Sristi Foundation

Sristi Foundation is a non-profit organisation, established in 2013 that works primarily in the domain of Specially Abled. Its primary office is in Villupuram, Tamil Nadu.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Villupuram, Tamil Nadu

  • Since


Sristi Foundation is a non-profit organisation established in the year 2013. We work towards improving the lives of Children and Rural Youths with int Read moreellectual and developmental disabilities. We use a combination of education, life skill training and agriculture as a tool to help them who are faced with exclusion, neglect and many other disadvantages that limit their effective participation in mainstream society and to lead a meaningful independent life by creating an inclusive space to live, learn, work and generate income. Each and every project we implemented for people with intellectual disabilities facilitates income generating opportunities, increased well-being and reduced poverty and vulnerability. People with disabilities participation in economic activity is necessary not only for sustenance or for the basic survival but also to contribute to one’s self- esteem and enhancing self- fulfilment. People with disabilities have the right to work, but they must be given the means to enable them to exercise their right. Our own experience made us realize that we have to create opportunities to facilitate their social and economic inclusion for that we are taking many steps to initiate a focused livelihood program to enhance the life of people with disability. The main aim of creating this opportunity is to manifest their potential and thereby to find fulfilment of life through socio-economic rehabilitation to achieve by them on their own merit and to live independent and meaningful life.


People with intellectual and developmental disabilities often face challenges that contribute to poverty. They struggle to access basic things like education, healthcare, and jobs which deny them their rights as human beings. Getting a job is particularly hard due to barriers like stereotypes, ignorance and criticism. Many disabled individuals are left out of education and training programs, making it tough for them to improve their lives. Shockingly, UNESCO data shows that only 1 to 2% of disabled people in developing countries get an education. In India, where over 21 million people are disabled and 75% live in rural areas, they often do not have access to education and face exclusion from their communities. This situation calls for understanding and support to improve the lives and dignity of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Social Development Report of 2016 points out that in India, disabled individuals are unfairly treated due to cultural, social and physical barriers. A survey by Sristi Foundation found 355 people with disabilities in 47 villages, lacking formal support organizations. It is crucial to break down these barriers and make society more inclusive for a better life for people with disabilities.


1)Providing Nutritious Food for Children and Youths with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2)Therapy Services 3)Special Education 4)Farm-Based Residential Vocational Training for Rural Youths with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 5)Creating Employment Opportunities for Rural Youths with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 6)Developing Self-Advocacy for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 7)Awareness Creation 8)Ensuring the Government Entitlements for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Sristi has established a supportive environment to enhance the well-being of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our organization provides training programs aimed at enhancing their capacities to actively engage in addressing the challenges they face. Historically, individuals with disabilities have frequently had their perspectives overlooked, with decisions made on their behalf by others. Sristi has developed an infrastructure that empowers the representation of people with disabilities, recognizing the importance of their voices in decision-making processes. This initiative not only highlights the valuable contributions individuals with disabilities can make within their communities but also ensures their active participation in expressing their views on matters that directly impact them.


  • Sristi Village

    Sristi Village is an inclusive residential community ("a Farm and Agriculture-Based Entrepreneurial Residential Training and Independent Living Skills for JOB”) which offers marginalized individuals and people with intellectual disabilities the chance to live, learn, work, and generate income; allowing them to reach their full potential.
    For the past ten years Sristi worked tirelessly to create our eco-farm as a space of well-being for intellectually disabled people, which provides a secure and protected space of work where people with disabilities are valued as a part of our community. Through this we have engaged people with disabilities in farming initiatives to improve their health, social and educational circumstances and employability skills.

  • Sristi Special School

    Sristi Special School: Rural children with multiple disabilities receive specialized education, nutritional support, and rehabilitation services. This nurturing environment helps them develop skills, gain confidence, and enhance their overall well-being.

  • Sristi Mobile Therapy Project

    Sristi is taking an initiative to reach the poor children with special needs of Villupuram district through community-based rehabilitation to enhance their life by providing special education, physiotherapy, speech therapy, medical assistance, counselling and to conduct awareness program on health and hygiene. The main aim of this program is to reach the children with special needs who were in severe condition and to create a holistic environment for them. Currently 105 children are getting benefit at their door steps.

  • Sristi Group Home

    Sristi initiated an assisted and Independent Living for Young Adult Women with Intellectual and developmental disabilities. A first-of-its- kind initiative in Puducherry a group home is just that – a home. It may have rules about how it needs to run, but it helps disabled adults live in a real community in a real house with a real continuity of people around them. This project aims to unlock the potential of these wonderful women to lead an independent life in the society.

  • Sristi Early Intervention Centre for Autism

    Sristi initiated Early Intervention Centre for Children with Autism (A unit of Sristi Foundation) Autism prevalence has been steadily increasing over the years, impacting families from both rural and urban communities. The center's primary objective is to offer high-quality, no-cost multidisciplinary interventions including speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, behaviour analysis and special education support to meet the unique needs of each child. Through Sristi Early Intervention Centre for Children with Autism we aim to fill this gap by offering a hope for families in Villupuram District.

Impact Metrics

  • Number of Beneficiaries Benefitted in Farm Based Residential Vocational Training

    Program Name

    Sristi Village Residential Project for Rural Youths with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 35
  • Total Number of Community Based Rehabilitation Services for Rural Children With Disabilities

    Program Name

    Sristi Mobile Therapy Project

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 100
    • 2021-22 100
    • 2022-23 100

Leadership Team

  • Karthikeyan


  • Ebenica Edward

    Fundraising Manager

  • Dakshinamoorthy

    Program Manager

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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