Bhojpur Mahila Kala Kendra

Bhojpur Mahila Kala Kendra is a non-profit organisation, established in 31 that works primarily in the domain of Education, Employment and Livelihoods. Its primary office is in Ara, Bihar.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Ara, Bihar

  • Since


Bhojpur Mahila Kala Kendra (BMKK) is an NGO established in 1993 by a group of women with deep social concern and commitment in the Bhojpur district in Read more Bihar. BMKK is spearheaded and managed by an executive committee comprising all women members. Our goal is to establish a progressive, creative, just and self-reliant society based on the equality and mutual help through women empowerment, girl and child education, employment, financial inclusion, good health & hygiene practices, preparedness of Disaster Management and Climate Change. We work closely at grass root level with women, children, youth, disabled, and old age people while giving priority to most less privileged and in need of service, We undertake multidimensional activities ranging from SHG Formation & Development, Rural Entrepreneurship Development, Skill Development, Farmers Development, Artisan Development, Awareness Workshops & Seminars, Adult Literacy, Employment Generation, Community Mobilization, Awareness Camps And Focus Group Discussions to achieve all-inclusive socio economic development of the area. So far we have formed and nurtured more than 300 SHGs in Bhojpur district, skilled over 50, 000 women and Employed/Self Employed over 10000 women. 200 SHGs have got credit linkage with banks for SME. 3500 women’s Artisans have been registered with us. Major Awards and Recognitions  Got Stree Shakti Award 2022 form Ministry of Women & Child Development Govt. of India by Hon. President of India.  Got Jija Bai Award 2020 from Shiva Je College (Delhi University) New Delhi by Hon. Governor of Utrakhand Baby Rani Maurya.  Got Brand of India award 2019 from Ministry of MSME Govt. of India By Hon. MSME Minister Giriraj singh.  Got Women on a Mission Award 2019 from Your Story/Her Story Team Bangalore by Padma Shree & Chairman Infosys Foundation Sudha Murthy.  Got Several awards for Women empowerment by CAPART, Department of Women & Child Development Govt. of Bihar etc.  Got Recognitions from Various Departments/Persons for our credentials. Member in Govt. & Other Organization  Member of Sexual Harassment Committee in Seema Suraksha Bal (SSB) Bihar & CRPF Patna Under Ministry of Home Affairs Govt. Of India.  Executive committee Member of Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA),Bhojpur Govt. of Bihar.  General body Member of Bihar Voluntary Health Association (BVHA),Patna Bihar  Member of Alliance for Immunization & Health (AIH) New Delhi  Member of Consultation on Child Protection (CCHT), Bhojpur


Women Empowerment Program Due to backwardness of Bihar, women are always given secondary status here. The primary unit- family itself does not respect its female members. They are treated as a curse and a woman reproducing a girl child is looked down upon. Non-Formal Education & Adult Literacy to Mahadalit & Dalit Communities Preparatory Education centers for children 3 – 6 yrs – Nanha Bachpan School centers have being going for the children of age group 3 -6 yrs., these 04 Prep centers in Piprahiya, Lakshanpur, Alipur & Karwan Villages at Ara block in Bhojpur district providing Joyful Pre education to 100 Mahadalit children’s with support of Andheri Hilff Germany. For those children who either register in Aanganwadi centers or not anywhere, they not habit to go to these centers, so Nanha Bachpan centers which is in Mahadallit helps to motivate these children to being part of the system through their child friendly study materials and activities. BMKK was successfully achieving their target to enrolled 100 children’s. These centers are performing extremely well now and are equipped with required teaching-learning Sports materials. Extracurricular activities like debates, essay, Sports competitions are also encouraged among the children to shape up the holistic abilities of the children.


USHA SILAI SCHOOL PROGRAM BMKK is a Partner Organization of USHA International Limited Gurugram for providing Skill Training in Bihar and Jharkhand since 2014 under their social initiative programme “USHA SILAI SCHOOLS”. All technical & certification support has been provided by USHA International and Quarterly monitoring and other support is provided by BMKK “USHA SILAI SCHOOLS” started with a vision to spread the culture of learning and training to help community women to earn a regular income. BMKK is running “USHA SILAI SCHOOLS” since for a livelihood program for rural women through tailoring training, sewing machine, and entrepreneurship promotion in Bhojpur, Patna, Bhagalpur, Samastipur, Munger etc. districts in Bihar. Since 2014, BMKK has distributed sewing machine to each woman with the knowledge of know-how of machine maintenance, troubleshooting, repairing, and assembling. Each woman had received signboards and course curriculum of Usha Silai School. All the beneficiary women have started earning Rs. 4,500 to Rs. 14,000 monthly. So far, we have empowered 3544 women in Bihar & Jharkhand States which has opened USHA Silai Schools & earning money for their families.


BMKK with the financial support of many donors and through its own contribution and donation tried to break this hegemony by the socio-economic empowerment of the poor women through SHG process. Under the program, the women are encouraged to form groups, do group savings and do internal lending to meet their different family as well as emergency needs. Regular capacity building skill training programs, orientations provided by the expert trainers of the area helps in improving the capacities of the groups in management of group affairs, process of bank linkage business models and know how on different govt. schemes and programs. In these Process BMKK formed and nurtured more than 300 SHGs in Bhojpur district, skilled over 50, 000 women and Employed/Self Employed over 10000 women. 200 SHGs have got credit linkage with banks for SME. 3500 women’s registered Artisans have been associated and more than 200SME having EM II registration from Department of Industries Govt. of Bihar. 3544 women in Bihar & Jharkhand has opened their USHA Silai Schools & earning money for their families. We are successfully running Remedial classes for middle school Mahadalit & Dalit children’s in these centers for quality education & Eradication of Child labor. There are 66 adolescent girls and boys are enrolled and getting skill training also. From the 8 villages BMKK work on to eradicate the child labor and successfully 66 children free from child labor in which boys were 17 and girls were 49, having very hard ordeal to free these children from child labor, convincing their owner they were working, their parents who assumed their children as helping hands to support their family as well as convincing to study children is also a problem.





    (Supported by: Andhri Hilfe, Germany)
    The project titled: “Elimination of child labour with the help of SHGs through income generation programs” aims to reduce the child labor cases in the Musahar community of 04 Panchayats namely Hasanpura, Gothaula, Zamira and Pirauta of Ara block in Bhojpur district in Bihar.
    ▪ To provide child-friendly education among the Musahar children.
    ▪ To create an environment of learning through adult literacy.
    ▪ To promote skill development and earning process among Adolescent girls through artificial jewelry making, mushroom cultivation, toy making, and product-based tailoring and stitching work.
    ▪ To strengthen and form women SHGs with credit linkages.
    ▪ To promote awareness building on ST/SC Atrocity Act among the community.
    ▪ To mobilize and tap government schemes and resources for their development.


    (Supported by: Usha International Ltd., Gurugram)
    Usha Silai School Project has been started by BMKK with a vision to spread the culture of learning and training to help poor and marginalized women to generate regular income. The idea was to promote a pool of master trainers, who could further train others on how to do tailoring and stitching. In the villages of Bihar & Jharkhand women have a low status because of their inability to earn.

    To empower them, BMKK is running “USHA SILAI SCHOOLS” since 2015 for tailoring training, sewing machine distribution, and entrepreneurship promotion activities. Patna, Bhagalpur, Begusarai, Bhojpur, Vaishali, and Gaya districts of Bihar were covered under this project.
    ▪ To open up USHA Silai schools in the locality.
    ▪ To reach out to the most marginal communities with a focus on women who have an inclination towards sewing by imparting sewing skills to them and encouraging them to train other village girls.



    The Livelihood and Enterprise Development Program (LEDP) is the fulcrum of NABARD’s thrust on skilling women (in mature self-help groups) and youth of rural India for sustainable livelihoods. The LEDPs take a participatory approach to skill building encompassing the entire value chain. There is provision for intensive training for skill building, refresher training, backward-forward linkages and handholding as well as escort supports. It also encompasses the complete value chain and offers end-to-end solution to SHG members. It is to be implemented on a project basis covering 15 to 30 SHGs in a cluster of contiguous villages where from SHG members may be selected.
    In 2022-2023, BMKK embedded LEDP goals of skill up gradation training of women in Sujini Craft in Piparhiyan, Chotki Sandaniya and Hasanpura villages of Ara block in Bhojpur district in Bihar that not only facilitate promotion of sustainable livelihoods but also derive full advantage from promotional assistance.


    The Tri-colour flag is a symbol of pride for every Indian. It represents national integrity and signifies the hopes and aspirations of the Indian people. The Har Ghar Tiranga campaign is an initiative to encourage the citizens of India to bring Tiranga (India National Flag) to their homes. The people of India are encouraged to participate in the Har Ghar Tiranga campaign. They can participate by hoisting the Tiranga in their homes.

    As the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi stated that the relationship of Indian citizens with the National Flag has been very institutional, it is high time that the people of India bring home the Tiranga to form a deeper bonding with the national flag.

    Supported by SIDBI Swawlamban Foundation (New Delhi), BMKK stitched and distributed 18000 flags with printing of Ashok Chakra among 18000 rural village houses & Ward members in Bhojpur, Bhagalpur, Muzaffarpur & Munger districts in Bihar on auspicious occasion of 75th Indian Independence Day.

Leadership Team

  • Santosh Kumar

    Executive Director

  • Ranjeet kumar

    Program Manager

  • Sheikhar sinha

    Project Cordinator

  • Raju Pathak

    Govt. Scheme Ent. Coordinator

  • Ajay lal

    Data cum MIS officer

  • Madan kumar

    Account Officer

  • Archana kumari

    Office Assistant

  • Rajesh kumar rai

    Field Supervisor

  • Rima devi

    Field Supervisor

  • Chhotak kumar

    Community Teacher

  • Pushpa devi

    Community Teacher

  • Sarita devi

    Community Teacher

  • Suhani kumari

    Community Teacher

  • Punam kumari

    Field Animator

  • Gita devi

    Field Animator

  • Rupa devi

    Field Animator

  • Ankush Kumar

    Field Animator

  • Sonu Kumar

    Field Animator

  • Kunti devi

    Office Peon

Demographics & Structure

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Political & Religious Declarations

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Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


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Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

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    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

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  • 2022-23

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