Self Employment Voluntary Association (SEVA)

Works for the development of the society and inclusive growth with participation of the people

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Imphal, Manipur

  • Since


Self Employment Voluntary Association (SEVA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. It is secular in nature without any discrimination of ca Read moreste, creed, community, and religion. It believes in unity in diversity and is a voluntary organization dedicated to the cause of bringing about a positive change in the society towards inclusive growth and overall development through people's participation. The association was established on 12th January 1991 and was formally registered under the Societies Registration Act, Manipur on 13th February 1991. The association is also registered under the Foreign Contribution and Regulation Act (FCRA), 1976 on 14th December 2004 and 12A of Income Tax Act 1961 on 21st June 2010. The ground reality of establishing the association was the ever-increasing problem of unemployment in the state of Manipur and the consequences related to it. We firmly believe the saying “Teach how to catch fish instead of giving the fish”, hence, we promote the idea of self employment generation. Seva believes that the empowerment of children and women can only be realized when they are economically and socially sound. Therefore, SEVA in its attempt gives thrust to enhanced livelihood support and educational loan support to the bright but poor students. The main objective includes bringing about socio-economic development, peaceful co-existence, and non-violence in the areas where the association operates.With reference to a consensus resolution of the general body resolved in 2007, SEVA Manipur in the year 2009 started its Micro Finance venture in Imphal with a small portfolio. The association soon became one of the leading NGO/MFI specially in mobilizing and formation of SHGs & JLGs.

Demographies Served




    According to SEVA, farmers can readily observe the differences between the two farming methods in terms of both quantity and quality of the products if there is a nursery plantation/demonstration unit where new technology farming methods can be adopted and shown to have advantages over traditional farming methods. As a result, farmers will find it easier to become motivated and sensitive to scientific farming techniques.

    The farmers' farming methods will be improved, and the unit will become more sustainable as a result. After the initial investment is paid off and the seeds and nursery plants are produced, the business will make money by marketing and selling high-quality, productive seeds and nursery plants of different crops and vegetables.

  • Loans


    Solar Energy Loan
    SEVA-Manipur is always concerned about the state's inadequate electricity supply. Due to the recent conversion of numerous locations to pre-paid systems, the current situation is marginally better than the prior one.

    Agriculture & Allied Loan
    Manipur's economy is said to be based mostly on agriculture. Roughly 9.41% of the state's total land area is under cultivation, and 76% of its working population is employed in agriculture.

    Individual Loan
    The purpose of this loan is to be used to grow the current source of revenue. When obtaining a loan, the account and business are properly monitored. These are short-term loans, and the borrower's ability to keep accurate books and their repayment habits are closely watched.

    Entrepreneur Loan
    As the group disbanded throughout the years, SEVA had to say goodbye to those accountable and resourceful people. To assist these people, SEVA offers Entrepreneur loans.

    Micro Venture Loan
    Micro Insurance Policy

Leadership Team

  • Naorem Landhoni Devi

    Vice President

  • Khundrakpam Chinglen Singh


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    North Babupara, Near Council of High Secondary Education, State Guest House Road, Imphal, 795001

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
