Pragati Path

Center of Development

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh

  • Since


PRAGATI PATH is a voluntary development organization committed for people-centered development established on 20 June 2001 with the mission of empower Read moreing the children, women, poor and marginalized people. Ours is a non-profit, non-governmental civil society organization, which believes in participatory approaches and practices participatory methodologies for empowering the community. WE have deep social concern and commitment for social change processes. We believe that when given an opportunity the poor could rise on the occasion to help themselves. We always aim to focus on mobilizing the community; educating them and sharing right information which would give them an advantage in their social economic and political life and liberate them from all injustice, vulnerability and marginalization. PRAGATI PATH strives to educate, organize and empower the poor & to promote people centered development as a liberating force aimed at social justice, economic growth and self-reliance.


Our Vision A just, educated, enlightened, democratic Bundelkhand (India) area free from hunger, poverty, environmental degradation and all forms of exploitation based on age, sex, religion and ethnicity. We envisage a society free from all kind of exploitation and injustice and where no one remains hungry, unemployed, illiterate and exploited.


 We working in 2 Target Intervention Project in District Datia , District Sheopur in Madhya Pradesh India .With Support of Madhya Pradesh AIDS Control Society Bhopal Madhya Pradesh india .  Associated With Childline Foundation (1098) Sub Center Running in District Jhansi Block Gursarai (Jhansi)  We are also working on Formation of Kisan Club Capacity Development activities in Block Badagoan and Distrct Jhansi . .  Providing & promoting Advance agriculture techniques and best practices through Demonstration and farmers Training and Capacity Development of FIG (farmers Interest group) under Agriculture Technical Managent Agency (ATMA) JHANSI, Uattar Pradesh, India - Bundelkhand package programme in Block Badagoan & Gursarai of Dist. Jhansi ,Uttrar.Pradesh,India. Government .  Associated With Childline Foundation (1098) as Coll. Unit Rly Childline Jhansi .  Associated Jal Jeevan Mission Har Ghar Jal as ISA in District Jhansi & Distt Sultanpur U.P. .


Our Mission To promote participatory democracy, educate, organize and empower the poor who would in future act as catalyst in promoting gender equality, justice, socio-economic growth and self reliance. PRAGATI PATH works with people whose lives are dominated by extreme poverty, illiteracy, disease and other survival challenges. With multifaceted development interventions, we strive to bring about positive change in the quality of life of the under-priviledged people of BUNDELKHAND region of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh region of India. We aim to make our programs socially, financially and environmentally sustainable by using new methods and improved technologies. Poverty reduction programs undertaken so far have bypassed many of the poorest. In this context one of our main focuses is the ultra poor. With multifaceted development interventions, PRAGATI PATH strives to bring about changes in the quality of life of these people.


  • Target Intervention Project- HIV/AIDS in Distt Datia

    We are Working for High Risk Community or Groups ( HRG) ie FSW and MSM and IDU

    TI projects provide a package of prevention, support and linkage services to HRGs through drop-in- centre (DIC) and outreach-based service delivery model which includes screening for and treatment of STI, free condom and lubricant, among core groups, Behaviour Change Communication (BCC), creating an enabling

  • Running Opioid Substitution Therapy OST Center in Sheopur under TI Project with MPSAC

    OST is a process in which opioid-dependent injecting drug users are provided with long acting opioid agonist
    medications for a long period of time under medical supervision along with psycho-social interventions. Short
    term treatment of opioid dependence lasting for a couple of weeks called ‘detoxification’ which involves
    management of acute withdrawals alone, is associated with very high rates of relapse. Long term treatment
    is hence necessary for opioid dependence. OST is one such long-term treatment option.
    The lives of IDUs revolve around illicit opioid use. Most of their day is spent in procuring the drugs, using them
    and/or recovering from the effects of the drugs. Withdrawals and craving associated with opioid use compel
    them to consume opioids repeatedly. As the opioid drugs usually have short-term effects, the drug using
    population needs to inject them multiple times throughout the day. As a result,they are not able to concentrate
    on other aspects of their life, including thei

  • Farmers Capacity Development under Sub Mission on Agriculture Extension

    Schemes of Extension Division The Sub Mission on Agricultural Extension (SMAE) focuses on awareness creation and enhanced use of appropriate technologies in agriculture & allied sectors. It has four main components, namely: Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms.

    We are providing following support to Farmers
    1 Formation of Farmers Common Interest Group (FIG)
    2. Providing Training for advance agriculture Practices
    3 Organised Exposure Visit in Improved Successful field and Institutes
    4 Organised Demonstration in framers Field
    5 Meeting with framers for Providing and introduces Advance Agriculture Practices through farm School

  • Jal Jeevan Mission _ Har Ghar Jal

    Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) is a flagship program of the Government of India with the goal of providing every rural household in the country with a functional tap water connection by the year 2024. While the mission is a national initiative, it is implemented at the state level. Since you mentioned “Jal Jeevan Mission UP,” Yojana Vacancy I assume you are referring to the implementation of the mission in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
    we are working as a ISA in Distt Jhansi and Sultanpur
    we are mobilised to Community for Acceptance of FHTC ( Functional House Hold Tap Connection , Capacity Development to VWSC and Support to Established Operation and Maintenance in Village through VWSC

  • Support and Formation of FPO

    We are providing supported and Formation FPO and Providing training and Support for Bossiness plan and Value addition Technique's . etc

Impact Metrics

  • Mpsac Projected Target Under Ti Project is 1600 Hrg We Are Presently Working on 2200 Hrg Ie Target Achieved 137%

    Program Name

    Traget Intervention Project

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 1600
  • 2400 Hrg Coved

    Program Name

    Farmers Capacity Development under Sub Mission Agriculture Extension

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 1000
  • 1000 Farmers and 325 Linakge With Fpos

    Program Name

    Jal Jeevan Mission Har Ghar Jal

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 36000

Leadership Team

  • Brijendra Singh Chauhan

    Executive Director

  • Ravindra Singh


  • Pawan Gupta

    Vice President

  • Sandeep Chaube

    Senior Technical Consultant Member

  • Raj Bahadur Singh Patel


  • Kamal Singh


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    B 205 Dindayal Nagar Sipri Bazar, Jhansi, 284003


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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