Udhavum Ullangal Public Charitable Trust

empowers underprivileged kids with education, supports women's skill development, fights cancer and aids calamities

  • Silver Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Silver Certified Silver Certified


  • Headquarters

    Chennai, Tamil Nadu

  • Since


Udhavum Ullangal (UU) was founded in 2000 with an aim to Serve the People in distress at the right time in a right manner. Education : UU stron Read moregly believes that Educating Under privileged Children is the right way to empower them and it will lead to a bright future for them. Also, that there are many children who are in need of financial support and not getting the same. It is important to identify them and extend the support. With this in mind, UU has supported about 19,942 children through out Tamilnadu with an amount of Rs.3.95 crores and it has been given in the form of scholarship and educational aids. UU wants to ensure that the money is used in the best possible way and hence, uses a process to validate the application properly. Its task does not stop after giving the money. UU monitors the students , both at the school and collegiate level, and supports them to successful completion of their studies. There exists a Mentoring process, which enables the Mentor meeting the assigned students periodically , understanding the progress and problem and counseling them appropriately.. Besides this, UU also conducts soft skill programs, interview facing techniques, sharing of experience from the Industry seniors etc.. Sincere effort is made to prepare the students to be successful .... UU also assists many children from the Child Labor Rehabilitation Program in Virudhunagar district, in terms of education, mentoring and rehabilitation. Here are some beneficiaries, whose lives were changed with assistance from Udhavum Ullangal .... Mayakannan was identified from the Child Labour Rehabilitation program and UU supported him for his Engineering studies, which he completed it successfully. UU's mentor counseled him to take up Government exams and he was selected by the Railways. Now he is a Loco Pilot, standing on his own and also a mentor and supporter of UU's programs. Mahalaksmi is the daughter of parents working in a match factory. Udhavum ullangal supported her Engineering Education. During mentoring sessions she expressed her desire to become a Collector. Udhavum Ullangal facilitated it. Subsequently, she successfully completed Group 1 examinations and she has now become a Deputy collector in Tirunelveli district. Skill Development and Women Empowerment : In the Indian Context, another suffering group is that of Women below poverty line, most of whom are not skilled and who find it challenging to make both ends meet. In order to uplift them, the only way is to provide them with skills so that they stand on their own and support their families as well. With the help of a Corporate Sponsor, Udhavum Ullangal has established 4 skill development centres in Chennai, where UU provides training to poor and needy Women. So far we have trained 3400 women in Tailoring , Beautician course and Basic commercial computing skill such as Tally. At any instant, there are about 200 getting trained in these courses. The result of this program is such that , nearly 60 percent of these women get placed by the time they complete their courses or in a position to earn on their own. Health - Fight against Cancer : It has been observed that about 70 percent of those affected by Cancer seek Medical help only when they are in advanced stages (3rd or 4th stage) of Cancer, which makes the treatment more difficult and expensive. Because of poverty, illiteracy and absence of medical facilities, the Cancer afflicted people understand their illness late and seek medical help also late. This situation is prevalent in most of the Developing nations. In this scenario, Dr.Shantha , Chair person of Cancer Institute , Adayar, inspired and encouraged Udhavum Ullangal to engage itself in Creating Awareness and Screening the people in rural areas, Diagnose for Cancer early and help those identified with it, to get treated early so that precious lives of the poor could be saved. Udhavum Ullangal established Nellai Cancer Care Centre (NCCC) in 2012 at Tirunelveli and commenced its program to fight against Cancer. The team comprises of Doctors, Nurses, Assistants and a Program Coordinator with support infra structure such as Mobile van, Cyto pathology laboratory and Patient consulting facilities etc. So far Udhavum Ullangal has conducted nearly 1500 camps and created awareness in nearly 1,42,000 people and screened 37,000 people. It has supported 103 Cancer patients, many of whom are cured and are surviving. An important point here is that UU maintains a High-risk registry of nearly 1500 people, whom it monitors closely and follows up with them. In addition, Palliative care to poor patients is being extended with Udhavum Ullangal nurses visiting them at their place of stay and providing required care and treatment. Cancer Hospital : Plans are afoot to establish a Specialty Hospital treating patients suffering from Cancer and other such diseases as there is a huge need for such a facility. Ten or Five ?? acres of land has been acquired at Chengulam, Tirunelveli. Initial plans are being prepared now. Support during Natural Calamities : India has been suffering from regular frequencies of natural calamities such as hurricanes, floods, Earthquakes, and pandemics. Udhavum Ullangal has been extending a helping hand and providing support to those affected. Approvals, Recognition, and Certification : Udhavum Ullangal is a Certified NGO by Charity Aid Foundation, Give India, and Benevity. Also, We have been provided with a Gold star for transparency from Gainstar.

Demographies Served

Vision & Mission

VISION - To create awareness and build a socially conscious selfless society helping people in distress,poverty and during crisis. MISSION - To provide educational and medical assistance, organize health awareness programs, celebrate festivals and special days with orphans, destitute and differently able children, render timely help and relief during disaster and crisis and mobilize like minded people to build a socially conscious selfless society.

Donor History



  • Gift of Education

    Udhavum Ullangal's main focus of activity is Education, and we believe that educating underprivileged children is the surest way to help them write new future for themselves. A way to learn initiative helps in transforming children's life and we have a range of initiatives to aid this transformation. This GIFT OF EDUCATION, we fondly mention is being carried out for the past twenty years benefiting 1000 students every year throughout Tamil Nadu.

  • Early Detection of Cancer and Prevention

    India suffers from a raising incidence of cancer and 70% of the affected report at the treatment Centre only when the disease is at its 3rd and 4 th stage, wherein the treatment and saving of lives become very challenging. This can be effectively controlled by creating awareness, early detection, and providing treatment so that precious lives could be saved. India is possibly looking at over 17 lakh new cases of cancer and over 8 lakh deaths related to the disease by the year 2025. Tamil Nadu state has the 5 th highest incidence of cancer deaths in India. Our focus is Tirunelveli, Tenkasi and Tuticorin. The healthcare infrastructure in this region is inadequate to support the population. There is only 1 hospital bed per 1000 people, 1 doctor and 2 nurses for 10000 people. The entire healthcare infrastructure hinges around the government medical college and a few private hospitals. Conduct Preventive Oncology Programme, for breast, oral and cervical cancer, in Tirunelveli, Tenkasi and Tuticorin. Project components: 1. Cancer Awareness 2. Digital risk assessment 3. Digital screening Of the various types of cancers, the approach of “Prevention, early screening and detection” is more success prone in case of oral, breast and cervical cancers

Impact Metrics

  • Udhavum Ullangal Public Charitable Trust Continues to Support These Children for Educational and Other Essential Support Till Completion of Their Higher Studies and Provide Technical and Soft Skill Training to Enable Them to Compete With Others to Either Secure Jobs or Become Entrepreneurs.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Access to Education Has Always Remained a Dream for Underprivileged Children Falling Under the Category of Disabled, Disadvantaged, Single Parent, Deserted Women and Visually Impaired Parents. the Parents Are Not Able to Educate Their Children Because of Low Income and Poverty.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • To Avoid School Dropout Due to Poor Financial Conditions, Udhavum Ullangal Public Charitable Trust Will Support the Students of Schools Identified in Chennai, Kancheepuram, Chingleput, Tiruvannamalai and Virudhunagar Districts With Tuition Fees, Uniforms and Note Books.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Key Activities Under the Project is Cancer Awareness, Screening, Risk Assessment, Primary Prevention, Detection, Diagnosis.

    Year-wise Metrics

Theory of Change

The Organisation's Theory of Change is to construct a 100 bedded Cancer Hospital in Tirunelveli South Tamilnadu.

Leadership Team

  • B Sankar Mahadevan


  • Santhanam R


  • S v G Subramanian


  • J Premalatha


  • M Ramesh Kumar


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    No: 77 1st main road CIT Nagar, Nandanam, Chennai, 600035


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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