
Empowers communities for resilience through sustainable development, fostering equity, and addressing climate challenges with adaptive innovation

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Bhubaneswar, Odisha

  • Since


UDYAMA, a registered developmental organisation, aims to foster local-global collaboration, leveraging resources for resilience. It promotes holistic Read morehuman development, bridging culture, nature, lifestyle, learning, and livelihoods, while countering climate-induced vulnerabilities. It seeks social and gender justice and envisions an equitable society through sustainable development. The organisation empowers local communities, revitalizing human, socio-cultural, ecological, and economic aspects with development communication and innovative technology. Learning from mistakes and minimizing gaps are integral to its mission. It emphasizes integrated action, addressing education, sanitation, nutrition, and health in diverse settings. It focuses on specific, sustainable efforts for development, prioritizing local context, resilience, and sustainability. It supports communities in confronting conflicts, disasters, and vulnerabilities, addressing root causes through adaptive research and innovation. It serves as a catalyst to support communities facing conflicts, disasters, or vulnerabilities. UDYAMA equips communities to plan for, withstand, adapt to, and mitigate risks, hazards, shocks, and drudgeries. It also addresses root causes related to ecological issues, water poverty, degradation, disasters, and their lasting solutions through adaptive action research and innovation, focusing on challenges, opportunities, and possibilities.


All Tribal hilly areas & coastal districts of Odisha are most backward and coming under aspiration districts. The problems of nutritional & water poverty and deprivation in the basic development initiatives are complex and intense and not fairly addressed due to lack of several causes although things are improving lot with enhanced challenges. Erratic rainfall, undulated terrain, fragmented ecology followed by frequency of droughts and disasters has severely affected the state of economic affairs in Odisha since last few decades. Ill-conceived pro-poor policies, poor location-based programs, top-down programs have fueled to marginalization manifold affected life and livelihoods towards resilience building. Vulnerable eco-system, devastated livelihood, ravaged resource base, deteriorated quality of life, malnourished environment, lack of confidence and capacity for entitlement and access to resource base has created immense imbalance and embarrassing caused impoverishment of vulnerable sections, Introduction of commercial cropping without giving thought to conservation, has widened the social gap. Major issue & threats are Climate change with secotral and compartmental approaches have not reached at bottom have not adequately reflected to the ground reality due to non-integration of programs & interconnected issues. The problems of poverty and deprivation in the tribal regions are complex and intense and not fairly addressed due to lack of political will and governance. The time has come to have a concerted action undertake broad based partnership to work together by garnering collective and shared responsibility to minimize the adverse impact of distress migration, degradation and climate chaos , livelihoods issues & Protecting land mass from degradation, utilizing ecologically sensitive indigenous and alternative methods for land & water utilization, rejuvenation followed by adoption green energy, biomass conservation can help to achieve important prerequisites for environmental sustainability & livelihoods empowerment on enterprising mode towards sustainability with added innovation & inclusion.


• Landscape based ecological advancement & Ecosystem Services towards Sustainable Food Systems • Risk Informed DRR model building Community Livelihoods Resilience & Climate Adaptation towards sustainable communities • Life Skill Development towards Social Entrepreneurship Towards sustainable education • Diversity, inclusion, innovations, Knowledge, WASH Resilience • Nutrition Environmental Education technology transfer LEDS & Carbon Credit towards sustainable Green Procurement & Geen economy • Strengthening FPOs , Women collectives, Minimize slum dweller & Urban Poverty towards sustainable urban resilience • Circular Development & Economies in reusing, reshaping, rejuvenating, restoring & rehabilitating resource base, remaking with a repurpose towards clean Economy & sustainability


Udyama's impactful initiatives include 3,500 water projects, 25 federated CBOs, 2000 self-employed migrants, 200 women collectives, 20,000 hectares for resilient farming, 500 hectares for pulses, 1000 hectares for biodiversity, 2,500 solar lighting systems, 3000 efficient stoves, 45 schools promoting hygiene, 15 climate justice efforts, 25 Government-supported onion shades, 480 treadle pumps, 9 biogas plants, 1 solar energy centre, 200 ultra-poor linked to 5 FPOs, and 10 ICT kiosks for weather information. During COVID-19, it served 90,750 people with vaccine readiness, social protection campaigns, and immunity boosting.


  • Women and Child Development Programme

    UDYAMA consistently elevates the well-being of women by fostering diverse activities, including livelihood support, health enhancement, empowerment, and entrepreneurship. Initiatives encompass small-scale vending, collective efforts in WASH, and the cultivation of Nutrition Gardens illuminated by solar home lighting. Moreover, the adoption of fuel-efficient cook stoves and biogas facilities significantly improves women's lives, reducing health risks, enhancing household productivity and income, providing renewable energy, educating children, alleviating drudgery, and conserving local forests. Ultimately, these efforts contribute to national development commitments and Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Skill Building Programmes

    Udyama, as an enabling development organisation, is dedicated to building a resilient society prepared to address the forthcoming challenges of a world where 50% of rural areas are projected to become urban by 2050. Recognizing the increasing need for skilled individuals who can meet market demands, especially for employable skills, Udyama plays a significant role in providing skill training opportunities. This includes programmes aimed at empowering unemployed rural residents, school dropouts, and youth without employment prospects. Udyama's initiatives encompass a wide range of skill-building activities, such as knowledge provision, resource protection, skill promotion, entrepreneurship development, technology adoption, and risk management. Through these efforts, Udyama aims to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an evolving job market.

  • Rural Livelihoods & Entrepreneurship Development Programme

    Udyama focuses on rural livelihoods and entrepreneurship development. It collaborates with ICRISAT and the Odisha government to provide nature-based solutions to farmers and women. Activities include on-farm demonstrations, technology training, and soil analysis to boost productivity, double farmers' income, and improve nutrition. Udyama also addresses climate variability's impact on poverty and food security by empowering vulnerable rural communities. This proactive approach aligns with SDGs to eradicate poverty and improve well-being in South Asia.

  • Programme to Combat Disaster, Desertification & Climate Change

    Udyama is actively engaged in disaster prevention and response, particularly in addressing environmental and medical catastrophes in developing nations. It also plays a vital role in stabilization and reconstruction efforts after environmental disasters or armed conflicts. Given India's susceptibility to various natural disasters such as floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes, and landslides, Udyama's work in this field is crucial. It recognizes the unique geo-climatic conditions of India, with a significant portion of the country being prone to these disasters. Moreover, Udyama is part of the South Asia Rural Livelihoods Cluster, collaborating with World Bank project teams across several South Asian countries to implement multi-sector programmes targeting impoverished communities. These programmes aim to empower the poor, enhance their capacity, and facilitate their access to financial resources, ultimately improving their livelihoods.

  • Circular Economy & Circular Development Programme

    Udyama is actively addressing the challenges of the Anthropocene era, characterized by extensive human activity with profound impacts on the Earth's systems and resources. Overconsumption, driven by the industrial revolution and capitalism, has led to climate change and environmental and social problems. Unsustainable linear economic models strain the planet's resources. Overpopulation and demand for goods generate substantial waste and pollution, harming both humans and ecosystems. Udyama recognizes the global need for sustainable production, resource management, and efficient resource use. It advocates for the adoption of circular economy principles to promote responsible waste and resource management, contributing to global sustainable development goals.

  • COVID-19 Pandemic response, readiness for mass vaccination towards saving lives & livelihoods

    COMMUNITY LED COVID REDINESS, PREPAREDNESS & Collaboration between UDYAMA and COVID-Action-Collab (CAC) for High Impact Interventions
    UDYAMA & CAC and both parties have collaborated for the implementation of the High Impact interventions : community based a people-centric, partnership-led, multi-disciplinary network that synergizes, augments and accelerates the impact of partners (implementers, providers and enablers) in their effort to support vulnerable communities to survive and thrive through humanitarian crises (like COVID-19) by ensuring relief, recovery and resilience building,
    ● COVID Risk Assessment and prevention - Assess risk for COVID-19 and screen for
    NCD / comorbidities like Hypertension, Diabetes, Anemia and lung health.
    ● Vaccine Readiness: Awareness, counselling & onboarding for COVID vaccines
    ● Social Protection - Enabling access to Social Protection schemes.
    ● Any other interventions immunity boosting , undertaking social counselling measure for entitlements,

  • Extended Humanitarian Support to Train Tragedy Victims : Odisha Train Accident During 2nd June 2023

    UDYAMA & CAC and both parties have agreed to collaborate for the implementation of the humanitarian intervention for High Impact interventions Starting from Rescue operation during same night of 2nd June2023 with support of local CBO and mobilized huge volunteers. operation work done & search and rescue operation continued.
    Facilitate to mobilize & Distribute dry foods and packaged water and mask 2000,hand gloves - 2000 , Handwash-300, some first aid kits, water bottle - 3000 , biscuits packet 3000 to the recued persons at spot 60 volunteers deployed & support extended to relative of victims came from far off to identify diseased & dead bodies and support continued till 4th June Evening with free kitchen & cooked foods .
    Further, food & soft drinks distributed to stranded passengers at Raghunathpur & Barang Railway Station till the clearance of detained trains . Follo by supply of walker & walking sticks to the victims

Impact Metrics

  • Covid-19 Vaccination Readiness, Response , Recovery & Resilience

    Program Name

    Mass vaccination during Covid-19 pandemic

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 0
  • 2022-23

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 2035

Leadership Team

  • Pradeep Mahapatra

    Co - Founder & Secretary

  • Kulamani Das

    Team Member

  • Ranjit Roul

    Team Member

  • Sudeshna Satpathy

    Team Member

  • Dhananjaya Behera

    Team Member


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    HIG-140-K-6-Kalingavihar, Bhubaneswar-751019, Dist-Khorda, Odisha, India


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type
