Karnataka Health Promotion Trust

Drives evidence-based initiatives to enhance community health and well-being in India through innovative strategies and partnerships

  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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  • Headquarters

    Bangalore, Karnataka

  • Since


Karnataka Health Promotion Trust(KHPT), a nonprofit organisation, spearheads targeted initiatives to enhance the health and well-being of communities Read morein India. Founded in 2003, it focuses on improving health outcomes for vulnerable groups, starting with reducing HIV prevalence among high-risk populations in Karnataka. These evidence-driven interventions expanded beyond the state, positioning KHPT as a learning hub for innovative strategies. KHPT's distinctive programmes combine evidence generation, community engagement, and Government collaborations. Its work spans tuberculosis, maternal and child health, adolescent health, and comprehensive primary healthcare, engaging diverse communities. With a dedicated team of over 400 individuals, KHPT empowers vulnerable communities directly and through partnerships, striving to achieve population-level health impact by strengthening health systems, including digital transformation efforts. The organisation's vision is to empower communities for a life of quality and well-being, driven by a mission to reduce inequalities through evidence-based approaches. Its model comprises three engines: demonstrating innovations in Karnataka, serving as a Project Management Unit for scaling models through partnerships, and disseminating knowledge through research contributions. These engines work across multiple themes to create sustainable impact, prioritizing leadership development, technology integration, impact tracking, and governance oversight to address complex challenges.


KHPT has made a substantial impact, reaching 530,800 individuals from high-risk populations and those living with HIV through HIV/AIDS projects, providing support to 252,000 pregnant women and new mothers to enhance Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health (MNCH), empowering 17,000 adolescent girls, and screening 80,000 individuals for various health conditions, with nearly 15,000 confirmed cases of diabetes and hypertension identified.


  • Adolescent Health Programme

    In India, where many adolescent girls face limiting gender norms and early marriages, KHPT addresses these challenges through its 'Sphoorthi' Role Model Girls’ Empowerment Programme. This transformative initiative empowers girls across three dimensions – building self-development, collective action, and access to resources. The programme trains rural role model adolescent girls (RMAGs) who then guide their peers in challenging gender norms. Life skill education, dialogues, leadership camps, and exposure visits foster critical attitudes towards gender equality and self-esteem. Parents and communities are also engaged to support girls, promoting a shift in social norms. This approach has gained recognition from Government committees and international organisations, contributing to the broader goal of enhancing adolescent health and well-being.

  • Maternal & Neonatal Health Programme

    Improving maternal and neonatal health in India remains a challenge despite progress. Inequities in coverage and care quality persist, especially for high-risk groups. KHPT's approach involves strengthening health systems, utilizing grassroots structures, and integrating technology. It focuses on the skill enhancement of healthcare providers, community engagement through committees, and technology integration for data-driven planning. This method ensures access to quality care, from facilities to communities, targeting vulnerable populations. Notably, KHPT's innovations have been adopted by Governments and organisations, yielding positive outcomes, including reduced neonatal and infant mortality rates.

  • Comprehensive Primary Healthcare Programme

    Addressing India's inadequate and fragmented primary healthcare, KHPT employs an implementation research approach to develop context-specific interventions. While the current focus is on reproductive and child health, it recognizes the need to adapt to the evolving health landscape. Its approach involves assessing local primary healthcare, identifying gaps, implementing interventions, and evaluating effectiveness in collaboration with local Governments. Currently, KHPT is enhancing diabetes and hypertension care in urban settings, utilizing technology to promote equitable access and patient-centric care. Its work has influenced national health initiatives and earned recognition for its impact on diabetes awareness and prevention.

  • HIV/AIDS Control Programme

    KHPT addresses high HIV prevalence among key populations through a multifaceted approach. Its peer-led intervention model focuses on education and behaviour change among vulnerable groups, leveraging the influence of peers for open discussions on sensitive topics. Risk and vulnerability reduction strategies include outreach, knowledge dissemination, access to services, and advocacy with key influencers and authorities. Community mobilization and collectivization empower key populations, preparing them for ownership of HIV programmes. This innovative approach has garnered awards for successful transitions of programmes to Government control, community building, resource mobilization, and programmatic innovation. Globally scaled models encompass peer education, STI management, rural HIV prevention, and prevention of parent-to-child transmission.

  • Tuberculosis Control Programme

    KHPT tackles India's significant tuberculosis (TB) burden with patient-centric interventions. Recognizing the socio-economic barriers affecting TB patients' treatment adherence, it employs a socio-ecological approach in the Breaking the Barriers project, addressing structural and underlying issues within vulnerable groups. This approach prioritizes patient and caregiver well-being in a supportive environment. Operating in multiple states, KHPT collaborates closely with national and state TB programmes, contributing to nationwide TB awareness campaigns, training initiatives, and partnerships with leading TB research institutes.

Impact Metrics

  • Number of New Patients Registered

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2016-17 246
    • 2017-18 1350
    • 2018-19 2881
    • 2019-20 4637
    • 2020-21 3810

Leadership Team

  • Mohan H L

    Chief Executive Officer

  • Dr. Shobha Anand Reddy

    Director - Programme & Strategy

  • Poornima B S

    Deputy Director

  • Nanjundappa G M

    Director - Finance

  • Bisujaksha V S

    Digital Transformation Lead

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    BNG(U) G.N.S.R/D.No 150/03-04

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    IT Park, 5th floor, 1-4, Rajajinagar Industrial Area, behind KSSIDC Admin office, Rajajinagar, Bangalore, 560044

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2015-16

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2016-17

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2017-18

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.