Turnstone Global

Turnstone Global work in the area of Education , Health, Livelihood Generation, Poverty Alleviation, Women Empowerment,Disablity Care, Youth Development , Children Development & Elder Care

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Kolkata, West Bengal

  • Since


Facilitating the holistic empowerment and development of the disadvantaged section of our society and help them to achieve their highest potential and Read more prepare them to face challenges in life with high confidence. To make a world free from poverty and injustice where every human being irrespective of their age, sex, cast, creed, religion, birth place, disability enjoys the right to life with dignity and to empower the marginalized section of the society by enhancing their knowledge, skills, capacities, access to opportunities, services and their participation in life’s decision.


Primary & secondary need should be accessible & affordable to all human being irrespective of caste ,creed, gender, religion, residents, disability & place of birth


Always working hard & smart to do comprehensive & holistic development of underprivileged community


Hunger alleviation and Relief Work: One of the major activities of Turnstone Global is to feed the hungry in the normal circumstances. Feeding the hungry during the disasters are the key activities of the Turnstone Global. Under this umbrella we run the following programs: 1. Feed a Hungry Child: Under this program we feed 322 children between 0-14 years every month by providing dry ration kit once in a month and cooked protein food thrice a week. 2. Feed the Homeless: We feed the homeless mentally ill person on the road of Kolkata. 3. Feed the differently abled : We provide dry ration kit to 178 persons with disability in every month. 4. In 2020 we have distributed ration kit worth Rs.1420/ to 2000 elderly every month for 6 months to avoid hunger among the elderly due to strict lockdown on Corona Pandemic . 5. During the cyclone Amphan we distributed cooked food to 1800 Aamphan affected persons fornearly two months. 6. During the recent flood of Yaas Cyclone 2021, we have distributed 2 square meals to 1000 Yaas affected persons in Sunderban of 24 Pargana for two months. 7. In 2021, we feed cooked food to 1800 poor person who had lost their job due to Covid -19 Pandemic for three months. Education: Enriched with decades of experience to work for the wholesome development of society, Turnstone Global has a dedicated wing for EDUCATION. We, at Turnstone Global believe that no society can be developed from its core without proper education. Society has many deviations and turning points to have proper and quality education. At various points, sections, strata we have various options and points to deliver education to the mass. Followings are the working lines of us- 1. Remedial Coaching centres at Basanti Colony, Sodhpur ,Kharda, Kolkata & Belabahal, Purulia in West Bengal forslum children and rural students respectively. 2. Formal middle school at Satghoria, Malda for the marginalized below poverty line students’ up to age group 10. 3. Formal middle school at Belabahal, Purulia for the marginalized below poverty line students’ up to age group 10. 4. Residential training on Competitive examination and extra-curricular classes at Matigara, Siliguri in West Bengal. 5. NGO Management classes to train the future generation targeted to the +2 passed out students from district level in both residential and non- residential format. 6. Scholarships, books, stationaries for the students who are poor but meritorious to pursue their higher education. A special division to assist the specially enabled students with readers andwriters along with the scholarships are being offered. Presently in this program 256 students are being enrolled. 7. Providing large print books of all subjects (according to syllabus of Ministry of School Education) to the Government Schools to assist the low vision students across West Bengal with the active participation of Sarva Shiksha Mission, West Bengal. Also ensuring the mechanism of Sarva Shiksha Mission for the students to attend the schools in active manner through proper psychological counselling and to support the students in special need to arrange the devices of hearing impaired and visually challenged. At the same time, providing the legal and administrative guidelines to gain the social support system to the students of special need. 8. Production and distribution of Braille and audio books in Kolkata for the visually challenged students. 9. Establishment of Braille press in Agartala, Tripura. 10. Development and testing of standardized assistive devices and development of new software for the ease of persons with disability. 11. Free hostel facility at Siliguri for blind students pursuing higher education. 12. Turnstone Global creates digital literacy under National Digital Literacy Mission in Mizoram. 13. Physically Challenged corner at Birchandra State Library, Agartala. 14. Braille Audio Digital Library at Calcutta University. Health: Turnstone Global is an up keeping name in the health industry with a vision of changing lives of the people who are suffering from different ailments. As a part of our overall program the organization has always been concerned about the health issues of rural and urban population with the approach of preventive, prompt and curative health care. In spite of state approach to meet the basic aspects of health care a large number of population remained unaware about their health concerns and poor delivery of health services compelled them to remain beyond the reach of proper healthneeds. Poor living condition, hazardous working environment, rampant use of pesticides, food habits, unhealthy lifestyle, increasing cost of treatment, all are contributing towards ill health which in turn affecting the economic status of the family by incurring a great loss of productive manpower. As a result the population get entangled in a vicious circle from which it becomes very difficult to come out. Considering the overall scenario Turnstone Global is engaged in extending services among this population facilitating them in having a positive health seeking behavior by understanding their basic health needs and helping them to live a healthy functional life. Following are the interventions made by the organization: 1. Eradication of preventable Blindness. 2. Provide treatment facilities to the underprivileged for diseases like AIDS, Renal Failure, etc. 3. Under the umbrella of Turnstone Global we started the project (Touching the Life) that is Health for All. 4. We feed vitamin A oil and Albendazole to all children below five years. 5. We treat the hearing impaired person and give them hearing aids. 6. We do eye screening camps and operate them with best available technology. 7. We run subsidized rate hospital at Chowhatta, Birbhum, West Bengal. 8. We do awareness on infectious diseases such as HIV and Dengue. 9. We do general and orthopedic camps. 10. Care of the aged and elderly. 11. Corporate Camps- We conduct corporate camps to assess their basic health such as label ofdiabetes, blood pressure, BMI etc. apart from general health we also do eye camps, physiotherapy camp etc. 12. School Camps-To assess the label of basic health throughout the year we organize camps in schools. We are happy to share even we have located different problems such as poor vision, stammering, learning difficulty etc. in most renowned schools of the city. This early intervention certainly save them from their suffering in their life. 13. Child Health: Motivating parents for ensuring full immunization from govt. institution, preparation of low cost nutritious food, deworming at regular interval, make provision of vitamin supplements, periodical health check up with growth monitoring, early detection of disability etc. 14. Adolescent Health: Facilitating supplementary iron pills from ICDS centre, encouraging in maintaining hygiene during menstrual cycle, understanding physical and psychological changes in teenage, develop protection skill from abuses including sexual abuse, effects of early marriage on health and unwanted pregnancy, imparting education on safe sex practices etc. 15. Maternal Health: Awareness on contraceptive methods, right child bearing age, birth spacing, exclusive breast feeding, facilitating the availability and accessibility of contraceptive materials, ensuring institutional delivery including pre and post-natal care. 16. Geriatric Care: Our organization is extending 24x7 health care services to the senior citizens who are not being able to reach health- care centres due to their age and lack of manpower. Each of the client in need of physical, psychological, social, legal care are getting services of specialized consultants including diagnostic support, physiotherapy, rehabilitation therapy and counselling. Clients are also getting services at their door-step even at the odd hours of the day! 17. Substance Abuse: Awareness camps and campaigns are organized on the ill effects ofsubstance, intervention strategy and rehabilitation. 18. Therapy unit: Turnstone Global has established a unit for rehabilitation psychotherapy for behavior modification, psychological counselling for psychosocial disabilities for children and adults, vision therapy, physiotherapy etc. 19. Internet de-addiction centre: As a pioneering initiative Turnstone Global has set up an Internet de-addiction Centre where clients having internet addiction receives counselling and therapies under the supervision of experienced clinical psychologist and occupational therapist. 20. Pain Management Clinic: In this pain management clinic patients suffering from differentkinds of pain get physiotherapy using modern equipments in a most scientific way. 21. Stroke Management Clinic: In the stroke management clinic patients who are facing different formsof challenges in their daily functional life as an effect of stroke get complete rehabilitation therapy for leading life in a better way. 22. Aids and Appliances: The organization at its outset striving to make the life of people havingphysical challenges more friendly by making provision of Smart canes, Plex Talk, Jaws software, android and apple phone accessibility, White Canes, hearing-aids etc. 23. Blood Donation Camp: With the growing demand of blood transfusion for patients with bloodrelated disease and also for advanced treatment in surgical cases Turnstone Global organize blood donation camps in different parts of the state. People are motivated to come forward and donate blood for saving lives of ailing people. 24. Eye Care on Wheels for the slums to do eye screening camps in slums and rural areas. 25. Mother & Child Care and Exchange Program with NOREC ( Norwegian Government) Skill Development: 22 Skill development centers in affiliation to various agencies such as 1. STVT (Short Term Vocational Training), under West Bengal State Council of Technical Education and the scheme of Utkarsha Bangla of West Bengal Government. 2. Nehru Yava Kendra under Ministry of Skill Development, Govt. of India. a) HSBC skills for Life 3. SVP Philanthropic foundation: On various skills like a. Computer fundamentals, b. Travel & Tourism, c. IT & ITES, d. Beauty & Wellness, e. Retail Management, f. Hospitality Management, g. Bedside Nurse, h. General Duty Assistant: i. Cleanness product making under the name’ Cleanliness -Youth crusader’ j. Various kinds of handicrafts such as paper, jute, water hyacinth, clay etc k. Diary, poultry, Goatary and Duck rearing: So fourth we have trained more than 7000 students in above mentioned sectors including 594 Persons with Disability.. Placements Cell: Till date we have placed more than 3800 students in various big corporates and midlevel companies including 431 Persons with Disability. Sanitation: Being a part of Swachh Bharat Mission Turnstone Global constructed 1800 individual household latrines in Bengal and Punjab with the help Govt. and corporate. Women Empowerment: Empowering women through workshops, seminars, rallies to fight for their rights and social constrains. Self Help Group: So fourth created 26 SHGs for the promotion of their livelihood generation. Promotion of rural artisans: Water Hyacinth products, jute products, Terracotta products. Handmade paper products. Election Awareness: Turnstone Global believes stronger democracy is the base to social and economic development. To achieve this we are closely working with Election Office, North Kolkata since 2019. So forth in last Lok Sabha and Bidhan Sabha Election we have campaigned for youth, women and Persons with disability through door to door campaign, SMSs, and Whataaps messages. Apart from these; to cut urban apathy Turnstone Global along with Election Office , North Kolkata has done awareness quiz Competition in the big apartments of North Kolkata under jurisdiction of Election Office, North Kolkata. Our intervention during Covid 19 Pandemic: a. Free ration kit distribution to 2000 poor elderly for 6 months. b. Free ration kit distribution to our 864 visually challenged beneficiaries c. Free mask, PPE and Health kit distribution to front line worker and masses d. Free distribution of oxygen cylinder and oxygen concentrator: e. Online consultation of doctor f. Vaccine Awareness and enabling vaccine administration g. Cooked food distribution to Migrant laborer, Unemployed and Elderly. h. Counselling, Education and Support to the children whose one of the parents died due to ill effect of covid 19 i. Cash relief to the family who’s one and only bread earner has died due to ill effect of covid 19.

Vision & Mission

Vision : To make a world free from poverty and injustice where every human being irrespective of their age, sex, cast, creed, religion, birth place, disability enjoys the right to life with dignity and to empower the marginalized section of the society by enhancing their knowledge, skills, capacities, access to opportunities, services and their participation in life’s decision.

Mission :Facilitating the holistic empowerment and development of the disadvantaged section of our society and help them to achieve their highest potential and prepare them to face challenges in life with high confidence.

Donor History

PWC Foundation
CK Karnani Trust (UK)
Cognizant Foundation
Bharti Foundation


  • Mangrove Plantation At Cyclone Prone Sunderban In West Bengal

    it has been found that sunderban in North 24 pargana & South 24 Pargana are often hit by cyclones due its geo location . Due to cyclones river banks get flooded with high waves destroying cattles, agri crops and human habitats. The only solution to this is strengthening the soil of river banks. Turnstone Global since last three years planting mangroves in the river bank of sunderban to protect the environment and human habitat from the ill effects of cyclone

  • Flexible Learning And Remedial Coaching

    It has been seen due to poverty the slum children are prone to become child labour resulting drop out from school . Since 2014 we have started flexible learing and remedial coaching programs in 5 slums in Kolkata. In this program we do survey in the slums identify the drop outs and teaching them during afternoon as the flexible learning program . With time and counselling we try to readmit them in the school and encourage them to complete atlest class X before entering the labour market

  • Braille Press Unit For The Visually Challenged

    In this program with the support of various corporates we establish modern braille press with dusk burry software for the visually challenged . In this braille press unit we have published text books for the visually challenged from class XI to master degree. Apart from that many story books and novels of eminent writers have been published in bengali and english including 40 books written by Swami Vivekananda in his 150 birth centenary . So forth more than 400 blind students are benefited with this braille press unit

  • Computer Education for the visually challenged

    Computer education is must to grab a job and to excel in education . Therefore Turnstone Global is educating visually challenged people in fundamentals computers since 12 yrs

  • Send Every Girl to School

    It is rightly said if mother is literate, her children cannot remain illiterate. Keeping this universal truth in mind, Turnstone Global has initiated the project every girl in school in 2015. We emphasize mostly on girl child because it has been noticed that families generally tries to send their boy child to school but neglect the girl child to do the same thinking that investing on girl child is futile depending on the notion that there is no need to educate a girl as her prime responsibility always inclined to household chores.

  • Spoken English and Soft Skill Development

    As of now more than 5000 youth have received training from centres in Kolkata and other parts of West Bengal free of cost.

    English is one of most common language used for communication / work, in many parts of the world. In India English is kind of an official language for major Government and private institutions mainly regarding documents, letters and publication? The working knowledge of English gives a person instant access into the job market.
    he Soft Skills component is specifically included with Spoken English keeping in mind the job market. So that the youth gets a complete package of self-presentation and documentation regarding promoting him/her for the job market.

  • Umang - 5 Brickfield Schools

    Brick Field School (BFS) had been started by Turnstone global with the help of local NGO Atmik in 2016. Since 2016 5 Umanga BFSs have been set up inside these brickfields names as INDIA, SUN, D.M.B., R.N.S. and N.B.F in Hoogly district in West Bengal . Total 466 children from 2 years to 14 years are getting education at Chinsurah, Mogra Block of Hooghly District.
    he brickfield workers and their families come to West Bengal mainly from the neighbouring states of Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Odisha to work at different brick fields as seasonal which starts from November and ends in June every year . They spend six to eight months in West Bengal during that time
    As a result their children never get a chance to go to school which bound them to remain illiterate for rest of their generation . Not only that gradually with time from very tender age they are being encouraged by their parents to become assistant of their parents in that brick field which turn them into child labour.
    Objectives of the Project:
    To provide education to the unprivileged children of brick field labourers
    To provide nutrition to the children
    To protect children from child-labour
    To provide health and hygiene awareness to the children and the parents
    To provide primary health care to the mother and child
    To provide the underprivileged children with skill, care and scientific equipment
    To develop innovation and to utilize their potentials

  • Scholarship For Economically Backward Students & Students With Disability

    To boost the morale of the students and promote education among the underprivileged, Turnstone Global offers educational scholarship, both at school and college level. Earlier this opportunity was only provided to students suffering from visual impairments. Later by widening that scope of activities with the motto to help, Turnstone Global extended its support towards the underprivileged, economically backward and disabled students who are of dire need of it. Selection is done purely on the basis of the students’ merits and their economic condition.

    Scholarship is divided in two levels. First is the school level where the students ranging from class 6 to 12 are given Rs 500/- per month to support their tuition fees and to buy other educational aids.

    The second level of scholarship is given to students pursuing higher education at college or university level. The scholarship amount at this level is Rs 1000/- per month and selection is done on the basis of class 12 board performance or

  • Remedial Coaching for At Purulia

    Belabahal is a remote village situated at Hura block in Purulia. Villagers here are mostly agricultural labours while many have migrated to urban areas as construction workers. Overall economic condition of Belabahal and other neighbouring villages are grossly under developed.
    Turnstone Global runs a Remedial Coaching Centre at Belabahal for school children of Belabahal and its neighbouring villages. These children, most of whom are first generation school goers, find it difficult to cope up with subjects taught in schools. Hence the need of additional grooming at this Remedial Coaching Centre under the guidance of able teachers. At present more than three hundred children are registered at this centre, who receives guidance on regular basis. Needless to say, fees or charges in any form have never been imposed on children or their guardians.

  • Daulat Public school for Tribal Education

    Education lays the foundation stone to build good quality of a person. The importance of education lies on the fact that the children of today will be the responsible citizen of tomorrow. Tragically, owing to lack of opportunity particularly in remote rural areas, numerous kids stay denied from the scope of modern education.

    Keeping this in mind in 2015 Turnstone Global has started an English Medium School at Ladhurka village at Hura block in Purulia to promote accessible education by bridging the education gap between urban and rural India. The school have received overwhelming response from the local Tribal communities which includes tribal communities as well.

    Teaching methodology in this school is quite unique. Children are taught in a scientific manner with the help of interactive books and toys as a mode of education to develop their skills. The examination system is different from the traditional system. Our motto is ‘Keep learning while playing’.

  • Eradication Of Preventable Blindness

    Preventable blindness is a signature programme of Turnstone Global. Under this programme we do eye screening of Children, Adults and Elders in nook and corner of urban slums and rural areas.

  • Cancer Screening

    With a mission to eradicate cancer Turnstone Global extensively doing screening of the people from 35 yrs to 50 yrs for cancer detection

  • Zero Hunger

    To fight against hunger Turnstone Global take numerous significant steps to distribute dry ration kits under the project ‘Eklabya’ among 400 challenged underprivileged people every month since 2001 in the district of Kolkata , Hoogly, Howrah, North& South 24 Parganas, Midnapore in West Bengal

    Under the project ‘No Child Hungry’ Turnstone Global has started supporting 900 children among the age group of 0-14 yrs from marginalised class by providing protein rich ration kit every month since 2016

  • Mother and Child Care

    Turnstone Global empower families from underprivileged community by providing them actionable information and services, resulting in health seeking behaviour and nutritious food choices. This leads to better maternal health, reduction in malnutrition and ultimately breaking the cycle of poverty.
    Through our door to door survey by our field executive we identify SAM Children. We provide them Vitamin A supplementation to prevent Night Blindness as well do their deworming by providing Anthelminthic drugs which prevents ml nutrition caused by intestinal worms in children. Canada Science spread their hands to give a grand success of Vitamin Supplementation & Deworming program.
    Our social counsellors are empowering the mothers of underprivileged families by regular counselling for ensuring adherence to the medical support and access to critical information on nutrition, hygiene, sanitation, infections and stimulation to ensure the good health of their children.

  • Rehabilitation Therapy

    At different therapy centres of Turnstone Global ,our extremely well trained team of Rehabilitation professionals through our high tech therapeutic units equipped with state of art technology and international standards equipment design exceptionally customised therapy like individual sessions, group therapy, counselling and the Home based outreach programs for the children/ adults with compound/single disability to build up their various social and personal self-help skills by enhancing their integration with society & functional academic skills, for their holistic development which are enabling them to become a contributory member of our society .

  • Braille Press Unit for the Visually Challenged

    in this program with the support of various corporates we establish modern braille press with duskburry software for the visually challenged . In this braille press unit we have published text books for the visually challenged from class XI to master degree. Apart from that many story books and novels of eminent writers have been published in bengali and english including 40 books written by Swami Vivekananda in his 150 birth centinary . So forth more than 400 blind students are benefited with this braille press unit

  • Flexible Learning and Remedial Coaching

    It has been seen due to poverty the slum children are prone to become child labour resulting drop out from school . Since 2014 we have started flexible learing and remedial coaching programs in 5 slums in Kolkata. In this program we do survey in the slums identify the drop outs and teaching them during afternoon as the flexible learning program . With time and counselling we try to readmit them in the school and encourage them to complete atlest class X before entering the labour market

  • Mangrove Plantation at Cyclone Prone Sunderban in West Bengal

    it has been found that sunderban in North 24 pargana & South 24 Pargana are often hit by cyclones due its geo location . Due to cyclones river banks get flooded with high waves destroying cattles, agri crops and human habitats. The only solution to this is strengthening the soil of river banks. Turnstone Global since last three years planting mangroves in the river bank of sunderban to protect the environment and human habitat from the ill effects of cyclone

Impact Metrics

  • Number of Braille Books Printed

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 310
    • 2021-22 210
  • Number of Blind Beneficiary Benefited

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 210
    • 2020-21 42
    • 2021-22 105
  • Number of 'Hours' of Volunteering

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 642
    • 2020-21 22
    • 2021-22 503
  • Number of Slum Children Enrolled

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 84
    • 2020-21 160
    • 2021-22 265
  • Number of Girl Slum Children Enrolled

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 43
    • 2020-21 85
    • 2021-22 140
  • Number of Slum Children Readmitted in School

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 39
    • 2020-21 68
    • 2021-22 95
  • Number of Plants Planted

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 30000
    • 2020-21 50000
    • 2021-22 200000
  • Number of Braille Books Printed

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 310
    • 2021-22 210
  • Number of Blind Beneficiary Benefited

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 210
    • 2020-21 42
    • 2021-22 105
  • Number of 'Hours' of Volunteering

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 642
    • 2020-21 22
    • 2021-22 503
  • Number of Slum Children Enrolled

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 84
    • 2020-21 160
    • 2021-22 265
  • Number of Girl Slum Children Enrolled

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 43
    • 2020-21 85
    • 2021-22 140
  • Number of Slum Children Readmitted in School

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 39
    • 2020-21 68
    • 2021-22 95
  • Number of Plants Planted

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 30000
    • 2020-21 50000
    • 2021-22 200000

Theory of Change

Turnstone Global is a non profit organisation creates customized opportunities in the life of an individual so that he/she gets empowered and can lead dignified life with maximum growth potential thus leading the individual to mainstream development

Milestones & Track Record

1. Built 5000 individual household latrine in Punjab
Challenges : Convincing the families to use those latrine
2. Printed all govt textbooks of Govt of West Bengal in large Print Format
challenges : Convincing the govt to do the same
3. Established 11 Audio Braille digital library in Eastern India including one in University of Calcutta
challenges : Convincing the stake holders
4. Skilled & employed 8243 youth including 1211 are he person with disability
challenges : Fund mobilization

Donor Testimonial

Ladi Sud -" Being a trustee of Jaswanti Sud Charitable Trust I feel honoured having extending my support to Turnstone Global for the upliftment work for their poor visually challenged beneficiaries."

Dr Milan Sinha, Consultant Chest Physician, CMRI Hospital , Kolkata - 'I being a practitioner of medicine always feel touched when i see the the members and volunteers of Turnstone Global relentlessly work to ease the various issues of our society and I always feel honoured to be their part . Thank you Team Turnstone Global "

Arnab De , Exporter , Kolkata- I being a very busy business man never think that i can be a contributor of my society by helping the underprivileged until i get into touch with Turnstone Global . I really overwhelmed having witness the mind-blowing work done by Turnstone Global across our country throughout the year. My heart felt gratitude

Leadership Team

  • Dr. Kanchan Gaba


  • Dr. Satyam Dey


  • Ashim Dutta

    Field Executive

  • Prokriti Banerjee

    Finance Director

  • Sudipta Mahato

    HR Director

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    58% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

1.Best Braille Press Award - By Dept of WCD and Social Welfare , Govt of West Bengal
2.Bharat Nirman Award

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Turnstone Global

  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.

Government Partnerships

1. Running two consumer assistance bureau in Kolkata under Consumer Affairs Department , Govt of West Bengal