Shifting Orbits Foundation

We operate chains of After School Learning Centers in under-served communities with the mission of increasing the number of educated members in each of the communities we touch

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Bangalore, Karnataka

  • Since


We are a for-purpose organization focused on embracing the economically challenged families and providing them a sustained support for their children Read more's educational journey. Our short term theory of change is that by being with the family for a longer duration we can help them sustain and complete their child’s education. Our long term theory of change is that if we increase the number of educated members of each community we work with, soon enough they will start leading this movement of education for their own communities eventually ending the cycles of poverty. Executed through our 3 hour a day/6 days a week/300 days a year After-School-Intervention, we are on a mission to ensure that every child who joins us gets a fair chance to complete their entire educational journey!


At the very root level, we are trying to address the issue of inter-generational poverty caused by the inability of low income families in sustaining their children's educational journey! We believe there are several constraints that they regularly encounter which needs to be addressed and supported at a much deeper level on case by case basis. As per 2014 data. the drop out rates are at almost 17.8% at secondary level and goes even higher as they proceed towards under graduation courses. At a different level we are trying to fill the gap of Parents Non-availability or Inability to guide their childens education by outsourcing that task from them. We want their children to have the same luxury and a levelled playing ground as their counterparts who come from affluent and well educated families!


We strongly believe that there are several inflection points between the age of 12 and 18 for children from underserved communities which impacts their ability to continue on their educational path. That's where the drift happens. Right interventions at these critical milestones can help sustain their path in the direction of education thereby helping them break away from the vicious cycle of poverty. We start with our induction phase where we scout for locations where we will setup our After School Learning centers. These are fully equipped centers which can provide access to infinite resources both physical and virtual. These are then staffed by hand-picked graduates/semi-graduates or our own alumni from the same community whom we will train and empower to execute our mission. Next, we start our selection process of the families based on our in depth assessment of the financial status, potential of the child, the level of commitment and most importantly how invested the family is in breaking away from their current situation. Once these two "levers" are in place we then put ourselves on a long term committed support service with them through our After-School-Services. This then often results in a variety of interventions depending on the age group of the child ranging from daily academic classes to enrollment into appropriate schools/colleges, Financial support on school supplies and self-learning aids and in our last phases assisted guidance for job search or entrepreneurship. Our core team continuously builds and "aggregates" partnerships with all existing Non-profits, Ed Institutes as well as Edtech organizations so we can empower our centers with all the ammunition they need to lift their children out of poverty!


We strongly believe that the only metrics that matters to us is the "destination" that we dream for each of our cohorts and the "effect" they will bring about in their community. In fact we call each of our cohort NOT by the year of them joining us, but the year they will graduate and get their job! Now in Year 5 - We are covering 320+ families across 10+ communities through our 7 Centres in Bangalore and Kerala (Rural). Hopefully our "satellite centers" staffed with our own alumni/teachers from the community will soon start playing the role of "force-multipliers" and uplift the 250-200 households in each of the communities we touch! Our interventions at this point includes providing a safe learning space with access to all kind of resources, daily/weekly Academic and Non Academic classes, offering full/partial finances of their college expenses through our scholarship programs, regular progress check with schools and parents and lastly mentoring/counselling sessions with both parents and children on a regular basis.


  • Program Vidyadaanam

    Vidyadaan is our scholarship program for deserving students for their PU and Degree courses. Based on the marks they obtain, they are provided a graded range of scholarships. Besides funding ourselves (especially for students obtaining average marks), we also work with our scholarship partners to nominate our high score students for their programs

    Key problems being addressed:
    1. Lack of Finance to pursue a course of the choice
    2. Lack of scholarship opportunities especially for average scored students

  • Program Astivaram / Foundational

    Age Group : 12 to 15

    Key problems being addressed:
    An Uphill Path created for Education due to
    1. Accrued Learning Gaps ( Built over years of little or sub-standard early education)
    2. Lack of Resources including learning aids / conducive environment, access to teachers
    3. Parents inability to guide and support leading to lack of motivation and loss of direction for education

    Goals of this program:
    1. Cover the Learning Gaps (Academic + Skills + Values)
    2. Provide access to Resources
    3. Plan the Stream/Career Selection

  • Program Sethu / Bridge

    Age Group : 16 to 18

    Key problems being addressed:
    An Uncertain and Unclear path created due to
    1. Cultural mismatches caused by peer pressure and inhibitions to move to newer environments
    2. Family Financial Needs vs Student Aspirations vs Student Potential - leading to ambiguity in selecting courses/paths to pursue
    3. Parents inability to support college admission procedures leading to compromises and loss of opportunities

    Goals of this program:
    1.Develop Communication and Personality
    2.Refine the Career Plans for higher studies
    3.Plan and Execute the College Admissions

  • Program Sthambha / Pillar

    Age Group : 18 to 21

    Key problems being addressed:
    An Unfair Playing Field created due to
    1. Communication Barriers (Especially with English as a global language and “perceived” higher values)
    2.Exposure Barriers leading to highly Introverted (shy) behavior in unfamiliar settings
    3. Access Barriers arising from lack of access to basic skills such as Computers, Resume/Interview/GD Preps etc

    GOals of this program:
    1. Develop Personality, Life and Soft Skills
    2. Plan for Job Readiness
    3. Plan the Job Placements and Giving Back

Impact Metrics

  • Our Reach Goal 1 - # of Children/Families Whom We Are Impacting at Any Point of Time

    Program Name

    Astivaram, Sethu, Sthamba and Vidyadaanam

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 21
    • 2019-20 198
    • 2020-21 234
    • 2021-22 309
    • 2022-23 328
    • 2023-24 450
  • Our Reach Goal 2 - # of Communities Whom We Are Impacting at Any Point of Time

    Program Name

    Astivaram, Sethu, Sthamba and Vidyadaanam

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 2
    • 2020-21 5
    • 2021-22 10
    • 2022-23 12
    • 2023-24 18
  • Outcome Goal 1 - # of Student Clearing Their First Educational Milestone (G10)

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 0
    • 2021-22 24
    • 2022-23 25
    • 2023-24 22
  • Outcome Goal 2 - # of Student Clearing Their Second Educational Milestone (G12)

    Program Name

    Sethu (Deep) + Sethu (Scaled) + Vidyadaanam

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 28
    • 2022-23 42
    • 2023-24 24
  • Outcome Goal 3 - # of Student Clearing Their Third Educational Milestone (Degree)

    Program Name

    Sthamba (Deep) + Sthamba (Scaled) + Vidyadaanam

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 22
    • 2022-23 35
    • 2023-24 45

Leadership Team

  • Shekar Hariharan

    Founder and CEO

  • Rajeswari Krishnamoorthy

    Co-Founder and Director - Operations

  • Shankar Krishnan


  • Rajan Thomas Choondal

    Director - Program, Strategy and Technology

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.