Hariraj Charitable Trust

Hariraj Charitable Trust is a non-profit organisation, established in 1993 that works primarily in the domain of Education, Health and Agriculture. Its primary office is in Amreli, Gujarat.

  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
Transparency Rating:
Transparency Rating
The transparency rating is calculated based on the amount of information available for the organisation.


  • Headquarters

    Amreli, Gujarat

  • Since


We are working on the issues like Health, Education and Women empowerment, Self Help Groups, Agriculture and Environment. Especially our focus is to p Read morerovide equal chances for business, education, and health to youth of unorganized sector, women, children and economically deprived community. Organisations arrange training programs for the community to encourage and develop independent businesses. We are also joined with activities like natural resources management and agriculture. Our main strength lies in our experienced team thus we can implement our program successfully from the grassroots level.


In Natural Resources Management - Less awareness regarding scientific farming technologies major in rural areas - increased the use of chemicals which creates hazardous effects on the health of humans, plants, and even soil. - Decrease in yield due to decrease soil fertility and effects of climate change - Less awareness regarding biodiversity In Education and Childcare - Parents lack time for their children due to work demands - Limited resources, lack of modern technology, and migration disrupt children's education and hygiene. - Many children work to support their families, resulting in weak academic foundations and low exam pass rates. - Gender outcomes are poor in India, massively lagging global benchmarks - With a rank of 135 among 146 countries in the Global Gender Gap Index (2022), we are amongst the worst performers in the world


In Natural Resources Management -Provide Guidance about natural and organic farming practices to farmers and labours -Discuss and Dialogue with farmers to promote ecological balance and Conserve biodiversity - Aware farmers to reduce the load of hazardous pesticides. - Regular training and meetings with farmers and labours from sowing to harvesting. - Provide demonstration to farmers to be aware of adopting scientific practices of farming. In Education & Child Care - To focus on education and learning of children in rural areas - Awareness activities among parents, community & gram panchayat - Conduct learning sessions with children after or before school to support their education. - Run foundation and action for equality program to remove gendre prejudice from society In Awaress about General Health - Organized general camp on health & hygiene in our intervention areas - Aware people to use Health safety security equipment while performing farming practices


In Natural Resources Management - Our farmer beneficiaries aware about scientific farming. - Establishment of bio- input center leads to reduces cost of cultivation and improved soil and water quality. - Approximately 36 farmer’s family adopted natural farming. In Education and Child care - In 4 years we have improved 860 children's basic education in the 6 village. - In 4 years we have educated 1115 adolescent boys and prepare them as a leader to prevent gender based violence and discrimination - Educated students showed a marked improvement in how they treated & respected girls – they in-turn influence friends, family and community members, contributing to a society free from gender-based violence & discrimination


  • Sustainable Agriculture Farming

    From 30 years, we Hariraj charitable trust have worked for farmers’ betterment and served in various ways. We are focusing on all the problems that farmers face at the ground level, helping them with different activities, and providing them training on various aspects. At the current time, we are working with 1650 farmers for sustainable farming activities. We are providing programmatic training on imperative action that should be taken before and after sowing, training on Integrated Pest Management(IPM), Integrated Nutrient Management, Health and safety training, Water Optimization Techniques, Demonstration plot, provide information about Bio-Diversity, Run awareness campaign about issues mentioned as above, Animal Welfare activities, we run activities for awareness for disaster risk and climate change and regular coordinating with farmers at ground level and try to make awareness about side effects of chemicals and use of natural substances instead of hazardous chemicals.

  • Center For Learning Assistance


    The Learning Assistance (LA) program is designed to support the educational and personal development of children in rural area of Amreli district, particularly those from migrant families and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. We are currently running 5 learning centers to address the crucial issue regarding poor learning outcomes of students. We want to expanding our LA centers to address significant barriers to education and improve learning outcomes for children.

  • Gender Education


    In India, approximately 230 million boys under 18 are at risk of perpetuating gender-based violence, with alarming statistics showing that 57% justify violence against women and 50% are likely to use physical violence as adults. This issue is intricately linked to broader social challenges, including education, sanitation, and child marriage. While initiatives empowering women and girls are crucial, the attitudes and behaviours of men and boys are often overlooked. Without engaging boys in the conversation about gender equality, efforts to combat violence and discrimination remain incomplete and ineffective.

Impact Metrics

  • Percentage Increase in Crop Yield Before and After the Intervention, Reduction in the Use of Fertilizers, Pesticidees, Increase in Soil Organic Matter

    Program Name

    Sustainable Agriculture Farming

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Pre- and Post-Program Assessments, Test Scores, Regular Assessments, Quizzes, and Project-Based Evaluations, Community Meetings, Feedback

    Program Name

    Center For Learning Assistance

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Knowledge & Awareness: Measure Improvement Through Surveys and Discussions. Behavioral Change: Assess Through Self-Reports, Peer Feedback, and Observe

    Program Name

    Gender Education

    Year-wise Metrics

Leadership Team

  • Dhiraj


  • Manshi


  • Bharat

    Documentation Officer

  • Suresh


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.