Universal Versatile Society

Making living sustainable

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Washim, Maharashtra

  • Since


Universal versatile society is UNEP and UNCCD accredited organization with a Special Consultative Status of Economic and Social Council of United Nati Read moreons. We are non-political, non-communal and nonprofit making, non-governmental voluntary social organization registered under Societies Registration Act-XXI of 1860 and Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 (Bombay Act No. 29 of 1950) by the authority of Govt. of Maharashtra’s Asstt. Registrar of Societies, Akola Region – India. Since its inception, UVS is actively engaged in EcoVillage building to address environment, education, agriculture, energy consumption, mental health and women empowerment thematic areas through people’s participation in Washim district, Maharashtra. The work of the organization is accompanied by sound fieldwork, research and monitoring of each activity that were undertaken. With the collection of appropriate data, the organization puts an idea before the people through awareness drives. The organization has successfully established several initiatives across the Washim District in Maharashtra. Being enthusiastic and innovative, the building block of the organization is a tiny little principle as “Making living sustainable”, which has anchored all the activities.


We are working in Washim district of Vidarbha which has been proclaimed as farmer’s suicide prone area. Since the inception of our organization, availability of funds and dedicated skilled manpower was the significant obstacle we have confronted. Even in this scenario, we are efficaciously practicing the projects for sustainable agriculture, climate change, health and women empowerment. As per the World Bank's report on 28 June 2018, seven out of the top 10 most-affected hotspot districts from south Asia will belong to the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra (Click Here for World Bank Report). The report proved to be very true, the situation in Vidarbha is worsening consistently. In every eight hours one farmer commit suicide with total 1,057 suicide recorded in last 11 months (Click Here for details). Since 2001 to 15 Dec 2019 16,918 farmer's killed themselves.


1. Regenerative Agriculture Hundred farmers from our adopted village Nagthana were brought together through four self-help groups. They were trained and empowered to cultivate at least an acre of land through regenerative way of agriculture. Provision has been made to market an organic produce of farmer through ‘Family Farmer’ project under which we have tie up with customers in city. Project Highlights: Training sessions on organic farming, campaign on soil health, workshops on NatuEco / Natural / Regenerative agriculture practices were organized. Expert session on eco-village model was the highlight of this campaign. Orientation program explaining the Climate Smart Agriculture and Clean Development Mechanism were given. Locaton: Washim, Nagthana, Jambhrun, Panchala 2. Mental Health Program We are working in farmer's suicide prone district of rural Vidarbha in India. It is estimated that every eight hour, one farmer commit suicide. During this Covid-19 pandemic the number is considerably increased. To tackle this, our organization has adopted a curative and preventive strategy. Our ecovillage project is working as preventive measure and mental health program as a curative. For psychiatric rehabilitation of farmers, we have targeted 128 villages in Washim. We have begun this by adopting a village Nagthana under which we have screened 1500+ beneficiaries for their depression level through PHQ-12 questionnaire and referred the acute depressed patients to Civil Hospital for further treatment. For mild and medium depressed population we have happiness program. We have succeed in saving the life of 7 beneficiaries through this project. Now we are looking forward to take on this to 127 other villages. Project Highlights: Collaboration with Civil Hospital for free mental health treatment of beneficiaries, followed PHQ-12 questionnaire to check the depression level of beneficiaries. Door step service given to the villagers. Location: 128 villages in Washim 3. Environment Related Programs- To channelize the youth towards environment issue, we have partnered with schools and colleges for Green School/ Green Campus projects. We have worked on 5 domain including Air Quality Index, Bio-Diversity, Waste Management, Water Conservation and Energy Efficiency. We have organized workshops and world climate simulations for youth. Through En-Roads tool, youth mobilization and training for teachers program we have channelized this taskforce for contributing in tree plantation, waste management and pollution control program. Also, every year we organized workshops to train the students to prepare Eco-friendly Ganpati idols. Thousands of Student each year set good example of worshipping the environment. Location: World School Washim, Mount Carmel School Washim, Rajeshthan Arya College, Savitri Bai Phule Nursing College, SMK College Washim 4. Women Empowerment Program Under the Women Counselling Center scheme, counselling, referral and rehabilitative services to women victims those are in mortal danger within the family or society, marital discord or maladjustment is provided free of charge. Also vocational training of women self-help group has been organized time to time. Location: Washim


Through our efforts, proper administration and stakeholder’s involvement in our project, we have done remarkable progress in Regenerative Agriculture, Mental Health, Education, Women Empowerment and Environment domains. Also, the contribution of UVS in education, rural development has been remarked by International organizations like the Bahrain government, PLAN International, Leipzig University Germany, GTZ Cooperation, Climate Reality Project, etc. The trust and acceptance of thousands of UVS beneficiaries is our asset. UVS is stepping the heights of success due to its dedicated team of volunteers, staff, committee members, supporters, stakeholders, and the very special donors.


  • Regenerative Agriculture


    Hundred farmers from our adopted village Nagthana were brought together through four self-help groups. They were trained and empowered to cultivate at least an acre of land through regenerative way of agriculture. Provision has been made to market an organic produce of farmer through ‘Family Farmer’ project under which we have tie up with customers in city.

    Project Highlights:
    Training sessions on organic farming, campaign on soil health, workshops on NatuEco / Natural / Regenerative agriculture practices were organized. Expert session on eco-village model was the highlight of this campaign. Orientation program explaining the Climate Smart Agriculture and Clean Development Mechanism were given.
    Locaton: Washim, Nagthana, Jambhrun, Panchala

  • Mental Health Program


    We are working in farmer's suicide prone district of rural Vidarbha in India. It is estimated that every eight hour, one farmer commit suicide. During this Covid-19 pandemic the number is considerably increased. To tackle this, our organization has adopted a curative and preventive strategy. Our ecovillage project is working as preventive measure and mental health program as a curative. For psychiatric rehabilitation of farmers, we have targeted 128 villages in Washim. We have begun this by adopting a village Nagthana under which we have screened 1500+ beneficiaries for their depression level through PHQ-12 questionnaire and referred the acute depressed patients to Civil Hospital for further treatment. For mild and medium depressed population we have happiness program. We have succeed in saving the life of 7 beneficiaries through this project. Now we are looking forward to take on this to 127 other villages.

    Project Highlights:
    Collaboration with Civil Hospital for free mental health

  • Environment Related Programs


    To channelize the youth towards environment issue, we have partnered with schools and colleges for Green School/ Green Campus projects. We have worked on 5 domain including Air Quality Index, Bio-Diversity, Waste Management, Water Conservation and Energy Efficiency.
    We have organized workshops and world climate simulations for youth. Through En-Roads tool, youth mobilization and training for teachers program we have channelized this taskforce for contributing in tree plantation, waste management and pollution control program.
    Also, every year we organized workshops to train the students to prepare Eco-friendly Ganpati idols. Thousands of Student each year set good example of worshipping the environment.
    Location: World School Washim, Mount Carmel School Washim, Rajeshthan Arya College, Savitri Bai Phule Nursing College, SMK College Washim

  • Women Empowerment Program


    Under the Women Counselling Center scheme, counselling, referral and rehabilitative services to women victims those are in mortal danger within the family or society, marital discord or maladjustment is provided free of charge. Also vocational training of women self-help group has been organized time to time.
    Location: Washim

Impact Metrics

  • Number of Farmers Benefited

    Program Name

    Regenerative Agriculture Practices

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 200
  • Number of Beneficiaries Screened for Depression

    Program Name

    Mental Health program

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 1500
  • Number of Schools/Colleges Involved in Project

    Program Name

    Environment related projects

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 25
  • Number of Women in Need Rehabilitated

    Program Name

    Women Empowerment Program

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 75

Leadership Team

  • Narayan Vitthalrao Solanke


  • Pralhad Tulashiram Bayas


  • Mahadeo Pandurang Solanke

    Vice President

  • Nandini Kailas Surushe


  • Amol Madhav Malas


  • Anuradha Madhav Solanke


  • Rahul Bhagwan Hanwate


  • Sanghapal Subhash Uchit


  • Ajay Sheshrao Surushe


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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