Bhagini Nivedita Pratishthan Pune

Empowers lives through holistic societal initiatives, impacting individuals with a committed team of volunteers and staff

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Pune, Maharashtra

  • Since


Bhagini Nivedita Pratishthan, Pune established in 1979, has passed the test of time. It is a well recognized organization of National and Internationa Read morel repute. More than 30000 lives have been impacted by the relentless work in various fields. We work with a holistic approach to the Societal problem. Our initiatives, remarkable set of volunteers, facilitators and staff share the same motto and transparency in all programs.

Demographies Served

Vision & Mission

Vision : Bhagini Nivedita Pratishthan Pune is a recognized leader in community for promoting a common woman to flourish and flower in her own way and equip every child for bright future.
Mission : The upliftment of women and children with a special emphasis on socially and economically weaker section of the society

Donor History

EPAM Systems India Pvt. Ltd
Rama Purushottam Foundation
Neuflex Talent Solutions P.L.
Persistent Foundation
Shri Lakshmikant Rathi Charitable Trust


  • Self Study Center (Non Formal Education)

    Project ‘Abhyasika’ is an initiative for honing scholastic aptitude and enhancing education of underprivileged students through primary and middle school years with the help of complimentary learning techniques. In our society priority of higher education is given to boys (as education upto 12th std. is free for girls) especially in economically weaker section. So girls can not take higher education due to lack of funds. BNP has decided to enhance the opportunity of deserving girls by giving financial aid through scholarship.

  • Scholarship for Higher Education

    In our society priority of higher education is given to boys (as education upto 12th std. is free for girls) especially in economically weaker section. So girls can not take higher education due to lack of funds. BNP has decided to enhance the opportunity of deserving girls by giving financial aid through scholarship.

Impact Metrics

  • Increased Confidence and Self Learning Ability of the Students

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 716
    • 2020-21 147
    • 2021-22 104
  • Financial Help for Higher Education to Needy Girl Students on Basis of Their Merit

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 70
    • 2020-21 55
    • 2021-22 61

Milestones & Track Record

1) Creche facility for children of construction labourer and working women started 1979
2) Introduced Computer education, a totally technologies for rural housewives and sr. citizens in 192-93
3) Skill development – started home nursing course for economically backward to earn their livelihood. It helped for needy patients to get home service. It served the need of society.
Different skill development programs such as making herbal products, jeweler making, computerized machine embroidery, assembly of solar lamps, different crafts were arranged for housewives.
4) Science awareness programs : we give hands on experience to school students from 2003.
Recently we have established science and Maths lab in BNP Dighi premises. Maths and Science are hard subjects for students. In these labs we give free hand to students to make the subject interesting to them.
5) Program for Adolescents – in the sensitive and stormy period of boys and girls we help them to cope up with situation by counseling, special activities and discussions
6) Homeopathy dispensary : Medical treatment is always expensive so we started free homeopathy dispensary for needy and poor people of the society
7) Self study center : study support to the students after school, having no educational family background.
8) Speech therapy : training center for hearing impaired people. Training given for perfect articulation of the words and pronunciation in 1:1 ratio
9) Scholarship – we support economically backward girl students who are willing to study but cannot afford higher education
10) Karate : considering the necessity of self defense in today’s in-secured environment regular training is given

Donor Testimonial

Dear BNP Committee
Thanks for your annual report (2022) as well as the latest invitation of felicitations of selected social workers /organisations ceremony in January this year.
BNP -Pune has been an exemplary organisation in identifying the needs of women and children from less fortunate background and providing sustainable solutions .
Over the years, BNP has championed various social causes connected with women empowerment and development of children in areas of health, education and skill development. We have witnessed this during our visits to various BNP projects over last 30 years. The study rooms for rural children, IT education of rural girls, nursing for elderly patients, health check and guidance for adolescent girls, scaling up of small ideas towards creating self employment of women or awareness work-shops on various societal needs are some of the projects we visited .
We are impressed with BNP’s strategic directional changes that have kept pace with the changing needs of society. Many of the initial volunteers of your organisation are the true role models for younger generation who equally aspire to make a positive change to the society.
Beyond their own self-less service to society BNP equally has felicitated and encouraged other individuals/organisations who have been the catalysts of change in the society.
We wish you gain more support of able volunteers and donors in future.
With best wishes
Anand and Anjani SHINTRE
26, Stoneham Park, Tilehurst, Reading -United Kingdome

Hello BNP Team -
I am happy to be able to contribute to BNP initiatives for all the work they do and the lives they help change. The institute's regular communication via annual reports, donation receipts, awards and recognitions bring a layer of transparency that highlights passion and dedication of the team behind the initiative.
The institute's positive response during COVID times and focus on new-age skill building are strong indicators for thriving to make a change. The spectrum of donors, volunteers and media coverage all add to the invaluable role of the charitable sector in our lives.


To whom so ever it may concern
I am a regular donor of
since 1985
I receive the receipts of donations, programs intimations, annual reports timely and regularly
Sanjay Deuskar

Leadership Team

  • Bharati Khurjekar


  • Gumpha Amrite

    Vice President

  • Vandana Kelkar


  • Pranoti Garge

    Joint Secretary

  • Madhuvanti Kelkar


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    100% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

Notable Achievements

1) Prestigious Kesari Maratha Trust Award
2) Prestigious Best Social Organization Award jointly from Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan, Mumbai, Maazi Maitrin Charitable Trust and University Women Association.
3) Best Franchise Award from Maharashtra Information Technology, Pune.
4) Felicitated by Pune Mahila Mandal at their 81st Anniversary celebrations.
5) Late Jayantrao Tilak Puraskar
6) Felicitation by Cipla Palliative Care & Training Center for silent yet strong contribution to the betterment of the society.
7) The organization was honoured by prestigious ‘JEWEL OF INDIA AWARD’ and ‘CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE’ for its outstanding achievement in the field of woman and child welfare in Aug.2015
8) Certificate of Outstanding Achievement and ‘Life Time Achievement Award by International Inst. Of Education & Management
9) Received Padma Bhooshan Asima Chatterjee Centenary Memorial National Honour Award 2017 organized by Science and Mathematics Development Organization Deoghar, Jharkhand, India

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • 12A


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    7, Bhoopati Complex, 985, Sadashiv Peth, Pune, 411030


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.