Dr Ambedkar Sheti Vikas Va Sanshodhan Sanstha

Creating an awakening among the people by a developmental process based on founding principles of equality, liberty & social Justice

  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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  • Headquarters

    Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Since


Organization Background- ASVSS, is a not for profit organization registered under Society’s Registration Act 1860 and Bombay Public Trust Act– 1950. I Read moret is working in the drought-prone areas in Solapur district for the last 37 years this initiative is working as an organization for equity, equality, liberty & social Justice for deprived sections. People living in poverty and exclusion, particularly farmers, women, children and adolescents are the main constituency. ASVSS is very assertive for holistic development especially socio-cultural, economic strengthening. The main aim is to improve the living conditions of the underprivileged and marginalized people and making ensuring governance accountability. The genesis of the organization was through the initiative of social-minded graduate youths who migrated to urban areas for employment and education purpose and was willing to contribute for their natives to secure their livelihood resources and dignity. ASVSS is associated with different forums at national level on livelihood and dignity issues but intervention focused in Western Maharashtra with children, women, youth and farmers to sustain their lives.


Land and Livelihood Women and Child Empowerment Advocacy Disaster Management


1) Knowledge creation to strengthen the ongoing work- Knowledge and information are the basis of effective social action. Our work on issues related to land issue for livelihood and housing purposes has a lot to offer. produce multiple informative and educational materials for wider circulation and awareness generation on the issue. ASVSS team has a member properly trained in audio-visual documentation. We use these skills to produce multimedia knowledge products. 2) Community Mobilisation- ASVSS is mobilising people and communities so that people themselves act to win their rights and to define and develop their livelihood options. Our effort will be to establish people's ownership over not just resources, but also over processes. 3) Networking and Alliance building- ASVSS has formed various types of collaborations with organisations, institutions and individuals with varied skills. ASVSS also work with networks of civil society organisations to strengthen concerted efforts of social change at the state and national level. 4) Instituting a Youth Internship Programme- Plan to provide a solid learning opportunity to such young enthusiasts by designing and offering a time-bound structured internship programme at Sangola. We hope this programme will be able to create a brigade of young social change makers, and also help ASVSS and the people achieve their objectives. 5) Engaging with the Governments and Government Agencies- . Our experience so far shows that dialogue and engagement with the governments are essential for advancing people's cause and bring about social transformations. ASVSS will work with the government agencies to ensure delivery of rights to the disadvantaged sections in the area. 6) Effective Use of Media- The new digital communication technology has opened newer avenues for using media effectively for social change.


@Enable HDs/GMs to work as a bridge between entitlements and the needy populace Capacitateate Gram Mitras to become a local promoter of development drive @Help GMs and HDs enhance the perspective of inclusive development @This oral history project conducted in Wardha, Yawatmal in Vidarbha, Jalgaon, Nandurbar in Khandesh and in Sangola, Solapur from southwest Maharashtra. Near about 30 womenleaders cover in the oral history. Ownership over Forest and Natural Resources: @ MNREGA Abhiyan, Capacity Building program, Single Women's Dignity Program, Land and Livelihood. @ Training on Gram Sevak, Sarpanch and GP.Member at block Sangola Dist.Budget” workshop for Rojgar Sevak Organised by Gram Panchayat on behalf of Panchayat Samiti., Rojgar Day celebrated – 11 villages Received Job card from 19 villages – 368 , “Demand of work” – 25 villages and total worker’s 553 and successfully got workn219 worker got work., Planning of MNREGA “Village Plan develop”- Covered 25 villages April 2022- March 2023 in this years 8 wells successfully completed. During 2022-23 Land on Hector’s 292.29 Horticulture sanctioned. * 10 hectares of land near about 286 Beneficiaries (67- F (including Single women -20) & M- 219) plantation is successfully done. @73 Gram Panchayats in Sangola passed resolutions about single women dignity issue. They not only discussed gender and property rights issue but also took oath about single women’s dignity.


  • Land and Livelihood

    The organization has been working on the issue of land for the last 37 years. During the British era, some castes of the Scheduled Castes and nomadic communities were given land as gift. Since the land tenure was very small per family, they were not cultivated. After creating community wells, pipelines and pumps for cultivation, 1500 acres of land in 12 villages have been produced. The organization is doing watershed development work in drought-affected villages, repairing old wells and putting them into use, arranging fodder water for animals in drought conditions, etc. With the help of some organizations, fruit trees have been distributed to farmers. The organization is continuously doing this initiative. Small-scale farmers are being supported with implements and seeds through the Agricultural Support Center. Various experiments are being conducted through organic farming. Providing an environment and biodiversity perspective to farmers and students is an important aspect of the organization's work. The organization is experimenting with community goat farming and agriculture-based production for women.

  • Women Empowerment

    From 1987 to 1992, awareness work was done to bring women in rural areas out of the traditional customs. The main focus of the organization's work from 1992 to 2005 was on anti-dowry campaign, girls' education, gender equality, and self-help groups. From 2006 to 2012, the organization worked hard to create change agents on the issue of gender equality. 10,000 change agents were created in Western Maharashtra. Finding the truth in cases of atrocities on women, providing them with legal assistance. The organization continues to work on women's property rights. The organization is taking the lead in creating women's leadership and demanding land rights, land for houses, and providing them with information about government schemes and getting them the benefits of the scheme. It has been linked with organizations working for women's rights in the state and the country.

  • Disaster Management

    The main working area of the organization is Sangola taluka in Solapur district, which is always drought-prone and in the rain shadow. It is surrounded by 13 talukas of Satara, Sangli and Solapur districts. The average rainfall is 450-550 mm. Annual. Severe drought occurs every 3 years, where the organization has carried out many activities for watershed development. Repairing dams on streams, CCT, farm bunding, repairing old wells, etc. The organization is continuously doing this work. Since farmers have to sell their livestock at low prices during droughts, the organization started a cattle camp and followed up with the government to make a policy, this problem has been solved permanently.
    After 2019, it started working in flood-affected Kolhapur and Sangli districts. This includes helping flood-affected families, helping schools and anganwadis and reducing mental stress. The organization has provided disaster management training in 37 villages out of 129 in Kolhapur district and 65 in Sangli district and provided necessary materials to the Gram Panchayats. The organization is working with various organizations on the causes and solutions of the floods for a long time. The organization has also provided assistance to a village affected by a landslide in Ratnagiri district. In the future, the organization will work for the livelihood of landless families in flood-affected villages, disaster management training and animal husbandry in the remaining villages.

  • Child Rights

    The organization has worked in drought-affected areas to address the issue of out-of-school children from migrant families. It has started temporary shelters for them and has made it a government policy. The organization is working in Kolhapur and Sangli districts to make districts free from child marriage and child labor. The organization has discouraged the parents of 287 girls from child marriage. Similarly, to end child labor among backward children in poor settlements, it is necessary to connect them with schools. There is a need for the organization to start child resource centers in such settlements.

  • Social Protection & Promoting Equity

    Some people are deprived of getting the benefits of government schemes. The main reasons for which the schemes do not reach them are lack of information, incomplete documents and delay in filing the documents, therefore the organization organizes camps at the village level to provide information about the schemes and searches for the deprived families and helps them prepare the documents and tries to get the benefits of those schemes by filling the forms of the schemes. So far, 3000 beneficiaries have been provided the benefits of the scheme in Kolhapur district. In the future, the organization will work to provide the benefits of the schemes by setting up social security facility centers in Solapur, Kolhapur and Sangli districts and work to eradicate poverty of the deprived families.

  • Social Harmony

    There are socially exploited and deprived sections of society. These include Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and liberated nomadic castes. According to the Constitution of India, the government has made some provisions for their development. Women are discriminated against and atrocities are committed in the family and society, for which the organization is working. The organization is working to make a law that provides budget according to population for Scheduled Castes and Tribes, to make a budget law for nomadic and liberated people as well and to make a separate anti-atrocities law to protect them. The organization is working to create social harmony so that religious and linguistic minorities are treated with respect. The organization aims to create a society in which there is no injustice, atrocities, and discrimination in society on the basis of gender, caste, and religion.

Impact Metrics

  • Dr. Ambedkar Sheti Vikas Va Sanshodhan Sanstha (Asvss) Has Been a Steadfast Presence in Various Districts for Over Three Decades.

    Program Name

    Land and Livelihood, Social security, Women and Child empowerment

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 5500
    • 2021-22 7500
    • 2022-23 4000
    • 2023-24 4500
  • Relief Work With Flood Affected Families

    Program Name

    Relief work with flood affected families in Kolhapur, Ratnagiri and Sangli districts.

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 5000
    • 2022-23 2300

Leadership Team

  • Hanumant Jadhav


  • Dnyaneshwar Thokale


  • Anuradha Sonawane


  • Nandu More

    Program Coordinator

  • Prabha Yadav

    Program Director

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Vikas Sahayog Pratishthan

  • Sister Organisation

    YUVA Youth for Yuva and voluntary organisation

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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