Development Focus

Empowers underprivileged children and youth through quality education, life skills training, and community engagement initiatives

  • Silver Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Silver Certified Silver Certified


  • Headquarters

    Bangalore, Karnataka

  • Since


Development Focus is a registered, non profit organization working towards empowering underprivileged children, youth and their communities to achieve Read more quality of life through relevant quality education and skills training. We see education from a broader perspective as preparation for life or lifelong learning, rather than just passing grades. Hence to make education relevant, life skills are promoted for children between the ages of 6 to 14 years, at Primary schools, and livelihood skills for youth in the age group of 15 to 20 years. All our initiatives are grounded on empowering the poor communities. In the last 10 years, we implemented a Basic Education programme in 20 of the very poor districts of Orissa, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh among the most marginalized communities – tribal’s and dalit’s. Our programme includes: promoting enrolment and retention of children in primary schools, improving the quality of education, community participation in education, vocational skills/entrepreneurship, sexual/reproductive health education, promoting clean energy etc. More than 200,000 children in the 6 to 14 age group have benefited, 18,000 youth have acquired livelihood skills, 30,000 adolescents in youth groups have been sensitized on their sexual and reproductive rights and in a pilot project 400 girls and boys are producing clean energy devices to make a living and reduce carbon footprint. Thousands of women's groups, children's groups and youth groups have been formed.

Demographies Served

Vision & Mission

Vision: A just and humane society that ensures equal opportunities for quality of life to every citizen of India through relevant and quality education to the most marginalized.
Mission: To create relevant opportunities for the most marginalized sections of society, by engaging with and building the capacity of civil society actors, such that it leads to Educated, Egalitarian and Empowered communities.

Donor History

Edukans Foundation, the Netherlands
CSR of Vitae International Accounting Services Pvt. Ltd.
Amazon Employee Grants Programme - through Give


  • Empowering Tribal Communities to Stop Trafficking of Youth From Villages in Jharkhand, India

    The project was implemented in 20 tribal villages where unsafe migration and trafficking of children and youth were rife.1066 children in the 9 to 14 age group are part of 44 children’s clubs. They now attend school regularly and receive holistic education in the clubs. They learn about their rights to include age appropriate sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR), entrepreneurship, through an innovative Earn While You Learn. They are linked with child protection agencies. 980 vulnerable youth in the 15 to 22 age group are part of 40 youth clubs. They share and learn from each other in the clubs and are provided with holistic education. They have been provided livelihood skills and have started earning a regular income by adding value to locally available resources as well as servicing the needs of the community. Each village has a Community Watch Group made up of 9 members from the village. The set up is self-sustainable and continues after the project cycle is over. Incidences of unsafe migration, trafficking and child marriages have been drastically reduced.

  • Digital Services to Excluded Rural Communities Provided by Their Own Youth

    “Digital India” is now in overdrive, with the rise of online services replacing many manual processes. Digital platforms are increasingly used for obtaining legal documents, and other vital records, like caste certificates, land records etc. Online money transactions are also becoming popular for people who cannot easily access a bank or an ATM. The use of the internet for social media and entertainment is fast replacing the need for a television or radio. Online education at various levels is being used extensively. On the flip side, rural areas in India still lack access to clean water and sanitation facilities. Internet connectivity does not exist, but people manage to receive some news and information on their phones. Several communities in remote rural areas have no access or knowledge about digital services, mobile commerce and government schemes which are all available online via the internet. Without awareness and access, they are greatly handicapped and left behind. They are further excluded from mainstream development. This project is to bridge this digital divide and take these online services to remote rural areas. Youth from disadvantaged communities are trained to use computers and technology to provide online services to their communities. The project also provides sustainable livelihood to unemployed rural youth. The project covered 16 villages in Karnataka and 24 villages in Mizoram reaching out to nearly 43,750 households. These households in remote, rural areas now have access to online services and 40 educated youth from disadvantaged backgrounds are earning a decent living in their own villages by serving their community.

  • Prevention of Child Marriages Through Awareness on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

    A programme to prevent child marriages was implemented in Jharkhand and Odisha. These two states have a very high incidence of child marriage in the country. The Goal was to reduce child marriages by 50% and strengthen Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights among adolescents and youth. As in all our projects, the community and community organisations were involved right from the beginning. The broad objectives of the program was: better knowledge on SRHR, improved access to SRHR services, enhancing access to formal education, ensuring retention amongst adolescent girls in schools, sensitizing the communities towards behavioral change, influencing government policies, institutional mechanisms and services on Child Marriage and SRHR. 6 Yuva Mitras were selected from each of the 400 villages where the project was implemented. They were motivated to volunteer and be ‘Change Agents’ in the villages. The Yuva Mitras were systematically trained on SRHR issues, the importance of education and laws governing child marriage. They in turn mobilized 800 youth groups across 400 villages that met regularly and facilitated them. These issues were discussed in the youth groups. Youth were sensitized and set goals for themselves. More than 22,000 youth have been sensitized. Children in 200 government schools were also sensitized. Awareness of the communities in these villages has been raised so that they will support the youth in their decisions. By the end of the project cycle, several child marriages have been stopped. The fact that the youth are together as a group emboldens them to resist harmful traditional practices. The Yuva Mitras still supports the youth even after the project cycle is over. The authorities have been sensitized and are willing to step in and stop illegal practices that threaten the rights of a child.

Impact Metrics

  • 1200 Children Up to the Age of 14 Are in School and Receive Holistic Education of Reasonable Quality: as of October 2022, 97% or 1170 Children Attend School and Received Holistic Education of Reasonable Quality. After the Schools Were Reopened, Post Covid Closure, Many Children Are Finding It Difficult in Coping Up With Their Studies. the Children's Clubs is a Place Where They Find Help.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • 40 Youth From Excluded Communities Are Operating Online Business in Their Communities and Earning a Good Income. the Average Net Profit Per Month is Rs.6,200 and the Highest Income is Over Rs.80,000 Per Month.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Community Members Are Using the Online Services: Nearly 43,000 Households Are Using the Services of the Entrepreneurs on a Regular Basis. Online Money Transfer is the Most Accessed.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • The Rural Economy is Going Up. Before the Project Was Initiated, Community Members Had to Travel to Raichur City or Aizawl and Pay Business People There. Now, This Economy is Circulating in the Villages.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Change Agents or Yuva Mitras Identified and Trained: 2,380 Change Agents Were Systematically Trained Over 6 Training Modules and Are in Turn Sensitizing the Beneficiaries.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • 800 Youth Groups Mobilized and Sensitized About Child Marriages: Youth Groups Formed, Meet Regularly and Discuss Issues Related to Their Rights.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Linkages Made With Duty Bearers and Child Marriages Stopped: Linkages With Child Protection Committees and the Police Established. Several Child Marriages Have Been Prevented and Stopped.

    Year-wise Metrics

Theory of Change

To facilitate the communities that we serve to realize and unleash the potential within them, however poor or excluded they may be.

Leadership Team

  • Thomas Paul

    Managing Trustee

  • A. Masillamani

    Team Leader

  • Diptty Joseph

    Programme Coordinator

  • Betrayan Thimarayan

    Programme Coordinator

  • Sanjana K.S.

    Finance and Admin officer

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    BNG(U)INR IV/667 2005-2006

  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    917, 9th B Main 3rd C Cross, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore, 560043


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.