Modern Educational Social and Cultural Organization - MESCO

Provides humanitarian services under its three objectives of education, medical aid and monthly food ration support to poor families who are poverty ridden and struggling for survival

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
Transparency Rating:
Transparency Rating
The transparency rating is calculated based on the amount of information available for the organisation.
Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Since


MESCO trust was founded in September 1968 (54 years ago) by a well knit group of 7 friends at school & college level at National College, Bandra, Mumb Read moreai, who parted their ways on having completed their vocations in Medicine, Engineering & Professional Streams and were out of touch until they met in September 1968 at a friendly get-together and decided to revive their companionship and remain in close association by choosing to serve and support the underprivileged class of students in pursuit of their education, which the Trust believes is a key to all-round human development, and the community and country of their origin and set its mind to find ways of mobilizing funds for the noble objectives. A good samaritan suggested to the Trust, a novel idea of collecting old Newspapers from residential houses and general business establishments as an appeal for donation in kind to support of its objectives and a sustained effort during the first four months realized a sum of Rs. 4,600/- by the sale of old newspapers, magazines etc. and it was later diversified to collecting empty medicine bottles supplied them to recycling industry and sale of greeting cards during religious festivals as additional regular income & with the funds so realized it started dispensing note-books, text-books, footwear, raincoats and uniforms to the poor & deserving students based on their needs.


Following the above survey of poor hutment localities around Bombay city, poor needy students were identified and help was provided to them as per their needs. A detailed account of funds realized from sale of old newspapers and purchases made for poor students was presented to the donors led it to win their trust and confidence and advised us to come for monetary donations. Providing educational support was our priority to prevent school dropouts. However, in 1976, a seven year old, daughter of a poor driver developed a serious heart problem of Aortic Value Failure and medical aid was started, later monthly food, ration support was initiated for families living in abject poverty to prevent school drop-outs. New sewing machines were distributed under the women empowerment scheme to help them earn a livelihood for families from tailoring skills both under the 3rd objective of “Relief from Poverty”.


Over 54 years of inception of the Trust has helped accomplish careers of: 1. Education: 1707 Graduates, 168 Post graduates, 1484 Engineers, 495 Doctors & 206 Professionals (Architects, Managements, etc.) have been supported under well designed education schemes. Most of them are now well placed, at high designations in Govt. & Corporate sectors, in India & abroad and are now lending their helping hands by voluntary donation of Rs. 20 to Rs. 25 lacs annually to the cause & mission of the Trust “MESCO”. 2. Medical: Scores of major & minor surgeries related to heart disorders, kidney failures, dialysis, hip & knee replacements, spinal disorders, clinical & pathological investigations, dispensing of medicines for 3 to 6 months etc. are being funded. In addition, 3 mobile clinics are giving door step medical services to major slums of Mumbai located in the city & distant western & central suburbs by qualified doctors and quality health check-ups with medicines. 3. Relief from Poverty: Distribution of free sewing machines and food support to 368 families especially widows & destitute’s under the woman empowerment & poverty relief scheme.

Vision & Mission

“To help the underprivileged and marginalized to live a better tomorrow through various interventions”

MESCO strives to improve the quality of life of the financially disadvantaged and vulnerable sections of the society by promoting meaningful and needs based interventions on education, health and mitigation of poverty.


  • Poverty Relief - Ration Support


    Dry ration is provided to the much-marginalized families, especially where there is no male support or the members are old without adequate financial support. The ration is distributed from 10 identified centers in Mumbai. These items are selected based on recommendations of the panel of qualified dieticians and distributed according to the family size.

  • Poverty Relief - Sewing Machine Distribution


    In order to make widows & destitute self-reliant, MESCO has been encouraging by providing Sewing Machines to them who are confident of making a living with stitching clothes. The applicant has to undergo a trade test to demonstrate that she can earn a living if provided a sewing machine.

  • Medical Aid Scheme


    Medical Assistance comprises 1 charitable dispensary & physiotherapy centre and also financial assistance for major and minor surgeries, assistance for dialysis, medicines for chronic cases, providing for prosthesis and funding for diagnostic tests.

  • Education Aid Schemes


    Educational scholarships: it provides help to students, at school and college levels, technical and professional levels through its different schemes such as Education Aid (EA), Educational Adoption Scheme (EAS) & High-Cost Educational Scheme (HCES).

  • Educational Aid

    The main objective of Educational aid scholarship programme is to curtain the dropout ratio as well as to promote the means deprived students both at school level and college level. It enables to meet the part of their Educational cost and reasonably fair to lessen their burden to some extent. The statistic over the last four decade depicts the lower rate of dropout under the scheme and students are perseverance to achieve their goals.

Impact Metrics

  • 2020-21 - 4167 Cases (Almost 438 Lakhs) Served Under Education Aid

    Program Name

    Education Aid

    Year-wise Metrics
  • 2020-21 - 212 Cases (Almost 56 Lakhs) Served Under Medical Aid

    Program Name

    Medical Aid

    Year-wise Metrics
  • 2020-21 - 330 Cases (Almost 50 Lakhs) Served Under Ration Support

    Program Name

    Ration Support

    Year-wise Metrics
  • 2020-21 - 148 Cases (Almost 10 Lakhs) Served Under Ration Support

    Program Name

    Ration Support

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Gender Ratio - Boys:Girls

    Year-wise Metrics

Theory of Change

With verified facts, Students staying in abject poverty today themselves are now Donation givers,even after 20 years they have not forgotten MESCO. Students with their perseverance,hard work and determination have come to these situations,where the Donation receivers have become Donation Givers.

Milestones & Track Record

Mesco's Journey Of The Last 54 Years--------Milestones

1968 EDUCATION MESCO Founded in Sept. 1968
1968-1972 EDUCATION "Fin. Assistance for Education (1969)
Loaning of Text Books (School) (1971)
Floating Fund (1972)"
1973-1975 EDUCATION "Loaning books College (1973)
First Nursery School, Bandra (W) - (1973)
Tuition Classes (1974)
Reading Room cum Library (1975)"
MEDICAL Dispensary, Bandra (W) - 1974
1976-1979 EDUCATION "Education Adoption Scheme (1976)
Registeration of MES (1977)
Urdu Classes (1977)
Post SSC Scholarships (1978)
Post Int. Sc.Med. Scholarship (1979)"
MEDICAL Fin. Assistance for Cardiac Surgery (1974)
SOCIAL "Donation of Sewing Machines (1978)
MESCO Times Launched(1979)"
1980-1984 EDUCATION "Sale of Note books (Subsidized 1981)
Skill Trg.- Sewing Classes (1983)"
MEDICAL "Fin.Assistance for Medical Cases (1982)
TB Relif Service"
1985-1988 EDUCATION "Charity Show (1985)
Skill Trg. Mehndi Classes (1986)"
SOCIAL Riot Relief
1989-1992 EDUCATION "2nd Sewing Class (1990)
MEM Adopted (1992)"
SOCIAL Old Clothes Distribution (1989)
1993-1996 EDUCATION "Crescent English Hisgh School (1993)
High Cost Education Schoarship (1994)"
1997-2000 EDUCATION "RC Mahim School Adopted (1998)
Vocational Training Dharavi with Jan Shikshan Sanstha (1999)
High Cost Edn. Loan Scholarship (2000)"
SOCIAL Catholic Relief Services (1997)
2000-2003 EDUCATION Disaster Relief (2001)
MEDICAL Assistance for Dialysis (2003)
2004-2008 EDUCATION Voc. Trg. Centre, Kausa with Fr. Agnel, Bandra (2008)
MEDICAL Mobile Clinic Launched (2007)
2010 First Charitable Dispensary
2011 GiveIndia Collaboration, Second Charitable Dispensary
2013 Sustained Dalysis Scheme, CSR Collaborations
2014 Third Charitable Dispensary, MESCO UK Incorporated
2016 MES Crescent Junior College
2018 50th Anniversary of MESCO
2019 MESCO's Covid19 Pandemic Interventions
2021 Kokan Flood Relief

Leadership Team

  • Prof Farhaan Makba


  • Mr. Masud Memon

    Vice President

  • Javid Baig

    Executive officer

  • Mr.Salman Kardame

    General Secretary

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    24% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

World CSR - 2016-17 - DHL for BEST NGO work for Overall intervention in Education, Health & Poverty Relief segment

Credibility Alliance 2016 Credibility alliance Transparency in financial &programmes

GuideStar Platinum 2016-17 Guidestar India Platinum award for transparency and public accountability.

IICA 2014 IICA Credible list of NGO’s in their website

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    MESCO 110, Natalwala Building. S. Road, Mahim(W),Mumbai - 400 016. Tel.: (+9122) 24441442 / (+9122) 24448637, 400016

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Sister Organisation

    MESCO Education Society

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.