Social Action for Manpower Creation

Cares for and rehabilitates orphan and needy children, providing them with quality education and a better future

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Pune, Maharashtra

  • Since


SAMPARC was started in 1990 by Shri. Amitkumar Banerjee and Mrs. Lata Pande in a mud house with 7 children at footsteps of Bhaje caves. Shri. Amitkuma Read morer Banerjee has been working with children village project for care of orphan children and he realized that not only orphan children but also other children like children of commercial sex workers, street children, other victim children or neglected children also need care. Today, 650 orphan and needy children from, 9 SAMPARC centers in India at Maharashtra, Rajasthan, West Bengal and Gujarat are under the rehabilitation programme. SAMPARC aims to provide standard education to these children which will help them to use it like passport for their future growth and development. In 1998 SAMPARC children’s home (orphanage) Bhaje has received “National Child Welfare Award” by Government of India at the hands of the president of India Hon. Shri K.R. Narayanan

Vision & Mission

VISION: Inclusive development of under- served Communities in India with focus on Children
youth & women.

MISSION: Taking Care of orphan, tribal, disadvantaged Children, rural women, youth for healthy growth, education, skill development and empowerment through orphanages, schools, Skill Development, health service & awareness to create opportunities and

Donor History

• Eclerx Services Pvt. Ltd
• Balkrishna Industries Ltd
• Asset and Reconstruction Enterprises
• Corob India Pvt.Ltd


  • Child Development

    SAMPARC runs 6 Children’s Homes- in the State of Maharashtra SAMPARC is running 4 Children’s Home, 1 Children’s Home in West Bengal and 1 Children’s Home in Rajasthan. Orphan, needy and underprivileged children, Children of commercial sex-workers, and the Children of convicts receive admission with the order from District Child Welfare Committee of respective State Government. Through the program SAMPARC brings up these children, provides nutritious balanced diet, physical and mental healthcare & wellbeing, school education, Value education & Life Skills, inculcating Aptitude & Attitude towards Sports & extra-curricular activities in a homely environment through care and social protection. All the initiatives are conducted aiming to provide a dignified life to these children and help them establish themselves in the mainstream of the society. At present around 400 children are taken care of by SAMPARC through this program

  • Education Development

    Schools & Jr. Colleges SAMPARC runs SAMPARC Grameen Vidya Vikas Kendra (School & Jr. College) in Mulshi Block of Pune District to make education accessible to the rural and tribal underprivileged children from 46 villages in the radius of 40 Kms. The school is renowned as a Model School that has standard 5th till 12th that imparts quality school education to about 281 children. The school provides hostel facilities for children whose residences are remote and hence they cannot travel to school every day. The school also encourages children for sports and computer education in the school as a tool to develop confidence in the children. SAMPARC runs Abhinav & Lily English Medium School & Jr. College from Nursery to 12th std at Village Malavli, Maval block, Pune covering 14 surrounding villages. The school makes quality English medium education available to around 302 rural underprivileged children to strengthen them to compete with the Students of Urban Areas.

  • Rural &Tribal Development

    SAMPARC works for Rural & Tribal people to empower them with suitable livelihood earning opportunities in Mulshi, Velha, Maval & Bhor Blocks of Dist. Pune, Maharashtra. The target Beneficiaries are helped to get their documentation completed (like Aadhaar card, Ration card, Bank account, caste certificate, and voter ID) and linked to different Government schemes so that they can avail different government provided facilities. Tribal families are being supported under the livelihood program to grow their family income and reduce migration and they live a standard dignified life. Under the Tribal development program SAMPARC also supports 853 tribal children for education from 61 Govt. schools in Mulshi, Velha, Maval & Bhor Blocks. This program is conducted to prevent school dropout, stop child marriage, and to guide them to remain in the main stream of the society.

  • Skill Development

    SAMPARC intends to develop skills in rural youths and School Dropouts of Poor Rural Community by providing them Vocational & Industrial Training in different trades – viz. ITI Electrician, ITI Wireman, ITI Welder, ITI Fitter, VTC Wireman, VTC Two wheeler mechanic, VTC Fashion Designing, VTC Beauty-culture, VTC Cookery & Bakery, VTC Computer courses, etc. The aim is to make the beneficiaries Employable or earn from selfemployment to live a sustainable life. Under this program SAMPARC runs one Centre at Malavli, Maval Block, Dist. Pune, Maharashtra where more than 700 students pass out every year and another Centre at SAMPARC Page 3 Village Namapur, Badagaon, Dist. Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh where more than 150 students pass out every year.

Impact Metrics

  • Documentation

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 725
    • 2020-21 720
    • 2021-22 600
  • New Admission in Children's Home

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 30
    • 2020-21 26
    • 2021-22 42
  • Total No. of Beneficiaries

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 458
    • 2020-21 413
    • 2021-22 452
  • Total No. of Rehabilitation

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 17
    • 2020-21 19
    • 2021-22 12
  • New Admission

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 631
    • 2020-21 190
    • 2021-22 384
  • Total Strength

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 192
    • 2020-21 56
    • 2021-22 108
  • Passed Out

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 63
    • 2020-21 72
    • 2021-22 54
  • Education

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 623
    • 2020-21 772
    • 2021-22 796
  • Livelihood

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 100
    • 2020-21 80
    • 2021-22 80
  • New Admission in Children's Home

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 30
    • 2020-21 26
    • 2021-22 42
  • Total No. of Beneficiaries

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 458
    • 2020-21 413
    • 2021-22 452
  • Total No. of Rehabilitation

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 17
    • 2020-21 19
    • 2021-22 12

Theory of Change

SAMPARC aspires to ignite new hopes in the lives of orphan, poor &needy children and to preserve children’s happiness, innocence and goodness.
The focus is on imparting good education, serving healthy nutritious food, arranging for
sporting and recreational activities and ensuring social & cultural interactions and to provide these children an opportunity to lead a normal life so that they join the mainstream society as other children and become Responsible Citizen of Nation.

Milestones & Track Record

Child Development- Orphanages in 6 centres in Maharashtra, Rajasthan & West Bengal. Providing care, protection, education, overall well-being and rehabilitation to 460 orphan, destitute & needy children in SAMPARC Balgram in 3 states - Maharashtra, Rajasthan and West Bengal .

Complete Rehabilitation of Underprivileged Children, SAMPARC works for their Education, Overall Development and Growth in a Suitable Family Environment in Children’s Home Set-up providing them proper Accommodation, Food & Nutrition, Scope of Education with Special Support in Extracurricular Activities, Sports & Games along with Health Care and Counselling Support - resulting on their Confidence Building which subsequently enables them to sustain in Mainstream Society with Dignity.

367 boys and 88 girls are doing suitable job and are settled; 126 girls and 14 boys are married and leading happy family life; 115 children are enrolled in higher education.

Education Development-Schools & Colleges- imparting education to 600 tribal and underprivileged rural students from kindergarten to 12th standard under 3 SAMPARC schools from Mulshi and Maval taluka of Pune dist.

To promote Education as per the Fundamental Right of every child and to ensure Educational Development of the Poor Rural & Tribal Community Students by providing them Educational Support.

Every year more than 300 poor, rural tribal students receive education; more than 3000 students have completed their Schooling and passed SSC Board exam and have taken up higher education from SAMPARC Grameen Vidya Vikas Kendra, Bhambarde.

More than 1000 children from poor rural community have received opportunity to study in SAMPARC Abhinav English Medium School.

Since last 5 years 300 children from poor rural community are studying in SAMPARC Lily English Medium high school & Junior college.

Community Education-imparting Quality Education to 777 children from economically poor families under Community Education Program from Primary to 10th std in 3 States- Maharashtra, West Bengal & Uttar Pradesh.

Under Community Education Support Program SAMPARC provides education support to poor needy children from economic and financial poor backgrounds so that they continue education and attend school regularly.

Children poor financial families from rural backward slum area are supported under Community education support program. The impact is school dropout rate has reduced to a very large extent at the Target Geographic Areas.

Skill Development-providing Skill Development to 650 rural school drop outs per annum from economically poor families in 2 States- Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.

To ensure Skill Development of the School Drop-out Youth through Govt. Certified Vocational and Industrial Training Courses to enable them to be employed as Skilled Labour / Working Personnel or to start own Workshop / Business for sufficient Income Generation. The Institution is well-equipped as per Govt. Norms.

More than 6500 rural, poor school dropout youth are trained in different job-oriented trades recognized by Central & State Govt. and 90% of students are employed and rest are self-employed

Women Empowerment-To ensure Development of Rural Community People – especially Women by means of their Confidence Building, Knowledge & Information and Training of Govt. Schemes & Skill Development and Income Generation Activities; Micro-finance & Cooperative Credit Society. of rural women through various activities like income generation training program, livelihood support activities, women health awareness, SHG and micro finance, agriculture & animal husbandry support, awareness sessions for mother and child care, girl child education, against domestic violence, rights of women, female foeticide, legal guidance for women, career guidance for girl children seeking higher education.

More than 6000 rural women have been benefitted by different activities of SAMPARC.

SAMPARC Family Counselling Centre works to resolve Family Conflict Issues; to protect Women from Domestic Violence and to secure their Rights.

Rural & Tribal Development-to uplift the socio economic status of the rural and tribal families from Mulshi, Maval, Bhor and Velha Talukas of Pune district in Maharashtra, through providing education, livelihood support, and documentation work.

SAMPARC Tribal Development Project is working in 60 Villages providing Livelihood Support to Tribal Katkari Families and Education Support to Tribal Children. Along with Assistance to obtain Govt. Scheme & Facilities and even National Identity by means of Enrolment in Voter List, Voter Identity Card, AADHAAR Card etc.

SAMPARC Tribal Development Project is working in 75 Villages providing Livelihood Support to 762 Tribal Katakri Families and Education Support to 853 Children.

The support has reduced Migration of Tribal Families tremendously by 93% and since Parents are not migrating any more, Children are continuing school without any hindrance. Tribal Beneficiaries have Ration Card, Tribal Family Members have AADHAAR Card, Beneficiaries have Jan Dhan Bank Account, Voter Id, and Tribal Beneficiaries now have Caste Certificate.

Community Health-to reach remote Rural poor Beneficiaries of Maval, Taluka, Pune district in Maharashtra, to provide medical facilities through OPD, IPD, Dental, Vision Care, Paediatric, Dermatology, Medical Mobile Van, Health Awareness & Medical Camps to serve 18000 individual medical needs.

To ensure Good Health & Hygiene and to promote Good Health Practice among Poor Rural Community in Rural Areas of Maval Block in Pune District, SAMPARC Medical Centre is working with OPD, IPD, Dental, Eye, Skin Care Facilities and several Health Camps for targeted Health Issues of Women and Children. Mobile Medical Clinic visit Interior Villages to provide Treatment to the Poor Community People who are unable to reach to the Health Centers or Ignorant to the Health Problems until & unless the Problem becomes severe.

Every year more than 18,000 poor rural people from interior villages of Maval Taluka, Pune received health support through SAMPARC Medical Centre.

Donor Testimonial

On behalf of Insieme onlus and of all the Italian friends of Samparc, I am glad to testify that our organization has been in touch with Samparc for the last thirty two years and many of us have regularly visited the projects and have taken part in many of the activities. During all this time Insieme Onlus has contributed for the education of many needy children through remote support, has encouraged rural development programs in the tribal areas, has supported vocational training school programs, and community children projects for school support in particularly needy rural communities. Mr. Amitkumar Banerjee, founder of the Organization, has always provided proper feedback to us donors; for us Mr Banerjee is a person of visions, dedicated to the cause of supporting the poor and destitute part of the society. May God help SAMPARC to continue making orphan children happy and drop outs of the society feel supported in their basic needs.
Thank You.
Lucilla Monti

Leadership Team

  • Anuj Singh

    Chief Operating Officer-COO

  • Mr.Amitkumar Banerjee

    Founder Director/Secretary

  • Vindhya Bapat

    Deputy Director

  • Mrs. Vaishali A. Raut


  • Subhankar Saha

    Program Manager

  • Savita Thakur

    Chief Accountant

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    50% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

National Award for Child Welfare from Government of India -1997

Ahilyabai Holkar Award from Women & Child Development Department Govt. of Maharashtra- 2015.

MAVAL KSHITIZ SAMMAN AWARD from Panchayet Samiti Maval, Pune 2017

ADARSH SAIKSHANIK PURASKAR from Shri Navasacha MahaGanapati Trust, Bhambarde 2017

Shri Bhairavnath Purashkar – Mulshi Dharan Bhag, Pune - Sarpanch Sevasangha, Maharashtra Rajya 2018

Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Nation Power Award 2018

Knowledge Leadership Award from IIM Sirmaur- Leadership Summit 2018

Samaj Bhushan Ratna from Human Social Development Association – Cooperated by National Human Rights 2019

Fr. Michael Van den Bogaert Award of Excellence, XISS Ranchi 2021

Life Time Achievement Award from Maval Varta Foundation 2022

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Varad apartment, 292, Yashwantnagar Talegaon Dabhade, Pune, 410507


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.