Bhagini Nivedita Gramin Vigyan Niketan

Empowers and strengthens the economy of rural people with focus on women in villages

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Bahadarpur, Maharashtra

  • Since


Bhagini Nivedita Gramin Vigyan Niketan, registered under the Indian Society’s Registration Act, 1860, in 2000 in Bahadarpur, Jalgaon as a non-politica Read morel and non-religious organization. Computer classes for the villagers was the first step taken by the organization, and it was just the beginning. Gradually, villagers learnt about the existence of the organization and started to take interest. During this course of time, BNGVN realized the importance of ‘strengthening the economy’ of villagers as well as the hidden power in the group of women. So, BNGVN initiated and strengthened Self Help Groups (SHGs) in Bahadarpur, Shirsode & Mahalpur regions. Along with this work, BNGVN initiated their efforts to provide sanitation blocks for the villagers. The organization has progressed on the basis of their learning of problems faced by farmers and women and thus has undertaken several programs taking in consideration the needs of the society. So far, the organization has established more than 2000 SHGs in 4 districts. The organization is now giving utmost importance to ‘micro-credit’ for poor farmers. With the aim of creating a strong foundation which would help sustain the villagers without any external support in future, the idea of building a ‘Gram Nidhi’ or village fund has emerged along with a revolving fund for lending money to the needy farmers. Though the organization has its role in all this development work, they believe that they are ‘helping people to help themselves.’


BNGVN focuses on forming self-help groups, providing microcredit, organizing computer classes, building sanitation blocks, and creating a village fund (Gram Nidhi) to support poor farmers.

Demographies Served


In less than ten years, BNGVN has formed 1,800 self-help groups in 200 villages across Maharashtra, empowering women and improving the lives of rural communities.

Vision & Mission

BNGVN aims to help people help themselves by strengthening the economy of villagers and harnessing the power of women's groups to address both their aspirations and adversities through collective action.


  • Self Help Groups

    The majority of the time, women in the villages labour in the fields beside their husbands, but regrettably, they have no access to or influence over the money generated by their homes. In 2006, we started organising groups of women through quick training. Almost 100 Self Help Groups were established, with their main goals being to take out small loans and save money each month in government bank savings accounts.
    Now that they have access to money, women are starting to play a bigger part in the community. Their way of life has also changed, as they now actively participate in village development and activities rather than being restricted to the four walls of their dwellings.
    2000 Self-Help Groups currently operate in 200 communities, serving 20,000 women and their families.
    To sustain the viability of Self Help Groups, we also organise initiatives that improve teamwork and provide a secure space for women to express themselves.

  • Model Village

    Inspired by Tukdoji Maharaj's Gramme Geeta, the Model Village Programme aims to build village communities through the use of money as an enabler. The Gramme Nidhi Village Fund is the focal point of the Model Village Programme. Villagers may borrow money from the village fund, but there are restrictions on the types of loans that can be taken out and the quantities that can be borrowed.

    The Model Village Programme is significant because it transfers the autonomy and accountability of the Gramme Nidhi to the community it serves. It also guarantees that borrowers won't be at the mercy of outrageously high-interest moneylenders. On the Gramme Sabha, or Village Assembly, platform, loan requests are made.

Milestones & Track Record

BNGVN has established more than 2,000 self-help groups in 4 districts and initiated a Model Village Programme inspired by Tukdoji Maharaj's Gramme Geeta.

Leadership Team

  • Nileema Chandrashekhar Mishra


  • Bhagwan Rajdhar Patil

    Vice President

  • Jagannath Punju Baviskar


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    F - 6519

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type

    Co-operative Society