Youth for Social Development (YSD)

Works with resource-poor and marginalized communities in urban and rural Odisha with special attention to Dalit, Adivasi children, youth, and women

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Berhampur, Odisha

  • Since


Youth for Social Development (YSD) is a development organization based in Odisha, India, dedicated to improving the lives of urban and rural poor, esp Read moreecially marginalized communities like Dalit and Adivasi children, youth, and women. Its focus areas include governance, health, education, water, sanitation, housing, and climate change. YSD's journey began in 2005, when a group of research scholars from Berhampur University came together to address the issues of poverty, lack of social infrastructure, and limited employment opportunities in Southern and Western Odisha, where there is a significant indigenous and tribal population. The organization started by conducting social audits of policies and governance and has evolved into a comprehensive grassroots research and development institution that combines service provision, advocacy, research, and training. Its vision is to create a just, equitable, and sustainable society where everyone has access to social, economic, and democratic rights, allowing them to achieve their full potential and lead dignified lives. YSD's mission is to achieve this vision by facilitating holistic sustainable social and economic development in marginalized communities through participatory community action and empowerment. The organization is guided by core values such as social justice and equity, integrity, transparency, accountability, participation, and cooperation. To achieve its objectives, YSD works towards promoting transparent and accountable governance, improving basic services for vulnerable sections, enhancing the living conditions and opportunities for children, empowering adolescents and youth with life skills, and advocating for climate resilience and harmony with nature in environmentally affected areas.

Demographies Served


  • Budget research centre


    YSD has established the Centre for Local Government Budget and Policy Research, which focuses on researching governance issues affecting vulnerable communities. The centre aims to provide knowledge and objective analysis of local government budgets and policies to various stakeholders, including government agencies, students, civil society organizations, elected representatives, and the public.

    The specific objectives of the centre are to assess the impact of local government budgets and policies on vulnerable communities, promote good governance and social accountability through research-based information, and improve the quality of public expenditure through discourse among civil society, government agencies, and the public.

    The strategies employed by the centre to achieve its objectives include conducting research, establishing a resource centre for policymakers and the public, building strategic partnerships, and enhancing internal capacity.

  • Citizenship and governance


    "YSD promote a participatory and dialogic relationship between citizens and the government to strengthen social justice processes, service provision, policy-making, and responsive governance. Key steps taken by YSD include empowering service providers, frontline workers, and local elected officials through training, raising awareness among people about their entitlements and responsibilities, analyzing policies and budgets together, and facilitating dialogues among stakeholders to bring people's voices and suggestions to the government.

    YSD's priority themes revolve around civic entitlements, social security measures such as pensions, public distribution system (PDS), and employment guarantee schemes (NREGS), along with basic services like health, education, water, sanitation, and housing. They work in fragile geographies, including remote rural and tribal areas, informal settlements in urban areas, coastal regions, and marginalized communities.

  • Children and Youth


    "Following are the three major initiatives aimed at empowering young individuals and creating a child-friendly ecosystem
    1. Education- foundation learning: YSD works to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for children aged 6 to 18 years at the elementary and secondary levels. Their efforts target the most disadvantaged backgrounds, including children in slums, remote rural and tribal areas, and those with disabilities. The initiative emphasizes foundation literacy and numeracy, social-emotional learning, social leadership skills, leveraging technology in learning, and collaborating with government schools and teachers.
    2. Kishori Shakti- adolescent empowerment program: Designed for children and youth aged 10 to 19 years, this program focuses on employability skills, life skills, health, hygiene, nutrition, protection from harmful practices, and gender-based violence.

  • Climate and disaster risk reduction


    "YSD's strategic objective revolves around empowering communities to tackle climate change and disasters, promoting climate adaptation, and advocating for sustainable growth and development that respects nature and people. They believe that the climate crisis is a result of human choices and that the most vulnerable, especially the poor, suffer the most. YSD emphasizes systemic and behavioral change and focuses on children and youth to bring positive transformations in their communities.

    To achieve this, it undertakes major steps such as awareness building on sustainable production, waste management, renewable energy, afforestation, and disaster risk reduction (DRR). It also engages in risk-informed planning, create Village Disaster Management Plans (VDMP), and conduct policy and budget analysis to influence renewable and climate policies through discussions with policymakers and civil society.

Leadership Team

  • Lokanath Mishra


  • Bibhu Prasad Sahu


  • Ajaya Kumar Sahu



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    GJM No. 7422/61 of 2005-2006

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Plot No-1200/8201, 9th Lane, Govinda Vihar, Near Ruby Eye Hospital, Lochapada, Berhampur, 760001


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
