Ottapalam Welfare Trust

Pioneers community-focused health programmes and bridging gaps in healthcare accessibility for vulnerable populations in Kerala

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


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  • Since


The Ottapalam Welfare Trust (OWT) is a people-focused charitable organisation that takes a proactive approach to health planning and programme managem Read moreent in Palakkad, Malappuram, and Thrissur districts in Kerala. Over the past two decades, OWT has demonstrated a strong commitment to enhancing public health by addressing underserved health areas in communities. It initiates and backs innovative health and development programmes at the grassroots level, involving both community members and healthcare professionals. OWT's primary objective is to remove barriers to quality healthcare for vulnerable and low-income populations, providing cost-effective preventive, promotive, and rehabilitative health services. Its current dedication is centred on bridging the gap between specialized healthcare services and remote communities, highlighting its ongoing commitment to public health improvement.


During the year 2022-23, we have given the following free services: a) Mental Health – Outpatient; Day Care; Home Care; Community awareness; Counselling; b) Psychiatry - O.P.Clinic; Medicines; Home Care & Day Care services; Livelyhood support; c) Eye hospital – Consultations; Surgeries; Pharmacy; Eye Screening Camps; d) Diagnostic lab. – Preventive tests for Cancer; Renal Health; e) Medical Camps - Eye Care; Cancer Screening; Renal Screening Camps in all Panchayaths and Municipality Ward f) Awareness Classes – Regular classes on Mental Health & Camps; Cancer Care to AASHA Workers; Anganwadi teachers; Students, Residential Associations,etc g) Counselling services; h) Women Empowerment Projects During the year 2022-23 total beneficiaries were 14965 - Programme costs : Rs. 2,17,25,533. 88


So far Ottapalam Welfare Trust has provided eye care to over 370,000 patients through its speciality hospital, conducted 950+ cancer awareness sessions in remote areas, and offered palliative care to more than 2,000 patients. During the last financial year (2022-23) alone we did 400 plus free Eye Surgeries for the BPL ( Below Poverty Line) persons; 116 free Eye Camps; 41 free Mental Health Outreach programmes; 72 free Renal Camps; 15 free Cancer Awareness & Cancer Detection Camps; 10 free Psychiatry OPs with free medicines; 20 Daycare & HomeCares; 13 sessions ( 44 persons) of free Counselling; 8 free Women Empowerment Projects. During the year 2022-23 total beneficiaries were 14965 with a Programme cost of Rs. 2,17,25,533. 88.


  • Outreach Programme

    OWT is committed to promoting early intervention and prevention in healthcare through its outreach programmes. Since 2004, these programmes have engaged healthcare professionals, district systems, and local communities, emphasizing the importance of seeking help early. OWT's carefully curated materials and well-equipped diagnostic lab support these initiatives. They have conducted over 1000 awareness classes, 150+ screening camps, and reached out to more than 35,000 individuals. Recognizing the limited understanding of healthcare issues in rural communities, OWT was among the pioneers in establishing a Palliative Care Unit in Palakkad district, providing comprehensive care for patients and their families. To date, their Palliative care team has served over 2000 patients who do not respond to curative treatment, offering essential support and comfort.

  • Mental Healthcare Programmes

    OWT is dedicated to raising awareness about mental illness and providing effective and compassionate treatment to economically disadvantaged communities. With one in five Indians experiencing depression in their lifetime, but only 10-12% seeking help, there is a pressing need for increased mental health awareness and accessible services. To combat the stigma associated with mental health and foster a supportive community, OWT has partnered with The Banyan and Mehac to establish a Psychiatry Clinic on its premises. This clinic not only offers treatment for individuals with mental illness but also actively works to challenge the prevailing stigma. The services provided include psychiatric care, home care, daycare, community awareness programmes, and volunteer education, all aimed at improving mental health support and eliminating stigma.

  • Early Awareness & Cancer Detection Programme

    OWT is committed to reducing the prevalence of cancer in the community through its Early Awareness and Detection programme. Recognizing the potential for cancer to remain undetected for years, OWT saw a significant gap in awareness about this silent killer in the surrounding communities. To address this issue, it initiated a programme that focuses on educating and raising awareness among community members about the importance of early cancer detection and timely intervention. OWT has established strong partnerships with the Regional Cancer Centre in Kanjikode, enabling it to access the technical and professional expertise required for awareness and screening camps. It has also collaborated with health professionals in Primary Health Centres and ASHA workers in each panchayat to ensure the programme reaches low-income families effectively. This proactive approach aims to empower communities with knowledge and tools to combat cancer.

  • Eye Care Programme

    The Ottapalam Welfare Trust (OWT) is dedicated to eliminating preventable blindness by providing modern and exceptional eye care services. It firmly believes that no one should suffer from blindness due to the lack of access to quality treatment or the inability to afford it. Recognizing that visual impairment can lead to economic challenges, it established the Ottapalam Eye Care Hospital (OEH) in collaboration with the Comtrust Eye Care Society in 2008. Today, OEH operates as a fully equipped Eye Speciality Hospital with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that underprivileged communities have access to high-quality eye care services. These services include comprehensive eye testing, cataract surgery, glaucoma services, diabetic retinopathy treatment, and various other ophthalmological services. Additionally, OWT conducts free eye camps, cataract screenings, and school screenings to reach those below the poverty line, demonstrating its commitment to community-focused eye care.

Leadership Team

  • M C Ramachandra Menon


  • Dr. Joe Philip

    Opthalmologist & Medical Director

  • M K Vijaysankar


  • Smt. Suma Ravi

    Managing Trustee

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    P.O. Thottakkara, Ottapalam , Kerala State, India, 679102


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type
