Bani Mandir

Empowers marginalized rural communities by working in the space of health, education, livelihoods ,child care and response

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Diamond Harbour, West Bengal

  • Since


Originated in 1945 and after got registered in 1973 Bani Mandir is actively involved in empowering the rural and underprivileged communities by implem Read moreenting well-planned and wide-ranging programs in the areas of Health, Education, Livelihoods, Child and Aged care and response. Its overall objective is to promote rural life in all its completeness enabling the village people to survive with dignity, self-respect and self-reliance along with empowering Youths, Women and girls living in poverty. It focuses on bringing positive development in the lives of villagers, especially those who are socially backward and financially unstable, without any bias. Its mission is to foster comprehensive development of rural people, priority to those who are socially challenged and economically disadvantaged, irrespective of caste, creed and gender, for attaining quality life and living. For its social commitment and implementation, it has received awards from Helpage India-New Delhi, Indian Solidarity Council-New Delhi and SAHAY Child Sponsorship Program-Kolkata.


Bani Mandir in its issue ensures people’s development through advancement in Social, Educational, Cultural, Physical, Economic and other spheres of rural life and living in a congenial atmosphere.


Bani Mandir promotes rural life in all its completeness enabling the village people to survive with dignity, self-respect and self-reliance. In its work it gives priority to children, youth and women but at the same time it accords greater importance to the well-being of the hapless elderly persons. It also sensitizes the elderly persons not to think as obsolete in the society. Bani Mandir always stands beside them. The child-centric programs ensure child survival, protection and development, with greater gender equality. In the subject of action Bani Mandir runs various civic and educational initiatives and programs with the help of volunteers and the involvement of various stakeholders, staffs and local communities.


Bani Mandir has served the community for more than 50 years, raising around 12 million dollars, impacting 150000+ lives with over 102 social projects. It is the fact that since its inception Bani Mandir earned goodwill for its dedicated service to the poor and needy rural people. According its mission and vision Bani Mandir has got success in protection of child rights like Education, Health and Protection from Malnutrition, development of creative skill and sense of imagination etc. Apart from child right protection, survival of Elderly Persons in distress, Youth development, Adolescent girl’s care and support, establishment of women’s rights through Women Empowerment Program are the major impact of our Organization. Key impact – Bani Mandir has been supported 45000 school going children & youths in Education, provide vocational training to 3000 youths for their establishment. In the health program - Organization has been supported free health checkup with provide medicines to 65000 children & aged beneficiaries. The Organization conducted many free health awareness camps & workshops on different health issues, free Eye camps with cataract surgery,15000 adolescent girls were benefitted with health awareness camps, free health checkup providing medicines and health kits since its inception. In Livelihood section 70000 poor and needy persons have been benefitted. Apart from that 180000 poor and needy children and aged persons have been provided nutrition food items till now for their survival.

Vision & Mission

Bani Mandir's overall goal is the empowerment of women and girls from poor and marginalized communities, leading to improvement in their lives and livelihoods.


  • Sponsor a Child Programme

    Supported by the Ministry of Women & Child Development - Govt. of India, Bani Mandir operates four Creche Centers to assist mothers who have to go out to work to meet their family needs; each Crèche is managed by two women who regularly conduct meetings with the parents of the children who are looked after by them. Since its inception Bani Mandir has been supported 1500 children aged between 6 months to 6 years which is going on till now. Besides that with the fund assistance/sponsorship by the Children International, USA through SAHAY-Kolkata it has been supported 3000+ poor and needy children with their families in the sector of Education, Health & Nutrition, Child Protection, Gender Equality and Children Empowerment since its inception which is going on. Apart from that thousands of school going children of different classes has been provided Tutorial Fees, Education Kits etc. with the support from GiveIndia.

  • Women Empowerment Programme

    Bani Mandir strives to encourage women to organize into Income Generation habits. Information related to financial matters, rights and management of their assets is provided to empower them besides showing them what collective will can achieve. Through this program 15000 women beneficiary families have been set up their own business for income generation since its inception.

  • Education Programme

    Bani Mandir believes that all humanitarian effort somehow connects back to basic education. It has strived to provide direct education to children with a special focus on empowering girls. It also provides nutrition and healthcare support to 100% of the children it educates while supporting teachers with training and innovative teaching skills. Our Organization emphasizes on raising educational and physical levels of children in a meaningful and lasting way. Thousands of the children beneficiaries of our Organization attend local Primary schools, Secondary and Higher Secondary schools and many have entered colleges for higher education. All the school going children and youths is being provided educational kits, tutorial fees, and computer educations etc. every year. Apart from that Bani Mandir gets its focus to give free education to the illiterate Adult persons of our society through the Adult Literacy Program. Till the year this Organization has been given free education to 1200 people in Adult aged section in its operational areas.

  • Health Programme

    Bani Mandir provides Clinical services to the needy besides conducting health camps and health checkups. It has so far implemented 500+ health services in remote villages and slums with a special focus on women. Many children have benefitted from checkup camps held in schools and it has conducted multi-specialty health camps in villages to provide specialized preliminary healthcare to rural people. Not only for children but thousands of youths and Aged persons of the villages has been provided free health checkup and medicines in our operational areas also since its inception. Besides that Bani Mandir implements free Eye Camps with cataract surgery for the poor and needy persons every year on regular basis. It gives priority in its health activities by providing free health checkup with medicines and health kits to poor and needy adolescent girls and Elderly persons in its operational areas.

  • Livelihood Programme

    Bani Mandir’s livelihood initiatives are aimed at improving the incomes of households and financial assistance for agriculture, livestock and small businesses. It has set up a Youth Empowerment Fund, which sponsors rural youth to learn first-aid through a trainer from St. John Ambulance. With financial support from GiveIndia & Give Foundation, Children International, Team Abhidaan, ONGC Ltd. and many Individual Donors, Bani Mandir provided many Livelihood support to the poor and needy destitute villagers to make them financially independent. To change the plight of resource poor village people, the organization has so far given the fund support, mostly not in cash but in kind, to a sizeable number of beneficiaries for income generation avenues like Cycle Rickshaw Van, Motorized Van, Small Domestic Poultry Farm, Readymade Garments Shop, Tailoring, Small Grocery Shop, Tea-Stall, Small Meat Shop, Fish Cultivation, Green Coconut Selling, Goat-Rearing, Shoe Shop, Vegetable Vending, Fish Vending etc. In this section 70000 poor and needy destitute families have been benefitted to enhance their income generation since its inception.

Impact Metrics

  • Children and Youth Benefited in the Child Sponsorship Program

    Program Name

    Child Sponsorship Programme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2015-16 1171
    • 2016-17 1047
    • 2017-18 1019
    • 2018-19 902
    • 2019-20 718
    • 2020-21 685
  • Beneficiaries of Health Awareness Camps and Clinical Services

    Program Name

    Health Programme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2015-16 1376
    • 2016-17 1516
    • 2017-18 810
    • 2018-19 810
    • 2019-20 810
    • 2020-21 685
    • 2021-22 650
    • 2022-23 665
  • Children Benefited in a Creche

    Program Name

    National Creche Scheme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2015-16 100
    • 2016-17 100
    • 2017-18 100
    • 2018-19 100
    • 2019-20 100
    • 2020-21 100
    • 2021-22 100
    • 2022-23 100

Milestones & Track Record

Bani Mandir has raised 25 million dollars over 50+ years of service.

Leadership Team

  • Arup Kumar Mondal


  • Debkumar Biswas


  • Dinapati Mandal


  • Sudipta Neogi

    General Secretary

  • Sujit Ranjan Baidya

    Assistant Secretary

  • Partha Sarathi Maji


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    SO013383 of 1973-74

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Vill - Khordanahala, P.O - Sadhurhat, Dist - South 24 Paraganas N. A, Diamond Harbour, 743504

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2017-18

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2018-19

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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