Swadeep Shikshan Vikas Sanstha

‘Spreading Smiles Across the World’

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Ahmedabad, Gujarat

  • Since


“Swadeep” came to life to align with a moto, ‘Spreading Smiles Across the World’. Smile needs a small act but a profound impact to be as lively as it Read morecan. Presently, in the times where most people long for honest lively smiles within complexities despite a life with required amenities, Swadeep looks forward to work on bringing smiles to those who face complexities even for the basic necessities. Swadeep identified Education, purpose driven tool for curbing the set-backs faced by rural population residing in the remotest villages and make them deserving of their happiness. The belief prevails in the Swadeep’ work that an improved education through social service mode will enable disadvantaged groups to become self-reliant and emerge out of the clutches of poverty. Spanning its work since 2005, Swadeep has been working with perseverance in the field of rural and sub-rural education as educational transformation requires time and consistency for raising a tenacious and compassionate individual. The work areas o


• Education • Health • Livelihood • Rural & Urban Infrastructure Development • Disaster Management


Major Achievements & Coverage- Concluding image number 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 The achievements of Swadeep are categorised on qualitative and quantitative basis as the structure and methodology of Swadeep’s project emphasise on quality education enhancement and awareness in regard to livelihood and health thematic areas. The qualitative outcomes of Swadeep are divided on basis of framwork of interventions; A. Stakeholder Engagement and Capacity Building  The parents’ homes visits resulted in better rapport building with the community members thereby sensitizing them towards educational aspect of their child. The impact on parents was in a way that they felt somebody else is taking concern for the child so even they should try to acknowledge the importance of the same. Unlike urban set-ups where parents themselves take an effort, the rural areas lack to take it in consideration as they feel if studies happen or not, the lifestyle is going to remain the same however, the change was witnessed in the perception


The quantitative coverage of Swadeep is hereby mentioned; 2023-24 1. State- 1 & 1 Union Territory 2. Districts- 8, Blocks- 13,Villages- 200 3. Anganwadi Centres- 260, Anganwadi Children- 6560. 4. Primary Schools- 200, Children of Primary School- 34,309. 5. High Schools- 32, Children of High School- 2573. 6. Community Members (Sarpanch, SMC, Parents, Adolescent Girls)- 28,997 7. Other Stakeholders (Anganwadi Worker & helpers, Govt. Teachers)- 900 8. Dental health Awareness & checkup Treatment -100 village 9. Dental Checkup & treatment coverage Community 5900, School Children -10500. 10. Village level Health Camp, Ayushman Card and Health Related Government skim covered 700 family 11. Fishers’ livelihood -5 Village Covered -400 fishermen Family


  • Education

    Education is one of the most powerful instruments for reducing poverty and inequality as it lays the foundation for sustained development. As sustainability is concerned, Swadeep believes in to build a strong base for a long-lasting age of the building of knowledge and well-being. Starting the efforts from pre-primary education (Anganwadi’s), we have now reached to higher secondary schools with the vision to support children complete their schooling.
    Pre-Primary Education:(Work with Anganwadi)
    Elementary Education
    Learning Resource Centres (LRC
    Digital Education
    High School Support
    Adult Literacy
    Open Schooling
    Coverage: - 260 ICDS Centre covered 7000 children, 170 Primary school covered 35000 children, 11 High School Covered 2200 children, Adult Literacy Covered 1000 women

  • Health

    Dental Hygiene: Dental Hygiene Awareness Program for an affordable, accessible and equitable oral health care delivery in a well- coordinated manner for bringing about ‘optimal oral health ‘for rural community. The program is running in Amreli and Bhavnagar. The Dental Hygiene Awareness Program promotes oral health activities designed to encourage good oral health practices and increase awareness of the importance of oral health and preventive care. The Dental Hygiene Awareness Program collaborates with oral health resources available for local health departments, schools, Anganwadi’s, community and others concerned with oral health awareness activities.
    Covered 5671 community members under awareness and 5003 community members under treatment at the village level. At school level it covered 10605 children for awareness and 9145 children under primary.
    Project ‘Arogya’: Under the project Arogya, Swadeep started special initiatives to promote good health among the village community.

  • livelihood

    Swadeep has been working on one of the key thematic interventions under the Livelihoods portfolio which is fisheries livelihood development. The fishery sector has witnessed serious crises during the last decade owing to its limitations to adjust to the changing environment. It is caught in a net of interrelated problems like lack of finance, lack of storage facilities, lack of awareness of market information, uncertain quality of fish, low level of education among fishermen, lack of availability of other and alternative profitable occupations, inadequate income, relatively high level of expenditure, extremes of climate and many more. Swadeep is standing strong with the community to provide basic amenities of everyday life and to help them achieve a better livelihood.
    Converge 5 village 400 Fishermen community

  • Rural & Urban Infrastructure Development

    School infrastructure:The appearance of school is one of the major things that attract children towards school. Who would not love a school at first sight which looks like it is made by keeping only children at focus? Swadeep is having a vast experience of transforming the appearance of building and developing a child-friendly playground. We lay a special emphasis on providing playground equipment (indoor and outdoor), school library and beautification of school grounds including painting work, plantation of trees and much more. The project is currently implemented in 29 schools of Rajula taluka in Amreli district benefited 7000 children of Gujarat.
    Swadeep has also raised a helping hand for intellectual and implementation support for the development of some user specific infrastructure and educational facilities for Bhavnagar Railway School. Patadi block Surendranagar and Dolka Ahmedabad
    The Bedding facility was provided for the Rampara School hostel with capacity of 100 children.

  • Disaster Management

    Disaster Management: When nature shows its destructive side in India and especially in Gujarat, Swadeep strongly count it as a duty to serve the humankind; who might have lost their everything in fraction of seconds or have suffered for the days. Swadeep believe to be at the site which has faced the calamity to serve the society socially, physically, mentally, emotionally and economically. Swadeep always takes this kind of situation at priority to share one’s sorrows and help all the lives in any possible way.
    • 32,000 masks distributed in 5 districts of Gujarat and U/T Dadra Nagar Haveli
    • 6000 educational kits were distributed by collaboration with Sesame Workshop India during COVID-19 lockdown
    • COVID-19 Awareness work and ration kit distributions in rural areas of Gujarat.
    • Workshops for better mental health for community.

  • Science and mathematics Van


    Science and mathematics are commonly identified as the least favoured subjects among school going children, posing challenges both in learning and teaching. This issue is particularly pronounced in rural government schools, where limited exposure and resources exacerbate the difficulty of imparting these subjects effectively. The practical aspects of science and mathematics often take a backseat, leaving students with a superficial understanding rooted solely in theoretical knowledge.
    Focusing on practical education, fostering curiosity and creativity, supplementing the school curriculum, and teacher training, and promoting peer-to-peer learning. Through a 'Science van' equipped with specialized instruments and materials, the project has reached 31 schools, impacting a total of 7503 students. Major achievements include activity-based science learning, teacher capacity building,

Leadership Team

  • Kalyan Dangar


  • Rajubhai Chavada

    Program Mangar

  • Brinda Batt

    Documentation Officer

  • Mahemudsha Sayad

    Coordinator fishermen program

  • Abhishek Parmar

    Science & Math Coordinator

  • Sudhir Garawa

    Coordinator ICDS Program

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    21- Abhinandanpark Society, Near Butbhawani Railway Crossing Opposite Vastrapur Railway Station, Vejalpur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, 380051


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses