Azad India Foundation

Empowering communities through sustainable development initiatives.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Kishanganj, Bihar

  • Since


Azad India Foundation (AIF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering marginalized communities across India through holistic development in Read moreitiatives. Founded on the principles of social justice and equality, AIF works towards fostering sustainable livelihoods, promoting education, healthcare, and environmental conservation. Through collaborative efforts with local communities and stakeholders, AIF strives to uplift the socio-economic status of individuals and communities, fostering empowerment and self-reliance. Their multifaceted approach encompasses various sectors, including skill development, women's empowerment, rural development, and disaster relief, aiming to create a more inclusive and resilient society.


The impact of Azad India Foundation (AIF) spans across various dimensions, significantly improving the lives of marginalized communities throughout India: Empowerment: AIF empowers individuals and communities through skill development programs, entrepreneurship training, and capacity-building initiatives, enabling them to secure sustainable livelihoods and break the cycle of poverty. Education: AIF's educational interventions ensure increased access to quality education for children from marginalized backgrounds, thereby enhancing literacy rates and equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary for a brighter future. Healthcare: By providing access to healthcare services, including medical camps, health awareness programs, and sanitation initiatives, AIF contributes to improved health outcomes and reduced morbidity rates within underserved communities. Women's Empowerment: AIF promotes gender equality and women's empowerment through initiatives such as vocational training, leadership development, and awareness campaigns, empowering women to actively participate in decision-making processes and become agents of change within their communities. Rural Development: Through sustainable agriculture practices, infrastructure development, and community-based initiatives, AIF fosters holistic rural development, enhancing livelihood opportunities and improving the overall quality of life in rural areas. Environmental Conservation: AIF undertakes environmental conservation projects aimed at promoting sustainable natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, and climate resilience, thereby safeguarding the environment for future generations. Disaster Relief: During times of crisis, AIF provides timely relief and rehabilitation support to communities affected by natural disasters, ensuring their immediate needs are met and facilitating long-term recovery and resilience-building efforts.


  • Project Badhtey Kadam (Child Learning Centres)


    Supported by the Nalanda Charitable Foundation, Azad India Foundation is actively running 50 Child Learning Centers, catering to the pre-primary and primary levels, strategically located in chosen villages within the Thakurganj block. In the academic year 2022-23, 3804 children successfully completed Class I, II, and III. Out of these achievers, 974 children were seamlessly enrolled into government schools at the Class IV level. Since the project's inception in 2016 until March 2023, a total of 7017 children have graduated from these learning centers and are now pursuing their education in mainstream schools. An additional activity by AIF involves establishing mini libraries within all 50 learning centers. The core aim of this program centers around ensuring that every child establishes a solid foundation in learning by the time they reach Class III. AIF has adopted the Gyanshala model, which hinges on utilizing workbooks and activity sheets for effective learning. These worksheets are built upon subject-specific narratives and inquiries, designed to be comprehensible for young children. Teachers are furnished with comprehensive teaching manuals tailored to their daily routines. Incorporating engaging methodologies, such as storytelling, songs, poems, and interactive activities, is integral to making the learning process captivating for the children.

  • AIF- Girl Child Learning Centers


    Azad India Foundation, in collaboration with IIMPACT, operates educational centers across 20 villages within the Thakurganj block, aimed at empowering girls. The primary objective of this initiative is to provide foundational education to girls and subsequently integrate them into formal educational institutions. During the 2022-23 academic year, a notable achievement was recorded, as 600 girls successfully transitioned into government schools. Among these, 240 girls entered Class VI, 255 girls advanced to Class VII, 60 girls joined Class VIII, and 25 girls became part of Class IX. Additionally, approximately 20 alumni girls from the program sat for the Class X examinations and achieved remarkable success.

  • AIF Learning Centers


    Azad India Foundation, in collaboration with Sud Chemie India Pvt. Ltd. based in New Delhi, is actively engaged in the running of Child-Learning Centers within 18 carefully selected villages across the Baisi and Dagarwa blocks of Purnia district. During the academic year 2022-23, with an emphasis on foundational literacy and numeracy, a total of 755 children benefitted from this initiative. Among them, 497 children successfully completed Class I, 205 children progressed to Class II, and 53 children achieved proficiency in Class III. It is noteworthy that all 755 children were seamlessly transitioned into government schools spanning Class II to IV.

  • Girl Education Program


    With the support of the Malala Fund, Azad India Foundation initiated a comprehensive program to promote girls' education across three distinct blocks: Kochadaman, Bahadurganj, and Dighalbank in the second phase of the project. Through this initiative, AIF undertook the vital tasks of mobilizing, educating, and integrating 1274 out-of-school or never-before-schooled girls, with the support of community. The Foundation set up 86 groups, encompassing 978 girls, within which sessions centered around life skills and reproductive health were thoughtfully organized. This program extended its impact by engaging closely with community members, religious leaders, Vidyalaya Shiksha Samities (VSS), and government schoolteachers operating within the intervention areas. This collaborative approach played an integral role in fostering a conducive educational environment and promoting the participation of girls in their educational journey.

  • Women Empowerment Program


    Azad India Foundation believes that educating women sparks transformation. When women learn, they become powerful forces for positive change in their families and communities. To achieve this, we continued our women's literacy program in 06 villages across Purnia and Kishanganj Districts, reaching 180 women.
    This program is all about empowering rural women through education, helping them lead, manage, and create positive changes in their communities. AIF formed 30 Self-Help Groups in these villages, where 120 women came together to learn and save money. These groups are also part of the Jeevika program by the Government of Bihar, which offers small business loans. AIF taught these women how to use mobile phones, read calendars, and fill out bank forms. Our team held meetings to explain government schemes and provided information on the necessary documents for applications.

  • Livelihood Support Program


    The objective of the livelihood support program is to reduce poverty and inequality by generating employment among poor households and by moving highly vulnerable families into sustainable livelihoods and toward economic stability.Azad India Foundation set up small stitching cum tailoring centres in different blocks where girls and women are learning skills in basic cutting and stitching batch wise. These stitching centres provide skills training and a viable living for women. 40 women are self-employed after completing the training program.

  • Promotion of Goatery and Training of the Women

    Azad India Foundation has been assisting women from the marginalized and poor social backgrounds in optimising their livestock resources and taking goat rearing as a potential livelihood activity. Under this program AIF focus has been on the induction of new animals and training of women in better housing and veterinary care, especially against certain well-known killer diseases like PPR. The rearing of goats has been an important economic activity allied to agriculture in generating additional income to women. In this regard AIF has given goats to 25 women from Dighalbank, Thakurganj and Kochadaman blocks and also conducted training for them.

Leadership Team

  • Yuman Hussain

    Executive Director

  • Sayeeda Banu


  • Parwez Raza


  • Iskandera LalJee


  • Goverdhan Singh Rathore


  • Rupali Bhushan


  • Radhika Bali


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Azad Manzil Line Mohalla, Kishanganj, Bihar, India, 855107


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Program Expenses
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