International Noble Work Development & Investigation Association

Fights for the rights and issues related to the Dalits and their growth

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Ganjam, Odisha

  • Since


International Noble Work Development and Investigation Association (INDIA) is a non-profit, democratic and secular organization having its presence Read more in Odisha for nearly two decades. Being formed and registered in 1996, the organization visualizes a society based on universal brotherhood, peace, communal harmony, gender equality and social justice without discrimination against caste, creed or color. Over the years it has taken up the mission to improve the socio-economic condition of the downtrodden by liberating them from social injustice, gender inequality, caste based atrocities and alleviating their poverty through generation of livelihood opportunities consistent with sustainable development.It operates in Khandamal, Ganjam, Jagatsinghpur and Puri districts of Odisha and concentrates on most vulnerable sections. Its achievements so far includes advocating and protecting rights and privileges of the dalit and tribal communities and taking up issue based actions with emphasis on children and women. Collective action ,youth mobilization, grass root activism, social movement, equal participation, gender equity, networking, advocacy, institution building are the major strategies for spearheading its activities. Being headquartered at Bududa in Ganjam district, it is governed by the General Body, Governing body of the organization with the support of a professional team and cadre of volunteers and minimum infrastructure.


Natural farming for Livelihood Development of Tribal Women Farmers in Ganjam District, Odisha


The project is proposed for livelihood development of poor tribal women of small and marginal farmers’ families through natural farming. Presently the primary occupation of the target tribal women farmers is settled agriculture. Seasonal forest collection is one of the important sources of subsidiary income. They collect minor forest produce like roots, fruits, tubers, green leaves, yams, honey, mahua flowers etc. that sustains them for 3 to 4 months in a year. They also collect fuel wood, medicinal herbs, grass, bamboo and timber from the forest for their day-to-day use like building their houses and making agricultural, hunting and fishing implements, cooking, treatment of diseases etc. They also prepare leaf plates (patrakhali) and cups (phuluhdana) out of sal leaves and make brooms out of the grass and sell them in the local market to supplement their income. During the lean or post-harvesting season, they go to the neighbouring industrial, mining and urban areas for wage earning. Rice is their staple food. Usually they take watered rice (baske mandi daka) with boiled green leaves (alah korha) and vegetable curry. They consume vegetables like brinjal, pumpkin, papaya, ladies finger, tomato), sweet potato etc. and the non-veg foods like fish (haku), meat (zil), crab (katkom) and dry fish (rahalhaku). It is intended to introduce natural farming among the 1500 tribal women farmers. It is a chemical-free farming system rooted in Indian tradition enriched with modern understanding of ecology, resource recycling and on-farm resource optimization. It is considered as agro ecology based diversified farming system which integrates crops, trees and livestock with functional biodiversity. It is largely based on on-farm biomass recycling with major stress on biomass mulching, use of on-farm cow dung-urine formulations; maintaining soil aeration and exclusion of all synthetic chemical inputs. Natural farming is expected to reduce dependency on purchased inputs. It is considered as a cost- effective farming practice with scope for increasing employment and rural development. In this connection following activities will be conducted within a period of 12 months. 1. Awareness Creation 2. Trainings and demonstration 3. Follow ups and extension 4. Exchange Visits 5. Information 6. Sharing and Networking 7. Monitoring 8. Evaluation and Reporting Major benefits of natural farming Improve yield Farmers practising Natural Farming reported similar yields to those following conventional farming. In several cases, higher yields per harvest were also reported. Increased farmers’ income Natural Farming aims to make farming viable, employment generation and inspirational by increasing net incomes of farmers on account of cost reduction, reduced risks, similar yields, incomes from intercropping Minimize cost of Production: Natural Farming aims to drastically cut down production costs by encouraging farmers to prepare essential biological inputs using on-farm, natural and home-grown resources. Ensures better health As Natural Farming does not use any synthetic chemicals, health risks and hazards are eliminated. The food has higher nutrition density and therefore offers better health benefits. Environment Conservation Natural Farming ensures better soil biology, improved agrobiodiversity and a more judicious usage of water with much smaller carbon and nitrogen footprints.


1,500 tribal women farmers will be trained through training demonstration in 50 batches for a period of 10 days per batch and directly benefiting. About 5,000 members of their households will benefit indirectly. Food security improves as a result of improved and maintained soil fertility. Diversification of crops leads to improved nutritional status of the families and communities. Food production expectation is a rise by 35%. Awareness advocacy on natural farming and its impact in environmental conservation and agro forestry will go a long way into reclamation of the lost forest cover. This ensures sustainable ways of acquiring wood products without exerting pressure on the natural forests. The general environmental conditions will largely change for the better. Increased nutrition and food production will pave way for sale of surplus and therefore increasing the household income levels hence reduced poverty. Natural farming methods are less costly and utilize locally available materials thereby reducing over dependence on expensive inputs and farmer’s affordability of required inputs will be increased. Tribal women farmers’ natural farming cooperative will be formed and functioning Impact Lasting effects as a result of the project includes better living standards and reduced poverty levels among the tribal community members under women’s leadership. This will be brought about by the raised income levels and improved health conditions in extension of more and healthy food availability and reduced subjection hazardous practices and inputs. Sustainability environmental conservation will be experienced as a result of reduced deforestation increased natural farming practices. Adversities in climatic change such as desertification and effects of global warming will be mitigated. Natural farming cooperative of tribal women farmers will be functioning for ensuring marketing of natural farming produces, collection of quality seeds of traditionally used for farming, linking with government scheme for insurance, soil health care treatment , maintenance of agricultural inputs etc. Improved livelihood of 1500 tribal women farmers and more and more tribal women farmers will be incorporated through the Natural farming cooperative of tribal women farmers.


  • Livelihood

    The organisation has been vocalising its opposition to the upper class communities' discriminatory practices against the Dalits and other oppressed groups (who are constitutionally classed as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and other backward classes) for many years. Additionally, it has been stepping in to improve the situation of the latter by bringing them into the mainstream socioeconomic structure and lessening the atrocities and discrimination against them. The strategies we have used in this situation include lobbying and lobbies, community awareness, intervention, etc.

  • Child Rights


    India takes action to protect the following types of rights when promoting the cause of child rights:
    1. The right to exist
    2. The entitlement to progress
    3. The right to be protected (against child labour, abuse, and foeticide)
    4. Right to Participate (efforts to end caste- and class-based discrimination in athletics, school assemblies, MDM, and cultural programmes)
    Through its numerous intervention and facilitation activities, the organisation is dedicated to ensuring that the children in the target area have the rights mentioned above. These include monitoring child malnutrition, making sure kids are immunised, facilitating the regular operation of the midday meal programme, facilitating the efficient operation of ICDS facilities, lowering the rate of child malnutrition, and preventing caste-based prejudice in the village and at school.

  • Sustainable Livelihoods/Agriculture Practices


    Sustainable Livelihoods/Agriculture Practices
    ▪ Addressing food security through promoting grain banks, organic farming, community farming
    and watershed management;
    ▪ Developing entrepreneurial skills of women and youth to take up income generating activities;
    ▪ Access to credit through the linkages of women SHGs and farmers clubs with financial
    ▪ Preservation and promotion of traditional indigenous seeds;

  • FRA and Promotion of NTFP based Livelihoods


    Facilitating homesteads for the backward class communities (Scheduled castes and other backward classes) without land and ensuring forest land right for the tribal are the activities pursued by INDIA over the years. Such activities also include use of non-timber forest produce by tribal communities in accordance with the Forest Rights Act 2006 of the Government.
    In view of the large scale migration of workers, including a substantial proportion of SC & ST taking place from the State to distant places like Gujurat, Karnataka and Maharashtra, INDIA is making people aware of its vices through video shows that highlights unhygienic conditions of living, torture and exploitation and drudgery at work places, unforeseen diseases etc., while at the same time making them aware of the job opportunities available in the locality.

  • Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas


    INDIA NGO is implementing Odisha Millet Mission project in the block of Polasara of Ganjam
    since the year 2019-20 with having project title “Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in
    Tribal Areas of Odisha”. Having very much focused objectives like;
    Restoring and improving household level consumptions by about 25% to enhance household
    nutritional security and to create demand for millet
    Promoting support to Enterprises on processing & value addition of millets at household and value added markets
    Improving millets productivity through improved agronomical practices
    Developing millet enterprises; establishing market linkage to rural/urban markets with focus on women entrepreneurs
    Inclusion of millets in state nutrition program and public distribution system;
    Promotion of Farmers Producer Organization (FPO):
    One Farmers Producer Organization registered on 19 Dec 2019 under Companies Act – 2013
    (Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GoI) as “Pragatisila Farmers Producer Company

  • Community Based Disaster Preparedness Programme (CBDP)


    INDIA NGO in collaboration and support from district disaster management authority and Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) initiated one project on preparation of “Village Disaster Management Plan” (VDMP) in each villages of two blocks (Buguda; Polasara) of Ganjam district.
    All total 102 villages (Buguda – 59; Polasara – 43) the VDMP is prepared with comprehensive involvement; participation of the whole community people from different cross section of the
    society for ensuring better & precise “Village Disaster Management Plan” preparation.
    VDMP project is a part of community based disaster preparedness programme supposed to be
    exercised in pre-disaster scenario to enhance the preparedness activities of the community to act
    wisely in Pre-during-post disaster to minimize the loss of life & property. The proper disaster preparedness of a community can be measured by “The ability to Predict, respond to and cope with the consequence of a disaster.”

Impact Metrics

  • 5000 Children and Their Parents Are Made Aware About Their Rights

    Program Name

    Child Right

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 3000
    • 2022-23 2000
  • Developing Entrepreneurial Skills of 800 Women and Youth

    Program Name

    Sustainable Livelihoods/Agriculture Practices

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 1000
  • Ensuring Forest Land Right for the Tribal

    Program Name

    FRA and Promotion of NTFP based Livelihoods

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 600
  • Improving Millets Productivity Through Improved Agronomical Practices

    Program Name

    Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 1000
  • All Total 102 Villages (Buguda – 59; Polasara – 43) the Vdmp is Prepared With Comprehensive Involvement

    Program Name

    Community Based Disaster Preparedness Programme (CBDP)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 500

Leadership Team

  • Dr. Kumud Chandra Behera

    Secretary cum Director

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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