Youth for Seva

Creates and conducts volunteering programmes in the areas of education, health and environment involving individuals, students, professionals, corporates and NGOs

  • Silver Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Silver Certified Silver Certified


  • Headquarters

    Bangalore, Karnataka

  • Since


Youth for Seva encourages volunteers to join and serve the social cause as per their interest, skills, convenience, time availability and location. It Read more has created different ways of volunteering such as weekend volunteering, weekday volunteering, one-time events and virtual volunteering. Supports schools, destitute shelters and government hospitals for various causes through volunteers. Provides free downloadable study material, lessons, references for subjects like basic mathematics, computers and spoken English. Register Your DIY Campaign: Invites individuals to register their own DIY fundraising campaigns to raise money for any of the causes of this organisation. It works in various cities across India and is engaged in social activities like plantation, food distribution during covid pandemic and floods, book distribution in slums, paper bag making, mask distribution, social distancing awareness drives, menstrual hygiene, good touch bad touch and mental health sessions, virtual teaching in government schools and installation of water purifiers.


The country has many social problems to address in the spheres of education, health, environment and livelihood and there is a lack of human resources who are ready to contribute to community development activities.


Youth For Seva opens up an opportunity to the youth of India, to come forward, join hands and work for the betterment of the country and its people through volunteering in multiple welfare initiatives.


It has created social impact by engaging with 1,12,413 volunteers, 250 partner NGOs, 140 corporates and 28,62,427 community partners.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision - Self-reliant society powered by socially conscious individuals. Our mission -To build and facilitate a movement of organised volunteering for societal well-being.

Donor History

Texas Instruments, Service now, Virtusa, Give 2 Asia, Itron


  • Warriors of Change Fellowship Programme

    This programme offers a one-year part time coaching in which it guides, coaches and mentors the fellows in planning and executing programmes that address social issues.

  • Health for All Programmes

    'Doctors for Seva' is comprised of a team of medical professionals, hospitals and medical colleges willing to provide medical services on a voluntary basis. It covers the following areas:

    Menstrual Hygiene: focuses on spreading awareness of menstrual hygiene to adolescent girls and addressing their basic questions, myths and misconceptions and the biological aspects through an animated video made for the same.

    The Adolescent Health Awareness Programme (AHP): educates the age group of 10-19 years on adolescent nutrition, reproductive health and substance abuse.

    School Health Programme: provides health care services and medical check-ups. Imparts health, hygiene, water & sanitation awareness education to the school children, parents and teachers.

    Community Health: Organises health check-up campaigns.
    Vyjayanti Arogya Nidhi: It is an emergency fund to provide financial assistance to patients living below the poverty line.

  • Environment and Eco-friendly Celebrations Programme

    It conducts activities like sapling plantation drives, nurturing the planted saplings, making seed balls, cleanathons and installing water feeders for birds. Promotes eco-friendly celebrations of festivals like Holi, Diwali with diya making and Ganesha Chaturthi by making clay Ganesha.

  • Seva Intern Programme

    This programme is for college students to volunteer every day for 1 or more months during their semester breaks or for 6 months after graduation. It gives a certificate to the interns after completion of the same and reimburses the incurred expenses during this time.

  • Volunteering Professional Services Programme

    Invites professionals like auditors, lawyers, writers or any other to offer their professional services to the community as per their availability and time.

  • Corporate Volunteering Programme

    It plans and executes programmes for and with corporates to engage their employees in meaningful volunteering activities like conceptual painting in school buildings, educational tours, taking children for outdoor learning experiences, model making, paper bag making, activities with other NGOs, rural visits, conducting awareness talks on menstrual hygiene, digital literacy and life skills, making Thank you cards for soldiers, get well soon cards for the children at hospitals, conducting sports, art and cultural competitions for the government school children, making Ganesha idols in clay, seed ball making, sapling plantation and cleanathons.

  • Education and Financial Support Programmes

    It conducts multiple programmes such as voluntary teaching in government schools, providing school kits and organising events to provide financial support to children from underprivileged backgrounds.

    The School Kit consists of a school bag, notebooks and stationery materials like a geometry box, pen, pencil, eraser sharpener and ruler.

    It provides a platform through a programme named Chiguru for students from Government schools and learning centres to showcase their inbuilt talents in various forms of arts and confidence to appear on stage in front of an audience.

    Runs a project 'Give Paper Back', wherein the unused books at the end of the academic year are recycled and distributed to underprivileged students in urban, rural and tribal areas.

  • School Adaption Program

    School Adoption Program aims at the holistic development of rural govt schools by providing learning infrastructures like setting up of computer lab, smart class system, providing library infra and sports equipment to elevate the standards of teaching and engaging students in the schools. Also, conducting workshops for teachers to inspire and motivate them so that all the provided resources are utilized effectively.

  • Vidya Chetana

    Vidya Chetana is a Scholarship Programme initiated by Youth for Seva in 2009. This programme was conceived with the objective to support the education of students hailing from underprivileged socio-economic backgrounds. The programme aims at providing scholarships to students pursuing PUC (10+2), Degree, Engineering, and Medical studies. Our beneficiaries include poor students, handicapped students, and students who lost their parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, we are supporting 2500 students across 10 states & till date, we have supported 5,775 students. Education is one of the most potential and sustainable ways to put an end to illiteracy and poverty. Education not only empowers the student but also makes a positive shift for the whole family. Through Vidya Chetana, we want to empower students with education, so that they can achieve their aspirations and grow up to be self-dependent and resourceful citizens.

Impact Metrics

  • Students Qualified for Scholarship Scheme

    Program Name

    National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMS)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 450
    • 2019-20 746
    • 2020-21 1020
    • 2021-22 3896
  • Students Sponsored for Education

    Program Name

    Vidya Chetna Education Sponsorship Programme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2015-16 39
    • 2016-17 49
    • 2017-18 49
    • 2018-19 90
    • 2019-20 120
    • 2020-21 427
    • 2021-22 1400
  • Selection of Meritorious Students, Economically Deprived, Career Guidance

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Skill Development Training Programs, Nation Building, Soft Skill Development, Moral and Ethics, Gratitude, Holistic Development, Nurturing Scholars Into Volunteers.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Providing the Employability Skills Mentoring Programs for Final Year Students.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Increase in Enrollment.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Retention

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Improvement in Learning Levels

    Year-wise Metrics

Theory of Change

We want to create Change makers in the society. Want to establish Volunteering movement and make community to take the ownership

Leadership Team

  • Jagadish Maiya


  • Natarajan Ranganathan


  • Unnikrishnan Menon

    General Secretary

  • Venkatesh Murthy

    Founder and Chief mentor

  • Vishwanath Sharma

    Program Director

  • Bhaskar Keshavmurthy

    Head - Corporate Relations

  • Arunmayee J

    Head - Volunteering

  • K Sesha Aditya

    Head - Corporate Volunteering

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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