Integrated Rural Community Development Society

Empowers needy communities through knowledge, skills, and noble values, fostering active participation and collaboration with stakeholders to address poverty, discrimination, and social exclusion

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu

  • Since


Integrated Rural Community Development Society (IRCDS) was established with a vision to promote Love, Peace, Justice, and Equality in society, it is c Read moreommitted to building knowledge, skills, and noble values among disadvantaged communities. It focuses on empowering children, women, and persons with disabilities from socially excluded and marginalized backgrounds. Through organising community-based organisations, it encourages active participation in their own development and well-being. The organisation strives to address poverty, discrimination, and social exclusion prevalent in the working areas. Deep-rooted caste systems and gender inequalities act as systemic barriers, which IRCDS aims to overcome through gender and social inclusion initiatives. It collaborates with various partners and stakeholders to protect the rights of children, women, and persons with disabilities, ensuring their involvement in decision-making processes. It strongly believes in working alongside Government authorities at different levels to ensure the provision of quality services in education, health, nutrition, and livelihood for needy communities.


Learning competencies of children is low Child marriage Higher education enrolment lack of employment opportunities Transport facilities for children, girls to go Educational institutions Gender based violence Lack of awareness among migrant brick kiln workers


1. Early childhood care and Development 2. Ensuring Quality Education in Government Schools 3. Improving 21st century skills of children 4. Promoting Higher Education among children and youth 5.Child protection, Participation and Prevention of Child Marriage 6. Youth Development 7. Gender and Social Inclusion - trainings 8. Women Development - Training to Self Help Groups and Promotion of Livelihood 9. Empowering Differently abled persons 10. Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience and action 11. Improve work place safety and social security of migrant brick kiln workers


Over the past 35+ years, IRCDS has made an impact, transforming 384 communities while reaching over 70,000 children, 31,600 women, and 11,500 persons with disabilities, and actively collaborating with 279 Anganwadis and 236 Government schools for sustainable change.


  • Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Programme

    IRCDS collaborates with Government Anganwadi centres, various institutions, NGOs, and communities to tackle nutritional deficiencies and improve parenting practices. Its initiatives include raising awareness, enhancing capacities, and creating spaces for ANC/Lactating mothers, young fathers, communities, and Government institutions to address concerns and seek solutions. Activities encompass capacity building for mothers and fathers, and Anganwadi workers, promoting nutritional outcomes, establishing nutri-gardens, and ensuring services for migrant brick kiln labourers and their children.

  • Women Empowerment Programme

    The programme focuses on empowering women by encouraging their active participation in decision-making processes within families, communities, and local governance. Efforts include organising women into self-help groups, providing capacity-building training on various topics, breaking social and gender norms, and collaborating with relevant authorities such as Women Police Stations and the District Administration.

  • Sustainable Livelihood Programme

    This Programme aims to reduce poverty and inequality by promoting employment and sustainable livelihoods for impoverished households. Collaboration involves Women SHGs, Panchayat federations, Village Development Committees, Government Banking Institutions, Government Institutions, NGOs, and academic Institutions.

  • Empowering Persons with Disabilities

    IRCDS is dedicated to promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in alignment with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Its focus areas encompass education, health, livelihood, social empowerment, and capacity building for individuals with disabilities and their families. Efforts include rehabilitation, organising village-level and district-level groups, and providing mentoring support.

  • Child Rights Protection and Participation Programme

    This programme aims to establish a secure and supportive environment that fosters child-friendly spaces within families, communities, and institutions. It prioritizes children's rights, ensuring access to quality services without discrimination, and their active participation in empowered communities and functional child protection systems. Through CFAM, they collaborate with communities and Government institutions to address gaps by mobilizing, capacitating, and strengthening accountability mechanisms with evidence-based approaches.

  • Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) & COVID Response Programme

    IRCDS provides emergency assistance to at-risk communities during natural disasters and pandemics, including COVID-19. It concentrates on fulfilling fundamental needs such as clean water, food, and sanitation, with a focus on women, adolescent girls, children, persons with disabilities, and the elderly. Additionally, it works on disaster risk reduction through community preparedness, awareness campaigns, and engaging with Government institutions.

  • Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience

    IRCDS is building youth leadership for climate change,climate resilience and carbon reduction in our communities. These initiatives contribute to achieve the Sustainable Developmental Goal 13 :“Climate Action”.

    We helps young people to play an active and contributory role in awareness-building, climate literacy, encouraging sustainable lifestyles, developing and conserving biodiversity, supporting eco-friendly practices and facilitating mitigation interventions aimed at controlling and tackling the challenges of climate change and improving their quality of life. As part of this, we have established Oxy parks (micro forests). These trees produce more oxygen compared to other trees and can withstand drought. The maintenance of these micro-forests is being carried out by the Government Panchayat administration and respective local youth groups.

Leadership Team

  • P. Titus


  • P. Stephen

    Executive Secretary cum Director

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    13, Abdul Kalam Street, MDM Nagar, Tiruvallur, 602001


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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