Buzz Women

Empowers rural women economically, psychologically and socially by providing them access to knowledge, skills & tools at their doorstep for prosperous future of their own, family and communities

  • Silver Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Silver Certified Silver Certified


  • Headquarters

    Bangalore, Karnataka

  • Since


Buzz Women helps women to take the lead in shaping their personal, business and financial growth, with more inner strength, courage and confidence. It Read more helps them in gaining financial literacy, become community influencers and decision makers. Works at the grassroot level to deliver literacy to the doorstep. Creates women changemakers who get trained in self-awareness, confidence, finance, communication, and leadership. These changemakers in turn cascade this learning to their community. Buzz on wheels - It makes knowledge and opportunities available at their doorstep in remote villages. It is to deliver training in financial management, entrepreneurship and leadership. Buzz India co-founder Uthara Narayanan was selected as an Acumen India Fellow for 2015, one-year leadership development program. Partners are Citi Foundation, Grameen Koota, Navya Disha, Better Future. It has offices and is working in India and Gambia (West Africa).


Buzz Women operates mobile classrooms called 'schools on wheels' to bring knowledge, skills, and tools directly to women's doorsteps, even in remote areas.

Demographies Served


It has educated about 300,000 women in about 7,000 villages. Helped 95,000 women to come out of the moneylender trap. About 84% women are now able to save more money. 71% women are actively involved in resolving community issues. 73% of the women who were trained start/expand their enterprise

Vision & Mission

Buzz Women aims to enable 10 million women by 2030 to transform their lives and become drivers of progress, focusing on five crucial elements: cash, confidence, climate, care, and community.


  • Buzz Green

    This program is focused on three levels: climate change awareness, close to home climate action and eco-preneurship.
    It covers awareness, sustainability and management of natural resources, climate smart technology and living-practices, agricultural sustainability, and food security.

  • Buzz business

    Provides mentorship and incubation to women entrepreneurs. Encourages women to start cooperatives and group enterprise.

  • Shakti training

    This is a program that spans two half-days. It focuses on three components- cash, confidence, and climate.

  • Anchor women training

    The participants of the Shakti program identify and nominate one woman as their Anchor woman. This woman becomes a role model for other trained women. These women are trained by Buzz staff in 6 modules focused on self-awareness, communication, constructing the ideal village, and leadership skills.

  • Buzz Beehive

    This is a monthly learning program that is organized by the anchor women for their communities. The anchor women share their learnings from the Anchor Women training along with their community.

Milestones & Track Record

Founded in 2012, Buzz Women reached 20,000 women by 2017, expanded to The Gambia in 2018, Georgia in 2019, and The Netherlands in 2021, surpassing 250,000 trained women globally by 2021.

Leadership Team

  • Uthara Narayanan

    Chief changemaker

  • Yashoda Raghavendra

    Head of Programs at Buzz Women

  • Sushma C N

    Operations Manager at Buzz Women

  • Suresh K Krishna

    Chairman Board & Co-Founder

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
