Centre For Environment Education

Promotes environmental awareness and sustainable development through education and collaboration

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  • Headquarters

    Ahmedabad, Gujarat

  • Since


The Centre for Environment Education (CEE) is a nationally recognised educational institution dedicated to increasing ecological understanding and sup Read moreporting viable growth via education. It creates novel programmes and materials while also strengthening capacity in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). CEE works with multiple local, national, and international partners to promote an environmentally friendly future. It implements effective programmes and projects in areas such as waste management, biodiversity conservation, and urban development through its wide network of schools. It actively engages in international sustainable development dialogues and serves as the Regional Coordinator for regional projects such as the South Asia Youth Environment Network (SAYEN).CEE works with governments, foundations, and enterprises to address concerns regarding the environment, improve education, save land and water, and develop an environmental responsibility culture. Its mission is to motivate people to take action and build a better tomorrow for generations to come.


CEE motivates 300 staff members working across India on 16 important focus areas in more than 30 offices.


  • Education for Children Programme

    CEE actively develops, coordinates, and implements a wide range of educational programmes for schools and the people it impacts. Through an extensive "cluster approach," these activities serve nearly 200,000 schools across the country. Beginning with the Ministry of Environment and Forests' National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) in 1985, CEE has always selected schools and the education system as the focus of its operations. Its work involves training teachers, developing educational materials, implementing school-level programmes, working together with other organisations, evaluating curriculum integration, and encouraging active learning through efforts such as eco-clubs, nature camps, and participation in protected areas.

  • Programme on Climate Change

    The Climate Change programme at CEE focuses on climate education as a way of motivating action. It uses interactive ways to improve climate understanding, sharing of information, and awareness among the public. Participants include government officials, policymakers, students, researchers, academics, and environmental experts who are actively involved and inspired. The programme works with government ministries, state departments, and UN agencies such as the UNFCCC and UNESCO. CEE's climate change team interacts closely with the UNFCCC to support the Paris Agreement's Articles 6 and 12, referred to as Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE). CEE supports climate awareness and action on a national and worldwide scale by building relationships and enabling discussion.

  • Sustainable Rural Development

    CEE promotes grassroots initiatives that are novel, viable, and gender-sensitive. CEE engages with NGOs and community organisations to improve their programmes based on its significant experience in EE and ESD. The Darwin Initiative, created in collaboration with the FSC, UK, aided neighbourhood organisations and non-governmental organisations in saving India's ecosystem. CEE expanded the idea to 60 projects around the country by providing customised training, project development, and financial support. This localised strategy, assisted by CEE's experience and tailored resources, increased the effectiveness of grassroots conservation activities.

  • Higher Education Programme

    CEE has launched its Higher Education Programme with respect to the importance of environmental education (EE) for college students. The goal of this effort is to involve students who are about to take on active positions in society as citizens, instructors, lawmakers, and leaders. It creates targeted programmes and learning materials for college students and teachers, working in collaboration with higher and professional education institutions to give customised courses. Furthermore, CEE has launched a project to create an EE curriculum for trainee teachers, supporting the addition of EE into teacher education programmes. These efforts are consistent with the Supreme Court's decision and the University Grants Commission's suggestion to include mandatory environmental foundation courses at the undergraduate level.

  • Rural Development Programme

    CEE's Comprehensive Rural Development activities are centred on rural income generation and efficient utilisation of resources. CEE showcases environmentally sound initiatives and technologies by incorporating environmental factors into development methods, hence increasing environmental consciousness. The Rural Programmes Group supports natural resource monitoring activities and promotes viable economic strategies. CEE creates realisation and delivers practical options for sustainable resource management through practical initiatives, particularly in ecologically sensitive regions.

Impact Metrics

  • Teachers Trained Under Earthian Paryavaran Mitra Programme

    Program Name

    Earthian Paryavaran Mitra Programme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2014-15 982
    • 2015-16 1,085
    • 2016-17 1,169
    • 2017-18 1,052
    • 2018-19 1,105

Leadership Team

  • Tushar Jani

    Senior Programme Director

  • Kartikeya Sarabhai


  • Madhavi Joshi


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    (Registered Address) Centre for Environment Education, Nehru Foundation for Development, Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad 380054. Gujarat


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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