Shramik Bharti

Enables women and disadvantaged communities, eradicating poverty and creating a sustainable, democratic society with equal opportunities for all

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

  • Since


Shramik Bharti is a not-for-profit, grassroots development organization working since 1986 with rural and urban disadvantaged on natural farming, natu Read moreral resource based livelihoods, community health, malnutrition, water, sanitation & hygiene, waste land development, water security, renewable energy, micro-finance etc. Waqt Ki Awaaz 91.2 FM, Community Radio Station promoted by Shramik Bharti is reaching through its programs in more than 300 villages of Kanpur Nagar and Kanpur Dehat districts. Presently our programs are influencing lives of about 1 million people in Kanpur, Kanpur Dehat, Fatehpur, Banda, Unnao, Kannauj, Etawah, Auraiya, Bhadohi and Chandauli districts of Uttar Pradesh and Moga district of Punjab. In all our endeavours we are committed to empower the disadvantaged people to increase choices in their lives. Vision Sustainable living with equal opportunities for all. Mission Working for the empowerment of the poor and the underprivileged, with a special focus on women and children, Shramik Bharti facilitates and fosters people’s democratic institutions. Committed to a human development approach, Shramik Bharti facilitates to enlarge people’s choices by assisting them in the development of their capabilities and preparing them to have better control over their lives. Shramik Bharti is, therefore, a way of seeing and respecting people. Shramik Bharti’s programmes grow out of that respect and faith in the idea of a truly democratic society, free from exploitations. Objectives 1. To facilitate ecologically sustainable human development. 2. To facilitate community centric and community owned development. 3. To enhance capacities and choices for the disadvantaged groups and communities to improve the quality of life. 4. To form people’s organizations and build their capacities for sustainable management of their organisations. 5. To facilitate process of democratic governance


1. Natural Resource Based Livelihood 2. Avartansheel Kheti (Natural Farming based on the cyclicity of nature) 3. Community Institutions (Farmer Producer Organizations & Women Self Help Groups & SHG Federations) 4. Water, Sanitation & Hygiene 5. Renewable Energy 6. Quality Education- Joyful Learning 7. Grassroot Democracy 8. Sustainable Living through Development of Inner Capacities- Universal Human Values 9. Citizen Journalism- Community Radio Station


• Micro Finance Program • Building and Strengthening Community Institutions - Farmer Producer Organizations & SHG Federations • Promotion of Allied Agriculture Activities - Backyard Poultry, Goat Rearing and Food Processing • Strengthening Craft Artisans and revival of traditional crafts • Natural Farming • Promotion of Renewable Energy Solutions • Water Security Program - Rainwater Harvesting, Pond Rejuvenation, Water Security Plans • Water, Sanitation& Hygiene (WASH) Intervention • Community Health Interventions - Community Grain Bank, Menstrual Hygiene Management • Promoting Quality Education • Community Radio Station – Waqt Ki Awaaz • Strengthening Local Self Government


• Shramik Bharti has promoted 1174 SHGs having 20,714 members. These groups disbursed loans worth Rs. 11.33 crores during the year. • 17 Farmer Producer Companies promoted with the support of NABARD during the year in Kanpur Nagar, Unnao, Chandauli and Etawah district. • 111 Community Grain Banks are functional benefitting around 5000 marginalized farming families in 5 districts of Uttar Pradesh. • HIV/AIDS Prevention program provided Healthcare and support services to 700+ Injectable Drug Users in Kanpur City in Uttar Pradesh. • 1500 Farmers in Uttar Pradesh have shifted to Natural Farming practices in their 1000 Acre land. In addition to this more than 3500 farmers are experimenting natural farming by developing kitchen garden. 660 farmers in Uttar Pradesh received NPOP (organic) certification with our facilitation & support.  Waqt Ki Awaaz, community radio station at village Bairi Dariyav in Maitha block of Kanpur Dehat engaged in broadcasting of social, educational and entertainment programs for 10 hours per day and reaching to a population of 500,000.  One community Safe Drinking Water Filter Enterprise “Malikalp” was established engaging FPOs and SHG Federations in Kanpur Nagar.  COVID-19 awareness for vaccination done with 7 CHC / PHCs in Kanpur Dehat, Unnao, Bhadohi, Fatehpur and Chandauli districts.  COVID appropriate behaviour promoted in 25 slums of Kanpur City.  “Khilti Kaliyan” An initiative promoting Girls Education got started as COVID 19 Pandemic Response and supported first cohort of 13 girls for higher education.

Vision & Mission

Sustainable living with equal opportunities for all.

Working for the empowerment of the poor and under privileged, with a special focus on women and children, Shramik Bharti facilitates and fosters people’s democratic institutions.

Committed to a human development approach, Shramik Bharti facilitates to enlarge people’s choices by assisting them in the development of their capabilities and preparing them to have better control over their lives.

Shramik Bharti is, therefore, a way of seeing and respecting people. Shramik Bharti’s programmes grow out of that respect and faith in the idea of a truly democratic society, free from exploitations.

Donor History

WaterAid India, Give India & Give Foundation, NABARD, LIC HFL, DST-Government of India,


  • Gram Samriddhi Project

    Integrated Rural Development Project focusing on natural farming, natural resource management, WASH, education of children and health and hygiene issues.

  • Fpo Formation And Strengthening

    This NABARD supported program has been started in the FY 2021 & FY 2022 for a period of 5 years for the formation and strengthening of 29 Farmer Producer Companies in Uttar Pradesh.

    This aims to improve livelihood of small and marginal farmers in Uttar Pardesh by engaging and enabling them in collectivized production, processing and marketing of agri produce and products.

  • Holistic Rural Development Project


    This LIC Housing Finance Limited supported program has been started in the FY 2022 for a period of 3 years for the Holistic development of rural marginalized including women, farmers, youth and children through capacity building, awareness generation and handholding support.

    The Key Activities include:
    1. Promotion of Natural Farming & Demo Model Farm Development (Agroforestry Model)
    2. Allied Agri Activities
    3. Grey Water Management through Household Waste Water Soakpits
    4. School Infrastructure Improvement, TLM and Library, Play Way Learning through Education Volunteers Development and Training, Playground Development.
    5. Youth Group Formation
    6. E Resource Centers
    7. Solar Street Lights Installation
    8. Health Camps
    9. Craft Intervention- Revival of Traditional Crafts and capacity building of women in these crafts for improved livelihood

Impact Metrics

  • No. of Farmers Trained in Natural Farming

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 1000
    • 2020-21 500
    • 2021-22 2000
    • 2022-23 2500
  • Farmers Organized Into #Fpos for Improved Livelihhod

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 1000
    • 2020-21 1000
    • 2021-22 2500
    • 2022-23 5000
  • Number of Fpos Formed

    Program Name

    Promotion of FPOs

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2016-17 2
    • 2021-22 8
    • 2022-23 17
  • No. of Women Self Help Groups

    Program Name

    Promotion of Community Based Organizations

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 1174
  • Total Loan Disbursed to Shg Members for Livelihood and Other Household Activities

    Program Name

    Promotion of Community Based Organizations

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 0
    • 2022-23 113331855
  • No. of People Benefitted by Community Grain Bank Initiative

    Program Name

    Ensuring Food Security of Rural poor in Uttar Pradesh

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 5000
  • No. of Farmers Adopted Natural Farming

    Program Name

    Promotion of FPOs

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 300
    • 2020-21 500
    • 2021-22 1000
    • 2022-23 1500
  • Number of Fpos Started Business Activities

    Program Name

    Promotion of FPOs

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2016-17 2
    • 2020-21 4
    • 2021-22 8
    • 2022-23 13
  • No of Women Organized Under Wshgs

    Program Name

    Promotion of Community Based Organizations

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 0
    • 2022-23 20714
  • Total Savings of Wshgs

    Program Name

    Promotion of Community Based Organizations

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 0
    • 2022-23 186011546
  • No. of Community Grain Banks Ensuring Food Security of Small and Marginal Farmers and Landless People in Uttar Pradesh

    Program Name

    Ensuring Food Security of Rural poor in Uttar Pradesh

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 111
  • No. of Farmers Received Npop(Organic Certification ) for Their Agri Produce/Products

    Program Name

    Promotion of Natural Farming

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 660
  • No. of Wash Community Enterprises Set Up Under Wash Financing Program

    Program Name

    Wash Financing by engaging Community Institutions like FPO & SHG

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 0
    • 2022-23 1
  • No. of Injectable Drug Users Provided Hiv Prevention and Care Services

    Program Name

    HIV/AIDS Prevention program among IDUs

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 700
  • No. of Government Schools Supported Under Quality Education Activity

    Program Name

    Holistic Rural Development - Punjab

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 8
  • Number of Children Benefitted Through Quality Education Activity

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 600
  • Number of Community Radio Station in Rural Setting

    Program Name

    Promoting Community Radio Station to serve the information needs of rural community

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 1
  • Population Reached Through Community Radio "Waqt Ki Awaaz"

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 500000
  • Number of Girls From Marginalized Rural and Urban Communities Supported to Continue Education Post Covid

    Program Name

    Khilti Kaliyan- Let Every Bud Blossom

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 18

Theory of Change

• Organising the community around ecologically, socially and economically relevant issues.
• Developing capacities for addressing the sustainable developmental issues.
• Enabling access to services and provisions being provided by the state and market.
• Aggregating the community based groups and facilitating them to emerge as community based organisations.

Milestones & Track Record

• Shramik Bharti has promoted 1549 SHGs having 26,485 members. These groups disbursed loans worth Rs. 16.47 crores during the year.
• 8 Farmer Producer Companies promoted with the support of NABARD during the year in Kanpur Nagar, Unnao, Chandauli and Etawah district.
• 140 Community Grain Banks are functional benefitting 5000+ marginalized farming families in 5 districts of Uttar Pradesh.
• HIV/AIDS Prevention program provided Healthcare and support services to 700+ Injectable Drug Users in Kanpur City in Uttar Pradesh.
• 1097 farmers; 1015 in Uttar Pradesh and 82 in Punjab have shifted to Natural Farming practices in their 957 Acre land. In addition to this more than 3500 farmers are experimenting natural farming by developing kitchen garden.
 480 farmers in Uttar Pradesh received NPOP (organic) certification with our facilitation & support.
 Waqt Ki Awaaz, community radio station at village Bairi Dariyav in Maitha block of Kanpur Dehat engaged in broadcasting of social, educational and entertainment programs for 10 hours per day and reaching to a population of 500,000.
 COVID-19 awareness for vaccination done with 7 CHC / PHCs in Kanpur Dehat, Unnao, Bhadohi, Fatehpur and Chandauli districts.
 COVID appropriate behaviour promoted in 25 slums of Kanpur City.
 “Khilti Kaliyan” An initiative promoting Girls Education got started as COVID 19 Pandemic Response and supported first cohort of eight girls for higher education

Leadership Team

  • Rakesh Kumar Pandey


  • Ashish Shukla

    Manager Finance

  • Neelmani Gupta

    Manager Communication & Documentation

  • Sadhana Ghosh

    Program Manager

  • Rana Singh Parihar

    Program Manager

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    26% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

• Ms. Kalawati, a volunteer of Shramik Bharti received Nari Shakti Award by Hon’ble President of India for her unparalleled contribution in the field of sanitation as woman mason.
• “Waqt Ki Awaaz” Community Radio promoted by Shramik Bharti received National Community Radio Award- Third Prize for its Program “Chaukkani Chahardiwari” on air pollution in the year 2021 by Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, GOI.
• Mrs. Radha Shukla, Station Coordinator, Waqt Ki Awaaz, Community Radio bagged 6th ficci flo Award for “Outstanding Woman in Art & Culture” in the year 2020-2021.
• Mrs. Omshree, a woman farmer trained and supported by Shramik Bharti in Natural Farming won Ficciflo Award for Outstanding Woman Farmer in the year 2020-2021.
• “Waqt Ki Awaaz” Community Radio promoted by Shramik Bharti received Laadli Media & Advertising Award (Northern Region) for promotion of Gender Sensitivity through its radio program ‘Bekhauf Rah” on eve teasing.
• A woman farmer Ms. Chhaya Devi from village Tenduli, Fatehpur district was awarded as “Outstanding Woman Farmer” by FICCIFLO- UP Chapter 9for the year 2019-2020) for its nature farming initiative through a virtual Award Ceremony. She received Rs. 10,000 cash prize and certificate of recognition
• Ms. Tetra, a beneficiary of Shramik Bharti from village Kamhariya, Chandauli district felicitated by Ficciflo (2019-2020) as Runner Up of Outstanding Woman Farmer Award for her natural farming initiative. This event was conducted virtually due to COVID 19 crisis.
• Ms Sarvesh Kumari, one of our SHG member and resident of village Padraha in Shivrajpur Block of Kanpur received Ficciflo Award (2019-2020) for Outstanding Woman in Community Health for promoting organic kitchen gardens for improved nutrition.

• Ms. Diksha Pandey from village Sujanpur in Shivrajpur Block of Kanpur received Ficciflo Award (2018-19) for Outstanding Woman in Community Health for her efforts towards promotion of organic kitchen gardens.

• Ms. Jyoti from village Jarailapurwa, Akabarpur block, Kanpur Dehat Awarded as Outstanding Woman Farmer by Ficciflo. She is engaged in promotion of nature farming and collectivizing woman under Farmer Producer Organization(FPO) for value addition and marketing of organic produce and products.

• Ms. Pushplata Rathore received Ficciflo Award for Rural- Outstanding woman of courage. Pushpa Lata is working as Solar Mechanic largely considered as man’s job.

• Ms. Ram Kumari from Chabba Nivada Village of Shivrajpur Block of Kanpur Nagar was awarded as Outstanding Woman Farmer in Uttar Pradesh by FICCIflo.

• Ms. Ram Murti from village Bakarganj, Taktauli, Biramau, Block Shivrajpur was honored by FICCIflo as Outstanding Woman in Social Work in Uttar Pradesh for her exemplary efforts to empower women through SHGs.

• Ms Reeta Devi from Village Machhariya, Kamhariya in Chandauli District was awarded by FICCIflo as Rural Outstanding Woman with courage. Reeta is a trained Mason by Shramik Bharti who entered into a male dominated profession and broken the stereotypes.

• Ms. Geeta Devi, Chhabba Niwada, Shivarajpur, Kanpur received runner up trophy and a citation as a women farmer for practicing & promoting nature farming by FICCI flo on 29th April’ 2017.

• Shramik Bharti is awarded as the best organization in north India in the field of health by 7th Spirit of Humanity 2016 awards organised by Americares on 12th September’ 2016 in Mumbai.

• Ms. Siya Dulari and Ms. Sangeeta Gupta members of self-help groups promoted by Shramik Bharti received women farmer and women entrepreneur award by Mr. Akhilesh Yadav, Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh on 30th April’ 2016 in the event organized by FICCI flo.

• On 16.04.2016, Mr. Akhilesh Yadav, Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh presented. Ms. Noorjahan with HT Women 2016 award of Hindustan Time. Ms. Noorjahan is one of the 130 destitute women volunteer who run Solar Lantern Charging Stations promoted by Shramik Bharti in Kanpur and Kanpur Dehat districts. Her contribution was recognized by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi in Man Ki Baat on 29th Nov’ 2015.

• Ghar Ki LutiyaKhet Na Jaihe, a radio program of Waqt Ki Awaaz, Community Radio Station on sanitation is award best program content for Gender Sensitity 2014-15 (Northern Region) in The Ladli Media & Advertising Award atNew Delhi on 17thMarch’ 2016.

• Waqt Ki Awaaz, Community Radio Station received Social Media for Empowerment Award 2016 for Citizen Journalism category by Digital Empowerment Foundation on 15th March’ 2016 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

• Ms. Pushp Lata Rathore (Gudiya) popularly known as Solar Didi is given Rani Laxmi Bai Bravery Award of Government of Uttar Pradesh by Mr. Akhilesh Yadav, then Chief Minister on International Women’s Day on 8th March’ 2016. Gudiya is a solar technician of Shramik Bharti.

• Waqt Ki Awaaz, Community Radio Station promoted by Shramik Bharti received The Manthan Award – Digital Inclusion for Development 2015 on 2nd December’ 2015 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

• 130 Solar Lantern Charging stations promoted by Shramik Bharti are managed by marginalized women electrifying more than 6000 village homes. Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi recognised the efforts of Ms. Noorjahan, one of these volunteers managing one of these units, in “Man Ki Baat” program on 29th Nov. 2015.

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    392, Vikas Nagar Lakhanpur, Kanpur, 208024


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Shramik Bharti

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.

Government Partnerships

Department of Science & Technology, GOI & Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Society(UPSACS)