Sanchetana Community Health And Research Centre

Sanchetana Community Health And Research Centre is a non-profit organisation, established in 1983 that works primarily in the domain of Education, Health, Minority, Human Rights, Skill Development and Livelihoods. Its primary office is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Ahmedabad, Gujarat

  • Since


Sanchetana Community Health and Research Centre (Sanchetana CHRC) is a dedicated nonprofit organization that has been transforming the lives of urban Read moreslum communities in Ahmedabad, Gujarat since 1983. Our unwavering commitment to these communities has been at the heart of our journey since inception. At Sanchetana CHRC, we focus on fostering positive change and uplifting the marginalized communities residing in the Behrampura, Danilimda, and Narol wards of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC), Gujarat. Our initiatives span multiple sectors, including sexual and reproductive health among adolescent girls, the emotional well-being of girls and women through Non-violent communication (NVC), support education for children, contributing to environmental sustainability, and enhance the livelihoods of women and adolescents, we implement skill development programs along with providing capital assistance.


1. Funding and Resource Constraints: As a nonprofit organization working to promote the well-being and empowerment of women and adolescent girls in urban slums, we encounter challenges in securing sufficient funding and resources to sustain and expand its various initiatives. Limited financial support hinders the ability to reach a broader audience and implement more comprehensive programs. 2. Community Awareness and Engagement: Despite its dedicated efforts, we face difficulties in raising awareness and engaging the target communities effectively. Building trust and encouraging active participation from community members, especially in sensitive areas like sexual and reproductive health, may require ongoing efforts and cultural sensitivity. 3. Scalability and Sustainability: Ensuring the long-term sustainability and scalability of programs can be a significant concern for us. Balancing short-term impact with a focus on sustainable development requires careful planning, monitoring, and evaluation. 4. Gender Norms and Societal Barriers: Addressing gender inequality and challenging traditional gender norms may be met with resistance in some communities. Overcoming deeply rooted social norms that limit the empowerment of women and girls can be a complex and ongoing process.


Sanchetana Community Health and Research Centre is deeply committed to promoting the overall well-being and empowerment of women and adolescent girls residing in Ahmedabad's urban slums. Through various initiatives, we strive to uplift their lives and create lasting positive change: 1. Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights for Adolescent Girls. 2. Non-Violent Communication (NVC) for Emotional Health. 3. Empowering Women and Adolescent Girls through Leadership Development. 4. Promoting Education for Underprivileged Children. 5. Environmental Conservation and Sustainability Initiatives. 6. Skill Development and Income Generation. Through these actions, Sanchetana Community Health and Research Centre is dedicated to making a meaningful impact on the lives of women and adolescent girls, ensuring their physical, emotional, and economic well-being. Our collaborative and comprehensive approach reflects our commitment to creating lasting positive change within the urban slum communities of Ahmedabad.

Demographies Served


Overall impact of our programs is evident in the improved well-being, increased knowledge, and enhanced leadership abilities of the women and adolescent girls they serve. By promoting sexual and reproductive health rights, emotional well-being, education, environmental conservation, and economic empowerment, Sanchetana Community Health and Research Centre has made a meaningful and lasting difference in the lives of those residing in Ahmedabad's urban slums.


  • Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights for Adolescent Girls.


    The Sanchetna Community Health and Research Center's flagship initiative, community health, focuses on sexual and reproductive as well as emotional health care of women and adolescent girls in Ahmedabad's urban slums.
    The Azim Premji Foundation's currently supporting the sexual and reproductive health project. Sanchetna Community Health and Research Centre carefully designed a comprehensive training module that ensures that health club leaders receive timely, high-quality training in order to improve the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of women and adolescents in urban slum communities.

  • Promoting Non-Violent Communication (NVC) For Emotional Health


    Non-Violent Communication (NVC), also known as Compassionate Communication or Collaborative Communication, is an approach to fostering nonviolent living. Developed by Marshall Rosenberg in the 1960s, NVC recognizes that all individuals share the same fundamental human needs and that actions are strategies to fulfill these needs. Practitioners of NVC experience enhanced authenticity, understanding, connection, and conflict resolution in their communication. NVC challenges the learned habits of thinking and speaking that contribute to violence in society.
    In our organization, we have created an emotional health module focused on Non-Violent Communication. We believe that connecting reproductive health with emotional health is crucial for empowering girls to assert their rights over their bodies.

  • Promoting Leadership Among Women and Adolescent Girls


    Sanchetna Community Health and Research Centre is dedicated to empowering women and adolescent girls from disadvantaged backgrounds, enabling them to unlock their full potential in all aspects of life, whether it be at home or within the community. With India ranking low on the Gender Inequality Index and facing challenges such as early marriage and limited access to education for girls, there is a critical need to address these issues and create positive change.
    Recognizing the profound impact that women's empowerment has on society as a whole, Sanchetna's leadership development initiative focuses on fostering health-seeking behavior, ensuring education for girls, and nurturing community change agents.

  • Promoting Education Among Under Privileged Children


    Sanchetna Community Health and Research Centre has a flagship program dedicated to improving the lives of people in need through education. The program focuses on empowering women with basic literacy skills to support health initiatives and provide quality education for children. The center adopts a comprehensive approach aimed at the holistic development of individuals.
    Sanchetna Community Health and Research Centre have carefully developed comprehensive educational materials to ensure that quality education reaches children in urban slums. The organization also addresses the needs of women in the community by providing basic literacy support for health initiatives. Through various initiatives, such as community classes, English language instruction, and computer classes, the dedicated team at Sanchetna reaches out to children at large, striving to make a positive impact on their lives.

  • Promoting Environment conservation and Sustainability Initiatives


    Sanchetna Community Health and Research Center are committed to promoting environmental conservation and sustainability initiatives within its programs and operations. Recognizing the importance of preserving the environment for the health and well-being of the community, Sanchetna integrates sustainable practices and educates its staff and beneficiaries about the significance of environmental conservation.
    Sanchetna actively engages in community awareness and education programs to foster a culture of environmental consciousness. Through tree plantation, solid waste management, etc., the organization educates community members on the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices to minimize the carbon footprint.

  • Promoting Skill Development and Income Generation Initiatives


    Sanchetna Community Health and Research Centre's income generation initiative addresses the issue of unemployment among women and young girls. We recognize that women's access to decent employment and social protection is key to promoting economic empowerment and gender equality. By providing women with opportunities to earn income, we aim to strengthen their agency, bargaining power, and overall well-being, benefiting not only themselves but also their families and communities.
    Sanchetna Community Health and Research Centre focuses on the development and empowerment of women and adolescent girls, recognizing the need to break traditional norms and provide opportunities for economic independence. Through vocational training programs in tailoring, henna art, and beautician courses, we offer sustainable livelihood opportunities. Additionally, we provide financial assistance to women, ensuring the sustainability of our initiative and enabling them to lead more empowered lives.

Impact Metrics

  • 332000

    Program Name

    Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights for Adolescent Girls.

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 5900
    • 2021-22 6000
    • 2022-23 6800
  • 220000

    Program Name

    Promoting Leadership Among Women and Adolescent Girls

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 5498
    • 2021-22 5500
    • 2022-23 5548
  • 104760

    Program Name

    Promoting Education Among Under Privileged Children

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 119
  • 11000

    Program Name

    Promoting Environment conservation and Sustainability Initiatives

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 286
    • 2021-22 498
    • 2022-23 550
  • 15510

    Program Name

    Promoting Skill Development and Income Generation Initiatives

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 350
    • 2021-22 490
    • 2022-23 517
  • 150

    Program Name

    Promoting Non-Violent Communication (NVC) For Emotional Health

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 40
    • 2021-22 50
    • 2022-23 60

Leadership Team


    Managing Trustee

  • Ushma Khare

    Program Manager

  • Perin Shukla

    Chief Accountant

  • Merin Alias

    Fundraising Officer

  • Bhoomi Talati

    Documentation Officer

  • Rekha Rameshbhai Parmar

    Program assistant

  • Kamlaben Dineshkumar Makwana

    Program assitant

  • Najmabanu Gulam Muhammad Shaikh

    Program Assistant

  • Farzanabanu Shabbirhussain Tai

    Program Assitant

  • Firozabanu Shakilahmed Shaikh

    Program Assitant

  • Jashodaben Jayantibhai Saragara

    Program Assistant

  • Bhavanaben Nirmal

    Supporting Staff

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    E 5223

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    O-45,46, 4th floor, New York Trade Center, Near Thalthej Cross Road, Ahmedabad, 380054

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.