenge in the community. Additionally, they are able to step out of the classroom learning framework and engage with real -world issues with their peers, that helps build necessary 21st century skills. The Gender Lab Fellowship : The leadership program is delivered by a cohort of The Gender Lab fellows, a diverse group of women (20-25 years old) from rural Maharashtra, Mumbai & other states. Lived experiences of fellows strengthens the program content and enables girls to believe their dreams and aspirations could come true. Contextualising: - The program is run in multiple languages owing to the diversity of Mumbai. This helps the girls to learn& express in their preferred language, meet facilitators (our fellows) who could relate to their lived experiences, and have their unique challenges acknowledged .We believe that this intersectional lens allows us to stay grounded in the realities of our girls and adapt the program as needed.


The team at TGL has worked with 200+ schools - low & middle income private schools, government schools across Mumbai, Goa , Delhi & Jind (Haryana) through following verticals: - Empowering Adolescent Girls : So far the program has reached 45000 adolescent girls who have implemented 5000 community projects. - Empowering Women : The Gender Lab Fellowship and an alumni community of 54 alumni fellows over 7 cohorts. - Redefining Masculinities : this includes our work with adolescent boys through The Gender Lab Boys Program where 7000 boys have been engaged through 15 facilitators. How We Raise Our Boys program in 10 languages have been implemented across different parts of India where 500+ educators have gone through a content on gender and masculinities.


  • The Gender Lab Boys Program


    The Gender Lab Boys Program (TGLBP) engages school going adolescent boys to explore different aspects of masculinities with them and challenge gender stereotypes at the grass root level. Encouraging the boys to share, express, and care, while creating a trusted and safe space for the same, is a core principle of the engagement. The key objective of the program is to have conversations about the privileges that are associated with being a man through critical thinking and build awareness of the impact of patriarchy on the boys themselves.

  • How We Raise Our Boys

    How We Raise Our Boys : started as an annual engagement with stakeholders of the adolescents TGL works with through The Gender Lab Boys Program. This included their parents, the school staff - teachers, principals - and others from the community who hold an influence in the upbringing of the children. Now, HWROB is a multilingual program that is organized for educators and teachers working with children. The program has so far been organized in 10 languages including English with the intent to create gender inclusive classrooms. The program works towards:
    01. Building awareness and knowledge on masculinities and gender with educators.
    02. Curating regional conversations and building resources for educators to aid in building gender- inclusive classrooms.
    03. Building a community of educators across India who are curious to work on gender sensitivity to act as a support system for each other and as a
    knowledge-sharing community.

  • Avanti Young Women Leadership Program

    AYWLP is a program designed for 13-14 year old girls with a focus on leadership, self-awareness, and challenging gender stereotypes. The program is delivered over 20-25 hours in schools in Mumbai and Jind by TGL fellows. AYWLP is based on a service-learning model which combines classroom instruction with community action projects. This approach allows the girls to apply what they learn in real-world settings, enabling them to develop important skills that will be valuable throughout their lives.
    AYWLP is a collaborative effort between The Gender Lab & Avanshali Foundation. Avanshali Foundation was established in memory of Avanti Desai, daughter of Ashank & Padma Desai. This program is a testament to the power of partnerships and shared commitment towards making a positive impact on the lives of young girls. AYWLP alumni become Avanti Community Leaders upon completing the AYWLP journey. Small groups of alumni are engaged through events, opportunities and workshops so they can continue their learning and leadership journey.

  • The Gender Lab Fellowship

    The Gender Lab Fellowship is a 10-month program for those who identify as women, aged 20-25, who are passionate about working with adolescent girls. The fellowship is hosted in Mumbai and Jind (Haryana). It aims to develop leadership skills, self- awareness, and sisterhood through a multi-layered 'service learning' model. Women from all over India can apply for the Mumbai fellowship and work with urban girls, while the Jind fellowship is for local women to work with girls in rural villages and create a community of women leaders. The fellows work towards empowering adolescent girls to be more confident, socially aware, better communicators, while fostering sisterhood.

Leadership Team

  • Akshat Singhal

    Co-Founder and Director

  • Ayushi Banerji

    Co-Founder and Director

  • Vaishali Jethava

    Director and City Lead, Mumbai

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    CIN No. : U85300MH2021NPL371641

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    1st floor, Pitruchaya Bungalow, Damodar Mhatre Marg, Dahisar West, Mumabi, 400068

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type

    Section 8 (formerly Section 25)

Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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