PRADAN - Professional Assistance for Development Action

Works with rural communities with an aim to develop their skills to reduce poverty and provide livelihood opportunities

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
Transparency Rating:
Transparency Rating
The transparency rating is calculated based on the amount of information available for the organisation.
Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


PRADAN(Professional Assistance for Development Action) works to help vulnerable communities in the poorest regions of India, with a special focus on w Read moreomen to help harness skills and earn a decent living. Further, assistance is provided to understand and access government programs and other entitlements. Additionally, Pradan works in partnership with other civil society organisations and the government to influence development policies. Its primary focus is to help marginalised communities build a livelihood with direct hands-on engagement and experience aiming to inculcate an overall change in the social, psychological and economic condition of the communities. Its strategy includes social mobilisation, food security, managing natural resources, building models of alternative livelihoods, market linkages and governance.


Poor rural communities lack social networks, are fighting hunger, facing reduced livelihood opportunities, have minimal exposure to good markets and governance and do not have awareness of the importance of managing their natural resources.


Pradan empowers rural communities to collectively act for the larger good through organising skilling to help people earn an income. It motivates professionals to come forward and play a positive role in working alongside poor villagers. It partners with Government agencies and social organisations to create policies and laws that impact the community in a positive way and encourages development.


The organisation has reached out to 1947979 rural households, 4.7 million individuals across 8963 villages in 7 states of India out of which 66% belonged to scheduled castes and tribes, mobilised more than INR 2,230 million for the MGNREGS scheme and helped create 77,152 women's self-help groups.

Vision & Mission

Vision is a just and equitable society where everyone lives and works with dignity Mission is to enable the most marginalized people, especially rural women, to earn a decent living to earn a decent living and take charge of their own lives WE BELIEVE that all people, no matter how poor, are capable of driving the change they need

Donor History

Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiative Pvt. Ltd, HDFC Bank Limited, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, AXIS Bank Foundation, Walmart Foundation


  • A document on the Siali leaf-plate making activity

    This document talks about PRADAN’s initiative to create the Kandhamal Women's Leaf-plate Cooperative Limited.

    It describes how the organisation went about giving shape to a self-help group of women, provided training and technology to increase quality and facilitating market linkages improving turnover by 100% for the poor rural women involved in the making of leaf plates out of the leaves of the Siali plant.

  • Mapping the journey and impact of the PRADAN Alumni -A Tracer Study

    It is an attempt of the organisation to find out the extent that alumni from PRADAN has impacted organisations and the social sector across the country.

    The programme which included this study tries to find out which sectors got benefitted the most from the PRADAN way of working.

  • TASAR Hand Book

    A handbook compiled specifically for poor farmers involved in the TASAR silk agriculture.

    The book guides the reader through the various aspects of Tasar sericulture for poor farmers, including the livelihood viewpoint of Tasar sericulture, along with minute details of initiating and managing the activity in a sustainable manner.

  • Livelihood Opportunities in Broiler Farming

    The result of a research is another hand book which focuses on important aspects of small poultry farming business.

    The hand book talks about processes such as training of producers, intensive production support and market to help ensure production efficiencies comparable to industry standards.

  • NREGA Beyond Wages to sustainable livelihoods

    Its report on the The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) describes various provisions of the act creating awareness on its legalities, executing agencies and the responsibilities of State Governments and Panchayat institutions in implementing it.

  • Women Empowerment Programme

    PRADAN works to organise underprivileged women into self-help groups so that these groups can be formally linked to banks to access financial assistance. The groups also empower these marginalized women to raise their voices collectively against exploitation and violence.

  • Food Security Programme

    The organisation helps rural families to enhance their access to markets and crop selections. It promotes the cultivation of cash crops like tomatoes, chillies, cabbages, cauliflowers and broccolis ensuring a sustainable income throughout the year in addition to food security.

  • Water & Natural Resource Management

    It works with rural communities and families to encourage water conservation models leading to better irrigation outcomes and increasing incomes to an extent of 75% to 100%. It also promotes the cultivation of crops that use less water, installs water control measures and encourages eco-friendly technologies resulting in enhanced weather prediction to diversify risks through growing different crops.

  • Income Generation Programmes

    PRADAN promotes the participation of underserved people in income-generation activities like agriculture fruit orchards, Tasar silk and poultry. It has helped develop and set up many trusts and foundations which enable and empower the poor through sharing of relevant knowledge and provide specialised assistance in these professions.

  • Grassroots Governance Programme

    It helps excluded and neglected women upgrade their skills, access their rights and participate in village and district forums through mobilising, training and motivating them. This has led to many communities asking for their entitlements and claiming their rightful places in society also leading to increase in accountability of village-level institutions.

  • Strengthen Capacity of Shg Federated Structures for Livelihoods and Health (Supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Bmgf))

    Strengthening capacity of SHG federated structure for Livelihoods and Health” is a BMGF funded three-year project initiated from November’2019. The project aims to demonstrate a prototype for creating Model Cluster Level Federations across 3 states namely Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand in 31 Cluster Level Federations. The project also aims to influence the larger NRLM structure, by feeding in the knowledge, learnings, process and protocol emerging from the interventions in these CLFs to NRLM, for large scale roll-out in the “1000 Model CLF Strengthening Program” being implemented by NRLM in 600 NRETP CLFs and 400 NRLM CLFs.

  • Transforming Rural Poverty Pockets in Central-Eastern India (Supported by Axis Bank Foundation)

    This was second phase of the project with the focus of intensification of intervention in selected project blocks. The project aims to (1) Increasing household income through large scale social mobilization focusing on block level impact using a saturation model to augment income level (2) Women led Economic Growth- Multi- dimensional change by strengthening women collectives to facilitate individual woman’s access to government programme and schemes.

  • Asha ( Augmentataion of Small Holders Prosperity Through Apc) (Supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Bmgf))

    The Augmentation in Small Holders prosperity through Agriculture Production Cluster (ASHA) program (2020-2024) is being implemented by Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN) and its partners in 40 blocks across 12 districts. The program is supporting the existing Agriculture Production Cluster (APC) program launched by the Government of Odisha’s (GoO) Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment (DA&FE) in November 2018. The program is developing production clusters in which female self-help group members form farmer producer groups (PGs) that synchronize production of horticulture crops with high market demand. These PGs are aggregated into FPCs. The program is also supporting the development of livestock production. It is coordinating closely with the GoO to deliver complementary infrastructure, including irrigation, farm mechanization, livestock sheds, and post-harvest infrastructure.

  • Large-Scale Rural Transformation in Endemically Poor Regions Through Women Collectives (Supported by Tata Trusts)

    The project aims to support 100,000 Rural women from small and marginal households to attain 125% increase in gross annual income on a sustainable basis

  • Promotion of Comprehensive Farm-Based Livelihood Through Collectives in Sustainable Manner (Supported by Bajaj)


    1200 women SHG’s will be supported to cover 16000 women. And engage with 50% (7500) of them under intensive livelihoods intervention to ensure year round food security and enhanced incomes Rs 25,000 – 50,000 leading by the women of the community through their community institutions.

Impact Metrics

  • Households Reached

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2017-18 700226
    • 2018-19 834294
    • 2019-20 862360
    • 2020-21 889472
    • 2021-22 963324
  • People Impacted in Livelihood

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2017-18 385765
    • 2018-19 495063
    • 2019-20 568479
    • 2020-21 619810
    • 2021-22 659309
  • Total Villages Reached

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 8499
    • 2019-20 8648
    • 2020-21 8605
    • 2021-22 9127
  • Strengthening Women Collective (Number of Vulnerable Hh Mobilised Into Shgs)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 27733
    • 2020-21 16289
    • 2021-22 11181
  • Additional Irrigation Command Area Created (Ha)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 158
    • 2020-21 619
    • 2021-22 900
  • Area Treated for Soil Conservation Measures (Ha)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 642
    • 2020-21 2327
    • 2021-22 1970
  • Women Farmer Supported With Livelihood Intervention

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 75000
    • 2020-21 100000
    • 2021-22 182660
  • Number of Women Farmer Supported Development of Livelihood Asset

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 1400
    • 2020-21 6600
    • 2021-22 19200
  • Number of Women Farmer With Anuual Income of Rs >120,000

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 25000
    • 2020-21 37500
    • 2021-22 48653
  • Outreach - Samll & Marginal Women Farmers' (Smwf) Households (Hh)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 15400
    • 2020-21 19750
    • 2021-22 20221
  • Net Outreach - Livelihood Families (Agriculture and Livestock)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 4579
    • 2020-21 7250
    • 2021-22 7850
  • Shg Linkages With Banks for Mobilizng Funds (Cr)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 1
    • 2020-21 5
    • 2021-22 10
  • No of Producer Groups Promoted

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 572
    • 2020-21 932
    • 2021-22 932
  • No of Producer Companies Promoted

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 4
    • 2020-21 29
    • 2021-22 30
  • High Value Crop Coverage in Acres

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 24973
    • 2020-21 56133
    • 2021-22 74336
  • #Model Clusters

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 20
    • 2020-21 25
    • 2021-22 31
  • Enhanced Financial Sustainability of Clfs

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 20
    • 2020-21 25
    • 2021-22 31
  • #Women Impacted

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 60000
    • 2020-21 80000
    • 2021-22 110000

Theory of Change

Indian poverty remains acute, large and stubborn even in the face of huge public spending and a growing economy. This is even more evident in endemic poverty regions , where governance is weak, state machinery impaired and communities disenfranchised. In the recent past in spite of significant economic growth the gap between rich and poor, violence against women , ecological imbalance, etc has also simultaneously increased manifolds making the society at large more unjust and inequitable. Historically India has various forms of discriminations w.r.t caste, class, gender, religion which makes the situation more complex. Furthermore women are the most vulnerable section being at the intersection of the class caste gender inequality. Now the scale and expanse of poverty and deprivation thus remains as it is with an ever increasing gap between the haves and the have nots The concentrated social and geographic character of Indian poverty remains unchanged even as the rest of India has benefited from our bustling economy. Such high levels of concentrated, persistent poverty cannot be explained by the material and economic deficits that the poor inherit or by market failures. The unequal distribution of Power in society is the key driver of poverty , where Power is a function of one’s capability, context and influence, i.e Person, Place and Position PRADAN will help women and their collectives in enhancing their understanding on socio political and economic issues, identify factors/ reasons for this state in a specific context, prepare plan and act accordingly.

Milestones & Track Record

PRADAN has played a design improvement role in all major programs like the Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), National Rural Employment Programme (NREP), Swarnajayanti Gram SwarojgarYojana (SGSY), Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY), and National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) and MGNREGA to improve the field implementation of the Government of India’s (GoI) rural development programs. - PRADAN is the National Support Organisation to NRLM, the flagship rural development programme. PRADAN’s innovations are adopted by government and civil society organizations at the national, state and local levels, e.g. Self-Help Group (SHG) model which was pioneered by PRADAN. - PRADAN has helped promote sectoral Institutions like Tasar Development Foundation (TDF) and National Smallholder Poultry Development Trust (NSPDT), for small landholders which are amongst the largest organized efforts in the country. - PRADAN is empaneled with various state governments for implementation and management of SRLM including Government of Jharkhand, Odisha, and West Bengal. - As of September 30, 2022, PRADAN works with 10,04,650 families in 9,377 villages spread across 41 districts, 124 Blocks in 7 States, ~65-70% of who belong to the most vulnerable groups such as dalits (SC/ST) and tribals and PVTGs (Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups) (indigenous community). Along with this direct outreach, in collaboration with CSOs/Govt. dept., another ~1million households were reached out to through various partnership projects

Leadership Team

  • Vijay Mahajan


  • Rukmini Banerji

    Vice-Chairperson & Chief Executive Officer

  • Deep Joshi


  • S.M. Vijayanand


  • Dr. Rukmini Banerji

    Vice Chairperson

  • Sanjay Upadhyay


  • Nayantara Sabavala


  • Saroj Kumar Mahapatra

    Ex-officio Member- Secretary and Executive Director

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    26% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

K P Goenka Award Microfinance India Award Times Social Impact Award Excellence in water and sanitation financing 7th CSR Impact Award 2021 under Environment category HCL Grant 2022, Environment category Development Catalyst, 2022

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    S/13434 of 1983

  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    #3, Community Shopping Centre, Niti Bagh, New Delhi, 110049

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2018-19

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.