Bangalore, Karnataka
Rotary Bangalore TTK Blood Centre, BMST, is the Regional Blood Transfusion Centre, Karnataka. It is NABH accredited and has obtained AABB Quality Read morecertificate. We have won several National and Karnataka State awards for 100% voluntary blood collection and adjudged the best training centre in Blood Banking by Government of India. BMST blood Centre best practices 1. Emphasis on 100% voluntary blood donation, and stringent donor selection 2. 100% blood separated into components 3. Screening all units by NAT (Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing - INternational Gold Standard for infection testing) 4. Ensuring vein-to- vein traceability a) All blood units and other samples Bar coded for identification b) Automated tests whose results are fed directly to the blood Centre Software (Hemotrace) c) Every component barcode is scanned and the results of TTI, blood group, pre-transfusion testing etc obtained and all labels are printed from software to eliminate errors due to manual entries d) All relevant records also printed directly from software to eliminate manual entries 5. Functioning as the Immunohematology reference laboratory for South India. 6. Actively promoting the concept of storage centres and bulk transfer of blood to improve accessibility to safe blood components (as on date, we supply blood to 26 storage centres in Bangalore ) Note :Our policy of taking back unused blood components from storage centres is perceived as a plus point with these hospitals. These components are issued to other hospitals / patients thus ensuring there is no wastage.
Expenses related to collection, processing and issue of blood Blood is donated free. But there are capital and recurring costs for building, electricity, equipment, personnel, consumables- (blood bags, testing reagents, kits and chemicals) and so on to implement the following: Motivation programs to promote voluntary blood donation and conduct blood donation drives; Blood collection, Screening blood for HIV, Hepatitis and other Transfusion Transmissible Infections; Blood group, antibody screening and pre-transfusion tests for donors and patients; Blood components preparation, storage and issue. Cost recovery One of the objectives of the Blood Policy of India is to prevent profiteering in Blood Transfusion Services. So the National and State Blood Transfusion councils, Government of India, issue guidelines for cost recovery of blood issued. At our blood center, we follow the GOI guidelines for cost recovery for blood issued to higher income patients and to corporate hospitals. But we support the poor and needy as follows: 1. At our day care centre, free blood and transfusions are given to patients with Thalassemia, Hemophilia and other Hematological disorders 2. Around 25% of blood collected is issued to government hospitals and poor patients free of cost 3. In addition we issue blood to charitable hospitals at subsidized rates
We collect around 30,000 units of blood exclusively from voluntary donors at over 425 blood donation camps every year. Every unit is screened for HIV, Hepatitis etc and separated into blood components. Around 66,000 blood components are issued p.a. to around 44, 000 patients at 400 plus hospitals. We use automation, test methods, kits, and reagents which meet the highest quality standards, in order to provide quality, safe blood.
Demographies Served
Cause Area
Sub Sector
More than 44,000 patients received blood components in the FY 2022 - 23 when they required it, without a request for replacing the unit. More than 100 Thalassemia patients received free blood and transfusion through the year. A total of 2,105 units were given to Thalassemia patients in 2022 - 23
Free blood and transfusion to Thalassemia patients - Since 1991
Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder. This makes the red cells of the patients very fragile and are destroyed.
The patients require life-long blood transfusions every month for their survival.Its characteristics are
1. Abnormal Hemoglobin
2. Sub normal growth
3. Anemia
4. Fatigue
5. Enlargement of organsThe attendant problems are
1. Frequent infections
2. Loss of appetite
3. Jaundice
4. Paleness
5. Enlarged spleenThe thalassemia patients in our day care centre gets
• Free blood & transfusions
• Complete Blood Counts, Serum Hemoglobin, and Antibody Screening free of chargeLast year, a total of 2105 blood transfusions were given at no cost.
At Rs. 3,400 per unit, the total cost is Rs. 71,57,000
We have been able to raise around Rs. 59 lakhs for this year from 3 organisations.
The remaining amount of Rs. 12,00,000 is still pending
Impact Metrics
Number of Patients Benefited Through Blood
Program Name
Blood Centre - Conducting blood donation camps, Collecting- testing -processing the blood units, issuing/giving the blood to the hospitals/patients
Year-wise Metrics- 2020-21 24734
- 2021-22 26996
- 2022-23 44000
Leadership Team
Demographics & Structure
No. of Employees
Internal, External Assessors
Ethics and Transparency Policies
Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy
Political & Religious Declarations
On Affiliation if any
On Deployment Bias if any
Registration Details
PAN Card
Registration ID
VO ID / Darpan ID
CSR Registration Number
New Thippasandra Main Rd, beside Thippasandra Post Office, HAL 3rd Stage, New Thippasandra, Bengaluru, Karnataka, Bangalore, 560075
Other Details
Type & Sub Type
Financial Details
IncomeRs.160,000,000ExpensesRs.145,000,000Program ExpensesRs.145,000,000Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.