India Youth for Society

Dedicates to fostering environmental awareness, creating youth employment, and instilling responsible citizenship for a cleaner nation

  • Bronze Certified 2023
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Visakhapatanam, Andhra Pradesh

  • Since


India Youth for Society is dedicated to two vital goals: educating people about environmental conservation for a plastic pollution-free India and crea Read moreting employment opportunities for the youth. Its vision is to foster responsible citizenship among Indians, contributing to the nation's growth. Its approach involves spreading awareness through programmes, workshops, and campaigns to eliminate plastic pollution. It also engages children in creative campaigns to instil an understanding of environmental protection. The organisation plays a role in youth employment by operating a recycling plant and providing mentoring and vocational training. It also focuses on water conservation, restoring polluted water bodies, and promoting non-violence through group discussions. Its commitment extends to supporting eco-friendly products, handicrafts, and local heritage. In short, India Youth for Society strives to shape a socially responsible and ecologically conscious India.


  • MESSAGE (Make Each School Student Aware of Good Environment) Programme

    India Youth for Society (IYFS) has launched the MESSAGE programme, an innovative campaign that aims to raise awareness among primary school students about diverse creative abilities like painting, crafting from recyclables, storytelling, and gardening. The initiative also seeks to cultivate holistic practices such as meditation and yoga, contributing to the children's overall well-being and fostering joyful living. Additionally, the programme educates these young learners about the significance of environmental preservation, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding our surroundings for a sustainable future.

  • Plastic Free India Campaign

    India Youth for Society undertakes impactful initiatives under the banner of "Plastic Free India." It engages in awareness campaigns that effectively educate the public about the importance of reusing, reducing, and ultimately eliminating single-use plastic items from their daily routines.

  • Beach Cleanup Programme

    India Youth for Society coordinates impactful Beach Cleanup Drives, extending an open invitation to children, youth, and community members. This collective effort focuses on gathering plastic waste from the beaches, subsequently channelled towards recycling processes.

  • Peace Keeping Programme

    In line with SDG #16, India Youth for Society leads a campaign focused on Peace Keeping. This initiative revolves around conveying the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, both in theory and practice, while nurturing a deep understanding of its relevance among current and upcoming generations.

Leadership Team

  • Appala Reddy Yendreddi

    Founder & President

  • Jagadish Kumar Mummana

    Vice - President

  • NSS Sarath Chandra


  • Veerababu Sadu


  • Srinivasa Rao Ganjivarapu

    Executive Member

  • Appala Reddy Y

    Vice President

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
