Vihaan - Waste Management Society Yavatmal

Works to eliminate human trafficking and support victims and survivors with rehabilitation also advocating against this evil prevalent in society

  • Gold Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Gold Certified Gold Certified


  • Headquarters

    Yavatmal, Maharashtra

  • Since


Our organisation was formed in May 2012. We began work in tackling human trafficking with the need to understand the issue in its own right, and model Read more, institutionalise and scale effective and specific solutions. When we started, we realised that human trafficking lay at the intersection of many discourses and disciplines such as migration, human rights, labour laws, poverty and human development discourses as well as trans-border rules and regulation. Therefore, our guiding principles are: o Victim centric approach at the heart of all interventions o Multi-stakeholder collaborations and joint responses to combat trafficking and other forms of abuse and exploitation o Casework-driven interventions and systems change for transformative empowerment of survivors and to deter criminal networks o Catalyse action by assessing evidence-based data to tackle underlying conditions that perpetuate trafficking. Our target beneficiaries are survivors of sex and labour trafficking and other forms of abuse exploitation who have faced physical and sexual torture, emotional manipulation, and isolation. Vihaan also works with those who are vulnerable to trafficking by building resilient communities. We cater to women, adolescent girls & boys, and children who belong to the most marginalized segments of society belonging to different parts of India. We closely collaborate and work with families, communities, police, judiciary, NGOs, CBOs, etc., existing in the larger ecosystem. With a long-term vision to see trafficking and other forms of abuse and exploitation become a rarity, we have been able to make significant in-roads into anti-trafficking work in the past ten years. While we have been directly present in the states of Maharashtra, West Bengal, Bihar, Delhi and Karnataka, our casework and capacity-building programmes have led to interventions across states in the country, including Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Assam, Manipur, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Daman, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.


Vihaan(Waste Management Society) has rescued 4882 victims of trafficking across India, supported 3385 survivors through an intensive aftercare programme, arrested 1205 accused with help from law enforcement, Secured 145 convictions and trained more than 48920 frontline professionals.

Vision & Mission

Our vision is to create a world free from abuse and exploitation, where every person lives with dignity.

Our mission is to facilitate protection of vulnerable women and children from situations of human trafficking and other forms of abuse and exploitation by empowering them through care, quality education, livelihood opportunities, and access to justice and collaborative action, enabling the creation of a resilient and sustainable society.

Donor History

Azim Premji Foundation, Justice and Care-Netherlands, Acuity Knowledge Center, Suprajit Foundation and Social Venture Partners



    The survivors road to justice is never smooth. Unfathomable delays, lack of resources, financial and otherwise, multiple visits to the court is a traumatic experience for most survivors of abuse and exploitation. For women already battling social stigma, a visit to the court is often revisiting the horrors of the past they want to leave behind. The pandemic came as a knockout punch. Many survivors, who had so far shown tremendous fortitude in appearing in courts, were also helpless because of the COVID-19 curbs. Interstate investigation and deposition in the trial through video conferencing have led to convictions but few and far in between. With a substantial decrease in the conviction rate of trafficking cases from 22% in 2019 to 10.6% in 2020 , the situation has become much more decadent. The primary objective of this programme is to provide legal support to 650 survivors of human trafficking and child sexual abuse to enable them secure right to justice and fair compensation in a smooth, timely and non-threatening way, protecting their basic human rights.


    The programme focuses on providing educational support to 100 rural children in the age-group of 13 – 18 years to facilitate them to complete their secondary level (tenth standard) and prevent school drop-out. It also aims to render training and awareness on child protection to adolescent children enrolled between standard seventh and tenth in government schools along with the teachers to make the schools child friendly and reduce incidence of human trafficking and other forms of abuse and exploitation. The programme includes counselling and referral support to identified victims during the school awareness programme. The programme is scheduled to be launched in an active child trafficking source area in the Indo-Bangladesh border villages of Hingalganj block, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal.


    Survivors of trafficking often suffer from devastating physical and mental health issues and struggle with readjustment to mainstream society because of their painful and traumatic past. Often their self-confidence is completely shattered and their outlook of the future is bleak. In addition to this, their exposure to various possibilities and opportunities available to them is greatly limited leaving them feeling disempowered, unable to access their full potential and vulnerable to re-trafficking. Skill development can, therefore, play a critical role in rehabilitation of survivors as well as prevention of trafficking at its source. Empowering survivors and other vulnerable women with employable skills and jobs or self-employment opportunities allows them to break free from the vicious cycle of exploitation.

    With an in-depth understanding of the skill development sector in India and the barriers towards inclusion of survivors / those vulnerable to human trafficking that currently exist in the Shelter Home space, we developed a flagship Training Program in 2017 and have trained over 350 survivors and vulnerable till date. The program is tailor-made to cater to the specific needs of human trafficking survivors and other vulnerable women / girls in building their aptitude and abilities to become prepared for and undergo technical skill training programs.

    Over the years, we have grown and have learned a lot to now confidently step into the next phase of scaling up the project across Karnataka and West Bengal, to provide this training and placement support to 150 survivors who are desperately in need to move out of the shelter home with sustainable livelihood opportunities to empower them.


    India, with around 8 million people living as victims of human trafficking, is among the top ten countries with the largest estimated absolute number of people in modern slavery. Vihaan has been a vigilant partner of the state in the rescue of victims of human trafficking and other forms of abuse and exploitation. Since inception, we have rescued 4,882 victims of trafficking from destination points across India and moved them to safety. The COVID-19 crisis has further brought unprecedented challenges for millions of people around the world. Studies reported that with growing poverty thousands of people, especially children and young girls became vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, and trafficking across the globe. With the rural economy having suffered due to the shutdown of all economic activities, there has also been an increase in the repatriated victims’ re-trafficking from the source areas. To respond to this urgent need, the primary objective of this programme is to remove at least 30 victims of human trafficking and child sexual abuse from the clutches of abuse and exploitation in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and facilitate their safety and protection.


    Not merely rescue, but supporting the survivors reintegration into society has always been a top priority for us, thus minimising the chances of revictimization and breaking the cycle of crime. Since inception, we have supported 3,385 survivors through our care and support program. During COVID-19, with the rural economy having suffered due to the shutdown of all economic activities, there was an increase in the repatriated victims’ re-trafficking from the source areas. Many victims suffered domestic violence, raising concerns about their safety and protection within the home, something that the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) reported as the Shadow Pandemic; that is, the increase in all types of violence against women and girls, particularly domestic violence. Therefore, an urgent need has arisen to empower survivors and prevent their revictimization. The primary objective of this programme is to provide care and support to 150 survivors of human trafficking and child sexual abuse to facilitate their physical, emotional, psychological and social well-being leading to their reintegration.

  • Sashakt – Empowering Survivors of Human Trafficking by Building a Strong, Resilient Ecosystem of Support and Care

    The 3-year program aims at strengthening the criminal justice system (CJS) to create a closely integrated eco-system that operates at different levels in the best interest of the survivors as well as building resilient communities to prevent trafficking at its source. The goal is to bolster the State pillars (legislative, executive and judiciary), nonstate actors (NGOs, CBOs, grassroot organisations, educational institutions and private entities) and civil society to institutionalise systems and standards of quality care for survivors. In addition to building on and strengthening the existing work, new initiatives will be taken based on our learnings in the last three years. Prevention of trafficking by working at the grassroots level in identified vulnerable communities will be an additional thematic area that will be added to the existing programmatic work. The aim is to gradually showcase a model anti-human trafficking intervention strategy which can be replicated by government agencies.

  • Skill Training of Vulnerable Girls in Shelter Home in Bangalore, Karnataka

    The objective of the program is to economically empower vulnerable young girls residing in shelter homes through skilling and livelihood opportunities leading to their financial independence. This model has the following phases – The Foundation Course (FC): The FC is the cornerstone of the Skill Development Program (prepared and initiated by Vihaan) and was officially launched in March 2018 by President Ram Nath Kovind. It is taught over a span of 3 months (360 hours) and includes modules such as Communicative English, Basic Information Technology, Functional Literacy (English and Mathematics), Life Skills and Behavioural Change and Sectoral Orientation. During the training program, the integral part of group counselling, support of social workers for the technical trainers and that for the survivors is a constant service provided to ensure the efficacy of the delivery of the program. The intended outcome of the FC is to increase functional literacy levels of survivors, encourage behavioural change, enable aspiration and prepare them for vocational training. Vocational Training: After the FC has been completed, vocational training is done in identified domains/sectors through industry-oriented curricula. This training is done, based on the aptitude assessment, over a period of 3 months. The value add of Vihaan through this phase is in ensuring that required counselling and social work support is provided to each trainee. This ensures efficiency of program delivery and retention of trainees throughout the program. Job Readiness and Placements: Job readiness skills are important to ensure all trainees who have successfully completed the FC and Vocational/Skills Training are employment ready. Without these, trainees will be unable to secure and retain employment once they complete the course. At least 50% candidates who complete the training will be placed in gainful employment. The above is provided along with group counselling, individual counselling and social worker support as a constant service for survivors through the coursework and for up to three months post placement. Institutionalisation of the Program The purpose of the program is to build a model that is scalable and replicable so as to make the skill development ecosystem more inclusive and sensitive to the needs of survivors and other vulnerable women. The end goal or the final phase of the program is the institutionalisation of an inclusive skill development scheme at the state level leveraging multi-stakeholder convergence meetings, exposure visits, workshops and advocacy. As part of larger Advocacy plans, this is primarily done by understanding the existing programs, identifying gaps and challenges and drafting the initial assessment report which forms the basis for strategic engagement for an all-inclusive Skill Development Program and Policy for Rehabilitation of vulnerable girls and survivors of Human Trafficking.

Impact Metrics

  • Rescued of Victims of Trafficking From Destination Points Across India

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 23
    • 2021-22 28
    • 2022-23 43
  • Supported Survivors Through Our Care and Support Program

    Program Name

    Care and Support

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 3385
  • Provided Training for Employment Opportunities to Survivors and Individuals Vulnerable to Trafficking

    Program Name

    Skilling and Livelihood

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 450
  • Working Closely With the Law Enforcement Agencies and the Judiciary, to Support in the Arrest of Accused, and Secured Convictions

    Program Name

    Legal Intervention

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 12
    • 2022-23 23
  • Undertaking Rescue Operations/ Intervention to Remove Victims From Sexual Abuse and Exploitation and Other Forms of Human Trafficking

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 43
    • 2021-22 35
  • Bail Rejection Rate (%Age)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 8400
    • 2021-22 7700
  • Victim Compensation to Survivors of Trafficking and Sexual Abuse (Inr)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 2803000
    • 2021-22 4192500
  • Placement of Girls Trained (%Age)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 5000

Theory of Change

Existing Problems and Barriers
Low Preparedness of High-Risk Communities to Tackle Human Trafficking and Others Forms of Exploitation
Economic deprivation, lack of employment opportunities, poor social status, conflict, natural and built disasters and lack of access to social welfare schemes and education result in enhanced vulnerability. These underlying factors pave the way for the perpetrators to prey upon vulnerable women, children and families, while often embodying a legitimate form (e.g. an offer of employment or marriage).
Gender Discrimination
For a girl child in India, her life is replete with different kinds of vulnerabilities. The patriarchal hegemony is persistently present as an authoritative, supreme and overpowering factor in the girl’s life leading to a vicious cycle of female foeticide, infanticide, neglect, abuse and discrimination. Discrimination, which originates even before birth, perpetuates through childhood, pre-adolescence, adolescence and adulthood. In poor families, these vulnerabilities are perpetuated in multiple forms. On one hand, girls are often viewed as liabilities who further depreciates the economic condition of the household, on the other there is a high demand of young girls for prostitution, cheap labour and domestic work. Taking advantage of the demand supply nexus, traffickers often make young vulnerable girls their soft target.
Cultural Traditions and Practices
Traditional social and religious practices play a critical role in reinforcing sex trafficking of young girls. For example, the devadasi practice in India in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra, the Jogin in Andhra Pradesh are traditional cultural practices of dedicating pre-pubertal girls to gods and goddesses in temples which institutionalises prostitution as a system. These practices are a patriarchal conspiracy to give religious sanction to child prostitution. It has been viewed as organised crime against Dalit girls and women where religion, illiteracy, poverty and superstition play a major role. Among certain ethnic groups too, like Bedia, Bachada and Kanjar, prostitution of girls is not perceived as deviant behaviour, rather normalised as a custom.
Lack of Integrated and Systematic Strengthening of Institutions for Increasing Deterrence
Issues of prioritisation, accountability, implementation, coordination and effectiveness continue to affect anti-trafficking initiatives of the State. The criminal justice system does not adequately provide an integrated support service for survivors which encompasses both legal (prosecution, conviction and deterrence) as well as rehabilitative (compensation, care, protection, rehabilitation and reintegration) processes. A skeletal system of state and non-state actors operating in fragmented silos struggle to increase deterrence to the crime and dismantle criminal networks.
Poor Reintegration Mechanisms
Due to the extreme torture, abuse, exploitation and agony survivors, once rescued, often suffer from a range of psychological and behavioural problems. They struggle to readjust to mainstream society and find it difficult to rebuilt their lives due to their traumatic past, stigma and limited opportunities leaving them disempowered and vulnerable to being re-trafficked. Unfortunately, robust reintegration mechanisms are currently lacking at the national, state and district level needed to create an ecosystem that prevents traffickers from taking advantage of the situation and luring them to be re-trafficked.
The complex risks facing abused and exploited women and children following their rescue and then return to their families is significant. The acute health needs of rescued children, both physical and psychological, are acknowledged as an afterthought, without concrete policy initiatives to ensure delivery of suitable services.
The Impact of the Pandemic
The impact of pandemic on the lives of the people has been immense. Increased incidence of joblessness, loss of income, indebtedness and homelessness due to the pandemic have rendered communities extremely vulnerable to situations of abuse, exploitation and human trafficking. It provided the criminals an easy leeway to execute their plans and traffic people and lure them into prostitution, domestic work, agriculture and informal manufacturing industries. To prevent outbreak of pandemic in the prisons, many of the accused were also released on bail during this period, thereby putting more victims at risk of re-victimisation. The children became increasingly vulnerable as the schools shut down. Millions of children dependent on the schools for food and shelter were now either on the streets or in volatile environments making them easy preys in the hands of human traffickers. With online classes, lack of peer interaction, increased screen time the pandemic also exposed the children to chances of cyber trafficking.

Our Winning Approach
The end to end approach is at the core of our interventions. It focuses on individuals, families and communities vulnerable to, or affected by situations of human trafficking and other forms of abuse and exploitation. It comprises of a three-fold intervention cycle –
 Empowering the vulnerable: It entails
o strengthening the vulnerable and survivor through education, skill building and job placement/entrepreneurship to prevent their victimisation and re-victimisation
o supporting vulnerable households to economically stabilize their situation by connecting them social security schemes and
o developing youth as community vigilantes to build resilient communities
 Removing victims from situations of abuse and exploitation by conducting rescue operations along with the state
 Caring, protecting and reintegrating survivors through holistic care and support programme to minimise their chances of re0victimisation
Our years of work has reinforced that department-based silo implementation is not effective in tackling the issue of human trafficking, abuse and exploitation. A unique and fundamental aspect of our method is the multi-disciplinary unit, which brings together a team of social workers, case workers, lawyers, researchers and community development professionals throughout the victim life-cycle, thus ensuring a holistic perspective and unified, efficient and effective solution.
We consult and collaborate with the government ministries, law enforcement and other agencies to inform policy decisions to establishment laws, processes and protocols by the government, leading to replicable improvements in grassroots casework in the fight against trafficking.
Building Networks and capacitating Stakeholders
An integrated eco-system is the key to combating trafficking. We partner with a network of stakeholders operating at different levels to generate awareness, build capacities and achieve lasting solutions. With victims/survivors at the centre, we collaborate with the survivor families, shelter home staff, police, social workers, counsellors, Child Welfare Committee members, lawyers, judges, public prosecutors and vulnerable communities at the grassroot level; and the Judiciary, civil society, child protection committees, media, corporates, NGOs, law enforcement agencies and government departments at the structural level.
Evidence Building
It is of paramount importance to us to assess both internal and external data sets to build scientific evidence. Internally, we not only engage in activities/initiatives but, analyse whether they manifest favourable outputs and outcomes. Externally, we examine data sets to understand the situation of trafficking and existing gaps, loopholes and good practices within the system.

Milestones & Track Record

Over the years, with our determination, dedication and commitment we have made significant in-roads into the anti-trafficking work. Since inception, we have
 Rescued 4,894 victims of trafficking from destination points across India
 Supported 3,392 survivors through our three-years after-care program
 Facilitated rescue, rehabilitation and repatriation of 148 international trafficked survivors from Bangladesh, Nepal, Turkmenistan and Nigeria
 Working closely with the law enforcement agencies and the judiciary, we have aided in the arrest of 1217 accused, handled 495 prosecution cases and secured 146 convictions
 Established a pioneering and exclusive Skill Training Program for survivors of human trafficking and vulnerable girls launched by the President of India
 Provided training for employment opportunities to 456 survivors and individuals vulnerable to trafficking
 Facilitated victim compensation for 200+ survivors amounting to approximately seventy lakhs rupees through government funds
 Trained 50,477 front line professionals including law enforcement officials government and non-government stakeholders
 Through years of grassroots casework, we have established credibility and close relations with the State as a pioneering organisation in the fight against human trafficking. As a result, we have been able to support the State in bringing about a number of changes at a systemic level. We have helped
o shape legislation by participating in State Committees, launching collaborative consultations, research studies, SOPs and other documentary evidences,
o create cross-border operating procedures along with UNODC and Border Security Forces,
o facilitate innovative measures, such as child friendly courts (designed and implemented South India’s first Child Friendly Court),
o promote video conferencing for witness testimonies during trials and
o institutionalise repatriation of foreign nationals to their country of origin.
 Piloted the safe village program and the district prevention model in Bihar which empowered high risk communities to drive away traffickers and say ‘NO’ to trafficking
 Connected 2500 vulnerable households to at least one social security schemes
 Supported 16,300 vulnerable families with 475 tonnes of relief material in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic worth INR 247.14 Lakhs.

Leadership Team

  • Samir Baptist


  • Mrs Heenu Singh

    Head Operations

  • Mr Anurag Sharma

    Head Finance and Compliance

  • Mrs Satarupa Dutta

    Head Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Miss Sherlin Anthony

    Senior Specialist Human Resources

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body


  • Diversity Metrics

    52% women


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

Vihaan has been awarded
i) Certificate of Appreciation and trophy by the Chief Minister of Karnataka for rescue and conviction of one of the largest operations on sex trafficking
ii) Certificate of Merit by the World CSR Congress for service excellence in 2022
iii) Certificate of Merit by the World CSR Congress for service excellence in 2023
iv) Letter of Appreciation from National Agency for the Prohibition of the Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) for our work in the field of Anti- Human Trafficking

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    First Floor, House No. E 106/152 VHB Colony, Bajoriya Nagar, Yavatmal, 445001


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2018-19

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.