SAFE India (Social Association for Everyone)

Focused on Road Safety, Emergency Response, and Disaster Management, Road Safety Audit and Training

  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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  • Headquarters

    Bhubaneswar, Odisha

  • Since


Founded on May 11, 2015, SAFE India is a non-profit Nation Building Organization dedicated to aiding the vulnerable. Emphasizing grassroots involvemen Read moret, SAFE India envisions development through decentralized activities and direct community engagement. Rather than implementing development projects directly, SAFE India focuses on facilitating developmental processes. The organization recognizes sustainable economic development as the means to ensure a dignified life for rural populations. The team of SAFE India encompasses diverse expertise in fields such as Disaster Management, Safety, Road Safety, Health, Animal Care, Safe Driving Skills, Vehicle Technical Skills, Motor Vehicle Regulations, Emergency Healthcare, Advocacy, Driving Behaviour, Training, and Traffic Management. Since its inception, SAFE India has been active in Road Safety, Emergency Response, and Disaster Management, considering these three domains as its core thematic areas. These interconnected areas drive the endeavours, and it consistently updates the expertise and builds a proficient team for effective interventions. The experts and professionals in these thematic fields operate both nationally and internationally.


  • Road Safety Driver Accreditation System (RSDAS)

    The Road Safety Driver Accreditation System (RSDAS) goes beyond teaching driving techniques; it focuses on cultivating a deep understanding of the reasons behind safe driving practices. The program, comprising 20 hours of training based on the neurolinguistics model, can be tailored to specific needs.
    The curriculum covers various aspects, including systematic behavioral skill development for road safety, defensive driving techniques, the critical "Golden Hour" concept following accidents, first aid and emergency healthcare, driver accountability and responsibility, leadership skills, fostering safe driving habits, understanding driving offenses, interpreting traffic signals, familiarity with Good Samaritan laws, managing attitudes and emotions, stress management, grasping the basics of the New Motor Vehicle Amendment Act of 2019, and comprehensive assessments.

  • Road safety award

    The Road Safety Partnership has introduced the Road Safety Award program to encourage and adopt RSDAS as its flagship initiative.
    The annual award ceremony involves a screening committee evaluating diverse categories and achievements in the realm of Road Safety. Examples include recognizing the best driver, those who demonstrated exceptional performance during accidents, corporate entities or organizations making substantial contributions to Road Safety awareness, individuals or NGOs excelling in Road Safety efforts, healthcare professionals for their service in aiding accident victims, and police personnel displaying humanity by assisting accident victims, among others.

  • Safety of school children

    Stringent guidelines for the safety of school children during transportation have been established by the Supreme Court. Corresponding state governments and CBSE have extended these guidelines to departments, authorities, and schools, urging strict adherence.
    Regrettably, these guidelines suffer from poor implementation. Often, schools, vehicle operators, and authorities are unaware of these regulations. Child safety, in practice, remains largely on paper, raising serious concerns.
    Recognizing the sensitivity of this issue, SAFE India has initiated a school campaign. This effort involves providing two-hour road safety awareness training to students and 20 hours of Drivers' Behavioural Skill Training to school vehicle drivers. In a pilot phase, the organisation has successfully covered 120 Government High Schools in the vicinity of Bhubaneswar within 27 days. During this endeavour, it has trained 12,600 students and 650 teachers, aiming to significantly enhance children's safety.

  • Road safety audit

    Conducting road safety audits and specialized studies is vital for gathering evidence to support effective interventions and advocacy. Prior to launching any advocacy initiative, thorough research is conducted to gather accurate information, assess the situation, and gather evidence. This ensures informed discussions with relevant stakeholders and departments.
    SAFE India collaborates with Transport Authorities and RTO to carry out comprehensive road safety audits. The studies encompass a range of topics, such as assessing the implementation status and awareness of the Good Samaritan Law, ensuring the safety of school children during transportation, and studying driver behaviour, among others.

  • The First Responder

    A first responder is an ordinary individual trained in first aid, often the initial person to arrive at an emergency scene.
    Globally, trained first responders play a pivotal role in sustaining victims until hospitalization is feasible. They have shown remarkable effectiveness, especially with cardiac and trauma cases.
    The enactment of the Good Samaritan law in May 2015 grants legal shelter to any citizen aiding an accident victim in good faith. This protection prevents undue pressure from law enforcement for revealing identity or court appearances, assuring legal safety for first responders.
    The organisation is actively developing a cadre of dedicated volunteers, equipped with extensive training, to serve as first responders. The goal is to reach accident sites quicker than ambulances, providing crucial assistance to distressed individuals.

  • Road safety partnership


    Numerous factors contribute to accidents, but driver error emerges as the primary cause, accounting for around 84% of road accidents, with even higher rates in certain states. Unfortunately, drivers face societal neglect, harassment, and succumb to vices like alcohol and smoking due to stress from extended periods away from family. This jeopardizes road safety. The program aims to counteract these issues with behavioral interventions that incentivize safer driving. The Road Safety Partnership consists of three initiatives: RSDAS, Road Safety Award, and Pledge for Road Safety, offering membership to enhance road safety collectively.

Leadership Team

  • Mahesh Prasad Patro


  • Kamal Lochan Sarangi

    General Secretary

  • Puspa Lata Panda


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
