Parivartan The Change Society

Works to mainstream education, conserve the environment, empower women, conduct blood donations and other charitable causes

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh

  • Since


Parivartan “The Change” is the culmination of a journey, born through the efforts of Kapil Kumar, an engineer and blogger with a dream and passion to Read moremake a change in society and the lives of the people he connected with. His interest in social affairs and intention to bring about change made him aspire to civil service. Kapil started writing on different social and national issues naming his blog Parivartan "The Change" in November 2015. The blog and writings of Kapil generated interest amongst fellow citizens. Himanshu Saxena and Shreyans Pal was moved by his thoughts and decided to join hands with Kapil Kumar to affirm their support to this blog and the actions it advocated. This panel then decided to get into action and came on the ground as a social welfare group. The seeds of an institution were sown on 16th October 2016. This group then started to work on raising awareness on various social issues with innovative techniques and methods, including videos, live events in public forums & campaigns. Later on, the group got to know that doing good for society is not enough and you need to be in authority or in an organisation. Seeing the dedication of all the members who were added during the tenure of this welfare group, the team decided to convert this social welfare group into a full-fledged NGO viz. Parivartan “The Change” Society. The society was formally incorporated in Moradabad on July 18, 2017. MISSION • Mainstream Education • Environment conservation • Women Empowerment • Blood donation, Covid relief and other charitable activities VISION • Every child should get Education irrespective of their Socio-economic conditions • Sustainable use of Natural Resources for preserving Environment • Gender equality • People should donate blood, eyes and support charitable causes as a part of their social responsibility


MAINSTREAMING EDUCATION The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-A & Right to Education in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right. The reason being, the fact that India’s literacy rate is still 76% even after 70 years of Independence. This is just a literacy rate and not an educated rate, which is even less than this. As Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Education is the key to eliminate gender inequality, to reduce poverty, to create a sustainable planet, to prevent needless deaths and illness, and to foster peace. And in a knowledge economy, education is the new currency by which nations maintain economic competitiveness and global prosperity. Education is an investment, and one of the most critical investments we can make. Every human being needs oxygen to survive in the world and education is as important as this because education gives people the knowledge and skills they require. Education is important to people of all ages and it has no limit, but considering children our future of the nation they need it the most.” Parivartan “The Change” started Project Pathshaala in May 2017, with a belief that securing the future generation can lead to securing a family, society and nation at large. In Moradabad, where the NGO was started, it witnessed several issues related to children. It saw children who are more prone to drugs, tobacco, begging and child labour. These children were deprived of their basic right to learn and be educated to lead a life where they are empowered to fulfil their aspirations and dreams. The question that came in front of the organisation was that despite having primary schools, convent schools, privately aided schools why these children are deprived of the basic right to education and live a dignified life at large? Thereafter, it decided and pledged to work for these deprived kids who needed its utmost care and this gave birth to Project Pathshaala. Parivartan "The Change" wants to see change for the youth, for the society and for the country. As said by Mahatma Gandhi “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. CONSERVING ENVIRONMENT The other important aspect Parivartan considers is to “Save Earth” through PUB i.e. Prithvi Ki Umar Badhao Project, to make people responsible for their acts towards nature and the environment. As part of the Prithvi Ki Umar Badhao (PUB) project, it has been focusing on enhancing the cleanliness of Rivers (Ganga & Ram Ganga), Waste Management & Composting, Tree Plantation and Adoption & Give Up Plastic Campaign in society with the help of communities, Volunteers and students. The emphasis is on developing a just and eco-friendly community that is committed to sustainable development. As part of the initial stage of Parivartan’s existence, it started with its first activity on raising awareness of air pollution among Traffic Police constables on Oct 22, 2016. Since then, it has done a series of activities and launched various campaigns and events under PUB to address environmental issues. Moradabad is a town located in between the flood plains of two rivers Ram Ganga and Gaangan, it has witnessed the deteriorating condition of rivers, the dumping of sewage water in them, the declining health of the city’s atmosphere and improper waste management. These are the prime reason why Moradabad is one of the most polluted cities in our country. The issue of electronic waste disposal, use of excessive polythene, dumping of waste in open collection centres and having a few sewage treatment plants of low capacity for the city is known to everyone but there is a lack of will to act for the same. Parivartan wanted to change this attitude and start acting for the cause through various campaigns and activities. EMPOWERING WOMEN The practice of Sati, Purdah and Johar has been ended, however, people of our country have always been under the slavery of this typical patriarchal mindset. As a result of which women are still being deprived of their moral and basic human rights. Consequently, half of the country’s population is enjoying authority over the other half, because of this patriarchy. Neglecting the requirement, wishes, freedom, aspirations and dreams of millions of women how can the nation progress? As, aptly written by Dr B.R Ambedkar- “Progress of the society can be measured by the condition of women in the society”. So to make society equal and just, Parivartan is creating awareness on various women's issues to make people aware that women are not just material, she has the freedom, and liberty to choose whatever she wants, take decisions about their well being and no one can make her deprived of her rights. Gender is just a biological identification and so it can’t be taken as a tool of inequality, harassment and degradation. PRAYAS Project PRAYAS is the culmination of Parivartan's 2 year-long efforts made in the field of Blood Donations, Eye Donation Awareness, COVID relief and other charitable activities. Parivartan has always been there, whenever someone looked for help or assistance be it the time, we all fell into this pandemic or people looking for Blood when their loved ones are being hospitalised. Through project Prayas, it is putting these efforts altogether to be categorised into one banner which will be called project PRAYAS from now.


Pathshaala-an initiative to educate and enroll slum children in school, was initiated on 6th May 2017 with just 25kids at its very first location, Kapoor Company, Moradabad U.P. Pathshaala aims at educating kids from underprivileged sections of the society, mostly slums of both urban and semi-urban areas. A pathshaala location is started with a 4 months bridge course which covers basic academics as well as morals and ethics for their holistic development. Under Pathshaala, it focuses on the over all development of children through various activities and tasks to generate the spark and make them good and responsible citizens. It believes that society and nation can only progress if our youth and future generations are well aware of their duties and responsibilities as sincere citizens of the nation. So not only academic education but also moral, ethical and personality grooming is its focus. Pathshaala in its planning stage aimed at establishing a just society free from the majority of odds, and hence started working for education in slums. In order to train the minds of upcoming generations by educating them, it kept on strengthening the bridge that empowers these children to continue their studies further and farther. MODELS OF PATHSHAALA PROJECT • Daily Pathshaala at slums for 4 months six days a week • Regular Sunday Fun day Pathshaala Classes at Slums for 4 months on Sundays Rented Pathshaala Space for daily Pathshaala as well as Tuition Classe after admission of kids in Schools PRITHVI KI UMAR BADHAO (PUB) After millions of years of evolution, we got a place to live as our HOME called Planet Earth. Of almost all the planets that we have explored and studied so far this is the only one where all the living beings can reside together and this is nothing but Nature’s love that she has shown us by making a wonderful planet filled with varied species of flora and fauna along with structures like mountains, deserts, oceans, plains that contributes towards a beautiful planet home called Earth. Due to technological advancement and the fast-moving world, we have changed our lifestyles to an extent that now ignoring the health of our planet we are facing natural disasters, due to climate change and global warming. The international community is trying hard to stop the rising global temperatures. In a study, a 2% temp in global temperatures can lead to the melting of glaciers, and the rising of sea levels causing the devastating condition on our Planet. Is not it because of the irresponsible behaviour that we have left everything for others creating a mess on our Planet? What we are waiting for? We have borrowed this planet from our future generation rather than using it as a dynasty. Considering genuine care and responsibility for planet Earth Parivartan took up Project PUB - (Prithvi Ki Umar Badhao). For it, this is an important cause to protect and preserve the environment and earth to achieve climate goals like INDCs & Sustainable Development Goals it has started making the community of the city aware of their responsibility which was hitherto ignored. PANTHINI The organisation sees women of the 21st Century as “Panthini – the one who leads”. The women of today’s era are confident, courageous and independent but this represents a minute section of society therefore there still are women who need to be empowered, so to make them, it initiated Project “PANTHINI” on 29th November 2018 under the theme Empowering Women. Under this, it has launched various events and activities to make people aware of the deprived condition of women and to empower women in society. With its campaign on Women's Empowerment and Security, it has created awareness not only in schools, and colleges but also among the ordinary girl and homemakers of society. It has also worked under various initiatives led by State Governments to cover issues related to women and gender. PRAYAS Project PRAYAS is the culmination of Parivartan's 2 year-long efforts made in the field of Blood Donations, Eye Donation Awareness, COVID relief and other charitable activities. Parivartan has always been there, whenever someone looked for help or assistance be it the time, we all fell into this pandemic or people looking for Blood when their loved ones are being hospitalised. Through project Prayas, it is putting these efforts altogether to be categorised into one banner which will be called project PRAYAS from now. Focus ares of Prayas is Blood & Eye Donations, Traffic Awareness, Charitable Activities.


-Taught more than 1500 kids in primary education with 3000+ changemakers Network. 3000+ Supporters. -Sessions on Good Touch Bad Touch to 5000+ school kids. - Cleaned up Ram Ganga River Banks for almost 100 weeks in two phases and collected around 1 lakh Kgs of Waste from the Banks. - Travelled on cycle for 800+ kms ( MORADABAD to Varanasi) & 160kms (MORADABAD to Haridwar) for river water conservation and cleanliness. - Empowering women and girls through Basic Computer course and Cyber security workshops. The count is 150+. - Helped & save 500+ lives through blood and plasma donation. - Sessions on Menstrual Hygeine to 10000+ women & Distributed 5000+ sanitary pads to distressed women. - Recycled more than 200000 kgs of Newspapers for generating funds and utilising them in the organisation. ( Leading fund generation initiative). - Making today's youth the future leaders and girls the Panthini ( Project Name on women empowerment). - Its work has inspired and impacted overall 5 lakh people of various locations in the past 6 years.


  • Project Pa8shaala

    Pa8shaala in its planning stage aimed at establishing a just society free from majority of odds, and hence started working for education in slums. In order to train the minds of upcoming generations by educating them, we kept on strengthening the bridge that empowers these children to continue their studies further and farther. Teaching them at their location gave a huge boost to what we are already looking for, as the parents could see what and how their kids do, with that all in consideration we followed our destination to achieve the following goals:-
     generating a spark of education in the upcoming generations
     enrolling slum children in mainstream education by admitting them in Government schools
     spreading Smart education in Slums
     building a residential school that will impart free education to slum children with a boarding facility at our end
     Establishing a charity based educational institution (Non Residential) in a private space.

  • Project Prithvi Ki Umar Badhao

    The other important aspect Parivartan considers is to “Save Earth” through PUB i.e. Prithvi Ki Umar Badhao Project, in order to make people responsible for their acts towards nature and environment. As part of the Prithvi Ki Umar Badhao (PUB) project we have been focusing on enhancing cleanliness of Rivers(Ganga & Ram Ganga), Waste Management & Composting, Tree Plantation and Adoption & Give Up Plastic Campaign in the society with the help of communities and students. The emphasis is on developing a just and eco-friendly community that is committed for sustainable development.

  • Project Panthini

    We are also engaged in generating awareness issues relevant to women & girls with Project "Panthini” through street plays and awareness camps. Charity work for the needy is always our priority and for that we launched collection drives of clothes and also donation camps for needy persons. Two dimensions we are focusing on Pathini is:
    - Menstrual Hygiene workshops and Pads Distribution Drives.
    - Basic Computer Course Training (BCCT) Program for girls and women of Rural Areas.

  • Project Prayas

    With an increasing support of our volunteers, In Project “Prayas” we tried accomplishing the blood requests too, which became a regular practice since then. Thereafter we decided to dedicate a different department to Blood Donations too and are now regularly working for Blood Donations. We try our best to accomplish all requirements we receive through our volunteers and donors’ support too. We have also been spreading the word of Eye donation, Traffic Awareness & other charitable activities among masses through our initiatives and events.

Impact Metrics

  • 5000

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2017-18 100
    • 2018-19 200
    • 2019-20 500
    • 2020-21 750
    • 2021-22 1000
    • 2022-23 1500
  • 500000

    Program Name

    PUB (Prithvi Ki Umar Badhao)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2016-17 5000
    • 2017-18 8000
    • 2019-20 10000
    • 2020-21 15000
    • 2021-22 25000
    • 2022-23 35000
  • 20000

    Program Name

    Project Panthini

    Year-wise Metrics
  • 5000

    Program Name

    Project Prayas

    Year-wise Metrics

Leadership Team

  • Kapil Kumar

    Founder, CEO

  • Vivek Kumar

    Admin Manager

  • Aditya Kumar

    Communications Manager

  • Prince Kumar

    Project Manager

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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