
Empowers underprivileged communities of the Sundarbans region (UNESCO world heritage site) and other part of West Bengal by implementing initiatives on Health, Education, Agriculture, Livelihoods, Environment, Rights, Awarness, Integrated Development and Disaster Response (HEALER-AID).

  • Silver Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Silver Certified Silver Certified


  • Headquarters

    Kolkata, West Bengal

  • Since


MUKTI, a non-profit socio-economic organization, working in the Delta region of Sundarbans (world UNESCO Heritage site) and all over West Bengal, Indi Read morea since 2003,creating impact for more than 10 lakhs+ beneficiaries covering about 1.5 lakhs+ households including 30,000 SHG women and 3500+ underprivileged children in field of Health-Water & Sanitation, Pond rejuvenation, Education, Agriculture, Livelihood, Environment, Awareness & Empowerment, Integrated Development, Rights and Disaster Relief. MUKTI is a registered Trust that has all the legal compliances like CSR form-1, 12A,80G,TISS empanelment, FCRA and are supported by more than 100+ enterprises around the world. We have received Special Consultative status from United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on December 7th, 2022 We have been rewarded nationwide first prize in "FICCI - Sustainable Agriculture Award "under the climate resilient agriculture practices category, NGO Leadership Award by Time Accent, nationwide first award by ICC in the field of Environment and Livelihood and many more.


Poor Health, Water & Sanitation condition Increased number of School dropouts, low girl ration in school, lack fi funds to complete higher education, Lack of skill amongst youth, Lack of Livelihood opportunities, Low market-product reach, Environment issues, Frequent disasters like cyclone and floods, Domestic violence, Pond rejuvenation, Use of pesticides in field.


1- Health, Water & Sanitation - Providing free primary medical care, ambulance services, and preventive healthcare support to underserved populations in West Bengal. 2- Education & Enrichment - Promoting value education and empowering local youth through projects catering to students from primary to higher education levels. 3- Agriculture Reform - Promoting sustainable farming for socio-economic development and reclaiming damaged land for alternative livelihoods. 4- Livelihood & Enablement - Creating job opportunities and empowering women through income-generating opportunities and capacity-building training. 5-Environment & Resilience - Safeguarding the Sundarbans through initiatives like Sundarbans Green, Cyclone Tolerant Houses, and pond rejuvenation. 6-Rights & Special Needs - Advocating for social change, educating communities about their rights, and empowering them to claim those rights. 7-Awareness & Empowerment - Empowering communities through vocational training, cultural shows, and observance day celebrations. 8-Integrated Development - Building sustainable futures in rural villages by promoting economic, social, and environmental progress. 9-Disaster Recovery - Providing aid to Sundarbans communities for recovery and resilience against future risks


MUKTI has treated 5500 patients, distributed 82,397 medicines, and provided 2000+ free Oxygen Concentrators to hospitals and those in need. MUKTI awarded scholarships to 1500+ students, distributed books to 90,000+ students, supported 30,136+ students in coaching centers, and facilitated employment for 600+ youth. 10,050 Bighas of land were aggregated for organic farming, and 117+ farmers are now PGS certified. MUKTI engaged 31,000+ women, formed 2,850 SHG groups, and established 30+ branches across West Bengal. Over 8000 individuals have received training in 18 fields, with 3500+ starting successful businesses. The Environment team strengthened a 20 km river embankment, planted 370,000 Mangrove trees, 145,000 Vetiver Grass, and 89,000 Dragon fruit plants. 800 jobs were created. MUKTI assisted 900,000 people during disasters, built 100 cyclone and flood-tolerant houses, and created livelihood opportunities for locals.

Vision & Mission

To work as a HEALER- AID for our society in the area of Health (Health, Water & Sanitation), Education (Education & Empowerment), Agriculture (Agricultural Reforms), Livelihood (Livelihood & Sustainability), Environment (Environment & Resiliency), Recovery & Resilience, Awareness & Empowerment, Integrated Development, Disaster Relief & Response irrespective of caste, creed, age and gender.

Donor History

Small Industris Development Bank of India (SIDBI), Coal India Ltd. (CIL), Srijan Realty Pvt Ltd, iProbono, ASHA for Education


  • Education & Enrichment Programme

    The organisation works in the space of education and empowerment by running fifty support schools with an ample number of teachers and support staff. The school children are also helped through the creation of book banks that issue academic books to the students of grade five to grade twelve for a period of one year.
    Kishalaya Schools aims to provide basic education to underprivileged primary students by hiring educated and unemployed female teachers from the local community.

    The book bank also tries to reach ill and needy children in remote locations and tries to provide them with study material.
    Our program involved in offering scholarships to meritorious students through sponsors, the organisation arranges for regular visits between the sponsor and the student to boost the student's morale.

  • Agricultural Reforms Programme

    The SAM project promotes sustainable agriculture among rural farmers to improve food security, productivity, and mitigate the negative environmental impacts of environment. With an aim to enhance soil fertility and socio-economic development through initiatives such as alternative cropping, farming equipment provision, vermicomposting, grafting etc. Integrated farming practices are also promoted to maximize resource efficiency and minimize waste.
    This approach emphasizes the cyclical use of all produce and excess to promote long-term sustainability.
    We have linked this to a community business unit called Mukti Fresh so that farmers can get a competitive price of their produce.

  • Health, Water & Sanitation Programme

    Mukti under its health, water & sanitation programme started on a project called Swasthya shongini which is a low-cost, scalable program to improve healthcare services for the rural population by training 24 village women to become campaigners for hygiene and nutrition.
    The Gram Clinic is functional since January 2021. Gram Clinic, is a small medical clinic in the village of Purboshridharpur, where people may not have easy access to medical facilities.
    The Ambulance service to provide an affordable and accessible ambulance services to the people in the rural areas of West Bengal. The project was launched in response to the Covid-19 pandemic resulting from the lack of access to emergency medical care in the rural areas. Through this, Mukti has set up a fleet of fully equipped ambulances that operate 24/7 to respond to emergency medical calls. The project has been instrumental in saving many lives and has helped bridge gap between rural communities and emergency care.

  • Livelihood & Enablement Programme

    Involves the formation of SHGs consisting of 10 to 15 women with similar financial status. Capacity building of SHGs and market linkage through various platforms is one of the key area where Mukti is working. At present we have associated with more than 31,000 SHG women in West Bengal.

  • Environment & Resilience Programme

    Aims to strengthen and sustain the river embankment system of Purba Shridharpur village by planting Mangrove, Vetiver Grass, and Dragon Fruits in a three-layer protection system. This project will also provide local Self-Help Group members with livelihood opportunities. By engaging SHG members in the task of riverbank protection, the project contributes towards social empowerment. The project aligns with SDGs 1, 2, 13 and 15.

  • Rights and Special Needs Programme

    The program is structured in 2 layers, in the first layer one woman action group has formed, it’s a group of 20 women. The second layer is village level women groups. The training and orientation programs are conducted among the woman Action Group first and then they conduct the same process with village level groups. Each Voice member manages one village level group consisting of 10-12 women members. Through several gender sensitization workshops.

  • Awareness and Empowerment Programme

    As Mukti is directly connected with more than 5000 students & 350 teachers through Mukti Support School initiative, the primary targeted audiences are the teachers and students.
    We have been regularly conducting awareness camps, workshops, celebrating different observance days and conducting cultural shows to raise awareness amongst the community.

  • Integrated Development

    It involves Transforming of rural villages in West Bengal for a Better Future Building Sustainable Futures in terms of better health, education, environment a livelihood. We are at present working in developing Purbasridharpur, Egra and Bamman Mullar Chowk as a Model village and next target is to work in development of model Gram Panchayats.

  • Disaster Response

    Mukti has directly assisted 900,000 people during various disasters. To date, 100 such cyclone and flood-tolerant houses have been built in the community by the rural people and treated over 200,000 people in medical camp.

  • Mukti Support School

    In Sundarbans regions of West Bengal, due to low and many a times, no income in the family, most of the young boys and girls were compelled to drop out from school and started migrating in search of job to help their family, thus, making them vulnerable, especially the girls who were reported to be sexually and emotionally abused at the tender age. On the other hand, those who could afford to continue their education, though with great difficulty, were unable to comprehend the academic content. As a result, there was evidence of poor academic performances resulting in drop out from school at an early age. To fill these gaps, MUKTI started Mukti Support School in 2006 and serving more than 1000+ children on yearly basis with an objective to provide coaching support to the formal school students from Std. V – X who were identified as the poorest of the poor and guiding them towards continuous improvement in their academic performances in the school in all 5 major subjects. In 2022, As we are progressing ahead with a greater number of beneficiaries, thus we request you to kindly extend your help once again, this year we are proposing it for 100 new MSS centers and thus taking a step towards the education of disadvantaged children; those are finding it difficult to pursue their education in the pandemic times. This is the third year of the pandemic many students were dropout from education due to their poverty and irregularities in studies. Through MSS they will get an opportunity to complete their education with the current education standard in place.

  • Sustainable Agriculture Movement (Sam)

    Post-Aila & Post-Flood re-construction as well as development initiatives supported by donors, a SAM (Sustainable Agriculture Movement) project has been undertaken in the year 2010. Mukti has planned to implement the SAM ventures for a long-term basis to have a comprehensive outcome in the field of agricultural production and sustainable livelihood opportunities with an emphasis on checking massive migration and poverty-alleviation just after a devastating cyclone and flood. Post Aila land reclamation and sustainable organic agriculture pilot project out comes are remarkable. When large swathes of agricultural land were submerged in saline water raising fears that cultivation could not be resumed for several years. Saathi Revathi, an organic farmer, who had experience in land reclamation after Tsunami worked with Mukti to train farmers in inexpensive organic methods to reclaim land for cultivation. Not only was land reclaimed, but the yield of rice was also better than conventional farming by the end of November. Since food supply became uncertain, expensive, and non-varied, Mukti partnered with some organizations and Development Research Communication & Service Centre (DRCSC), that works on food and livelihood securities of the rural poor, to train families in raising organic kitchen gardens quickly to supplement and enrich their nutritional intake. Even landless families would be able to raise gardens in broken pots, jute bags and bamboo baskets. The simple yet effective techniques have started spreading on their own. However, the organic practices which we have started after Aila cyclone and continued the same practice during the time of Bulbul and Amphan; has proved to be fruitful during the pandemic. When the world was fighting for the survival at that time our farmers were not only produces organic vegetables and uses kitchen gardening to maximum but also helped send their vegetables to market for sale, which help them out to survive in the toughest time of their life. The cyclone has damaged hectares of agricultural land, forests and the rich mangrove population and has severely damaged schools, warehouses, and piped water schemes which affected the productivity of the land leading to decrease in overall income of the farmers.

  • Environment

    Mangroves have tremendous socio-economic importance and provide protection to the hinterland from damages of cyclones/tsunami. Inspite of this, mangroves have been degraded due to human interventions such as illicit felling of trees, unregulated grazing, brackish water aquaculture. With a long term goal of restoring the degraded mangrove areas, MUKTI included afforestation of mangroves as an important component to be implemented in Purboshridharpur block of south 24 pgs district of West Bengal, India. MUKTI has involved in plantation drive since its inception in 2003. The rigorous cyclones and floods in the area has forced organization to work for Mangrove plantation which has noticed a severe drop in last decade. The organization raised Mangroves in few parts of the Sundarbans region

Impact Metrics

  • Farmers Working Under Sustainable Agricultural Movement

    Program Name

    Agricultral Reforms Programme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 6500
    • 2019-20 9500
    • 2020-21 7750
    • 2021-22 9500
    • 2022-23 11000
  • Mukti Support School

    Program Name

    Education & Empowerment Programme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 700
    • 2019-20 832
    • 2020-21 1250
    • 2021-22 1855
    • 2022-23 3361
  • Women Empowerment

    Program Name

    Livelihood and Enablement

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 12500
    • 2020-21 19000
    • 2021-22 30000
    • 2022-23 32822
  • Relevance of the Project

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Coherence

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Effectiveness

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Increase in Mangrove Cover

    Year-wise Metrics
  • More Job Creation

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Awareness Amongst People

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Increase in Farmers Income

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Increase Crop Productivity

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Increased Soil Productivity

    Year-wise Metrics

Theory of Change

We believe in engaging the largest number of volunteers to create a grassroots-level socio-economic development organization that contributes to the sustainable development of people in need. Our organization works towards improving access to health, education, agriculture, livelihood, and environment in underserved communities by building partnerships and collaborations with stakeholders and other organizations, and engaging in volunteer support.

Leadership Team

  • Biswanath Mandal

    Vice - President

  • Dipan Roy

    Member, Board of Trustees

  • Sankar Halder

    Founder & President

  • Satyajit Roy


  • Uttam Mukherjee


  • Ranitendra Nath Tagore


  • Shubhankar Basu


  • Sohini Mehta


  • Soumitra Bose

    Operation Director

  • Timir Bhattacharya


  • Ankita Kothiyal

    Lead CSR - Strategy & Communication

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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