New Delhi, Delhi
Agewell Foundation is a not-for-profit NGO that has been working for the welfare and empowerment of older persons in India since 1999. Agewell has set Read more up a two-tier network of over 7500 primary and 80000 secondary volunteers spread across 738 districts of India and interacts with over 25000 older persons on a daily basis through its volunteers' network. Recognizing the work being done by Agewell Foundation, ECOSOC granted Special Consultative Status to Agewell Foundation at United Nations in 2011. It is associated with the Department of Public Information, United Nations (UN-DPI-NGO). Agewell Foundation is currently associated with the Working Group on Awareness and Capacity Building for Senior Citizens, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment; Sub-Group on Elderly Care, under NITI Aayog’s CSOs Standing Committee and Committee of Experts on “impact of COVID-19 pandemic on human rights and future response”, NHRC, Member, Core Group on Older Persons, National Human Rights Commission.
• Helplessness in old age due to poverty, lack of income, and family support • Poor health condition of older persons, particularly destitute elderly living in slum areas • Loneliness and isolation in old age • Lack of social and financial security in old age • Ever-increasing intergenerational gap • Digital illiteracy among older persons • Emerging challenges before older persons due to fast-changing socio-economic and demographic scenario • Lack of older persons-friendly policies, provisions, and schemes
Agewell Foundation aims to disabuse the prevalent mindset that regards old age with a sense of pity for their helplessness—replacing it with an attitude of confidence, fostering respect for them, and encouraging fortitude in them. And bringing a little certainty, even fun into their lives. Agewell Foundation seeks to reach out to a larger audience of older persons and act as a catalyst of change in bridging the gap between generations and ensuring a respectful and comfortable life for old people. Agewell Foundation interacts with older persons and their caregivers at all levels Family, Community, and State. A network of thousands of volunteers is already at work in given areas. They are constantly alert to attend, to matters of medical or emotional nature, affairs to do with security as well as legal and financial advice. They are spread across 738 districts of India so that no cry for help goes unanswered. Agewell Foundation has a multi-thronged approach to extending a helping hand to older persons, advocating for their needs & rights, and creating awareness about issues concerning more senior people. Over the years, Agewell Foundation has initiated several older person's friendly projects like Helpline for older persons, Employment Exchange for older people, Research & Advocacy Centre for Needs and Rights of Older Persons, Distribution of Healthcare Equipment and Food items, Old Age Healthcare Programs, Digital Literacy Program for Older Persons, Share the Warmth Campaign, etc.
Demographies Served
Cause Area
o Under the project Helplines for Older Persons, being operational with support from volunteers spread across the country Agewell Foundation has extended a helping hand to over 7.7 million older persons, their family members, caregivers, and others so far o Under the Research & Advocacy Centre for Needs & Rights of Older Persons, Agewell Foundation has conducted 47 National level Surveys on issues concerning old people. Many study reports are also published on the United Nations’ website as points of reference. o With its grassroots project, Distribution of Healthcare Equipment (Wheelchairs, Walkers, Adult Diapers, etc.) to destitute elderly, Agewell Foundation has provided 47,200+ Wheelchairs, 15 Lac+ Adult Diapers, 286,000+ Walkers, and other healthcare support materials to destitute older persons living in slums across the country and ensured comfortable life and dignity for them in old age. o Under the project, Distribution of Food Ration Packets to the poor elderly living in slums, over 84,000 monthly food packets have already been distributed among destitute old people and ensured the availability of proper food to them. o Under its project, Distribution of Nutri Kits, Wellness Kits, and Gift Packs among destitute elderly, over 40,000 Kits/Packs distributed among the needy elderly since the year 2020 o Agewell Foundation has provided digital literacy to over 4,51,500 older persons under its Digital Literacy Program for Older Persons so far and helped them in getting gainful engagements and remain active as well as connected o Under the Share the Warmth Campaign during winters, Agewell Foundation has organized the collection and distribution of 33 lakh+ pcs among destitute and elderly since the year 2010 o Under the Employment Exchange for Older Persons, 1,37,000+ retired elderly assisted over the years Over the years, Agewell Foundation has received wide recognition at national as well as international levels. Some of the awards and recognitions are as under - Mahatma Award for Social Good & Impact, 2022 - Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Award in the category of Social Work, 2019 - Shri Chunnilal Jindal Memorial Trust Award for Social Service in 2012 - Shortlisted for Finalist for Marico Innovation Awards, 2014 - Shortlisted Finalist for the Times of India Social Impact Awards, 2012 - Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC, United Nations since 2011 - Vijaya Gujaral Award in 2001 for outstanding contribution to extending a helping hand to senior citizens and their families
Distribution of Healthcare Equipment (Wheelchairs, Walkers, Adult Diapers, etc.) to destitute elderly
StateWith erosion of traditional joint family system, older persons are the most affected section of society; many of them find it very hard to adjust/adapt to changed conditions. In absence of proper support mechanisms in Old Age, today, older persons in slum areas of India are forced to live in the most disadvantaged circumstances. Healthcare is a major concern for older persons in old age. Due to fast declining physical as well as mental health conditions in old age most people suffer from various diseases and health hazards. In urban economically disadvantaged slums and poor rural areas, health condition of old people is very critical.
• To identify destitute and bedridden older persons in slum clusters and provide them with wheelchairs / Adult diapers as per their requirements
• To ensure health anwell-being in old age to destitute and disabled older persons living in slum clusters and resettlement colonies
• To create older persons friendly environment in the society -
Distribution of Food Ration Packets to poor elderly living in slums
StateWith the erosion of the traditional joint family system, older persons are the most affected section of society; many of them find it very hard to adjust/adapt to changed conditions. In the absence of proper support mechanisms in old age today, older persons living in slum areas & resettlement colonies are forced to live in the most disadvantaged circumstances. Due to poor financial status, older persons live a life devoid of basic quality of life.
Agewell Foundation conducts a program to support destitute older persons living in slums across Delhi-NCR with the objective to improve their health condition by providing them with nutritious and healthy food supplements and other useful products (containing Rice, Dals, Daliya, Sugar, Refined Oil, Masala, Salt, Tea, Soya Badi, Biscuits, etc.)
Distribution of Nutri Kits, Wellness Kits and Gift Packs among destitute elderly
StateAgewell distributes all possible relief material to destitute older persons living in slums across Delhi-NCR with the objective to improve their health condition by providing them nutritious and healthy food items, necessary health care equipment, and other support.
Relief/health care/support material distributed among destitute elderly
• Agewell Wellness Kits to improve quality of life in old age
• Agewell Nutri Kits to improve the immunity of the elderly on a monthly basis
• Agewell Gift Packs to support poor and needy elderly -
Digital Literacy Program for Older Persons
Agewell Foundation has been conducting Digital Literacy Program for Old People since April 2016 in Delhi-NCR to empower them and make them computer literate, so that they can adjust themselves in modern fast paced life and lead a more comfortable and respectable life in old age. The program is bringing a qualitative change in the lives of the elderly and helping in bridging the generation gap and bringing generations together.
Objectives include -
• To make digitally illiterate elderly digitally literate and self-reliant in old age and encourage them for online/internet services
• To empower older persons and help them lead a meaningful & respectful life in old age
• To create awareness about the needs & rights of older persons in society and create an elderly-friendly environment
• To bridge the gap between older persons and the younger generation -
Share the Warmth Campaign during winters
StateAgewell Foundation conducts “Share the Warmth” campaign to ensure no needy & destitute old person is deprived of warmth in Delhi-NCR during winter every year. Agewell has been conducting this campaign since 2010.
Agewell conducts the process of mobilizing donations & collection of old/used woolens from across Delhi & NCR & distribution of woolens amongst poor & needy older persons. The Foundation sets up Collection Points at prominent locations, posh colonies, Clubs, Residents Welfare Associations, and Corporate offices across Delhi NCR. Hundreds of Agewell volunteers spread across Delhi & NCR participate in the campaign.
Employment Exchange for Older Persons
StateOld age notwithstanding there are goals to achieve. Agewell strongly subscribes to that view and sees a tremendous opportunity for gainful re-employment. Indeed, many jobs could well use their skills and expertise, and of course their years of experience. Agewell attempts to bring opportunity seekers and providers together.
• An Intergenerational Initiative, as a gainful engagement for retired old persons
• Community involvement and pursuing opportunities for the complete development of their potential
• Launched Eklavya Scheme (Home Tutors & Easy Accounts schemes).
Agewell Employment Exchange for Older Persons had received over 4000 calls/visits from older persons during the past three years. -
Helplines for Older Persons
Agewell Foundation aims to disabuse the popular mindset that regards old age with a sense of pity for their helplessness—replacing it with an attitude of confidence, fostering respect for them, and encouraging fortitude in them. and bringing a little certainty, even fun into their lives.
A network of thousands of volunteers is already at work in given areas. They are constantly alert to attend, to matters of medical or emotional nature, affairs to do with security as well as legal and financial advice. They are spread across 738 districts of India so that no cry for help goes unanswered. Agewell extends a helping hand to over 25,000 people daily across India.
Research & Advocacy Centre for needs & rights of older persons
Agewell attempts to initiate more extensive and comprehensive studies on Older Persons, so that emerging needs, problems, and rights of older persons could be identified, understood & analyzed in a completely changed socio-economic scenario, drawing a road map for the empowerment of older persons.
Over the years, Agewell Foundation has also participated in all sessions of the United Nations Open Ended Working Group on Ageing and submitted its representations/study reports from time to time. In addition, it has also represented older persons of the country at various other international/united nations forums. Agewell has conducted 47 research studies so far. Study reports submitted to United Nations, are also available on the United Nations website.
Impact Metrics
Better Health and Hygiene Condition of Older Persons
Program Name
Distribution of Healthcare Equipment to destitute elderly
Year-wise Metrics- 2019-20 17200
- 2020-21 19500
- 2021-22 16500
- 2022-23 15000
Better Nutrition and Health in Old Age
Program Name
Distribution of Food Ration Packets to poor elderly living in slums
Year-wise Metrics- 2020-21 13950
- 2021-22 17100
- 2022-23 12550
Improved Status of Welfare and Empowerment of Older Persons
Program Name
Helplines for Older persons
Year-wise Metrics- 2020-21 690000
- 2021-22 710000
Demographics & Structure
No. of Employees
Internal, External Assessors
Ethics and Transparency Policies
Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy
Political & Religious Declarations
On Affiliation if any
On Deployment Bias if any
Registration Details
PAN Card
Registration ID
No. 295 addl. book no.4 pg.615
VO ID / Darpan ID
CSR Registration Number
Other Details
Type & Sub Type
Financial Details
IncomeRs.42,292,429ExpensesRs.38,627,277Admin ExpensesRs.1,343,264Program ExpensesRs.38,338,099Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.26,054,320ExpensesRs.23,946,576Admin ExpensesRs.1,224,474Program ExpensesRs.23,692,290Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.20,123,215ExpensesRs.22,231,611Admin ExpensesRs.1,158,699Program ExpensesRs.20,761,443Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.37,018,318ExpensesRs.36,388,625Admin ExpensesRs.2,122,579Program ExpensesRs.34,006,666Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.