AIM Education And Research Society

Inspiring Skill Innovation Transforming Lives

  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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  • Headquarters

    Hyderabad, Telangana

  • Since


AIM Education & Research Society is an NGO, a non-governmental organization which is being run by a Group of likeminded, highly Educated and dedicated Read more people with a non-profit motive that works for the upliftment and rehabilitation of the underprivileged Children, Girls, Women and Youth both on the National and International level. We have a vision that is task oriented and is driven by people with a common interest, we perform a variety of services with a social objective and on humanitarian grounds. Our passion lies in addressing a plethora of issues pertaining to the common man and to bring citizen concerns to the notice of both the state and the central Government. We advocate and monitor policies through the provision of information. We address various issues, such as human rights violations, environmental, health and livelihood. We analyze the root cause of the problems and try to find pragmatic solutions through our expertise that serves as early warning mechanism and helps to monitor and implement various policies and programmes in the most effective manner. AIM Education & Research Society is a registered NGO under Planning Commission – Government of India with registration no. AP/2009/0010377 and is ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified. This Institution is affiliated to Government of Telangana and State Institute of Vocational Education. It is a non profitable organization. * We are one of the Members of GuideStar India which is India’s largest and most reliable NGO information repository. Our portal is India's largest, fully searchable database of reliable and comparable information of over 7,000 NGOs. Guide Star India is transforming how Indian NGOs report and share information amongst themselves and others. It is changing the way the people perceive, interact and engage with NGOs. * We are also a Member of UN Global Compact The World’s largest Corporate Sustainability Initiative, a voluntary organization based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and take steps to support UN goals. * We have been assigned a Special Consultative Status under the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) UN. ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies. The Economic and Social Council is the principal organ that coordinates the economic, social and related work of the 14 United Nations specialized agencies, functional commissions and five regional commissions. ECOSOC has been the main entry point into the UN system for NGOs. ECOSOC remains the only main UN body with a formal framework for NGO participation.


Children are the future of any nation. For an emerging and developing country like India, development of underprivileged children holds the key to the progress of the nation itself. * To Education for underprivileged Children is the key whether we are addressing healthcare, poverty, population control, unemployment or human rights issues. * To convert non-literate, School drop-out, unskilled and unemployed youth into productive workforce by building their skills, thereby promoting inclusive growth. * We give Coaching to students for all qualifying examinations in order to secure admissions in technical / professional courses such as: EAMCET, AIEEE, IIT, ICET, EDCET, LAWCET * Coaching is also provided for : ▪ BPO Training ▪ Diploma in Banking & Finance (IIBF – Mumbai) ▪ Diploma in ICT ( Information & Communication Technology) ▪ Finance Courses ▪ Infotech Courses ▪ Retail Courses Training and development is given in the respective field of activity with other organizational activities aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in various organizational settings with emphasis on Human resource development.


To assist the Government of India in achieving the target of creating 500 million skilled workers by 2030.This will be achieved with the active involvement of policy makers, skill training institutions and employer organizations. Sustainable growth can be achieved by developing strategies that fit with the local context. Therefore as one of its strategies AIMERS is now keen to conduct studies across geographies so that local economic and development policy analysis can be undertaken to get a demand side perspective. At the same time it would take appropriate measures to understand the supply side factors so that adequate interventions can be planned. The objective of the Mission is to “build strong and vibrant institutional platforms for the rural poor that would enable them to increase household incomes through livelihood enhancements and improved access to financial and other services”. The focus of the Mission also includes leveraging financial resources, livelihood support, public services and to ensure their entitlements


● For the past Five years we have been running the projects initiated by the Government of India – Ministry of Minority Affairs, The current Project “Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities”. The scheme aims to empower the minority communities by assisting the economically weaker sections of society and the students through coaching institutions for enhancing their skills and capabilities to make them employable in industries, services and business sectors, in addition to the government sector. It has built-in resilience to adapt to the market dynamics on a continuous basis so that the target groups are not deprived of the professional acumen demanded by the changing/emerging market needs and opportunities for employment at domestic as well as international levels. This scheme called “Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities has been formulated keeping in view the emerging trends of employment in the era of economic reforms, liberalization and globalization. ● Skill Upgradation For Professional Graduates – Presently we are executing this Project 2016-19 The scheme aims to empower the SC & ST communities by assisting the economically weaker sections of students among them through coaching institutions for enhancing their skills and capabilities to make them employable in industries, services and business sectors in addition to the government sector. It has built-in resilience to adapt to the market dynamics on a continuous basis so that the target groups are not deprived of the professional acumen demanded by the changing/emerging market needs and opportunities for employment at domestic as well as international levels. This scheme called “Skill Upgradation for Sc & ST Students has been formulated keeping in view the emerging trends of employment in the era of economic reforms, liberalization and globalization. Under this scheme we provide Free coaching for Qualifying examinations for admission in technical/professional courses such as engineering, law, medical, management, information technology etc. and language/aptitude examinations for seeking admission in foreign universities. 1. IELTS 2. TOEFL 3. GRE 4. GMAT * Empaneled as Training Partner under MEPMA (Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas), Department of Municipal Administration & Urban development, (Govt. of Telangana) - in different Sectors, for implementing its Placement Linked Skill Training Programmes (2017-2020).


  • Skill Upgradation For Professional Graduates

    This scheme called “Skill Upgradation for Sc & ST Students has been formulated keeping in view the emerging trends of employment in the era of economic reforms, liberalization and globalization.
    Under this scheme we provide Free coaching for Qualifying examinations for admission in technical/professional courses such as engineering, law, medical, management, information technology etc. and language/aptitude examinations for seeking admission in foreign universities.
    1. IELTS 2. TOEFL 3. GRE 4. GMAT

    The scheme aims to empower the SC & ST communities by assisting the economically weaker sections of students among them through coaching institutions for enhancing their skills and capabilities to make them employable in industries, services and business sectors in addition to the government sector. It has built-in resilience to adapt to the market dynamics on a continuous basis so that the target groups are not deprived of the professional acumen demanded

  • Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities

    For the past Five years we have been running the projects initiated by the Government of India – Ministry of Minority Affairs, The current Project “Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities”. The scheme aims to empower the minority communities by assisting the economically weaker sections of society and the students through coaching institutions for enhancing their skills and capabilities to make them employable in industries, services and business sectors, in addition to the government sector. It has built-in resilience to adapt to the market dynamics on a continuous basis so that the target groups are not deprived of the professional acumen demanded by the changing/emerging market needs and opportunities for employment at domestic as well as international levels.

    This scheme called “Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities has been formulated keeping in view the emerging trends of employment in the era.

  • WeAiD- Incubator for Women Startups

    AIM Education & Research Society: have to setup the “Women Incubation Centre For Women Startups” for nurturing and overseeing innovation and entrepreneurship. The aim is to encourage entrepreneurship among locals with the colleges serving as focal points. It is a platform for nurturing, encouraging and developing innovation and entrepreneurial skills among its students, research scholars and alumni, as well as students of the region.

    1. To create jobs, wealth and business aligning with national priorities
    2. To promote new technology/knowledge/innovation based startups.
    3. To provide a platform for speedy commercialization of technologies developed by the host institution or by any academic/technical/R&D institution
    4. To build a vibrant startup ecosystem, by establishing a network between academia, financial institution, industries and other institutions.

  • STAR – Standard Training Assessment & Reward

    We have successfully executed by the Government of India – Ministry of finance “STAR – Standard Training Assessment & Reward”. It is a scheme launched by Govt. of India NSDC National Skill Development Council with the objective to encourage skill development amongst youth by providing monetary rewards for successful completion of approved Skill Development training programs conducted by affiliated training institutes.

    * Telecom Sector
    In Store Promoter
    Field Sales Executive

    * Retail Sector
    Store Ops Assistant
    Sales Associate
    Trainee Associate

    * Gem & Jewelry Sector
    Cast & Diamonds-set Jewelry Manufacturing Hand-sketch Designer
    Handmade Gold & Gem set Jewelry Manufacturing Component Maker
    Jewelry Retail Sales Associate (Basic)

  • Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Kirnalu (EGMM) -Government of Andhra Pradesh

    Employment Generation and Marketing Mission (EGMM) is a society set up by the Department of Rural Development of the Andhra Pradesh (AP) Government to provide employment to the rural unemployed youth. Set up five years back, EGMM has emerged as one of the largest Jobs missions working for the underprivileged youth. To date it has trained 2,26,909 and placed 75% of them in entry level corporate jobs. The youth are from economically and socially underprivileged sections of the society. EGMM works in a public-private partnership mode with Government, companies and the rural communities as its stakeholders. The entire approach is a bottom-up approach, tailored to move the rural poor from the unorganized to the organized labor market.
    The brand EGMM has been built by its innovative products developed like the country's first Grassroots level English, Soft Skills & Computers Academy, Textile Training Academy, and Security Academy. EGMM has also customized the training.

  • Skill Upgradation For Professional Graduates

    This scheme called “Skill Upgradation for Sc & ST Students has been formulated keeping in view the emerging trends of employment in the era of economic reforms, liberalization and globalization.
    Under this scheme we provide Free coaching for Qualifying examinations for admission in technical/professional courses such as engineering, law, medical, management, information technology etc. and language/aptitude examinations for seeking admission in foreign universities.
    1. IELTS 2. TOEFL 3. GRE 4. GMAT

    The scheme aims to empower the SC & ST communities by assisting the economically weaker sections of students among them through coaching institutions for enhancing their skills and capabilities to make them employable in industries, services and business sectors in addition to the government sector. It has built-in resilience to adapt to the market dynamics on a continuous basis so that the target groups are not deprived of the professional acumen demanded

  • Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities

    For the past Five years we have been running the projects initiated by the Government of India – Ministry of Minority Affairs, The current Project “Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities”. The scheme aims to empower the minority communities by assisting the economically weaker sections of society and the students through coaching institutions for enhancing their skills and capabilities to make them employable in industries, services and business sectors, in addition to the government sector. It has built-in resilience to adapt to the market dynamics on a continuous basis so that the target groups are not deprived of the professional acumen demanded by the changing/emerging market needs and opportunities for employment at domestic as well as international levels.

    This scheme called “Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities has been formulated keeping in view the emerging trends of employment in the era.

  • WeAiD- Incubator for Women Startups

    AIM Education & Research Society: have to setup the “Women Incubation Centre For Women Startups” for nurturing and overseeing innovation and entrepreneurship. The aim is to encourage entrepreneurship among locals with the colleges serving as focal points. It is a platform for nurturing, encouraging and developing innovation and entrepreneurial skills among its students, research scholars and alumni, as well as students of the region.

    1. To create jobs, wealth and business aligning with national priorities
    2. To promote new technology/knowledge/innovation based startups.
    3. To provide a platform for speedy commercialization of technologies developed by the host institution or by any academic/technical/R&D institution
    4. To build a vibrant startup ecosystem, by establishing a network between academia, financial institution, industries and other institutions.

  • STAR – Standard Training Assessment & Reward

    We have successfully executed by the Government of India – Ministry of finance “STAR – Standard Training Assessment & Reward”. It is a scheme launched by Govt. of India NSDC National Skill Development Council with the objective to encourage skill development amongst youth by providing monetary rewards for successful completion of approved Skill Development training programs conducted by affiliated training institutes.

    * Telecom Sector
    In Store Promoter
    Field Sales Executive

    * Retail Sector
    Store Ops Assistant
    Sales Associate
    Trainee Associate

    * Gem & Jewelry Sector
    Cast & Diamonds-set Jewelry Manufacturing Hand-sketch Designer
    Handmade Gold & Gem set Jewelry Manufacturing Component Maker
    Jewelry Retail Sales Associate (Basic)

  • Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Kirnalu (EGMM) -Government of Andhra Pradesh

    Employment Generation and Marketing Mission (EGMM) is a society set up by the Department of Rural Development of the Andhra Pradesh (AP) Government to provide employment to the rural unemployed youth. Set up five years back, EGMM has emerged as one of the largest Jobs missions working for the underprivileged youth. To date it has trained 2,26,909 and placed 75% of them in entry level corporate jobs. The youth are from economically and socially underprivileged sections of the society. EGMM works in a public-private partnership mode with Government, companies and the rural communities as its stakeholders. The entire approach is a bottom-up approach, tailored to move the rural poor from the unorganized to the organized labor market.
    The brand EGMM has been built by its innovative products developed like the country's first Grassroots level English, Soft Skills & Computers Academy, Textile Training Academy, and Security Academy. EGMM has also customized the training.

  • Skill Upgradation For Professional Graduates

    This scheme called “Skill Upgradation for Sc & ST Students has been formulated keeping in view the emerging trends of employment in the era of economic reforms, liberalization and globalization.
    Under this scheme we provide Free coaching for Qualifying examinations for admission in technical/professional courses such as engineering, law, medical, management, information technology etc. and language/aptitude examinations for seeking admission in foreign universities.
    1. IELTS 2. TOEFL 3. GRE 4. GMAT

    The scheme aims to empower the SC & ST communities by assisting the economically weaker sections of students among them through coaching institutions for enhancing their skills and capabilities to make them employable in industries, services and business sectors in addition to the government sector. It has built-in resilience to adapt to the market dynamics on a continuous basis so that the target groups are not deprived of the professional acumen demanded

  • Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities

    For the past Five years we have been running the projects initiated by the Government of India – Ministry of Minority Affairs, The current Project “Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities”. The scheme aims to empower the minority communities by assisting the economically weaker sections of society and the students through coaching institutions for enhancing their skills and capabilities to make them employable in industries, services and business sectors, in addition to the government sector. It has built-in resilience to adapt to the market dynamics on a continuous basis so that the target groups are not deprived of the professional acumen demanded by the changing/emerging market needs and opportunities for employment at domestic as well as international levels.

    This scheme called “Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities has been formulated keeping in view the emerging trends of employment in the era.

  • WeAiD- Incubator for Women Startups

    AIM Education & Research Society: have to setup the “Women Incubation Centre For Women Startups” for nurturing and overseeing innovation and entrepreneurship. The aim is to encourage entrepreneurship among locals with the colleges serving as focal points. It is a platform for nurturing, encouraging and developing innovation and entrepreneurial skills among its students, research scholars and alumni, as well as students of the region.

    1. To create jobs, wealth and business aligning with national priorities
    2. To promote new technology/knowledge/innovation based startups.
    3. To provide a platform for speedy commercialization of technologies developed by the host institution or by any academic/technical/R&D institution
    4. To build a vibrant startup ecosystem, by establishing a network between academia, financial institution, industries and other institutions.

  • STAR – Standard Training Assessment & Reward

    We have successfully executed by the Government of India – Ministry of finance “STAR – Standard Training Assessment & Reward”. It is a scheme launched by Govt. of India NSDC National Skill Development Council with the objective to encourage skill development amongst youth by providing monetary rewards for successful completion of approved Skill Development training programs conducted by affiliated training institutes.

    * Telecom Sector
    In Store Promoter
    Field Sales Executive

    * Retail Sector
    Store Ops Assistant
    Sales Associate
    Trainee Associate

    * Gem & Jewelry Sector
    Cast & Diamonds-set Jewelry Manufacturing Hand-sketch Designer
    Handmade Gold & Gem set Jewelry Manufacturing Component Maker
    Jewelry Retail Sales Associate (Basic)

  • Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Kirnalu (EGMM) -Government of Andhra Pradesh

    Employment Generation and Marketing Mission (EGMM) is a society set up by the Department of Rural Development of the Andhra Pradesh (AP) Government to provide employment to the rural unemployed youth. Set up five years back, EGMM has emerged as one of the largest Jobs missions working for the underprivileged youth. To date it has trained 2,26,909 and placed 75% of them in entry level corporate jobs. The youth are from economically and socially underprivileged sections of the society. EGMM works in a public-private partnership mode with Government, companies and the rural communities as its stakeholders. The entire approach is a bottom-up approach, tailored to move the rural poor from the unorganized to the organized labor market.
    The brand EGMM has been built by its innovative products developed like the country's first Grassroots level English, Soft Skills & Computers Academy, Textile Training Academy, and Security Academy. EGMM has also customized the training.

Impact Metrics

  • Impact Metric -Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for Candidates Belonging to Minority Communities

    Program Name

    Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to minority communities

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 91
    • 2020-21 87

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    810 OF 2008

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Applied

  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    208, Sakina Complex, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad, 500028


Other Details

  • Sister Organisation

    Shadan Educational Society

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses