
Empowers society for a child-friendly world, focusing on child development, protection, and active participation through a comprehensive 5Ps model

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Indore, Madhya Pradesh

  • Since


AAs – which in Hindi means Hope, was established in May 2005 to create a child-friendly world for every child. A child-friendly world where childre Read moren have access to each and every resource to ensure their survival, Development, protection and participation. We believe that Child development and protection could not be achieved by only working with children, but this should be a comprehensive approach to include each and every stakeholder affecting child development. AAs has adopted its 5Ps model i.e. Protection of every child from any abuse, Prevention by engaging all the direct and indirect stakeholders by conducting sensitization workshops and training programmes for creating child-friendly atmospheres, Peoples Participation to ensure the participation every stakeholder i.e. children, parents, child care institutions, Police and other line departments to ensure their participation for creating child-friendly spaces, Partnership in terms of knowledge and resource partnership with the likeminded organization and Propagate the child rights issues at different forums to influence decision makers to develop child-friendly policies and laws in the country. AAs always explore partnerships and projects interventions in a way by which we can achieve all of our 5Ps for creating child friendly world. We have not limited ourselves only for financial partnerships with our supporters, but always open our doors for knowledge and resource partnership.


United Nation is committed to peace and prosperity for people and planet, now and in future. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals to promote the cause of UN. The SDGs were set up in 2015 and it is intended to be achieve by 2030. The SDG goal no 4 focuses on “ensuring inclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunity for all” and the SDG goal no 5 focuses on “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”. Government of India is also committed to achieve the SDG goals ”. National Education Policy 2020, is major step taken by the government with an aim at making “India a global knowledge superpower”. Though lot of effort is being put in improving education but there are different issues related to education which needs to be addressed. Some of the key issues are as follows : • Inadequate Infrastructure in Schools • High Dropout Rate The dropout rate is very high in primary and secondary levels. • Mass illiteracy • Unaffordability • Gender-Inequality: Despite the government's effort to promote gender equality in our society, the literacy rate of women in India, especially in rural areas, still remains very poor. Beside this, AAs has observed that due to Covid-19, education has faced a major setback. The economic backward communities have witnessed a high drop-out rate and the worst affected are girls. It has been observed that gender inequality, harmful gender stereotypes has also made the status of girls’ child worst. Looking into the SDG Goal no 4 & 5, challenges mentioned in (UDISE) for 2019-20 like high dropout rates, gender inequality, we are working to create child friendly spaces for children.


AAs is working on creating a safe space in the communities like child friendly house, Child Friendly school so that children especially girls can take informed decisions for their protection and development.


AAS has made an impact, rescuing 2,000 distressed children, training 2,000 police officials, educating 250,000 individuals to combat sexual abuse, training 1,000 representatives from Child Care Institutions, and reaching over 300,000 children in their mission.


  • Sashakt Gram Project

    In 2022, AAS collaborated with the Eicher Group Foundation to implement the "Sashakt Gram" project in 14 communities across Indore, Dhar, and Dewas in Madhya Pradesh. This initiative focuses on fostering development and empowerment by promoting health, education, and livelihood initiatives. By encouraging the villagers to take ownership of their community's development, the project aims to empower them and create a sense of self-sufficiency.

  • Sewa Project

    Since May 2016, AAS has been implementing a project in the areas of Indore, Dhar, Ujjain, and Barwah in Madhya Pradesh. The project focuses on creating secure environments for adolescents to embark on their developmental and leadership journeys. Through various creative themes such as education, family strengthening, sports, life skills, and mental well-being, the project aims to provide safe spaces for adolescents to grow and thrive.

  • Safe Childhood Project

    Since January 2020, AAS has been implementing a project in 10 urban communities in Indore and 5 rural communities in Dewas Districts, benefiting approximately 5,000 families. The project's objective is to establish secure environments where children and adolescents can engage in various creative themes such as sports, digital literacy, life skills, and mental well-being, enabling their development and leadership journeys. It includes 15 safe spaces for 2,000 children, 8 regular education centres for 3,000 children, and 1 digital literacy centre catering to 200 adolescents.

  • Youth Development and Leadership Programme

    In collaboration with CommuTiny, the Youth Collective, Aas is implementing various youth-centric initiatives in Indore and Dhar. These projects, namely JAGRIK, Fraternity Lab, and SamjhToh, aim to address constitutional awareness, well-being, and communal harmony. Through these initiatives, AAS and CommuTiny strive to empower the youth and create a sense of civic responsibility. By promoting awareness and understanding of constitutional rights, fostering a sense of brotherhood and fraternity, and fostering communal harmony, these projects aim to contribute to the overall development and well-being of the youth in the region.

  • Aas on Wheels

    In collaboration with ACG Cares Foundation, AAS is implementing a project in Indore to address child protection and family strengthening among vulnerable communities. The project utilizes a Mobile Van that travels across the city, organising mobile fun schools for children in need of care and protection. This initiative aims to provide support and resources to these children and their families. Through the partnership between AAS and ACG Cares Foundation, efforts are focused on promoting the well-being and protection of vulnerable children in Indore.

Impact Metrics

  • 200000 Children Trained on Child Sexual Abuse

    Program Name

    Safe Childhood

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 100000
    • 2021-22 200000
    • 2022-23 100000

Leadership Team

  • Waseem Iqbal


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    1303 Hare Krishna Vihar Colony, Behind Best price, Nepania, Indore, 452010


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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