Samaj Pragati Sahayog

Transforms rural communities through driving water and livelihood security initiatives, impacting families across backward districts through activities like watershed development, sustainable agriculture, and community empowerment

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  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


Samaj Pragati Sahayog (SPS) is a grassroots initiative dedicated to water and livelihood security. With a presence in 72 backward districts of India, Read morespanning a million acres of land, SPS focuses on various activities including watershed development, sustainable agriculture, commodity aggregation, livestock, health and nutrition, public education, research, and community media. Its efforts have impacted 41,000 families, leveraging a total loan amount of 467 Crore. SPS operates as a learning organisation, constantly evaluating its processes and performance, aiming for continuous improvement. It prioritizes collaboration, consensus-building, and principles over rigid rules, fostering flexibility and creativity to effectively address challenges. Decision-making processes are dynamic and reconstructed based on evolving needs and context, promoting a healthy balance between individual contributions and collective success. SPS's organisational structure emphasizes the importance of open dialogue and learning from diverse perspectives. Professionals from various backgrounds, whether metro-educated, local-educated, or village-based, contribute unique insights and benefit from each other's knowledge, disregarding hierarchical positions. Maintaining a healthy level of tension and emphasizing principles rather than rigid rules enables the organisation to adapt and thrive in dynamic situations. The Core Team facilitates regular interactions among different teams, ensuring accountability and preventing misuse of flexibility. The organisation's fluid structure necessitates ongoing reconstruction of decision-making processes, moving away from a static organogram in favour of contextual decision-making.


Samaj Pragati Sahayog has made an impact, reaching 41,000 families, leveraging a total loan amount of 467 Crore, and working on 1 million acres of land across 72 backward districts in India.


  • Self - Help Groups Programme

    The Self-Help Groups (SHG) programme, a cornerstone of SPS's work, focuses on empowering deprived women. Through the formation of SHGs in villages and towns, SPS provides formal and timely sources of credit, breaking the cycle of intergenerational debt bondage. Savings programmes enable the poor to escape the clutches of moneylenders. The SHG federations, comprising nested institutions of SHGs, Cluster Development Associations, and Federations, serve as community voices, partnering with the Government and other organisations for effective empowerment. Tied to livelihood initiatives, the SHG programme offers various financial products, including savings, deposits, loans, and insurance, enabling women to reinvest in income-generating activities, family well-being, and education. With a focus on financial and procedural discipline, transparency, and external audits, the programme ensures responsibility an efficiency, while community contributions cover a good portion of its expenses.

  • Watershed Management Programme

    SPS's watershed management programme addresses low and erratic rainfall by constructing water harvesting structures, increasing crop yields by 10-20% (Kharif) and 60-70% (Rabi). The value of agricultural production has doubled, distress migration reduced, and employment opportunities created. Emphasizing equity and sustainability, SPS promotes inclusive water sharing and collective management, overcoming resistance through non-violent strategies.

  • Livestock Programme

    SPS's Livestock Programme supports small and marginal farmers in dairy farming, poultry rearing, and goat rearing. Efforts include improving animal health, ensuring access to water and fodder, facilitating credit availability, and establishing fair milk collection systems. The programme has expanded to focus on small ruminants and poultry, providing institutional credit, veterinary care, and training for effective management. Animal healthcare programmes run through federations, leveraging Government resources for vaccination, medicines, health camps, and fodder support.

  • Health & Nutrition Programme

    In the impoverished tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh, SPS addresses the urgent need for health and nutrition reforms. Its Nutrition and Education programme works to improve food-related entitlement schemes, generate awareness, increase local participation, and advocate for Government reforms. Through its work in the Mid-Day Meal Scheme and Integrated Child Development Services, SPS has improved the quantity and quality of meals in schools and enhanced the functioning of Anganwadis. It conducts growth monitoring exercises, identifies malnourished children, and provides support through Nutrition Rehabilitation Centers. SPS also focuses on improving the functioning of the Public Distribution System, ensuring that eligible households can access their entitlements. Additionally, it assists in facilitating Government pension schemes, benefitting over 200 individuals.

  • Sustainable Agriculture Programme

    SPS implements sustainable agricultural practices tailored to the watershed's resources, with field trials of improved crop varieties and the promotion of No-Pesticide Management (NPM) farming. Over 7,600 farmers practice NPM agriculture, while trained Community Resource Persons (CRPs) bridge the gap in agriculture extension. The programme utilizes community videos and MIS software for knowledge dissemination, data capture, and impact assessment, ensuring effective advisory support and promoting chemical-free farming for enhanced soil fertility.

  • Commodity Aggregation Programme

    Smallholder farmers in India, comprising over 85% of the farming population, face challenges in fragmented markets and debt cycles. SPS recognizes the need for collective action and market intervention to support smallholder farming. It has established an independent Farmer Producer Organization (FPO), RRPPCL, which aggregates commodities from smallholder farmers associated with SHGs. The FPO connects with corporate buyers and Government schemes, ensuring fair market prices and weakening the power of traders. In 2015, RRPPCL became the first FPO to enter the online marketplace, conducting transactions in the future market to protect farmers from price volatility. Plans are underway to establish a produce processing centre, enabling value addition and advancing farmers along the value chain.

Impact Metrics

  • No. of Gabions Constructed

    Program Name

    Watershed Management Programme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 2
    • 2020-21 21
    • 2021-22 9
  • No. of Participating Farmers

    Program Name

    Sustainable Agriculture Programme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 6151
    • 2020-21 7718
    • 2021-22 8452

Leadership Team

  • Nivedita Banerji


  • P.S. Vijay Shankar

    Founder Member & Director - Research

  • Nikhil Jaiswal

    Senior Programme Officer

  • Rajendra Birla

    Programme Officer


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    I-24, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi, 110065


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

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