Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal

Empowers deprived children, women, youth, and elderly through education, skill enhancement, health, and livelihood programmes for self-dependence and social upliftment

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
Transparency Rating:
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Ajmer, Rajasthan

  • Since


Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal Ajmer, Rajasthan is a tax-exempt non-profit organization that works for economic and social upliftment of deprived chil Read moredren, women, youth and elderly through formal and in-formal education about skill enhancement, health, basic human rights and livelihood for self-dependence and self-reliance. Founded in 1975, RMKM started working in the field of disability & rehabilitation since 1988 & Community Based Rehabilitation program in 1998 for those Children With Special Needs (CWSN) who could not reached to day care center, due to transport or any other reason. Presently, Organization is working with more than 2000 CWSN in Rajasthan. RMKM has been accredited by Guidestar India Gold certification and Platinum category by Financial Services Management Foundation for its excellence in Governance, Financial Management and legal compliances. Its almost 48 years and millions of best wishes from beneficiaries, their family members who have been provided services through RMKM and the mission will be continued for the betterment of Persons With Disability.


RMKM focuses on these issues: ->To promote and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and encourage respect for their inherent dignity to create a more equal society. ->PWDs - most disadvantaged & invisible groups with limited access to education, employment, services etc.. ->Barriers to their inclusion: Inaccessible infrastructure, discriminatory practices, Social stigma & biasness. ->The rural PWDs are significantly disconnected from vocational trainings and meaningful employment. -> PWDs are considered as non-contributing members, their skills remain under-developed, making them most impoverished communities in India.


RMKM engages in programs which promote and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and encourage respect for their inherent dignity to create a more equal society. The activities undertaken are as below:  Inclusive schools – RMKM is pioneer in Rajasthan to initiate special education facilities for intellectually and multiple disabled children since 1988. On the basis of visioning workshops done by professionals with RMKM staff and after reviewing extensive research done on the implementation of inclusive education practices, RMKM decided to implement reverse inclusion in its two schools. RMKM believed that a shift to a more ‘inclusive’ approach would benefit the CWSNs and non-disabled children both. RMKM follows a zero-rejection policy in its admission process on the basis of disability, caste, religion, gender and economic status. RMKM has received district, state, national and international recognition for its work in the field of Disability and inclusion. Both the schools are registered under Government of Rajasthan and authorized to provide Inclusive Education from class 1st to 8th. Presently, through its inclusive schools, serving more than 220 CWSNs and 180 non-disableds.  Challenging Challenges Activities: - India is majorly consisting of rural population and Persons With Disability (PWDs) in India face many challenges when looking for various services viz. Rehabilitation, training and gaining meaningful employment. The number is higher in rural areas, accentuated by general poverty considerations and poor access to health services. The society’s negative attitude towards the PWDs leads to social marginalisation and community rejections. To overcome these attitudinal barriers, RMKM took initiative to sensitize & empathize the non-disabled peers along with teachers to promote Inclusion. The Challenging Challenges activities are conducted in Government Schools in which the non-disabled persons were given some simple and interesting challenges viz. finding way seeing in mirror, feeding biscuit to partner but with blindfolded eyes etc.. Through this, developed sensitization towards CWSN. The students & teachers able to empathize that how challenging it is for CWSN to do simpler tasks which are never an issue for non-disabled. They assured to fully cooperate towards promoting inclusion.  Awareness & training of Government Schools Teachers:- RMKM believes that not only providing services to CWSNs is sufficient but also we have to aware & train the School Teachers for successful & meaningful involvement of CWSNs in schools. For this, organizes regular trainings for Government Teachers, where they get sensitized and oriented towards disability in which they learn to deal with CWSNs. They are encouraged to increase enrolment of CWSNs in their schools and follow the practice. The teachers are now more efficient in working on the Concept of UDL i.e. Universal Design of Learning with these children and they learnt to use Teaching Learning Material (TLM) as per the needs of CWSN. They now themselves promote their enrolment and mainstreaming.  Mainstreaming of CWSNs/ PWDs as per their need and age-groups: Our inclusive schools and Day-care centres are rendering services under one roof along with regular school and self-contained classes facilities for CWSNs. Once they become ready for mainstreaming, they are mainstreamed as per their need and age-groups in Schools, Anganwadis, Jobs, community jobs or any home-based business to enable them with the skills to grab various jobs and then community motivator helps them in finding various employment opportunities, when they become 18 years, that enable them to stand independent & earn dignified livelihoods.  Awareness Building & training with Parents & Siblings: RMKM organizes this type of trainings for parents to enhance their awareness regarding their children so that they can take care of them more effectively. The main objectives of trainings are: • To create awareness among parents and siblings on their roles in development of CWSN & to build an inclusive society. • To make the siblings understand that they can become great support to the CWSN by helping them in learning the way they can understand. • The development begins from home, this concept was made realized to the parents & Siblings. With the support of Parents & Siblings, CWSNs show some improvement across functional indicators such as Education, Personal & Social, Motor, Vocational, Recreational, Communication. Their mobility enhanced and they become self-reliant and in future, soon they will be mainstreamed into the community.  Awareness Drives for promotion of Inclusion: RMKM focused on awareness for Inclusion through organizing exhibitions, puppet shows, , print media, digital media, etc… Also, for approx. 20 years, RMKM has been organizing the stall every year in an International Pushkar Fair, where lakhs of tourists and nationals participates every year.


Through wide-ranging district development programs, touched the lives of approx. 5000 PWDs & worked upon capacity building of different stakeholders, Government Officials and care givers to reach another 8000 beneficiaries. Operating in Ajmer & Nagaur Districts of Rajasthan in around 250 villages. Deploys grassroot rural and urban programs with community, Government Agencies, Self Help Groups (SHGs) and other stakeholders on identification, assessment, referrals, capacity building, lobbying & implementation of disability rights. Providing services like Inclusive Education, Therapeutic Interventions, Mobility Aids & appliances, advocacy, Mental Health & Livelihood through vocational training. Focuses on skilling up PWDs with highly job oriented courses as per market trends and placement assistance so that they can live dignified lives.

Vision & Mission


“We envision a healthy and empowered society which values and treats all human beings equally and is capable of initiating and managing sustained development”


“To facilitate economic and social upliftment of deprived children, women, youth and elderly through formal and in-formal education about skill enhancement, health, basic human rights and livelihood for self independence and self reliance”

Donor History

1. Azim Premji Foundation
2. Vibha Inc. USA
3. RSACS (Rajasthan State Aids Control Society)
4. RIST (Rural India Supporting Trust)
5. SBI (State Bank of India)


  • Sponsor Vocational Training For A Disabled Adult


    Under this, the Adults with disabilities get vocational training in different trades viz. wooden, stationery, deco, housekeeping, front-office, gardening, stitching, shop, computer, office works, gardening etc. The Vocational Teachers put their best efforts to train them & empower them with the best skills required to grab the various livelihood opportunities available. It provides a sense of belonging, importance and independence as being to work and earn a sustainable amount of income is an effective way of evading social exclusion and poverty. The key issues in employment are societal biasness, individual circumstances (poverty, lack of skills) and physical limitations (weak health, lack of transport and accessibility). Hence, to get a full-time job with the handsome pay is a big struggle for them. Thus, Vocational training here supports Persons With Disability & supplements the initial training to ensure and assist the development of the desired skill set, knowledge & attitude. These three elements in training give them a sense of self-worth & provide a key to success in finding a dignified Job.

  • Sponsor Vocational Training for a Disabled Adult


    Under this, the Adults with disabilities get vocational training in different trades viz. wooden, stationery, deco, housekeeping, front-office, gardening, stitching, shop, computer, office works, gardening etc. The Vocational Teachers put their best efforts to train them & empower them with the best skills required to grab the various livelihood opportunities available. It provides a sense of belonging, importance and independence as being to work and earn a sustainable amount of income is an effective way of evading social exclusion and poverty. The key issues in employment are societal biasness, individual circumstances (poverty, lack of skills) and physical limitations (weak health, lack of transport and accessibility). Hence, to get a full-time job with the handsome pay is a big struggle for them. Thus, Vocational training here supports Persons With Disability & supplements the initial training to ensure and assist the development of the desired skill set, knowledge & attitude. These three elements in training give them a sense of self-worth & provide a key to success in finding a dignified Job.

Impact Metrics

  • Vocational Training for a Disabled Adult

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 62
    • 2020-21 62
    • 2021-22 50
  • Cwsns Were Provided Vocational & Pre-Vocational Training for Livelihood

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 62
    • 2020-21 62
    • 2021-22 62
  • Cwsns Were Provided Vocational & Pre-Vocational Training for Livelihood

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 62
    • 2020-21 62
    • 2021-22 62
  • Vocational Training for a Disabled Adult

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 62
    • 2020-21 62
    • 2021-22 50

Theory of Change


Milestones & Track Record

Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal (RMKM) is a voluntary organization inspired by community developmental strategies of Mahatma Gandhi. RMKM strives to improve the lives of rural/urban underprivileged communities and the disabled.

The establishment of the organization happened in 1975 when due to a major flash flood about 250 families got stuck in low-lying and dangerous areas of Ajmer. Lt. Mr. Sagar Mal Kaushik, then a railway employee came forward and assisted all the disaster-ridden families through the mobilization of relief materials like food, clothing and medicine with the help of his neighbours.

And so the journey began. Mr. Kaushik and his accomplice officially registered the organisation as a voluntary and non-profit one in 1987. The organization emphasizes its empathy with the most vulnerable social segment of the area which in this case are women. The founder secretary of the organization believed that if women of India are educated, economically empowered and emotionally strengthened then the growth of the complete nation would be inevitable.

RMKM works with rural/urban communities, disabled to rehabilitate them by enabling ownership over environment, institutions and communication. The organization has grown in terms of population coverage, geographical areas, multidimensional and varied development intervention supported through dynamic development strategies with prime focus over people living below poverty line, persons with disabilities , women and elderly. RMKM seeks to partner with and empower these groups to face the incongruities of their demanding home-land with the modernizing world.
RMKM operates to empower the rural/urban population to become helathy, self-reliant against growing challenges in survival. It also engages in programmes which promote independence and sustainability. with a special focus on persons with disability , women, children and high risk populations to create a more equal society.

What we do
RMKM takes a holistic approach to development

We engage the community in decision-making, planning, and implementation for a more equitable future. The Major Areas on which the organisation works

Education and Inclusion : Education is a powerful instrument of social change and often initiates upward changes in social action. Hence, providing access to the right of education to special needs children becomes more important to break the cycle of poverty and exclusion. India by ( UNCRC) United convention on Rights of Child and united convention on rights of persons with disbility (UNCRPD) promoting Inclusive education system strongly.and to support India’s mission. In 2006 RMKM did a paradigm shift in its approach by doing reverse inclusion in its two special schools in Ajmer, Rajasthan and ever since it has been promoting inclusion as a right for persons with disability and supporting 2500 persons with disabilities through different interventions.

Health :
The healthier the citizens of a country, the more effective the workforce; SDG 3 (sustainable development goal 3) aspires to ensure health and well-being for all, including a bold commitment to end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other communicable diseases by 2030. It also aims to achieve universal health coverage, and provide access to safe and effective medicines and vaccines for all. RMKM strives in this objective by working with high risk population viz, injecting drug users, commercial sex workers and migrant poulation to save them from the infection of HIV/AIDS. Along with this RMKM does a strong intervention in nutrition programmes , early identification and intervention of children with special needs and vaccination.

Livelihood Promotion and Micro-Credit :
Eradicating poverty is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development Over the past 40 years RMKM has empowered thousands of women who were living in poverty to become self-reliant through its Microfinance and livelihood initiative which supports women in farm and non-farm livelihood. When women have money in their pockets, it drives other key outcomes like better health for the family, education for their children, lower birth rates, and promotes sustainable communities.
At the moment around 3500 women spread across 300 villages are benefited by the microcredit programme and their loaning capacity has grown to rupees 5 crore. RMKM is continuing its upscaling of rural women with specific Animal husbandry midwives (pashu sakshi) to help families to take care of their small animal husbandry stock and support livelihood.

Human Resources Development :
SDG 4 aims for all children to have access to primary and secondary education by 2030,which includes children with disabilities too, but to address the needs of all children, trained teachers are required so that all children can be provided quality education right from the beginning. Keeping in mind differences in the classroom by promoting Universal design for learning as a tool to teach all children.
Since 2007 RMKM has been preparing a work force in special education. It’s by training preservice teachers through D.ed and B.ed in special education, by training existing inservice teachers through seminar workshops on inclusive education and understanding disabilities in the classroom and fostering inclusion through UDL.

Child Rights and Child Protection
As per constitution of India Every child has the right to protection. This not only includes children who are in different circumstances and those who have suffered violence, abuse and exploitation, but also those who are not in any of these adverse situations and yet need to be protected in order to ensure that they remain within the social security and protection net. Child protection is about protecting children from or against any perceived or real danger/risk in their lives, personhood or childhood. It is about reducing their vulnerability to any kind of harm and in harmful situations. RMKM is trying to support every child in distress through 24×7 child helpline 1098. Here, RMKM is working in collaboration with childline India foundation. Another collaboration effort of RMKM is with Kailash Satyarthi foundation in protection of child rights.

RMKM supported 7 Sustainable Development Goals out 17

Leadership Team

  • Kshama R Kaushik

    Secretary & Chief Functionary

  • Rakesh K Kaushik


  • Anurag Saxena

    Joint Director

  • Tarun Sharma

    Additional Director

  • Nemichand Vaishnav

    Accounts Officer

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    47% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

Year Name of the award/ Recognition by/ Nomination Description
2004 The Hon'ble Minister Prof. Sawar Mal Jat, Minister of Irrigation-GoR For Excellent Work for the disabled, women and children
2007 Best State-Level Organization by Mrs. Pratibha Patil, Governor-Rajasthan & Mrs. Vasundhara Raje Scindhiya, Chief Minister For best work in state in Community Development
2009 Plural India In an Inclusive growth conclave for exemplary work in livelihood & Micro-finance sector.
2009 State-Level Best Organisation For best working in the field of Mental Retardation.
2011 1st prize-E3 Challenge of National Trust, New Delhi, GoI For Best Venture of an Idea and Best Business Plan by an Organization converting into an Enterprise.
2011 SBI Excellency Award, New Delhi For best working in Community Development in North India
2011 National Award by Mr. Mukul Vasnik, Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment. For Ajmer Local Level Committee- received by Chairman LLC, Ms. Manju Rajpal (District Collector-Ajmer) & Mrs. Kshama R Kaushik( Secretary & Chief Functionary-RMKM)
2015 Pride of Rajasthan-2015 by Mr. Sunil Ambwani, Chief Justice-High Court of Rajasthan. (organized by K.V. Foundation-Jaipur) Received for eminent work in the field of disability.
2017 Mr. Vasudev Devnani, Education Minister-GoR Minu School was honoured during Nav Samvatsar Function by Nagar Nigam, Ajmer
2017 Social Achievers Award-2017 from G.I.P. Foundation, New Delhi by Mr. Rajendra Agarwal (Member of Parliament-Meerut-UP), Mr. Bhartendu Kumar (National Secretary, BJP Yuva Morcha), Mr. Rohit Chahal (National Media In-charge), Mr. Yashveer Raghav (National Office In-charge) & Mr. Vinit Siwal (Secretary-G.I.P Foundation) For best work in disability sector.
2017 Sulakshana Ram Janam Pandey Award by National Society for Equal Opportunities for the Handicapped (NASEOH), Mumbai For outstanding performance of organization in the field of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in 2016-17.
2020 In October 2020, RMKM’s work was acknowledged with certificate of appreciation by Sh. Ankit Pachar (District Supply Officer) District Administration.

On 03.12.2020 State Level Best NGO Award by Mr. Prakash Rajpurohit (District Collector - Ajmer) during International Disability Day Virtual Program chaired by Shri Ashok Gehlot (Chief Minister, GoR). For playing an active role in awareness for prevention from COVID-19 and providing food materials to PWDs and community during COVID-19 lockdown.

for providing outstanding services for the betterment of PWDs viz. Inclusive Education, Health, Livelihood- Micro-Finance and Human Resource Development.

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    "Vishawamitra Ashram" Village Chachiyawas, Sikar Road, Ajmer, 305022

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal Ajmer

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.

Government Partnerships

Rajasthan State Aids Control Society Childline India Foundation - Ministry Of Women And Child Development