Jaipur, Rajasthan
Prayatn Sanstha's core mission is to empower individuals to address and transform situations of inequality and injustice. It places a strong emphasis Read moreon education, awareness, community engagement, and collective action as the driving forces behind social and economic change. Its approach is firmly rooted in the belief that communities possess untapped potential, which can be nurtured through the acquisition of skills and knowledge to lift them out of deprivation. At the heart of Prayatn's vision lies a just society characterized by gender equality. It holds the conviction that every person, regardless of gender, age, caste, class, or religion, should lead a life of freedom and dignity, enjoying all their human rights and the opportunity to realize their full potential. In pursuit of this vision, Prayatn works to empower those facing inequality and injustice, encouraging self-help and community collaboration. It particularly focuses on women, recognizing their marginalized and vulnerable status in Indian society. Prayatn equips women with decision-making abilities and leadership skills to address the challenges in their lives. As catalysts for change, it facilitates the implementation of sustainable development processes aimed at achieving community self-sufficiency in the long term.
The organization is working on following Programmatic issues: Women Empowerment Child Development Education Health and Hygiene Water and Sanitation Livelihood Development Sustainable Agriculture Development Natural Resource Management and Climate Change
The organization has been working on the issues of women and children for past more than 3 decades. In this long journey it has worked on difficult issues like Gender based violence and declining sex ratio, Issues of children and families working in brick kiln and working with Primitive tribe for their overall development and management of malnutrition of their children. The organization would influence policy of two states in favour of poor and marginalized. The organization trained all the Assistant Public Prosecutors in association with Department of Prosecution, Home Department and HCM-RIPA (Officer's Training Institute) on the issue of Gender and Crime against women. It developed innovations like Milestone based and stakeholder wise planning and execution of the projects, Government Community Interface, Teacher Community IInterface etc. It has also created the model of Child Friendly Village, it is a model wherein villagers develop internal systems and mechanisms to protect children and their rights and develop village as Child Friendly village. They also put a board outside their village declaring their village as Child Friendly Village.
Cause Area
The organization has created impact at multiple levels through its work. On one hand it has impacted the lives of thousands of women through its work on Gender based violence and discrimination directly and on the other hand it has also influenced the lives of thousands of women indirectly by influencing the policies in their favour. The organization has influenced implementation of PCPNDT Act in the state of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The organization by its work on Child Protection has impacted lives of thousands of children in the states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha. It has activated the child protection structures from village to District to divisional levels. The organization by its work has impacted lives of more than 10000 farmers in Odisha and Rajasthan through farm based livelihood development and Natural Resource Management interventions.
Health & Nutrition Programme
Prayatn Sanstha focuses on addressing health and nutrition challenges, particularly among vulnerable communities in India. It works towards improving awareness and access to health and nutrition services in regions with high malnutrition rates. Prayatn emphasizes a community-based approach, promoting sustainable agriculture, kitchen gardens, and proper food practices to combat malnutrition. It also strengthens the public health infrastructure, providing support to Anganwadis, health centres, and health workers. Additionally, it bridges the gap between communities and health services through innovative initiatives like the Anganwadi Community Interface. Prayatn extends its efforts to maternal and child health, striving to improve various health indicators and tackle prevalent myths and stereotypes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Prayatn provided immediate relief, raised awareness, and supported vaccination efforts to address food security and malnutrition challenges.
Water & Sanitation Programme
Prayatn Sanstha focuses on ensuring clean water and sanitation, recognizing their critical role in human survival and dignity. This involves providing safe and abundant drinking water and promoting proper hygiene and sanitation practices. Despite Government initiatives, challenges persist, particularly in accessing safe water during dry seasons, with women and girls disproportionately affected. Prayatn's approach involves raising awareness, strengthening community-based institutions, improving water and sanitation infrastructure, and addressing the unique needs of women and girls, including providing sanitary pads and reproductive hygiene education. It also incorporates COVID-19 pandemic measures, emphasizing the importance of hand sanitization.
Livelihood Development Programme
Prayatn Sanstha places significant emphasis on livelihood development to address unemployment, poverty, and related issues like food security and child labour, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 8. Its approaches include self-employment and salaried employment support initiatives. For self-employment, it focuses on both farm and non-farm opportunities, enhancing agricultural practices and promoting entrepreneurship among youth. Farm-based efforts involve training and resources to improve agricultural productivity. Non-farm initiatives support self-help groups in various ventures. During disasters like cyclones and the COVID-19 pandemic, Prayatn offers immediate relief and long-term rehabilitation. It also provides entrepreneurship education to adolescents and vocational skill development for unemployed youth, connecting them to Government schemes and promoting financial education for a brighter economic future.
Women Empowerment Programme
Prayatn Sanstha, an NGO committed to Women's Empowerment, takes a holistic approach encompassing social, economic, legal, and political dimensions. It promotes health, education, and gender equity through community sensitization, tackling issues like child marriage. Economic empowerment includes financial literacy, self-help groups, and skills development, fostering self-employment and linking women to Government schemes. Legal empowerment bridges the gap between existing laws and awareness, with counselling services and resource centres. Prayatn sensitizes the justice system and offers innovative solutions such as women's helplines. Finally, political empowerment involves sensitizing communities, promoting equal representation, and enhancing leadership skills to enable women's active participation in decision-making processes, all while educating male counterparts to support this vital cause.
Child Development Programme
StatePrayatn Sanstha is an NGO focused on comprehensive Child Development in India. It tackles challenges such as inadequate access to education, child labour, and early marriages through innovative approaches. Prayatn enhances school attendance and learning outcomes, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, by fostering child-friendly communities and engaging local participation. It empowers teachers, improves school infrastructure, and promotes digital education. The organisation also provides academic and life skills support, addressing out-of-school children's needs. Child protection is a key priority, with initiatives to establish child-friendly villages and strengthen child protection mechanisms. Prayatn encourages children's participation in decision-making processes, amplifying their voices through various initiatives. Its holistic approach aims to empower children and create child-friendly environments in communities and schools.
Leadership Team
Demographics & Structure
No. of Employees
Internal, External Assessors
Ethics and Transparency Policies
Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy
Political & Religious Declarations
On Affiliation if any
On Deployment Bias if any
Registration Details
PAN Card
Registration ID
VO ID / Darpan ID
CSR Registration Number
Other Details
Parent Organisation
Sister Organisation
Type & Sub Type
Financial Details
IncomeRs.93,605,265ExpensesRs.85,918,179Admin ExpensesRs.4,398,271Program ExpensesRs.81,519,908Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.76,044,727ExpensesRs.74,037,766Admin ExpensesRs.3,612,699Program ExpensesRs.70,425,068Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.113,847,572ExpensesRs.111,676,000Admin ExpensesRs.6,808,835Program ExpensesRs.106,524,522Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.